// - SQL TABLE /* CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `callfrnd` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `account_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `name` varchar(23) NOT NULL default '', `last_ip` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (`account_id`), KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM; */ prontera,160,180,5 script Freebies NPC 100,{ mes $@name$; mes "^616D7EI am one of the staff members of GM Team. And i am assigned to give freebies to players in our server."; mes " "; next; mes $@name$; mes "^616D7ESo, How may I help you?"; next; switch(select("- Freebies please:- Close")) { mes $@name$; case 1: if ( getcharid(3) < $@new_aid ) { mes "^616D7EYou doesn't seems to be new to server."; close; } mes "^616D7EOh.. Nice, so would you like to proceed with the Referral System?"; switch(select("Yes")) { case 1: if (#CallFrnd >= 1) { mes "^616D7EYou are already Registered on our database."; close; } goto ReferralSystem; } case 2: mes "^616D7ok, nvm!"; close; } end; ReferralSystem: next; mes $@name$; mes " "; mes "^ff0000NOTE: ^000000^616D7EEnter your Character Name to claim your Freebies."; mes " "; mes "^616D7EEnter your Character Name: "; next; input .@frnd$; mes $@name$; mes "^616D7ESo your Character Name is [ ^ff000f" + .@frnd$ + "^000000 ]? ^616D7EIs that right??"; next; if(select("Yes:Back")==2) goto ReferralSystem; mes $@name$; mes "^616D7EIf you play more than [ ^2B60DE" + $@daystoplay + " days ^000000] and spend more than x hours to our server every day. Your friend will get a New Item from the list."; next; switch(select("Exit:Complete the process")) { case 1: mes $@name$; mes "^616D7ENevermind~, You can come back again!"; close; case 2: query_sql("SELECT last_ip FROM `login` WHERE account_id = "+getcharid(3)+"", .@lastip$); // recruits ip address set .@frnd, query_sql ("SELECT name, char.account_id, last_ip FROM `char` LEFT JOIN `login` ON login.account_id = char.account_id where name = '"+escape_sql(.@frnd$)+"'",.@chname$, .@account_id, .@flastip$); // recruiter ip address and information if (!.@frnd) { mes $@name$; mes "^ff0000FAILED! FAILED! FAILED!"; mes " "; mes "^616D7ESorry, We didn't found your Character Name in our database. Make sure that you Enter's Everything correctly."; close; } if ( .@account_id < getcharid(3) ) { mes $@name$; mes "^ff0000WARNING: ^616D7EThis Player is found on your account. Sorry, Unable to proceed further!!!"; mes " "; mes "Enter some other name"; close; } if ( .@account_id > getcharid(3) ) { // i am older than my frnd mes $@name$; mes "^616D7EIt seems, your not newbie to our server. Damn you cheaters. "; close; } query_sql("SELECT count(last_ip) FROM `callfrnd` WHERE last_ip='"+.@lastip$+"'", .@countip); // retrieve registered ip if (.@countip){ mes "This ip was already used"; mes "You can't have new freebies, see ya"; close; } set #CallFrnd, 1; query_sql("INSERT INTO `callfrnd`(account_id,name,last_ip) VALUES ("+getcharid(3)+",'"+ escape_sql(strcharinfo(0))+"','"+.@lastip$+"')"); //record new ip mes $@name$; mes "^616D7EYour registration is now accepted."; mes "^ff0000Now, you should relog to make changes save and start properly.^000000"; mes " "; mes "and ^0000ff~ We Welcome's you to our server."; close; } }