// --/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/--/ // // ______ _ _ ___ _ _ ____ // // | ___ \ | | | | / (_) | | / ___| // // | |_/ / ___ | |_| |/ / _| | | ___ _ __ / /___ // // | ___ \/ _ \| __| \| | | |/ _ \ '__| | ___ \ // // | |_/ / (_) | |_| |\ \ | | | __/ | | \_/ | // // \____/ \___/ \__\_| \_/_|_|_|\___|_| \_____/ // // _ _____ _ // // | |_ _ _ | |_ _ ___| |_ ___ ___ // // | . | | | | | | | | |- _| _| -_| _| // // |___|_ | |_|_|_|_ |___|_| |___|_| // // |___| |___| // // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // // Release Date: 03-31-2012 Version: 6.17 (c)2006-2012 by Myzter // // // // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // DESCRIPTION: // // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // BotKiller is a powerfull antibot system, this version was re-coded from // // the scratch, with a new arquitecture that support external modules and // // provide a new and flexible multi-language system (MLS). // // // // > Features < // // // // a. BotKiller now works with modules, that incorporate new interrogation // // models, the server administrators now can create their own modules // // using private methods or formulas to interrogate. // // // // b. The new multi-language system allow to create translations in realtime // // using the original contents of any integrated script as the input. // // Use your team knowledge to implement new languages in your server. // // // // MLS works with the standard ISO 639-1(2) to identify the languages: // // // // http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/English_list.php // // // // c. Flexible interrogation system that give enough time to find a safe // // place before the system stop the player and run the test. The player // // will start to glow to visually alert other players that it's about to // // be interrogated. // // // // d. Once started the interrogatory, the player is always informed about the // // remaining time to respond. // // // // e. BK6 calculate the effectiveness of the players and give some bonuses if // // it their have a good history responding the tests. (AGI,DEX,Zeny,Exp) // // // // f. BK6 offer a relative period of time before start another interrogatory // // to the same person, but any Guard or administrator its allowed to start // // a new interrogatory at any time. Also, normal players can acuse others // // if the right option is set on BotKiller configuration. // // // // g. BK6 will punish players with real jail time, the countdown only works // // if the guy is connected. When the countdown is over, the player have to // // respond a new interrogatory before be able to exit from the prison. // // if failed, the countdown is restarted and the Bot player kicked off. // // // // h. BK6 save logs that helps administrators to detect Bots Players and // // apply sanctions. // // // // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // * The best environment to run BotKiller 6 is eAthena SQL Stable 14833+ // // // // * BotKiller 6 doesn't work on eAthena TXT, please don't request it. // // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // INSTALLATION: // // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // In script_athena.conf we have to update the values of this 2 variables: // // // // check_cmdcount: 655360 // // check_gotocount: 655360 // // // // 1. Create this folders in your server root: // // // // > npc/custom/bk // // > npc/custom/bk/mods // // // // 2. Copy this scripts in the following paths: // // // // > npc/custom/bk/LangManagement.txt // // > npc/custom/bk/VarSystem.txt // // > npc/custom/bk/BotKiller6.txt // // > npc/custom/bk/lang/BK6_EN.txt // // > npc/custom/bk/lang/BK6_ES.txt // // > npc/custom/bk/mods/BK6_Asc2Num.txt // // > npc/custom/bk/mods/BK6_Asc2Word.txt // // > npc/custom/bk/mods/BK6_Fakename.txt // // > npc/custom/bk/mods/BK6_Img2Num.txt // // > npc/custom/bk/mods/BK6_SMath.txt // // > npc/custom/bk/mods/BK6_Lie2Me.txt // // > npc/custom/bk/mods/BK6_WordNum.txt // // // // 3. Edit npc/scripts_custom.conf adding the following lines: // // // // > // Unlimited Variable System // // > npc: npc/custom/bk/VarSystem.txt // // // // > // Multi-Language System // // > npc: npc/custom/bk/LangManagement.txt // // // // > // Translations // // > npc: npc/custom/bk/lang/BK6_EN.txt // English Dialogs // // > npc: npc/custom/bk/lang/BK6_ES.txt // Spanish Dialogs // // > npc: npc/custom/bk/lang/BK6_PT.txt // Portuguese Dialogs (Pedro Brito) // // // // > // BotKiller Main Script // // > npc: npc/custom/bk/BotKiller6.txt // // // // > // BotKiller Modules // // > npc: npc/custom/bk/mods/BK6_Asc2Num.txt // // > npc: npc/custom/bk/mods/BK6_Asc2Word.txt // // > npc: npc/custom/bk/mods/BK6_Fakename.txt // // > npc: npc/custom/bk/mods/BK6_Img2Num.txt // // > npc: npc/custom/bk/mods/BK6_Lie2Me.txt // // > npc: npc/custom/bk/mods/BK6_SMath.txt // // > npc: npc/custom/bk/mods/BK6_WordNum.txt // // // // * If you have your own Modules, repeat the steps 2 and 3 with them. // // // // 4. Run your server and whisp to npc:bkconfig to configure BotKiller 6. // // // // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // // History: // // // // 2011-05-01: 6.0 - New version, a friendly Police in Midgard! // // 2012-01-18: 6.1 - Using the new version of Unlimited Variable System! // // 2012-01-19: 6.11 - Fixed some problems in the jail! // // 2012-01-19: 6.12 - Fixed another wierd function in the jail! // // 2012-01-28: 6.13 - npc:bk don't show player selector when found only 1 // // removed some useless variables in functions // // removed a unused function // // 2012-02-01: 6.14 - Players who manage to stop the interrogatory exiting of // // the game or using GM commands are re-interrogated. // // 2012-02-01: 6.15 - Fixed a double termination bug related to the player // // position at start of the interrogation // // 2012-03-19: 6.16 - The languages and common functions are now separated // // from the main script. // // Fixed the double continuation problem // // 2012-03-31: 6.17 - Added Enable/Disable BK6 in global and/or specific maps // // Thanks to BLUEHD for this useful request // // 2012-03-31: 6.18 - Added the enable/disable effects to the Report options // // Non-GM players are not allowed to send bk to their self // // // // --\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\ // - script BKInit -1,{ sCheckTable: query_sql "SHOW TABLES LIKE '" + getarg(0) + "'",.@TExists$; return .@TExists$[0] != ""; OnInit: set $@BotKillerEnabled,0; set $@BotKillerID,rand(100000000,999999999); // Table & Data creation if (!callsub(sCheckTable,"bk6_config")) { debugmes "BotKiller 6: Creating table `bk6_config`..."; query_sql "CREATE TABLE `bk6_config` (`var` varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `value` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (`var`)) ENGINE=MyISAM;"; debugmes "BotKiller 6: Creating default configuration..."; query_sql "INSERT INTO `bk6_config` (`var`,`value`) VALUES ('$@BKBaseJailTime','10'),('$@BKRate','50'),('$@BKMaxTry','5'),('$@BKMinAnswer2Whisp','100'),('$@BKMinGMLevelBK','2'),('$@BKMinUsrLvl','2'),('$@BKNextUse','30'),('$@BKNextUseVariation','15'),('$@BKServerName$','BotKiller Guard'),('$@BKReloadConfigTime','30'),('$@BKSec2Respond','90'),('$@BKWarnTime1','30'),('$@BKWarnTime2','3'),('$@BK_DEFLANG$','en'),('$@BK_MEMORYLANG','0'),('$@BK_LogDays','7')"; } if (!callsub(sCheckTable,"bk6_module")) { debugmes "BotKiller 6: Creating table `bk6_module`..."; query_sql "CREATE TABLE `bk6_module` (`codename` varchar(12) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `name` varchar(70) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `enabled` tinyint(3) unsigned DEFAULT '0', `rate` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT '100', `version` float(3,2) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1.00', PRIMARY KEY (`codename`)) ENGINE=MyISAM;"; } if (!callsub(sCheckTable,"bk6_logs")) { debugmes "BotKiller 6: Creating table `bk6_logs`..."; query_sql "CREATE TABLE `bk6_logs` (`time` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `aid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `cid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `name` varchar(24) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `map` varchar(24) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `x` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `y` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `npcid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', `talkid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`time`,`aid`), KEY `idx_account` (`aid`), KEY `idx_character` (`cid`)) ENGINE=MyISAM;"; } if (!callsub(sCheckTable,"bk6_cutin")) { debugmes "BotKiller 6: Creating table `bk6_cutin`..."; query_sql "CREATE TABLE `bk6_cutin` ( `Id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(24) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `cutin` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`Id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM;"; debugmes "BotKiller 6: Creating default cutins for interrogations."; query_sql "INSERT INTO `bk6_cutin` (name, cutin) VALUES ('Kafra','kafra_01.bmp'),('Kafra','kafra_02.bmp'),('Kafra','kafra_03.bmp'),('Kafra','kafra_04.bmp'),('Kafra','kafra_05.bmp');"; } if (!callsub(sCheckTable,"bk6_staff")) { debugmes "BotKiller 6: Creating table `bk6_staff`.."; query_sql "CREATE TABLE `bk6_staff` (`account_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `role` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '1=Guard, 2=Translation Staff, 4... future roles', PRIMARY KEY (`account_id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM;"; } if (!callsub(sCheckTable,"bk6_maps")) { debugmes "BotKiller 6: Creating table `bk6_maps`.."; query_sql "CREATE TABLE `bk6_maps` ( `mapname` varchar(24) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `created` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `gmname` varchar(24) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (`mapname`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM;"; } callfunc "BKLoadConfiguration"; set $@BotKillerEnabled,1; initnpctimer "bkconfig"; } - script BKTriggers -1,{ OnTChk: if (!@BKID) end; getmapxy .@BKMap$,.@BKX,.@BKY,0; if (.@BKMap$ == @BKMap$ && .@BKX == @BKX && .@BKY == @BKY && !checkoption(0x800)) end; callfunc "BotKillerRun"; end; OnPCLoginEvent: // Set the default language for all users (the first time) if (#USER_LANG$ == "") set #USER_LANG$,$@BK_DEFLANG$; // Always announce how to set a new language announce callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,70),bc_self; if (getgmlevel() < 99 && $@BKRate < 1) message strcharinfo(0), callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,89); // If this guy is jailed if (strcharinfo(3) == "sec_pri" && callfunc("iReadC","BKJailTime")) { doevent "JailCounter::OnStart"; end; } if (callfunc("iReadC","BKStarted") == 1) { if (callfunc("iReadC","BKID") != $@BotKillerID) { // If it's a different ID, doesn't restart the interrogation because the server was shutdown, it's not a user fault. callfunc "SaveC","BKStarted",0; end; } set @BKID, 1; callfunc "BotKillerRun"; } end; OnPCLogoutEvent: if (callfunc("iReadC","BKStarted") == 1) callfunc "BKLog",0; OnNPCKillEvent: callfunc "chkStartBK"; } function script BKLog { getmapxy .@map$,.@x, .@y, 0; set .@NPCID, callfunc("getNPCID","BKlog"); query_sql "insert into `bk6_logs` values('" + gettimestr("%Y-%m/%d %H:%M:%S",21) + "'," + getcharid(3) + "," + getcharid(0) + ",'" + strcharinfo(0) + "','" + .@map$ + "'," + .@x + "," + .@y + "," + .@NPCID + "," + getarg(0) + ")"; return; } function script chkStartBK { // Check unauthorized unjailed players if (strcharinfo(3) != "sec_pri" && callfunc("iReadC","BKJailTime")) { dispbottom callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,0) + callfunc("formatTime",callfunc("iReadC","BKJailTime")); atcommand "@jail " + strcharinfo(0); sleep2 3000; doevent "BKTriggers::OnPCLoginEvent"; end; } if ($@BKRate > rand(10000) && gettimetick(2) - @BKLastRun > 60 && !getd("$@_" + strcharinfo(3))) { callfunc "SaveC","BKMode",0; callfunc "BotKiller"; } return; } function script BotKiller { if (gettimetick(2) < callfunc("iReadC","BKNextUse" + callfunc("iReadC","BKMode")) && rand(1000)) end; if (callfunc("iReadC","BKStarted") == 1) end; callfunc "SaveC","BKStarted",1; callfunc "SaveC","BKID",$@BotKillerID; set @BKLastRun,gettimetick(2); if (!@BKID) { set @BKID,1; callfunc "SaveC","BKTry",0; callfunc "SaveC","BKTimeout",$@BKSec2Respond; if (!callfunc("iReadC","BKMode")) callfunc "BKWarningMsg"; } else { callfunc "SaveC","BKTry",callfunc("iReadC","BKTry") + 1; } set @BKCaller$, getarg(0,""); set @StackTime, gettimetick(2); addtimer 1,"queueBK::OnStart"; // Stacked } - script queueBK -1,{ OnStart: callfunc "BotKillerRun"; } function script BotKillerRun { // Check the time passed between the start order and the real start time of this interrogation if (@StackTime && gettimetick(2) - @StackTime > 30 && callfunc("iReadC","BKMode") != 1) { callfunc "BKLog",3; callfunc "BKJail"; end; } // Main Trigger set .@Cnt, query_sql("select `codename` from `bk6_module` where `enabled`=1 and `rate` > rand(100) order by rand() limit 1",.@CurModule$); if (!.@Cnt) { set .@Cnt, query_sql("select `codename` from `bk6_module` where `enabled`=1 order by rand() limit 1",.@CurModule$); if (!.@Cnt) { debugmes callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,31,$@BK_DEFLANG$); return 1; } } callfunc "setPoliceName"; disable_items; if (callfunc("iReadC","BKMode") != 1) callfunc "BK_PreparePlayer",1; initnpctimer "TimeoutCtrl",1; addtimer 1,"BKTriggers::OnTChk"; // Stacked while (callfunc("iReadC","BKTry") < $@BKMaxTry) { if (getstrlen(@BKPoliceCutin$)) cutin @BKPoliceCutin$,2; // Start a interrogatory if (callfunc("BK_" + .@CurModule$[0])) { set .@bkt, callfunc("iReadC","BKTry"); callfunc "BKClean"; callfunc "SaveC","BKGoodAnswer",callfunc("iReadC","BKGoodAnswer") + 1; if (callfunc("iReadC","BKGoodAnswer") % 5 && callfunc("iReadC","BKDuration") > $@BKBaseJailTime) callfunc "SaveC","BKDuration",callfunc("iReadC","BKDuration") - 1; soundeffect "tming_success.wav",0; cutin "",255; callfunc "SaveC","BKJailTime",0; if (!callfunc("iReadC","BKMode")) callfunc "BKReleaseMsg"; if (callfunc("iReadC","BKMode") != 1) callfunc "BK_PreparePlayer",0; callfunc "SaveC","BKNextUse" + callfunc("iReadC","BKMode"), gettimetick(2) + (($@BKNextUse + rand($@BKNextUseVariation)) * 60); set .@pctbot, callfunc("iReadC","BKGoodAnswer") * 100 / (callfunc("iReadC","BKGoodAnswer") + callfunc("iReadC","BKBadAnswer")); dispbottom .@pctbot + callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,69); if (@BKCaller$ == "") { if (.@pctbot > 89) { percentheal 100,100; specialeffect2 509; switch (rand(4)) { case 0: set .@bonus, 10 - .@bkt * 2; if (.@bonus > 0) { sc_start SC_BLESSING,300000,.@bonus; // Blessing lvl 10 announce @BKPoliceName$ + callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,32) + callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,33) + .@bonus,bc_self; } break; case 1: set .@bonus, 10 - .@bkt * 2; if (.@bonus > 0) { sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,300000,.@bonus; // Increase agi lvl 10 announce @BKPoliceName$ + callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,32) + callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,34) + .