npc "alberta" "Guide#01alberta" 8W_SOLDIER 23 238 4 0 0 OnClick: showimage "prt_soldier.bmp" 2 dialog "[Alberta Guide]" dialog "Welcome to ^8B4513Alberta^000000," dialog "the Port City." dialog "Do you need help navigating the city?" wait while (1) choose menu "[ Main Facilities ]" "[ Merchants & Helpers ]" "[ Port Destinations ]" "Remove Marks from Mini-Map" "Cancel" case 1 while (1) choose menu "[ Tool Shop ]" "[ Forge ]" "[ Weapon & Armor Shop ]" "[ Inn ]" "[ Beauty Salon ]" "[ Merchant Guild ]" "Previous Menu" case 1 dialog "[Alberta Guide]" dialog "Let me mark the location of" dialog "the [Tool Shop]alberta,98,154,0,000,0" dialog "on your mini-map." dialog "Would you like to check any other locations?" compass 0 98 154 1 "0xFF0A82FF" wait break case 2 dialog "[Alberta Guide]" dialog "The [Forge]alberta,35,41,0,000,0 is currently" dialog "located inside the Merchant Guild building." dialog "Would you like to check any other locations?" compass 1 35 41 1 "0xFFFF0000" wait break case 3 dialog "[Alberta Guide]" dialog "Let me mark the location of" dialog "the [Weapon & Armor Shop]alberta,117,37,0,000,0" dialog "on your mini-map." dialog "Would you like to check any other locations?" compass 2 117 37 1 "0xFFFFB400" wait break case 4 dialog "[Alberta Guide]" dialog "Let me mark the location of" dialog "the [Inn]alberta,65,233,0,000,0" dialog "on your mini-map." dialog "Would you like to check any other locations?" compass 3 65 233 1 "0xFFAAFF00" wait break case 5 dialog "[Alberta Guide]" dialog "Let me mark the location of the" dialog "the [Beauty Salon]alberta,48,145,0,000,0" dialog "on your mini-map." dialog "Would you like to check any other locations?" compass 4 48 145 1 "0xFFD2691E" wait break case 6 dialog "[Alberta Guide]" dialog "The [Merchant Guild]alberta,33,41,0,000,0 is where" dialog "you can change your job to ^800080Merchant." dialog "Let me mark its location" dialog "on your mini-map." dialog "Would you like to check any other locations?" compass 5 33 41 1 "0xFFDA70D6" wait break case 7 exitwhile break endchoose endwhile break case 2 while (1) choose menu "[ Eden Teleport Officer ]" "[ Kafra Employee ]" "[ Cool Event Employee ]" "[ Bullet Merchant ]" "[ Cooking Ingredient Merchant ]" "Previous Menu" case 1 dialog "[Alberta Guide]" dialog "^B9062FEden Teleport Officers^000000 are located in [south Alberta]alberta,121,68,0,000,0" dialog "and inside the [Merchant Guild]alberta,33,41,0,000,0 building." dialog "Let me mark their locations on your mini-map." dialog "Would you like to check any other locations?" compass 6 33 41 1 "0xFFFF0000" compass 7 121 68 1 "0xFFFF0000" wait break case 2 dialog "[Alberta Guide]" dialog "Let me mark the location of the" dialog "^0000FFKafra Employees^000000" dialog "on your mini-map." dialog "Would you like to check any other locations?" compass 8 33 41 1 "0xFF0A82FF" compass 9 113 60 1 "0xFF0A82FF" wait break case 3 dialog "[Alberta Guide]" dialog "When you win event items," dialog "you can claim them through the [Cool Event Employee]alberta,148,57,0,000,0." dialog "Would you like to check any other locations?" compass 10 148 57 1 "0xFFFFB400" wait break case 4 dialog "[Alberta Guide]" dialog "The ^7F3300Bullet Merchants^000000 for ^7F3300Gunslingers^000000" dialog "are located" dialog "near the [center of the city]alberta,117,158,0,000,0." dialog "Would you like to check any other