// NPC tha call the Entrance Function with the name of the PvP Room to allow multiple PvP Rooms using the same function prt_are_in,20,141,4 script Classic PVP 767,{ callfunc "PvPEntranceControll","pvp_y_1-2",0,0; } // Entrance Function function script PvPEntranceControll { set .@Menu$, ":^ff0000Enter PVP Zone^000000:Exit"; if (curspx) set .@Menu$, "^0000ffReturn to " + curspmap$ + "^000000" + .@Menu$; switch(prompt(.@Menu$)) { case 1: // Restore the original SavePoint and warp you to that place savepoint curspmap$, curspx, curspy; warp curspmap$,curspx, curspy; set curspmap$, ""; set curspx, 0; set curspy, 0; end; case 2: // Save your current savepoint and warp you to the PvP Map if (!curspx) { set curspmap$, getsavepoint(0); set curspx, getsavepoint(1); set curspy, getsavepoint(2); } getmapxy .@mapname$, .@x, .@y,0; savepoint .@mapname$, @x, @y; warp getarg(0),getarg(1),getarg(2); end; } close; }