@bonus,bc_self; } break; case 2: set .@bonus, 10000 - .@bkt * 1500; if (.@bonus > 0) { set .@z, rand(.@bonus,.@bonus * 3); set Zeny += .@z; announce @BKPoliceName$ + callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,32) + .@z + callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,35),bc_self; } break; case 3: set .@bonus, 5 - .@bkt; set BaseExp, BaseExp + ((NextBaseExp / 100) * .@bonus / 100) * 100; set JobExp, JobExp + ((NextJobExp / 100) * .@bonus / 100) * 100; announce @BKPoliceName$ + callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,32) + .@bonus + callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,36),bc_self; break; } } else { announce @BKPoliceName$ + callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,37) + callfunc("iReadC","BKGoodAnswer") + callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,38) + callfunc("iReadC","BKBadAnswer") + "]", bc_self; } } return; } else { callfunc "SaveC","BKTry", callfunc("iReadC","BKTry") + 1; if (callfunc("iReadC","BKTry") < $@BKMaxTry) { soundeffect "goat_die.wav",0; mes "[^ff0000" + @BKPoliceName$ + "^000000]"; mes callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,39); next; } else { dispbottom callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,40); } } } callfunc "SaveC","BKBadAnswer",callfunc("iReadC","BKBadAnswer") + 1; callfunc "BKLog",1; callfunc "BKJail"; return 0; } function script interCheck { // Main Trigger set .@Cnt, query_sql("select `codename` from `bk6_module` where `enabled`=1 and `rate` > rand(100) order by rand() limit 1",.@CurModule$); if (!.@Cnt) { set .@Cnt, query_sql("select `codename` from `bk6_module` where `enabled`=1 order by rand() limit 1",.@CurModule$); if (!.@Cnt) { debugmes callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,31,$@BK_DEFLANG$); return 1; } } set @BKTimeOut, $@BKSec2Respond; callfunc "setPoliceName"; initnpctimer "TimeoutCtrlInt",1; disable_items; while (callfunc("iReadC","BKTry") < $@BKMaxTry) { // Start a interrogatory if (callfunc("BK_" + .@CurModule$[0])) { set @BKFreeJail,1; callfunc "BKClean"; atcommand "@refresh"; return 1; } else { callfunc "SaveC","BKTry", callfunc("iReadC","BKTry") + 1; if (callfunc("iReadC","BKTry") < $@BKMaxTry) { soundeffect "goat_die.wav",0; mes "[^ff0000" + $@BKServerName$ + "^000000]"; mes callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,39); next; } else { dispbottom callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,40); } } } if (callfunc("iReadC","BKDuration") < $@BKBaseJailTime) { callfunc "SaveC","BKDuration",$@BKBaseJailTime; } else { callfunc "SaveC","BKDuration",callfunc("iReadC","BKDuration") + 1; // Add 1 minute every time a player is jailed } callfunc "SaveC","BKJailTime",callfunc("iReadC","BKDuration") * 60; callfunc "SaveC","BKTry",0; atcommand "@kick " + strcharinfo(0); return 0; } function script setPoliceName { // Get the guard information for this interrogatory set .@Cnt, query_sql("select `name`, `cutin` from `bk6_cutin` order by rand() limit 1",.@GuardName$,.@GuardCutin$); if (.@Cnt) { set @BKPoliceName$, .@GuardName$[0]; set @BKPoliceCutin$, .@GuardCutin$[0]; } else { set @BKPoliceName$, $@BKServerName$; set @BKPoliceCutin$, ""; } return; } function script BKWarningMsg { specialeffect2 381; for (set .@w,$@BKWarnTime1; .@w > 0; set .@w,.@w - 1) { if (.@w % 7 == 0) specialeffect2 381; if (.@w < 11) soundeffect "bloody_knight_move1.wav",0; if (.@w % 5 == 0) announce $@BKServerName$ + callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,41) + .@w + callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,42),bc_self,"0x" + callfunc("Int2Hex",245,255) + callfunc("Int2Hex",145,255) + callfunc("Int2Hex",245,255); sleep2 1000; } return; } function script BKReleaseMsg { for (set .@w,$@BKWarnTime2; .@w > 0; set .@w,.@w - 1) { specialeffect2 459 + rand(3); soundeffect "bloody_knight_move1.wav",0; announce @BKPoliceName$ + callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,43) + .@w + callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,44),bc_self,0xadff2f; sleep2 1000; } return; } function script BKJail { if (callfunc("iReadC","BKDuration") < $@BKBaseJailTime) { callfunc "SaveC","BKDuration",$@BKBaseJailTime; // Initialize the jail duration } else { callfunc "SaveC","BKDuration",callfunc("iReadC","BKDuration") + 1; // Add 1 additionsl minute every time a player is jailed } callfunc "SaveC","BKJailTime",callfunc("iReadC","BKDuration") * 60; callfunc "BKClean"; soundeffect "chaos_of_eternity.wav",0; callfunc "BK_PreparePlayer",0; atcommand "@jail " + strcharinfo(0); sleep2 1000; doevent "JailCounter::OnStart"; return; } function script BKClean { set @BKID,0; callfunc "SaveC","BKStarted",0; callfunc "SaveC","BKTry",0; deltimer "BKTriggers::OnTChk"; return; } - script TimeoutCtrl -1,{ OnTimer1000: stopnpctimer 1; if (callfunc("iReadC","BKStarted") == 1) { callfunc "SaveC","BKTimeOut",callfunc("iReadC","BKTimeOut") - 1; if (callfunc("iReadC","BKTimeOut") > 0) { announce @BKPoliceName$ + callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,45) + callfunc("iReadC","BKTimeOut") + callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,46),bc_self,0x2fcf2f; getmapxy .