locations?" compass 11 117 158 1 "0xFFD2691E" wait break case 5 dialog "[Alberta Guide]" dialog "The [Chef Assistant]alberta,167,135,0,000,0 in Alberta" dialog "has many regular customers," dialog "especially for his ^006400Delicious Fishes^000000." dialog "Would you like to check any other locations?" compass 12 167 135 1 "0xFFAAFF00" wait break case 6 exitwhile break endchoose endwhile break case 3 while (1) choose menu "[ Port - Northern Dock ]" "[ Port - Central Dock ]" "[ Port - Southern Dock ]" "Previous Menu" case 1 dialog "[Alberta Guide]" dialog "You can use the [Northern Dock]alberta,192,196,0,000,0" dialog "to go to ^0000FFPort Malaya^000000 or ^0000FFDewata^000000." dialog "Would you like to check any other locations?" compass 13 192 196 1 "0xFFFF0000" wait break case 2 dialog "[Alberta Guide]" dialog "You can use the [Central Dock]alberta,192,151,0,000,0" dialog "to go to the ^B9062FSunken Ship^000000 or ^B9062FIzlude Marina^000000." dialog "Would you like to check any other locations?" compass 13 192 151 1 "0xFFFF0000" wait break case 3 dialog "[Alberta Guide]" dialog "You can use the [Southern Dock]alberta,245,86,0,000,0" dialog "to go to ^0000FFTurtle Island^000000, ^0000FFBrasilis^000000, ^0000FFAmatsu^000000" dialog "^0000FFKunlun^000000, ^0000FFMoscovia^000000, ^0000FFLouyang^000000" dialog "^0000FFAyotaya^000000的" dialog "Would you like to check any other locations?" compass 15 245 86 1 "0xFFFF0000" wait break case 4 exitwhile break endchoose endwhile break case 4 dialog "[Alberta Guide]" dialog "Sure, I'll remove all marks from your mini-map." dialog "Is there anything else I can do for you?" compass 0 1 1 2 "0xFFFFFF00" compass 1 1 1 2 "0xFF000000" compass 2 1 1 2 "0xFFFF0000" compass 3 1 1 2 "0xFFFFFF00" compass 4 1 1 2 "0xFFFFFF00" compass 5 1 1 2 "0xFFFFFF00" compass 6 1 1 2 "0xFFFFFF00" compass 7 1 1 2 "0xFFFFFF00" compass 8 1 1 2 "0xFFFFFF00" compass 9 1 1 2 "0xFFFFFF00" compass 10 1 1 2 "0xFFFFFF00" compass 11 1 1 2 "0xFFFFFF00" compass 12 1 1 2 "0xFF000000" compass 13 1 1 2 "0xFFFFFF00" compass 14 1 1 2 "0xFFFFFF00" compass 15 1 1 2 "0xFFFFFF00" wait break case 5 dialog "[Alberta Guide]" dialog "Enjoy your stay." close exitwhile break endchoose endwhile showimage "prt_soldier.bmp" 255 return npc "alberta" "Guide#02alberta" 8W_SOLDIER 120 60 3 0 0 OnClick: showimage "prt_soldier.bmp" 2 dialog "[Alberta Guide]" dialog "Welcome to ^8B4513Alberta^000000," dialog "the Port City." dialog "Do you need help navigating the city?" wait while (1) choose menu "[ Main Facilities ]" "[ Merchants & Helpers ]" "[ Port Destinations ]" "Remove Marks from Mini-Map" "Cancel" case 1 while (1) choose menu "[ Tool Shop ]" "[ Forge ]" "[ Weapon & Armor Shop ]" "[ Inn ]" "[ Beauty Salon ]" "[ Merchant Guild ]" "Previous Menu" case 1 dialog "[Alberta Guide]" dialog "Let me mark the location of" dialog "the [Tool Shop]alberta,98,154,0,000,0" dialog "on your mini-map." dialog "Would you like to check any other locations?" compass 0 98 154 1 "0xFF0A82FF" wait break case 2 dialog "[Alberta Guide]" dialog "The [Forge]alberta,35,41,0,000,0 is currently" dialog "located inside the Merchant Guild building." dialog "Would you like to check any other locations?" compass 1 35 41 1 "0xFFFF0000" wait break case 3 dialog "[Alberta Guide]" dialog "Let me mark the location of" dialog "the [Weapon & Armor Shop]alberta,117,37,0,000,0" dialog "on your mini-map." dialog "Would you like to check any other locations?" compass 2 117 37 1 "0xFFFFB400" wait break case 4 dialog "[Alberta Guide]" dialog "Let me mark the location of" dialog "the [Inn]alberta,65,233,0,000,0" dialog "on your mini-map." dialog "Would you like to check any other locations?" compass 3 65 233 1 "0xFFAAFF00" wait break case 5 dialog "[Alberta Guide]" dialog "Let me mark the location of the" dialog "the [Beauty Salon]alberta,48,145,0,000,0" dialog "on your mini-map." dialog "Would you like to check any other locations?" compass 4 48 145 1 "0xFFD2691E" wait break case 6 dialog "[Alberta Guide]" dialog "The [Merchant Guild]alberta,33,41,0,000,0 is where" dialog "you can change your job to ^800080Merchant." dialog "Let me mark its location" dialog "on your mini-map." dialog "Would you like to check any other locations?" compass 5 33 41 1 "0xFFDA70D6" wait break case 7 exitwhile break endchoose endwhile break case 2 while (1) choose menu "[ Eden Teleport Officer ]" "[ Kafra Employee ]" "[ Cool Event Employee ]" "[ Bullet Merchant ]" "[ Cooking Ingredient Merchant ]" "Previous Menu" case 1 dialog "[Alberta Guide]" dialog "^B9062FEden Teleport Officers^000000 are located in [south Alberta]alberta,121,68,0,000,0" dialog "and inside the [Merchant Guild]alberta,33,41,0,000,0 building." dialog "Let me mark their locations on your mini-map." dialog "Would you like to check any other locations?" compass 6 33 41 1 "0xFFFF0000" compass 7 121 68 1 "0xFFFF0000" wait break case 2 dialog "[Alberta Guide]" dialog "Let me mark the location of the" dialog "^0000FFKafra Employees^000000" dialog "on your mini-map." dialog "Would you like to check any other locations?" compass 8 33 41 1 "0xFF0A82FF" compass 9 113 60 1 "0xFF0A82FF" wait break case 3 dialog "[Alberta Guide]" dialog "When you win event items," dialog "you can claim them through the [Cool Event Employee]alberta,148,57,0,000,0." dialog "Would you like to check any other locations?" compass 10 148 57 1 "0xFFFFB400" wait break case 4 dialog "[Alberta Guide]" dialog "The ^7F3300Bullet Merchants^000000 for ^7F3300Gunslingers^000000" dialog "are located" dialog "near the [center of the city]alberta,117,158,0,000,0." dialog "Would you like to check any other locations?" compass 11 117 158 1 "0xFFD2691E" wait break case 5 dialog "[Alberta Guide]" dialog "The [Chef Assistant]alberta,167,135,0,000,0 in Alberta" dialog "has many regular customers," dialog "especially for his ^006400Delicious Fishes^000000." dialog "Would you like to check any other locations?" compass 12 167 135 1 "0xFFAAFF00" wait break case 6 exitwhile break endchoose endwhile break case 3 while (1) choose menu "[ Port - Northern Dock ]" "[ Port - Central Dock ]" "[ Port - Southern Dock ]" "Previous Menu" case 1 dialog "[Alberta Guide]" dialog "You can use the [Northern Dock]alberta,192,196,0,000,0" dialog "to go to ^0000FFPort Malaya^000000 or ^0000FFDewata^000000." dialog "Would you like to check any other locations?" compass 13 192 196 1 "0xFFFF0000" wait break case 2 dialog "[Alberta Guide]" dialog "You can use the [Central Dock]alberta,192,151,0,000,0" dialog "to go to the ^B9062FSunken Ship^000000 or ^B9062FIzlude Marina^000000." dialog "Would you like to check any other locations?" compass 13 192 151 1 "0xFFFF0000" wait break case 3 dialog "[Alberta Guide]" dialog "You can use the [Southern