//========================================= // VipAdmin v1.3a - requirements: // - AM VipLib v1.2b // Desenvolvido por Rafael Perrella //========================================= prontera,147,174,4 script VIP Time Administrator#RP 833,{ doevent "#vipadmin::OnWhisperGlobal"; } - script #vipadmin -1,{ OnWhisperGlobal: // Unidades para digitar o tempo VIP set .@UnitMenu$, "Months (30 days):Days:Hours:Minutes:Seconds:No one."; setarray .@UnitFactor, 30*86400, 86400, 3600, 60, 1, 0; mes "[^FF0000VipAdmin^000000]"; if (getgmlevel () < 99) { mes "Wanna see how many days/time left?"; mes "Account number: ^FF0000" + (getcharid (3) - 2000000) + "^000000"; callfunc ("vip_list_time"); close; } mes "Input the username."; input .@username$; query_sql "SELECT `account_id` FROM `login` WHERE `userid`='" + escape_sql (.@username$) + "'", .@aid; if (!.@aid) { mes "This username doesn't exist."; close; } while (.@choice != 5) { next; set .@type, 0; mes "[^FF0000VipAdmin^000000]"; mes "ID: ^FF8000" + .@aid + "^000000"; mes "Number: ^FF8000" + (.@aid - 2000000) + "^000000"; mes "Username: ^FF8000" + .@username$ + "^000000"; if (!callfunc ("vip_list_time", .@aid)) setd "$AM_Vip" + .@aid, 0; next; set .@choice, select ("Clear VIP", "Add VIP time", "Remove VIP time", "Set VIP time", "Exit"); mes "[^FF0000VipAdmin^000000]"; switch (.@choice) { case 1: mes "The user will lose all his VIP."; mes "Are you sure you want to do this?"; if (select ("No, I don't want to clear his VIP.", "Yes, clear it!!") == 2) callfunc ("vip_clear", .@aid); break; case 3: mes "Remove from the total time, or from a specific level?"; set .@type, select ("Total time.", "Specific level."); set .@level, 0; case 2: case 4: mes "In what unity you want to input the VIP time?"; if (!.@UnitFactor[select (.@UnitMenu$) - 1]) break; mes "Input the amount"; input .@time; if (.@type != 1) { mes "Input the VIP level."; input .@level; } setarray .@func$, "vip_add", "vip_remove", "vip_set"; callfunc (.@func$[.@choice - 2], .@time * .@UnitFactor[@menu - 1], .@level, .@aid); break; } } mes "Have a nice day ^^."; close; } // vip_list_time ([uid]) // [18/10] - bug fixed: name changed from vip_listTime to vip_list_time (thanks to uDe) function script vip_list_time { set .@aid, getarg (0, getcharid (3)); // Exibe tempo total set .@time, callfunc ("vip_read", 0, .@aid); mes "Total: " + callfunc ("vipm_format_time", .@time); return .@time; }