prontera,150,150,5 script ExchangeAgent 99,{ set .@itemid,674; //Exchange/Receive item (Mithril Coin = 674) set .@name$,"[Exchange Agent]"; //npc dialogue name set .@cost,100000000; //cost per mithril coin & zeny received when redeeming mes .@name$; mes "Hi, and welcome to my Exchange Shop."; mes "What can I do you for?"; switch(select("Zeny into Mithril Coins:Mithril Coins into Zeny:Exit")){ case 1: mes .@name$; mes "Hello, I can give you 1 Mithril Coin for 100'000'000 Zeny."; mes "Would you like to continue?"; if(select("Yes:No")==2) close; if(Zeny < 100000000) close; //If less than 100m close next; mes .@name$; mes "Please input how many coins you'd like to purchase."; mes "Input 0 to cancel."; input .@input; set .@calc,.@cost*.@input; if(.@input == 0) close; if(.@calc > Zeny) close; next; mes .@name$; mes "You wish to exchange "+.@calc+" Zeny to "+.@input+" Mithril Coins?"; if(select("Yes:No")==2) close; next; mes .@name$; mes "Processing Transfer.."; sleep2 500; set Zeny,Zeny-.@calc; getitem .@itemid,.@input; sleep2 500; mes "Process Completed."; close; case 2: if(countitem(674) < 1) close; //check if no mithril coin it closes, why bother with other crap.. mes .@name$; mes "How many would you like to turn into Zeny again?"; mes "Press 0 to cancel."; input .@input; if(.@input == 0) close; set .@calc,Zeny + (.@input * .@cost); //Calculates if more than 2b if(.@input > countitem(.@itemid)) close; if(.@calc > 2000000000) close; next; mes .@name$; mes "You wish to turn "+.@input+" Mithril Coins into Zeny?"; if(select("Yes:No")==2) close; next; mes .@name$; mes "Please wait."; mes "Processing.."; next; mes .@name$; mes "Please wait."; mes "Processing..."; sleep2 1000; delitem .@itemid,.@input; //Deletes item set .@zeny,.@input*.@cost; //calculates amount to be received set Zeny,Zeny + .@zeny; sleep2 500; mes "..."; sleep2 500; mes "Transaction Completed."; close; case 3: close; //not going to bother with text here.. } }