quiz_02,82,97,5 script Event 1_F_MARIA,{ if(getgmlevel() >= 40) { mes "Hello GM!"; switch(select("Turn ON/OFF Event:Set Players & Rounds")) { case 1: if (.play) { mes " The Event is currently ON "; } else { mes " The Event is currently OFF "; mes "Would you like to ON? "; } if(select("Yes:No")==2) close; close2; if (.play) { set .play,0; disablenpc "DeathMatch"; disablenpc "BG DeathMatch"; announce " A GM has turn the Event OFF", 0; end; } set .play,1; announce " The Event will start in a few moments", 0; goto OnStart; end; } mes "You can set the number of players and rounds in Deathmatch"; next; mes "Input Players per Team"; mes "ex: 2 = 2v2"; mes "Min. 2 [ per Team ] Max. 20"; while(.@players < 2 || .@players > 20) { input .@players; if(!.@players) end; } next; mes "Input Event Round/s"; mes "Min. 1 [ per Round ] Max. 5"; while(.@rounds < 1 || .@rounds > 5) { input .@rounds; if(!.@rounds) end; } .partysize = .@players; .winningscore = .@rounds; .active = true; end; }