exe_name = ragexe_mid.exe pause_btn = à ; hp % hp_main = 98 ;hp_ygg = 45 ; sp % sp = 98 ; button with hp pots hp_btn = F7 ;button with ygg ;ygg_btn = F9 ; button with sp pots sp_btn = F8 ; button with status pots status_btn = i ; main sleep sleep = 10 ; another sleep idle_time = 0 ; clickers ; first ; main button skill_btn1 = mode1 = 1 chain1 = idle_chain1 = mouseclicks1 = 1 instancechain1 = 1 idle_time1 = 1 ; second skill_btn2 = mode2 = 1 chain2 = idle_chain2 = mouseclicks2 = 1 instancechain2 = 1 idle_time2 = 1 ; third skill_btn3 = mode3 = 1 chain3 = idle_chain3 = mouseclicks3 = 1 ; fourth skill_btn4 = mode4 = 1 chain4 = idle_chain4 = mouseclicks4 = 1 ; unlimited sunlight box ; put sunlight on this button and use ONCE ;sunlight_btn = L ; free walk woero_fw = 0 ; nodelay woero_nd = 0 aspd_btn = 0