// ============================= /* Item Giver: http://herc.ws/board/topic/13915-npc-item-giver-with-requirement/ ---------------------------- by: Legend compatible w/: Hercules ---------------------------- Description: * Can only get items once per account. * Requires specific items to be worn before obtaining the items. * Can choose ONLY 3 items to be obtained on the menu. */ // ============================= prontera,150,158,4 script Request#5 4_M_FAIRYSOLDIER,{ if (#received) { mes .npc$; mes "You can only receive once per account."; close; } for (.@x = 0; .@x < .b; ++.@x){ if (!isequipped(.a[.@x])){ mes .npc$; mes "You should wear all of the items listed here:"; for (.@z = 0; .@z < .b; ++.@z){ mes (.@z+1)+". ^FF0000"+getitemname(.a[.@z])+"^000000"; } close; } } mes .npc$; mes "Select any reward items you would like to receive."; next; for ( .@y = 0; .@y < .d; .@y += 2 ){ menu getitemname(.c[.@y]),i_1, getitemname(.c[.@y+2]),i_2, getitemname(.c[.@y+4]),i_3; } i_1: for ( .@y = 0; .@y < .d; .@y += 2 ){ getitem .c[.@y],.c[.@y+1]; #received = 1; close; } end; i_2: for ( .@y = 0; .@y < .d; .@y += 2 ){ getitem .c[.@y+2],.c[.@y+3]; #received = 1; close; } end; i_3: for ( .@y = 0; .@y < .d; .@y += 2 ){ getitem .c[.@y+4],.c[.@y+5]; #received = 1; close; } end; OnInit: // -- CONFIG -- .npc$ = "[ Fairy ]"; // NPC Name setarray .a[0],1203,2302; // Required items to be worn (you can set this as many as you want). setarray .c[0],4005,1,4006,2,4007,3; // (SYNTAX: ,,...;) // NOTE: For array ".c[0]" Just replace values, DO NOT ADD MORE THAN 3 ITEMS, if more than 3 = the rest can't be read. // -- DO NOT TOUCH THIS -- .d = getarraysize(.c); .b = getarraysize(.a); end; }