HelpMsgStr = { "/tip : Opens \"Tip of the Day\" window", "/h or /help: Shows this Command Help List", "/w or /who: Shows the number of current players connected.", "/music: Turns BGM On/Off", "/sound: Turns Sound Effects On/Off", "/effect: Effects On/Off", "/where: Shows your current location", "/skip : Turns Frame Skip On/Off", "/v (0~127): Controls the volume of the Sound Effects", "/bv (0~127): Controls the volume of the BGM", "/ex (Character Name): Blocks whispering from the Character", "/ex (Character Name): Blocks whispering from the Character", "/ex: View a list of Characters you have Blocked", "/in (Character Name): Allows whispering from the Character", "/inall: Allows whispers from anyone", "/exall: Blocks whispers from everyone", "/organize [PartyName] To organize a party. /leave to withdraw from a party.", "/sit: Sit command. If you are sitting, you will stand instead.", "/stand: Stand command. If you are standing, you will sit instead.", "/chat: Creates a Chat Room", "/q: Leaves a Chat Room", "/organize [PartyName] To organize a party.", "/leave to withdraw from a party.", "/expel [Character Name] kicks a Character out of your party", "F12 Brings up a Hotkey Window which allows you to drag and drop Recovery Items, Equipment and Skills into it for faster access.", "If Party Leader right click on a character a menu appears to request a player to join the party.", "[Alt] + [End]: Turns HP/SP Bar On/Off", "[Alt] + [Home]: Turns Ground Cursor On/Off", "[Insert]: Makes you sit or stand.", "[Alt] + [=]: Fix the interval error between letters.", "[F10]: To toggle Chat Window size; [Alt] + [F10]: Toggle Chat Window On/Off", "How to Whisper: Enter a Character's Name on the left side of chat window and type your message on the right side. The Tab key helps you move between these boxes.", "/!,/?,/ho,/lv,/lv2,/swt,/ic,/an,/ag,/$,/¢®|.,/thx,/wah,/sry,/heh,/swt2,/hmm,/no1,/??,/omg,/oh,/X,/hp,/go,/sob,/gg,/kis,/kis2,/pif,/ok: Emotion icons corresponding to Alt + (1~9) Ctrl + (-=\\)", "How to Speak to Party: Add % in front of every message. (example: \\\"%hi\\\")", "How to Take Screen Shots: Press [Print Screen] or [Scroll Lock].", "/memo: To memorize a place as Warp Point (If you have Warp Portal skill)", "/snap: Turns snap On/Off for fights, /skillsnap: Turns snap On/Off for skills. /itemsnap: Turns snap On/Off for items on the grounds.#", "/savechat: Save a Chat Log", "/camera: Camera Zooming On/Off. /miss: Toggle ''Miss'' display On/Off", "How to Open Whispering List: Press [Alt] + [H].", "/fog: Fog effect. On/Off", "/notalkmsg2: Hides chat messages(including guild chat). On/Off", "/bingbing: Rotates player counter clockwise. ^^;;", "/bangbang: Rotates player clockwise. ^^;;", "/aura: Simplify Aura effect On/Off", "/showname: Change the name font type.", "/q3 : /quickspell (/q1) + /quickspell2 (/q2)", "/set1 : /nc + /showname + /sf + /wi, /set2 : + /q3", "/doridori: Shake head ^^;;", "/quickspell: Right-click menu enables you to use skills assigned to the F9 hotkey. On/Off", "/quickspell2: By rolling the mouse wheel up and down, you are able to use skills registered on F7 and F8 hotkeys. On/Off", "/emotion: views the emoticon list.", "/hi or /hi message: Send greetings to people who are online and registered on your Friend List.", "/notrade: Declines trade offers automatically. On/Off", "/hunting: You can check the your hunting list.", "/alchemist: Shows top 10 Alchemists in the server.", "/blacksmith: Shows top 10 Blacksmiths in the server.", "/window: Display windows will snap/dock together. On/Off", "/skillfail: Display red font message when skill fails. On/Off", "/notalkmsg: Chat will not be displayed in chat window. On/Off", "/noshift: You may use your \"force heal\" ability without the Shift key. On/Off", "/noctrl | /nc: Auto attack without pressing ctrl key. On/Off", "/loginout: Shows guildsmen and friends online status. On/Off", "/shopping: Enables you to open a shop with a single left-click and close your shop with a single right-click. On/Off", "ALT+Y: Opens a window which allows you to use various commands with ease.", "/tingonly: You can hear only sound like a chat room entry.", "/monsterhp: Toggles monster HP information when attacking. On/Off", "Hunting and Equipment quests are available through the Eden Group. Find them via the '+' mark on the mini-map of each city.", " -------------- Navigation Instructions -------------- ", "/navigation /navi : /navi yuno 100/100 ->> Map, location(100/100)", "/navigation2 /navi2 : /navi2 yuno 100/100 1/1/1 ->> Map, location(100/100), Scroll/Service/Plane (1:Enable 0: Disable)", " -------------- Navigation Search Commands ------- ", "$$all : Outputs all the results (Type of navigation can be specified).", "$$lv30 : Monsters of that level are displayed (Amount may vary).", "$$lv20~30 : Monster of that level range are displayed (Amount may vary)." }