BUILDIN_FUNC(warp) { int ret; int x,y; const char* str; TBL_PC* sd; sd = script_rid2sd(st); if( sd == NULL ) return 0; str = script_getstr(st,2); x = script_getnum(st,3); y = script_getnum(st,4); if(strcmp(str,"Random")==0) ret = pc_randomwarp(sd,CLR_TELEPORT); else if(strcmp(str,"SavePoint")==0 || strcmp(str,"Save")==0) ret = pc_setpos(sd,sd->,sd->status.save_point.x,sd->status.save_point.y,CLR_TELEPORT); else if(map_flag_gvg(sd->bl.m)){ //checking max_guildmenber int count = 0; //guild menber count for( i = c = 0; i < g->max_member && c < map[m].guild_max; i++ ) if( g->member[i].sd && g->member[i].sd->bl.m == m ) c++; if (map[sd->bl.m].guild_max && count >= map[sd->bl.m].guild_max){ char output[256] = "There too much guildies in castle atm to be warped in"; clif_disp_message(sd->bl,output,strlen(output),SELF); } } else ret = pc_setpos(sd,mapindex_name2id(str),x,y,CLR_OUTSIGHT); if( ret ) { ShowError("buildin_warp: moving player '%s' to \"%s\",%d,%d failed.\n", sd->, str, x, y); script_reportsrc(st); } return 0; }