/* Looking for Party/Member/Leecher Script Created by: Aeromesi Version 1.0 */ prontera,150,151,4 script P-M-L Broadcaster 89,{ mes "[^FF0000P-M-L Broadcaster^000000]"; mes "What would you like to do?"; next; switch(select("Search for Party Members:Inquire Party:Look for Leecher")) { case 1: mes .bcastn$; callfunc ("LFPM_MENU"); case 2: mes .bcastn$; callfunc ("INQ_PARTY"); case 3: mes .bcastn$; callfunc ("L_LEECH"); } } function script LFPM_MENU { setarray .@classlist$[0],"Lord Knight","High Priest","High Wizard","Whitesmith","Sniper","Assassin Cross","Paladin","Champion","Professor","Stalker","Creator","Clown","Gypsy"; mes .bcastn$ = "[^FF0000P-M-L Broadcaster^000000]"; mes "Input the Character Level you would recommend to hire in your Party."; input .@mMin,1,99-10; .@mMax = .@mMin + 10; next; mes .bcastn$; mes "So you chose ^FF0000"+.@mMin+"^000000 - ^0000FF"+.@mMax+"^000000 as the Level Gap."; mes "Is this correct?"; next; switch(select("Yes:No")) { case 1: mes .bcastn$; mes "Now which class are you looking to hire in your party?"; next; switch(select(implode(.@classlist$,":"))) { default: .@job = @menu - 1; mes .bcastn$; mes "Alright, you chose ^0000FF"+ .@classlist$[.@job] + "^000000."; next; mes .bcastn$; mes "Broadcasted message will appear as:"; mes "^006400"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000: Looking for party Members with Level ^FF0000"+.@mMin+"^000000 - ^0000FF"+.@mMax+"^000000 Job needed: "+ .@classlist$[.@job] +"."; mes " "; mes "Is this okay?"; next; switch(select("Yes:No")) { case 1: mes .bcastn$; mes "I will now broadcast your message."; sleep2 2000; announce strcharinfo(0)+": Looking for Party Members with Level "+.@mMin+" - "+.@mMax+" Job needed: "+ .@classlist$[.@job] +".",0; close2; end; case 2: mes .bcastn$; mes "Alright, re-enter your details."; next; callfunc ("LFPM_MENU"); } } case 2: mes .bcastn$; mes "Re-input your level gap."; next; callfunc ("LFPM_MENU"); } } function script INQ_PARTY { .@CharLVL = BaseLevel; mes .bcastn$ = "[^FF0000P-M-L Broadcaster^000000]"; mes "Would you like to Inquire for a Party?"; next; switch(select("Yes:No")) { case 1: mes .bcastn$; mes "I will now broadcast your Inquiry for a Party."; sleep2 2000; announce strcharinfo(0)+" shouts: Looking for Party, my job is "+jobname(Class)+" and I'm Level "+.@CharLVL+".",0; close; case 2: mes .bcastn$; mes "Alright, come again if you changed your mind!"; close; } } function script L_LEECH { .@LCharLVL = BaseLevel; mes .bcastn$ = "[^FF0000P-M-L Broadcaster^000000]"; mes "Would you like to Look for a Leecher?"; next; switch(select("Yes:No")) { case 1: mes .bcastn$; mes "I will now broadcast that you need a Leecher."; sleep2 2000; announce strcharinfo(0)+" shouts: Looking for Leecher, my job is "+jobname(Class)+" and I'm Level "+.@LCharLVL+".",0; close; case 2: mes .bcastn$; mes "Alright, come again if you changed your mind!"; close; } }