//Script Name: Guild Package NPC Giver //Developer: ShogS //Description: This NPC will Give a Package for each Guild Member take Note: this NPC will record each player IP address to avoid abuse on players side by getting 2 Package in 1 IP //Version: 1.0 //Some Explanation: Do not forget to set the items to a not tradeable Sample: 17638,91,99 = Can not be droped,sell,trade //====================================================================================================== // - SQL TABLE /* CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `guildpack` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `account_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `name` varchar(23) NOT NULL default '', `last_ip` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (`account_id`), KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM; */ //====================================================================================================== map,x,x,x script GPack NPC x,{ set .@frnd2$,strcharinfo(0); if(##Gpack == 1) goto L_AG; mes "Hello There it seems you are belong to a Guild"; mes "On our Server Let me Give you A Present for Joining and"; mes "Playing On Our Server We Hope You will enjoy this Present"; next; mes "These present are not tradable and not dropable"; next; switch(select("Yes:No")) { case 1: query_sql("SELECT last_ip FROM `login` WHERE account_id = "+getcharid(3)+"", .@lip$); // recruits ip address query_sql("SELECT last_ip FROM `guildpack`", .@flip$); // recruiter ip address and information if ( .@lip$ == .@flip$ ) { mes "^616D7EIt seems you and your Guild Mates are from IP Address: ^ff0000" + .@flip$ + "^000000. Sorry, but its not allowed."; close; } query_sql("INSERT INTO `guildpack` VALUES (NULL," + getcharid(3) + ",'" + escape_sql(strcharinfo(0)) + "','" + .@lip$ + "')"); //THIS PART WERE all items they will get getitem2 17638,1,1,8,0,0,0,0,0; getitem2 17639,1,1,8,0,0,0,0,0; getitem2 17640,1,1,8,0,0,0,0,0; getitem 17641,1; getitem2 17642,1,1,8,0,0,0,0,0; getitem 2449,1; getitem 17620,5; getitem 12202,20; getitem 12203,20; getitem 12204,20; getitem 12206,20; getitem 12207,20; set ##Gpack, 1; warp "prontera",157,157; close; case 2: mes "^616D7ENevermind~, You can come back again!"; close; }end; L_AG: mes "^616D7EYou Already Given a Package"; close; } //==JUST RENAME or PLACE the Map Name here===// mapname mapflag nocommand 99 mapname mapflag restricted 6 mapname mapflag nosave SavePoint mapname mapflag nomemo mapname mapflag noreturn mapname mapflag nobranch mapname mapflag noloot mapname mapflag noskill mapname mapflag novending mapname mapflag nowarpto 99