// ============================= /* Change Sex per Character: http://herc.ws/board/topic/14030-r-change-sex-per-character-gender/ ---------------------------- by: Legend compatible w/: Hercules ---------------------------- Description: * It requires client 2014-10-22 or greater. * Performs change sex per character * Allows you to set requirements as many as you want. ---------------------------- Comments: * Please report to me if bugs were found: Contact: http://herc.ws/board/user/5387-legend/ */ // ============================= prontera,150,160,4 script Request#8 4_F_NURSE,{ mes "[ "+.n$+" ]"; mes "How may I help you?"; next; if (select("Change my character's sex","Nothing") != 1){ mes "[ "+.n$+" ]"; mes "Come back to me if you're well decided."; close; } .@is = getarraysize(.i); dispbottom "============"; dispbottom "Requirements:"; dispbottom "============"; for ( .@a = 0; .@a < .@is; .@a += 2 ){ dispbottom getitemname(.i[.@a])+" ("+countitem(.i[.@a])+"/"+.i[.@a+1]+")"; if (countitem(.i[.@a]) < .i[.@a+1]){ .@b++; } } if (.@b) { message strcharinfo(0), "The deal has been cancelled!"; close; } for ( .@c = 0; .@c < .@is; .@c += 2 ){ delitem .i[.@c], .i[.@c+1]; } changecharsex; close; OnInit: .n$ = "Nurse"; // Requirements goes here // Syntax: ,,,,... setarray .i[0],1001,3,1002,2,1003,1,1004,5,1005,10; end; }