else if ((ep13_1_edq == 9) && (countitem(11012) < 3)) { mes "[Hibba Agip]"; mes "Is something wrong? Alright, we'll write another report for you."; next; delitem 11012,1; //Expedition_Report delitem 11012,1; //Expedition_Report delitem 11012,1; //Expedition_Report getitem 11012,3; //Expedition_Report mes "[Hibba Agip]"; mes "Let me remind you again. The officials are these three people: ^0000FFMinister Laur^000000 of the Rune Midgarts Kingdom, ^0000FFPriest Nuria^000000 of Arunafeltz and ^0000FFGerhart^000000 of the Schwaltzvalt Republic."; next; mes "[Hibba Agip]"; mes "Make sure to deliver the report to them without fail. Come back in one piece, alright?"; cutin "ep13_captin_edq",255; close; }