Dock]alberta,245,86,0,000,0" dialog "to go to ^0000FFTurtle Island^000000, ^0000FFBrasilis^000000, ^0000FFAmatsu^000000" dialog "^0000FFKunlun^000000, ^0000FFMoscovia^000000, ^0000FFLouyang^000000" dialog "^0000FFAyotaya^000000的" dialog "Would you like to check any other locations?" compass 15 245 86 1 "0xFFFF0000" wait break case 4 exitwhile break endchoose endwhile break case 4 dialog "[Alberta Guide]" dialog "Sure, I'll remove all marks from your mini-map." dialog "Is there anything else I can do for you?" compass 0 1 1 2 "0xFFFFFF00" compass 1 1 1 2 "0xFF000000" compass 2 1 1 2 "0xFFFF0000" compass 3 1 1 2 "0xFFFFFF00" compass 4 1 1 2 "0xFFFFFF00" compass 5 1 1 2 "0xFFFFFF00" compass 6 1 1 2 "0xFFFFFF00" compass 7 1 1 2 "0xFFFFFF00" compass 8 1 1 2 "0xFFFFFF00" compass 9 1 1 2 "0xFFFFFF00" compass 10 1 1 2 "0xFFFFFF00" compass 11 1 1 2 "0xFFFFFF00" compass 12 1 1 2 "0xFF000000" compass 13 1 1 2 "0xFFFFFF00" compass 14 1 1 2 "0xFFFFFF00" compass 15 1 1 2 "0xFFFFFF00" wait break case 5 dialog "[Alberta Guide]" dialog "Enjoy your stay." close exitwhile break endchoose endwhile showimage "prt_soldier.bmp" 255 return npc "alberta" "Guide#03alberta" 8W_SOLDIER 184 143 4 0 0 OnClick: showimage "prt_soldier.bmp" 2 dialog "[Alberta Guide]" dialog "Welcome to ^8B4513Alberta^000000," dialog "the Port City." dialog "Do you need help navigating the city?" wait while (1) choose menu "[ Main Facilities ]" "[ Merchants & Helpers ]" "[ Port Destinations ]" "Remove Marks from Mini-Map" "Cancel" case 1 while (1) choose menu "[ Tool Shop ]" "[ Forge ]" "[ Weapon & Armor Shop ]" "[ Inn ]" "[ Beauty Salon ]" "[ Merchant Guild ]" "Previous Menu" case 1 dialog "[Alberta Guide]" dialog "Let me mark the location of" dialog "the [Tool Shop]alberta,98,154,0,000,0" dialog "on your mini-map." dialog "Would you like to check any other locations?" compass 0 98 154 1 "0xFF0A82FF" wait break case 2 dialog "[Alberta Guide]" dialog "The [Forge]alberta,35,41,0,000,0 is currently" dialog "located inside the Merchant Guild building." dialog "Would you like to check any other locations?" compass 1 35 41 1 "0xFFFF0000" wait break case 3 dialog "[Alberta Guide]" dialog "Let me mark the location of" dialog "the [Weapon & Armor Shop]alberta,117,37,0,000,0" dialog "on your mini-map." dialog "Would you like to check any other locations?" compass 2 117 37 1 "0xFFFFB400" wait break case 4 dialog "[Alberta Guide]" dialog "Let me mark the location of" dialog "the [Inn]alberta,65,233,0,000,0" dialog "on your mini-map." dialog "Would you like to check any other locations?" compass 3 65 233 1 "0xFFAAFF00" wait break case 5 dialog "[Alberta Guide]" dialog "Let me mark the location of the" dialog "the [Beauty Salon]alberta,48,145,0,000,0" dialog "on your mini-map." dialog "Would you like to check any other locations?" compass 4 48 145 1 "0xFFD2691E" wait break case 6 dialog "[Alberta Guide]" dialog "The [Merchant Guild]alberta,33,41,0,000,0 is where" dialog "you can change your job to ^800080Merchant." dialog "Let me mark its location" dialog "on your mini-map." dialog "Would you like to check any other locations?" compass 5 33 41 1 "0xFFDA70D6" wait break case 7 exitwhile break endchoose endwhile break case 2 while (1) choose menu "[ Eden Teleport Officer ]" "[ Kafra Employee ]" "[ Cool Event Employee ]" "[ Bullet Merchant ]" "[ Cooking Ingredient Merchant ]" "Previous Menu" case 