@BKMap$,.@BKX,.@BKY,0; if (.@BKMap$ != @BKMap$ || .@BKX != @BKX || .@BKY != @BKY) callfunc "BotKiller"; initnpctimer 1; } else { callfunc "BKJail"; } } else { callfunc "SaveC","BKTimeout",0; } } - script TimeoutCtrlInt -1,{ OnTimer1000: stopnpctimer 1; if (@BKFreeJail) { set @BKFreeJail,0; end; } set @BKTimeOut, @BKTimeOut - 1; if (@BKTimeOut > 0) { announce $@BKServerName$ + callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,45) + @BKTimeOut + callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,46),bc_self,0x2fcf2f; initnpctimer 1; } else { callfunc "SaveC","BKJailTime",$@BKBaseJailTime * 60; atcommand "@kick " + strcharinfo(0); } } - script JailCounter -1,{ OnTimer1000: stopnpctimer 1; OnStart: // Check unauthorized unjailed players if (strcharinfo(3) != "sec_pri" && callfunc("iReadC","BKJailTime")) { dispbottom callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,0) + callfunc("formatTime",callfunc("iReadC","BKJailTime")); atcommand "@jail " + strcharinfo(0); } // Show remaining time and update it if (gettime(1) % 5 == 0) { announce callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,47) + callfunc("formatTime",callfunc("iReadC","BKJailTime")) + " **",bc_self,"0x00CCFF"; callfunc "SaveC","BKJailTime", callfunc("iReadC","BKJailTime") - 5; if (callfunc("iReadC","BKJailTime") < 1) { callfunc "SaveC","BKJailTime",0; if (callfunc("interCheck")) { atcommand "@unjail " + strcharinfo(0); message strcharinfo(0),$@BKServerName$ + callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,48); end; } } } initnpctimer 1; } function script BK_PreparePlayer { atcommand "@refresh"; if (getarg(0)) { set @BK_HP, Hp; set @BK_SP, Sp; setoption 0x40,1; setoption 0x2000,1; // Ruwach setoption 0x800,1; // Orc Head sc_start SC_FREEZE,1000000,10; sc_start SC_STUN,1000000,10; sc_start SC_SLEEP,1000000,10; sc_start SC_SILENCE,1000000,10; pcblockmove getcharid(3),1; specialeffect2 135; getmapxy @BKMap$,@BKX,@BKY,0; } else { setoption 0x40,0; setoption 0x2000,0; // Ruwach setoption 0x800,0; // Orc Head sc_end SC_FREEZE; sc_end SC_STUN; sc_end SC_SLEEP; sc_end SC_SILENCE; pcblockmove getcharid(3),0; set HP,@BK_HP; set SP,@BK_SP; } return; } // Guards sec_pri,24,63,4 script Kengo::JailMan 795,{ if (!callfunc("iReadC","BKJailTime")) { npctalk callfunc("getMes",$@GuardNPCID,0); end; } if (!getnpctimer(1,"JailCounter")) doevent "JailCounter::OnStart"; if (callfunc("iReadC","BKJailTime") < 1) { if (callfunc("interCheck")) { callfunc "SaveC","BKJailTime",0; atcommand "@unjail " + strcharinfo(0); end; } } npctalk callfunc("getMes",$@GuardNPCID,1) + strcharinfo(0) + callfunc("getMes",$@GuardNPCID,2) + callfunc("formatTime",callfunc("iReadC","BKJailTime")) + callfunc("getMes",$@GuardNPCID,3); close; } sec_pri,50,63,4 duplicate(JailMan) Akemi 795 sec_pri,76,63,4 duplicate(JailMan) Nomaru 795 function script formatTime { set .@HH, getarg(0) / 3600; set .@MM, (getarg(0) - .@HH * 3600) / 60; set .@SS, getarg(0) - (.@HH * 3600) - (.@MM * 60); if (.@HH) { set .@RT$, .@HH + callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,53); if (.@HH > 1) set .@RT$, .@RT$ + callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,51); } if (.@MM) { if (getstrlen(.@RT$)) set .@RT$, .@RT$ + .@SS?", ":callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,49); set .@RT$, .@RT$ + .@MM + callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,52); if (.@MM > 1) set .@RT$, .@RT$ + callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,51); } if (.@SS) { if (getstrlen(.@RT$)) set .@RT$, .@RT$ + callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,49); set .@RT$, .@RT$ + .@SS + callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,50); if (.@SS > 1) set .@RT$, .@RT$ + callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,51); } return .@RT$; } function script BKLoadConfiguration { debugmes "BotKiller 6: Loading configuration..."; query_sql "select count(*) from `bk6_config`",.@Cnt$; set .@Page,0; set .@PageSize,50; set .@TotParams,.@Cnt$[0]; while (.@TotParams > 0) { set .@Cfg, query_sql("select `var`, `value`, if(right(`var`,1)='$',1,0) `str` from `bk6_config` limit " + .@Page + "," + .@PageSize,.@Var$,.@Val$,.@Str); if (playerattached()) dispbottom "BotKiller 6: Processing " + .@Cfg + " parameter(s)..."; else debugmes "BotKiller 6: Processing " + .@Cfg + " parameter(s)..."; for (set .@x,0; .@x < .@Cfg; set .@x, .@x + 1) if (.@Str[.@x]) setd .@Var$[.@x],.@Val$[.@x]; else setd .@Var$[.@x],atoi(.@Val$[.@x]); set .@TotParams, .@TotParams - .@PageSize; set .@Page, .@Page + .@PageSize; } debugmes "BotKiller 6: " + .@Cnt$[0] + " parameter(s) loaded"; debugmes "BotKiller 6: Loading map ignore list..."; set .@Cnt,1; set .@Page,0; while (.@Cnt) { set .@Cnt, query_sql("select mapname from bk6_maps limit " + .@Page + ",100",.@IgnoredMap$); for (set .@x,0; .@x < .@Cnt; set .@x,.@x + 1) { setd "$@_" + .@IgnoredMap$[.@x],1; } set .@Page, .