note for weayan: GC_CROSSIMPACT - Lv 5 text 1500% ? Grimtooth - range is 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 Shield Boomerang - Lv 3 range should be 7 RA_ELECTRICSHOCKER - sp drain is more like: 1 SP Drain 5% / 20 sec 2 SP Drain 10% / 22 sec 3 SP Drain 15% / 24 sec 4 SP Drain 20% / 26 sec 5 SP Drain 25%/ 28 sec NC_VULCANARM - desc incomplete. NC_SHAPESHIFT 2268 item diff -- [Lv 1] : Change to fire property / Consume 3 Scarlet Points [Lv 2] : Change to earth property / Consume 3 Lime Green Points [Lv 3] : Change to wind property / Consume 3 Yellow Wish Points [Lv 4] : Change to water property / Consume 3 Indigo Points MI_HARMONIZE - "Fixed bonus for all stats" do you mean "All bonus stats become"? from iro MH_LIGHT_OF_REGENE - If the summoner dies ? - Poison React (#139) SP consumption changed, - 3ceam skill_required_db: 25:30:35:40:45:50:55:60:45:45 - WAS -- 15 + 5*SkillLV (but 45 for LV 10) - NOW -- 20 + 5*SkillLV (but 45 for LV 9-10) - description of auto berserk (#146). Provoke (#6) level 10 should be Defense -55% , auto berserk description says -60%, changed it to be -55%. - 'Please Don't Forget Me' (#328) desc says lvl 5 eA says lvl 10, it is max lvl 10 according to iro. - SO_WIND_INSIGNIA (#2467), [LV 2] description, water -> wind skid#224 - War Strike description: "Can't be used while mounted on the Warg." Can confirm this? Not in iro or irowiki. 3ceam allow mount and active warg.