1 dialog "[Alberta Guide]" dialog "^B9062FEden Teleport Officers^000000 are located in [south Alberta]alberta,121,68,0,000,0" dialog "and inside the [Merchant Guild]alberta,33,41,0,000,0 building." dialog "Let me mark their locations on your mini-map." dialog "Would you like to check any other locations?" compass 6 33 41 1 "0xFFFF0000" compass 7 121 68 1 "0xFFFF0000" wait break case 2 dialog "[Alberta Guide]" dialog "Let me mark the location of the" dialog "^0000FFKafra Employees^000000" dialog "on your mini-map." dialog "Would you like to check any other locations?" compass 8 33 41 1 "0xFF0A82FF" compass 9 113 60 1 "0xFF0A82FF" wait break case 3 dialog "[Alberta Guide]" dialog "When you win event items," dialog "you can claim them through the [Cool Event Employee]alberta,148,57,0,000,0." dialog "Would you like to check any other locations?" compass 10 148 57 1 "0xFFFFB400" wait break case 4 dialog "[Alberta Guide]" dialog "The ^7F3300Bullet Merchants^000000 for ^7F3300Gunslingers^000000" dialog "are located" dialog "near the [center of the city]alberta,117,158,0,000,0." dialog "Would you like to check any other locations?" compass 11 117 158 1 "0xFFD2691E" wait break case 5 dialog "[Alberta Guide]" dialog "The [Chef Assistant]alberta,167,135,0,000,0 in Alberta" dialog "has many regular customers," dialog "especially for his ^006400Delicious Fishes^000000." dialog "Would you like to check any other locations?" compass 12 167 135 1 "0xFFAAFF00" wait break case 6 exitwhile break endchoose endwhile break case 3 while (1) choose menu "[ Port - Northern Dock ]" "[ Port - Central Dock ]" "[ Port - Southern Dock ]" "Previous Menu" case 1 dialog "[Alberta Guide]" dialog "You can use the [Northern Dock]alberta,192,196,0,000,0" dialog "to go to ^0000FFPort Malaya^000000 or ^0000FFDewata^000000." dialog "Would you like to check any other locations?" compass 13 192 196 1 "0xFFFF0000" wait break case 2 dialog "[Alberta Guide]" dialog "You can use the [Central Dock]alberta,192,151,0,000,0" dialog "to go to the ^B9062FSunken Ship^000000 or ^B9062FIzlude Marina^000000." dialog "Would you like to check any other locations?" compass 13 192 151 1 "0xFFFF0000" wait break case 3 dialog "[Alberta Guide]" dialog "You can use the [Southern Dock]alberta,245,86,0,000,0" dialog "to go to ^0000FFTurtle Island^000000, ^0000FFBrasilis^000000, ^0000FFAmatsu^000000" dialog "^0000FFKunlun^000000, ^0000FFMoscovia^000000, ^0000FFLouyang^000000" dialog "^0000FFAyotaya^000000的" dialog "Would you like to check any other locations?" compass 15 245 86 1 "0xFFFF0000" wait break case 4 exitwhile break endchoose endwhile break case 4 dialog "[Alberta Guide]" dialog "Sure, I'll remove all marks from your mini-map." dialog "Is there anything else I can do for you?" compass 0 1 1 2 "0xFFFFFF00" compass 1 1 1 2 "0xFF000000" compass 2 1 1 2 "0xFFFF0000" compass 3 1 1 2 "0xFFFFFF00" compass 4 1 1 2 "0xFFFFFF00" compass 5 1 1 2 "0xFFFFFF00" compass 6 1 1 2 "0xFFFFFF00" compass 7 1 1 2 "0xFFFFFF00" compass 8 1 1 2 "0xFFFFFF00" compass 9 1 1 2 "0xFFFFFF00" compass 10 1 1 2 "0xFFFFFF00" compass 11 1 1 2 "0xFFFFFF00" compass 12 1 1 2 "0xFF000000" compass 13 1 1 2 "0xFFFFFF00" compass 14 1 1 2 "0xFFFFFF00" compass 15 1 1 2 "0xFFFFFF00" wait break case 5 dialog "[Alberta Guide]" dialog "Enjoy your stay." close exitwhile break endchoose endwhile showimage "prt_soldier.bmp" 255 return