@Page + 100; } if (playerattached()) dispbottom "Reload Configuration: Complete!"; return; } // --\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\ // // Ingame Configuration System // // --\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\--\ // - script bk -1,{ OnWhisperGlobal: if (getgmlevel() < $@BKMinUsrLvl) { message strcharinfo(0),callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,1); emotion e_sob; end; } set .@GA, $@BKMinAnswer2Whisp - callfunc("iReadC","BKGoodAnswer") + callfunc("iReadC","BKBadAnswer"); if (.@GA > 0 && getgmlevel() < $@BKMinGMLevelBK) { message strcharinfo(0),callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,2) + .@GA + callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,3); emotion e_sob; end; } l_Report: mes "[^ff0000" + $@BKServerName$ + "^000000]"; mes callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,4) + strcharinfo(0) + callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,5); next; switch(select(callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,6),callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,7),callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,8))) { case 1: mes "[^ff0000" + $@BKServerName$ + "^000000]"; mes callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,9); mes " "; mes callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,10); next; input .@BKSuspect$; if (getstrlen(.@BKSuspect$) < 3) goto l_Report; set .@st, callfunc("selPlayer",.@BKSuspect$); if (.@st < 1) { if (.@st > -2) { mes "[^ff0000" + $@BKServerName$ + "^000000]"; mes callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,11); next; } goto l_Report; } if (checkvending(@playername$) || checkchatting(@playername$)) { if (getgmlevel() < $@BKMinGMLevelBK) { mes "[^ff0000" + $@BKServerName$ + "^000000]"; mes callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,85); next; goto l_Report; } else { mes "[^ff0000" + $@BKServerName$ + "^000000]"; mes callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,86); next; if (select(callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,21),callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,22)) == 2) goto l_Report; } } set .@GA, callfunc("iGData","BKGoodAnswer",@charid,1); set .@BA, callfunc("iGData","BKBadAnswer",@charid,1); if (.@GA && .@BA) set .@pctbot, callfunc("iGData","BKGoodAnswer",@charid,1) * 100 / (callfunc("iGData","BKGoodAnswer",@charid,1) + callfunc("iGData","BKBadAnswer",@charid,1)); else if (.@GA) set .@pctbot, 100; else set .@pctbot, 0; mes "[^ff0000" + $@BKServerName$ + "^000000]"; mes callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,13) + @playername$ + "^000000:"; mes " "; mes callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,14) + .@GA + "^000000"; mes callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,15) + .@BA + "^000000"; mes callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,16) + .@pctbot + "%^000000"; next; goto l_Report; case 2: mes "[^ff0000" + $@BKServerName$ + "^000000]"; if (callfunc("iReadC","BKNextWhisp") > gettimetick(2)) { mes callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,17); close; } mes callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,18); mes " "; mes callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,10); next; input .@BKSuspect$; set .@st, callfunc("selPlayer",.@BKSuspect$,1); if (.@st < 1) { if (.@st > -2) { mes "[^ff0000" + $@BKServerName$ + "^000000]"; mes callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,11); next; } goto l_Report; } mes "[^ff0000" + $@BKServerName$ + "^000000]"; if (getgmlevel() < $@BKMinGMLevelBK && @accountid == getcharid(3)) { mes callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,103); close; } mes callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,20); mes " "; mes " > ^ff0000" + @playername$ + "^000000"; next; if (select(callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,21),callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,22)) == 2) goto l_Report; close2; set .@IAID, getcharid(3); set .@AID, @accountid; set .@Caller$, strcharinfo(0); if (!attachrid(.@AID)) { message .@Caller$,callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,23) + @playername$ + callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,24); end; } if (getd("$@_" + strcharinfo(3))) { message @playername$,strcharinfo(0) + " " + callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,102); end; } if (getgmlevel() == 99) set .@Caller$, "GM 99"; message @playername$,callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,25) + .@Caller$ + callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,26); callfunc "BotKiller",.@Caller$; sleep2 10000; getmapxy .@map$,.@x,.@y,0,@playername$; if (.@map$ != "sec_pri") { if (getgmlevel() < $@BKMinGMLevelBK) { // Block the whisp service for 7 days. callfunc "SaveX","BKNextWhisp",gettimetick(2) + 604800,.@IAID; message .@Caller$,callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,27) + @playername$ + callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,28); } else { message .@Caller$,callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,27) + @playername$ + callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,29); } } else { callfunc "BKLog",2; message .