// //=====// /==/ /==/ /==/ // // // /==/ /==/ /=/ /==/ // //=====// /==/ /=/ /==============/ /========/ /==//===/ /==/ /==/ // //=////// /==/ /==//=/ /==/ /==/==/==/==/==/ / / / /==/ /==/ /==/ // // == /==/ /==//=/ /==/ /==/ /==/ /==/ ======/ / /==/ /==/ /==/ // // == /==/ /==/ /=/ /==/ /==/ /==/ /==/ / /===/ / /==/ /==/ /==/ // // == /==/ /==/ /=/ /==/ /==/ /==/ /==/ / /===/ / /==/ /==/=====/==/ // // == /==/ /==/ /=/ /==/ /==/ /==/ /==/ /========/ /==/ /==///////==/ // ================ rAthena Script ================================================== // ============== Information ======================================================= // = iRO Daily Quest : Swab the Deck // = Made by : // = Rikimaru //===== Current Version: =============================================== //= 1.4 //===== Compatible With: =============================================== //= any rAthena SVN //===== Description: =================================================== //= The iRO Daily Quest : Swab the Deck //= Usefull for having fun in a Server with a Mini Quest //= Has a counter of 20 Hours until the Players can do the Quest agian. //===== Additional Comments: =========================================== //= 1.3 Finished Scripting all NPC's [Rikimaru] //= 1.4 Fixed a saved Variable Typo [Rikimaru] //====================================================================== //============== DO NOT REMOVE MY CREDITS AND CLAIM MY WORK AS YOURS === alberta,104,60,5 script [Quest] First Mate 748,{ //============================= Settings ========================== set .@npcname$,"[ [Quest] First Mate ]"; set .BeadID,6222; //======================= End ===================================== if(countitem(6221) > 0 && gettimetick(2) - exchangedalready > (60 * 60 * 20)) { mes .@npcname$; mes "Hey,how many Mystic Leaf Cat Balls"; mes "do you want to exchange to Shiny Beads?"; next; mes .@npcname$; mes "Input the Amount of the Mystic Leaf Cat Balls,which you want to exchange."; mes "If you input 0 , you're going to cancel the deal."; next; input @beadamount; if (@beadamount == 0) { close; } mes .@npcname$; mes "Do you really want to exchange"; mes ":"+ @beadamount +" Mystic Leaf Cat Balls"; mes "for "+ @beadamount +" Shiny Beads?"; next; switch(select("Yes!:No!")) { case 1: mes .@npcname$; mes "Okay converting... ... ..."; if(countitem(6221) < @beadamount) goto l_noitem; delitem 6221,@beadamount; getitem .BeadID,@beadamount; set BaseExp,+50000000;// CHANGE THE EXP AMOUNT!! set JobExp,+40000000;// CHANGE THE EXP AMOUNT!! set exchangedalready,gettimetick(2); next; mes .@npcname$; mes "Okay you can exchange the Shiny Beads at the Second Mate."; close; case 2: mes .@npcname$; mes "Okay goodbye!"; close; } l_noitem: mes .@npcname$; mes "I'm sorry,but you're missing some items!"; close; } mes .@npcname$; mes "Hey , do you want to do the Daily Quest?"; next; switch(select("Yes,sure!:No,bye!:Cancel")) { case 1: mes .@npcname$; mes "Okay you have to go to the alberta Ship"; mes "and enter one of the Portals and Catch A rat!"; next; mes .@npcname$; mes "If you catch it,you'll get a Mystic Cat Ball,"; mes "if you got it,come back to me,if you failed,"; mes "come back to me and get a new Cat Ball,to"; mes "catch the rats!"; next; mes .@npcname$; mes "So,here take this,"; mes "and come back when you finished."; getitem 12408,1; close; case 2: mes .@npcname$; mes "Okay,goodbye!"; close; case 3: close; } } // ============================ End of the First Mate Script =================================== alberta,107,59,5 script [Quest] Second Mate 100,{ set .@npcname$,"^0000FF[ [Quest] Second Mate ]^000000"; set .BeadID,6222; setarray @ItemID[0],5170,5773,5691,505,5578,5692; setarray @Cost[0],50,50,50,1,30,50; setarray @itemcount[0],1,1,1,2,1,1; mes .@npcname$; mes "Hello ["+strcharinfo(0)+"],do"; mes "you want to buy some items?"; mes "You'll have to give me Shiny"; mes "Beads for the Items!"; next; if (select("Yes,sure","No,nevermind!") == 2) close; next; mes .@npcname$; mes "Item = Cost"; for( set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(@ItemID); set .@i, .@i + 1 ) { mes "^0000ff"+@itemcount[.@i]+"x "+getitemname(@ItemID[.@i])+"^000000 = ^00aa00"+@Cost[.@i]+"^000000"; if( .@i < 1 ) set .@menu$, getitemname(@ItemID[.@i]); else set .@menu$, .@menu$+":"+getitemname(@ItemID[.@i]); } next; select(.@menu$); set @choice, @menu - 1; mes @npcname$; if(countitem(.BeadID) <@Cost[@choice]) { mes "You need more Shiny Beads for "+@itemcount[@choice]+"x '"+getitemname(@ItemID[@choice])+"'"; close; } mes "Are u realy sure to trade "+@itemcount[@choice]+"x '^ff0000"+getitemname(@ItemID[@choice])+"^000000' for ^00aa00"+@Cost[@choice]+"^000000 Shiny Beads?"; if(select("No! Cancel!:Yes, Trade me!") == 1 ) { mes "Canceled the Trade"; close; } set .@new, .BeadID - @Cost[@choice]; if( .@new < 0 ) set .@new, 0; delitem .BeadID,@Cost[@choice]; getitem @ItemID[@choice], @itemcount[@choice]; mes "The Trade was succesfull. Have fun with the Item!"; close; }