// Item Combo File // // Format: ,:{:{:{::{}}}},{ bonus script; } // // Explenation: // This File is supposed to emulate the Gear & Card Combo behaviour from official Servers. // You can add in here any kind of Combo you would like to have on your Server for Gear & Card related Items. // As soon as the Player has equiped all the required Items he will receive the given bonus(es) set in the { bonus script; } Part. // // Examples: // 4197:4001,{ bonus bFlee,18; } // Poring & Mastering Card Combo: Flee + 18. // The Player needs to have equiped the Poring & Mastering Card in order to receive the Flee + 18 bonus. // // 4229:4244:4299:4313,{ bonus bDef,3; bonus bMdef,3; } // Clock, Alarm, Tower Manager & Punk Card Combo: Def + 3 and MDef +3. // The Player needs to have equiped the Clock, Alarm, Tower Manager & Punk Card in order to receive the Def + 3 and MDef +3 bonuses. // // 2529,2530,2551:2425:2434,{ bonus bFlee,10; } // Crest Rider & Black Leather Boots Combo: Flee + 10. // The Player needs to have equiped either the Crest Rider, Crest Rider [1] or Crest Rider M & the Black Leather Boots or Black Leather Boots [1] in order to receive the Flee + 10 bonus. // // Official Item Combos // // Card Combos: 4229:4244:4299:4313,{ bonus bDef,3; bonus bMdef,3; } 4199:4297:4234:4252:4178,{ bonus bAgi,5; bonus bDex,3; bonus bLongAtkRate,20; bonus bPerfectHitAddRate,20; if(BaseClass == Job_Archer) { bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_Brute,5; bonus2 bWeaponComaRace,RC_Brute,100; } } 4381:4297:4234:4252:4178,{ bonus bDex,5; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"CG_ARROWVULCAN",5; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"DC_THROWARROW",10; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"BA_MUSICALSTRIKE",10; if(BaseJob == Job_Bard || BaseJob == Job_Dancer) { bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,"CG_TAROTCARD",2,50; } } 4153:4247:4273,{ bonus3 bAddMonsterDropItem,544,RC_Fish,3000; bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Water,30; } 4186:4233:4281:4321:4206,{ bonus bLuk,10; bonus2 bSPDrainValue,2,0; bonus2 bSkillAtk,42,20; if(BaseClass == Job_Merchant) { bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,617,5; bonus bMagicDamageReturn,20; } } 4343:4186:4281:4036:4233,{ bonus bStr,4; bonus bMaxHPrate,7; bonus bMaxSPrate,7; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"MC_MAMMONITE",20; bonus bSPDrainValue,1; if(BaseJob == Job_Alchemist) { bonus3 bAutoSpell,"BS_ADRENALINE",1,10; bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,7139,3; bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,905,10; } } 4162:4074,{ bonus2 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Blind,600; } 4325:4191:4208:4258:4309:4327,{ bonus bMaxHP,500; bonus bDef,5; bonus bMdef,5; bonus2 bSkillAtk,14,10; bonus2 bSkillAtk,19,10; bonus2 bSkillAtk,20,10; if(BaseClass == Job_Mage) { bonus bMatkRate,3; bonus bCastrate,-15; } } 4382:4208:4258:4325:4327,{ bonus bInt,3; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"WZ_HEAVENDRIVE",10; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"MG_THUNDERSTORM",10; if(BaseJob == Job_Sage) { bonus bMagicDamageReturn,20; bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,716,100; bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,715,100; bonus bCastrate,-20; } } 4328:4090:4212,{ bonus bAllStats,1; } 4179:4009,{ bonus bFlee,18; } 4217:4280:4185:4293:4312,{ bonus bVit,10; bonus bCastrate,-10; bonus