@Caller$,callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,27) + @playername$ + callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,30); } end; } close; } - script bkconfig -1,{ OnTimer60000: // 1 minute set .Cnt, .Cnt + 1; // Reload configuration parameters every N minutes if (.Cnt >= $@BKReloadConfigTime) { set .Cnt,0; callfunc "BKLoadConfiguration"; } startnpctimer; end; OnWhisperGlobal: if (!$@BotKillerEnabled) { dispbottom callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,54); end; } callfunc "BKCheckAuth"; while (1) { mes "[^0000ffBotKiller^000000]"; mes callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,55); next; // Pending utilities // callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,58),callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,60),callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,59),callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,61), if ($@BKRate < 1) set .@EnableMsg1$,callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,87); else set .@EnableMsg1$,callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,98); if (getd("$@_" + strcharinfo(3))) set .@EnableMsg2$,callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,88); else set .@EnableMsg2$,callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,99); switch(prompt(callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,56),callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,57),.@EnableMsg1$,.@EnableMsg2$,callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,96),callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,62),callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,63))) { case 1: callfunc "showStatistics"; mes "[^0000ffBotKiller^000000]"; mes callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,64); next; break; case 2: callfunc "BKModules"; break; case 3: callfunc "BKDisableAll"; mes "[^0000ffBotKiller^000000]"; if ($@BKRate > 0) { mes "BotKiller was enabled! (Global)"; } else { mes "BotKiller was disabled! (Global)"; } next; break; case 4: callfunc "BKDisableMap"; mes "[^0000ffBotKiller^000000]"; if (getd("$@_" + strcharinfo(3))) { mes strcharinfo(3) + " " + callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,94); } else { mes strcharinfo(3) + " " + callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,95); } next; break; case 5: callfunc "BKViewIgnoreList"; mes "[^0000ffBotKiller^000000]"; mes callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,97); next; break; case 6: callfunc "BKLoadConfiguration"; mes "[^0000ffBotKiller^000000]"; mes callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,64); next; break; case 7: case 255: close; } } } function script BKDisableAll { set $@BKRate, $@BKRate * -1; query_sql "update `bk6_config` set `value` = '" + $@BKRate + "' where var='$@BKRate'"; return; } function script BKDisableMap { if (getd("$@_" + strcharinfo(3))) set .@MapMenu$,callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,100); else set .@MapMenu$,callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,101); if (select(.@MapMenu$,callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,80))==1) { if (getd("$@_" + strcharinfo(3))) { query_sql "delete from bk6_maps where mapname='" + strcharinfo(3) + "'"; setd "$@_" + strcharinfo(3),0; } else { query_sql "insert into bk6_maps values ('" + strcharinfo(3) + "',now(),'" + strcharinfo(0) + "')"; setd "$@_" + strcharinfo(3),1; } } return; } function script BKViewIgnoreList { set .@cnt,1; dispbottom "** " + callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,92) + ":"; while (.@cnt) { set .@cnt, query_sql("select mapname, created, gmname from bk6_maps order by mapname limit " + .@Page + ",100",.@mapname$,.@created$,.@gmname$); if (!.@y) set .@y,1; for (set .@x,0; .@x < .@cnt; set .@x, .@x + 1) { dispbottom (.@x + 1 + (.@Page * 100)) + "> " + .@mapname$[.@x] + " (" + .@gmname$[.@x] + " / " + .@created$[.@x] + ")"; } set .@Page, .@Page + 100; } if (!.@y) dispbottom "** " + callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,91); return; } - script bksw -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: end; OnWhisperGlobal: if (getgmlevel() < 99) end; } function script BKTranslationStaff { while (1) { switch(select("Translation Staff List","Add Member","Delete Member","Exit")) { case 1: set .@n, 0; dispbottom "** Translation Staff **"; do { set .@Cnt, query_sql("select s.account_id, l.level, (select name from `char` c where l.account_id = c.account_id order by level desc limit 1) name from bk6_staff s join login l on s.account_id = l.account_id where role & 2 order by name limit " + .@Page + ",5",.@account_id, .@level, .@name$); for (set .@x,0; .@x < .@Cnt; set .@x, .@x + 1) { set .@n,.@n + 1; dispbottom .@n + ". Member: " + .@name$[.@x] + " (" + .@account_id[.@x] + ")" + .@level[.@x]?(" [Account level " + .@level[.@x]):""; } } while (.@Cnt); break; case 2: } } } // Check access to BotKiller function script BKCheckAuth { if (getgmlevel() < 99) { dispbottom callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,1); end; } return; } // Module modification function function script BKModules { set .@cnt, query_sql("select `name`, `codename`, `version`, `rate`, `enabled` from `bk6_module`", .@name$, .@codename$, .@version$, .@rate, .@enabled); LMenu: set .@Modules$, ""; for (set .@x,0; .@x < .@cnt; set .@x, .@x + 1) set .@Modules$, .@Modules$ + (.@enabled[.@x]?"^0000FF":"^c0c0c0") + .@name$[.@x] + " v." + .@version$[.@x] + " [" + .@rate[.@x] + "%]^000000:"; set .@Modules$, .@Modules$ + "< Back"; while (1) { mes "[^0000ffBotKiller^000000]"; mes callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,72); next; set .@opc, select(.@Modules$) - 1; if (.@opc > .@cnt - 1) return; // Back // Module Options l_Editing: mes "[^0000ffBotKiller^000000]"; mes callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,73) + .@name$[.@opc] + "^000000"; mes " "; mes callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,74) + ": " + (.@enabled[.@opc]==1?"^0000ff" + callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,75):"^ff0000" + callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,76)) + "^000000"; next; set .@BKMenu$, (.@enabled[.@opc]?"^ff0000" + callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,78):"^0000ff" + callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,77)) + "^000000:" + callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,79) + " [" + .@rate[.@opc] + "%]:" + callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,80); switch(select(.@BKMenu$)) { case 1: // Activate - Deactivate module if (.@enabled[.@opc]) { query_sql "update `bk6_module` set `enabled`=0 where `codename`='" + .@codename$[.@opc] + "'"; set .@enabled[.@opc],0; } else { query_sql "update `bk6_module` set `enabled`=1 where `codename`='" + .@codename$[.@opc] + "'"; set .@enabled[.@opc],1; } goto LMenu; case 2: // Rate l_InputRate: mes "[^0000ffBotKiller^000000]"; mes callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,81) + ": ^ff0000" + .@name$[.@opc] + "^000000"; mes "> " + callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,74) + ": ^ff0000" + (.@enabled[.@opc]==1?callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,75):callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,76)) + "^000000"; mes "> " + callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,79) + ": ^ff0000" + .@rate[.@opc] + "%^000000"; mes callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,82); next; input .@ratex,1,100; if (.@ratex == 0) break; if (.@ratex < 1 || .@ratex > 100) { mes "[^0000ffBotKiller^000000]"; callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,83); next; goto l_InputRate; } if (.@rate[.@opc] != .@ratex) { set .@changed,1; query_sql "update `bk6_module` set `rate`=" + .@ratex + " where `codename`='" + .@codename$[.@opc] + "'"; set .@rate[.@opc], .@ratex; } default: // Exit goto LMenu; } } } function script BK_UpdateMod { //query_sql "update } // Called from the modules // addModule '','','', function script addModule { if (query_sql("select `version` from `bk6_module` where `codename`='" + getarg(0) + "'",.@ver$)) if (.@ver$[0] == getarg(2)) return; // Already exists, do nothing. query_sql "replace into `bk6_module` (`codename`, `name`, `enabled`, `rate`, `version`) values ('" + getarg(0) + "','" + getarg(1) + "',1," + getarg(3) + ",'" + getarg(2) + "')"; return; } function script showStatistics { dispbottom "** " + callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,66) + " **"; set .@page,0; set .@max,0; do { set .@Cnt, query_sql("select date_format(`time`,'%m-%d %h:%i') time, `name`, concat(`map`,'(',x,',',y,')') map, `dialog` from `bk6_logs` l join `bk6_talk` t on l.npcid = t.npcid and l.talkid = t.talkid where t.lang='" + #USER_LANG$ + "' and `time` > date_sub(now(), interval " + $@BK_LogDays + " day) order by `time` desc limit " + .@page + ", 20", .@time$, .@name$, .@map$, .@dialog$); for (set .@x,0; .@x < .@Cnt; set .@x, .@x + 1) dispbottom .@time$[.@x] + " " + .@name$[.@x] + " [" + .@map$[.@x] + "] " + .@dialog$[.@x]; set .@page, .@page + 20; set .@max, .@max + 1; } while (.@Cnt && .@max < 4); dispbottom "** " + callfunc("getMes",$@BKNPCID,64) + " **"; return; } function script RndColor { return "^" + callfunc("Int2Hex",0,200) + callfunc("Int2Hex",0,200) + callfunc("Int2Hex",0,200); } function script RndColor2 { return "^" + callfunc("Int2Hex",190,255) + callfunc("Int2Hex",245,255) + callfunc("Int2Hex",210,255); } function script RepeatString { for (set .@rs,0; .@rs < getarg(1); set .@rs, .@rs + 1) set .@cs$,.@cs$ + getarg(0); return .@cs$; } function script CheckBKNPC { if (getarg(0) > rand(10000)) { set @BKID,1; callfunc "SaveC","BKMode",1; // 1 is for NPC time control callfunc "SaveC","BKTry",0; callfunc "SaveC","BKTimeout",$@BKSec2Respond; callfunc "BotKillerRun"; } return; } /* // Using Botkiller on NPC's (Sample) prontera,133,203,4 script Test#987 90,{ mes "[Test]"; mes "Input the probabilities to activate Botkiller in this NPC:"; mes " "; mes "10000=100% 5000=50% 1000=10%"; next; input .@Prob; do { callfunc "CheckBKNPC",.@Prob; mes "[Test]"; mes "Running NPC."; next; } while (select("Retry with " + .@Prob,"Exit")==1); atcommand "@refresh"; } */