bUseSPRate,-10; if(BaseClass == Job_Acolyte) { bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_Undead,5; bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_Demon,5; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Undead,30; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Demon,30; } } 4332:4185:4293:4312,{ bonus bStr,3; bonus bMaxSP,80; bonus bBaseAtk,25; bonus3 bAutoSpell,"AL_CRUCIS",5,10; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"MO_EXTREMITYFIST",10; if(BaseJob == Job_Monk) { bonus bUseSPrate,-10; bonus bNoCastCancel,0; } } 4319:4246:4311:4220:4331,{ bonus bStr,10; bonus bMaxHPrate,20; bonus bHPrecovRate,50; bonus3 bAutoSpell,"BS_WEAPONPERFECT",1,3; bonus2 bAddMonsterDropItem,501,500; if(BaseClass == Job_Swordman) { bonus2 bAddItemHealRate,IG_Potion,50; } } 4371:4311:4319:4331,{ bonus bInt,1; bonus bStr,1; bonus bDef,2; bonus bSPrecovRate,10; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"PA_SHIELDCHAIN",10; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"PA_SACRIFICE",10; bonus bCastrate,-10; if(BaseJob == Job_Crusader) { bonus bDefEle,Ele_Holy; } } 4323:4324,{ bonus3 bAutoSpell,"MG_FROSTDIVER",3,250; } 4266:4006,{ bonus bFlee,18; } 4248:4106,{ bonus bPerfectHitAddRate,20; } 4166:4127,{ bonus2 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Curse,600; } 4237:4238,{ bonus3 bAutoSpell,"MG_LIGHTNINGBOLT",5,20; } 4161:4031,{ bonus bDef,3; bonus bVit,3; } 4197:4001,{ bonus bFlee,18; } 4211:4021,{ bonus bFlee,18; } 4306:4014,{ bonus bFlee,18; } 4210:4172:4257:4230:4272,{ bonus bAgi,5; bonus bStr,5; bonus bAspdRate,5; bonus bSpeedRate,25; bonus2 bSPDrainValue,1,0; if(BaseClass == Job_Thief) bonus bNoGemStone,0; } 4348:4039:4210:4257:4230,{ bonus bStr,6; bonus bAgi,4; bonus2 bSkillAtk,"RG_BACKSTAP",10; if(getskilllv("RG_STRIPARMOR")==5) bonus3 bAutoSpell,"RG_STRIPARMOR",5,50; if(BaseJob == Job_Rogue) { bonus bUseSPrate,-20; bonus3 bAutoSpell,"RG_INTIMIDATE",1,-20; } } 4222:4025,{ bonus2 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Sleep,600; } 4296:4028,{ bonus bStr,3; } 4183:4029,{ bonus bFlee,18; } 4268:4277,{ bonus bBaseAtk,20; bonus bLuk,3; } 4436:4435,{ bonus2 bSPGainRace,RC_DemiHuman,2; } // // Gear Combos: 5153:2358,{ bonus bLuk,6; bonus bFlee,5; bonus bInt,2; } 2355:2116:2420:2521:5125,{ bonus bMaxHP,900; bonus bMaxSP,100; bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,"HP_ASSUMPTIO",1,30; } 2378:2538:2435,{ bonus2 bSubRace,RC_NonDemiHuman,-300; bonus bAgi,3; bonus bMaxHPRate,12; bonus bCritical,5; bonus bAspdRate,5; autobonus "{ bonus2 bHPRegenRate,300,1000; }",10,10000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect2 EF_HEAL; }"; } 2376:2538:2435,{ bonus2 bSubRace,RC_NonDemiHuman,-300; bonus bVit,3; bonus bMaxHPRate,12; bonus bHealpower2,10; bonus bAddItemHealRate,10; autobonus2 "{ bonus2 bHPRegenRate,600,1000; }",5,10000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect2 EF_HEAL; }"; } 2124:2702,{ bonus bAspdRate,10; bonus bShortWeaponDamageReturn,5; } 2747:2620,{ bonus2 bAddSize,2,8; bonus bHit,getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_R)/2; bonus bCastrate,-getequiprefinerycnt(EQI_HAND_R)/2; } 13061:2747,{ bonus bHit,5; bonus bMatk,5; } 2529:2425,{ bonus bFlee,10; } 2529:2434,{ bonus bFlee,10; } 2530:2425,{ bonus bFlee,10; } 2530:2434,{ bonus bFlee,10; } 2551:2425,{ bonus bFlee,10; } 2551:2434,{ bonus bFlee,10; } // // Put any custom Combos you got for your Server here. // // Custom Combos: