import discord import discord.ext.commands from discord.utils import get from discord.ext.commands import Bot from discord.ext import commands import asyncio import time import random client = commands.Bot(command_prefix = '!') client.remove_command("help") @client.event async def on_ready(): await client.change_presence(activity=discord.Activity(type=discord.ActivityType.playing,name="In development")) print('Ready, Freddy') @client.event async def on_message(message): if message.content == '!speak': await'Hello master,how may I please you?') if ('loli') in message.content: await message.delete() if ('childporn') in message.content: await message.delete() if ('child porn') in message.content: await message.delete() if ('cub porn') in message.content: await message.delete(message) if ('wanna trade nudes?') in message.content: await message.delete() if message.content.startswith('!daddy'): await'hello <@%s>' %( if message.content.startswith('!sex'): await'<@%s> what kind of sex would you like' %( if message.content == '!what is your purpose?': await'') if message.content == '!pokecord cmd': await'') if message.content == '!anal': await'') if message.content == '!rough': await'') if message.content == '!doggy style': await'') if message.content == '!69': await'') if message.content == '!blow me': await'') if message.content == '!ride me': await'') await client.process_commands(message) @client.command() @commands.has_permissions(manage_messages=True) async def clear(ctx,limit:int): await await ctx.send(f"Cleared {limit} messages", delete_after=5) @client.command() async def help(ctx): embed = discord.Embed(title='Pokecord bot commands', description='bot commands', embed.add_field(name='', value='two', inline=False) await ctx.send("```Hey! Here's the list of my commands:\n!daddy\n!hello\n!sex\n!pokecord cmd\n!anal\\n!rough cmd\n!doggy style\n!69\n!blow me\n!ride me\n!pokecord```") await ctx.send(embed=embed) @client.command() @commands.has_role('admin') async def kick(ctx, member : discord.Member, *, reason=None): await member.kick(reason=reason) await ctx.send(f"Kicked {member}\nReason: {reason}") @client.command() async def pokecord(ctx): await"```p!start | Start the game! \n p!pick | Pick a starter pokémon! (p!start shows all available) \n\ p!help | Displays this help message. \n POKEMON COMMANDS | \n p!info | Shows your selected pokémon'\s information. \n\ p!pokemon | Shows a list of your pokémon. \n p!fav | Shows a list of your favourite pokémon. \n\ p!addfav | Adds a pokémon to your list of favourites. \n p!removefav | Removes a pokémon from your list of favourites. \n\ p!nickname | Gives a nickname to your currently selected pokémon. \n p!dropitem | Drop the item your pokémon is currently holding. \n\ p!select | Select which pokémon to train and use in battle! \n p!catch | Catch a pokémon! \n POKEMON COMMANDS | \n\ p!catch | Catch a pokémon! \n p!release | Release a pokémon! \n p!duel @User | Challenge one of your friends to a 1 on 1 duel! \n\ p!trade @User | Invite one of your friends to a trade! \n p!moves | List all moves your pokémon can currently learn. \n\ p!learn | Teach your pokémon a move. \n p!shop | Open the shop to see items available for purchase. \n p!buy | Buy an item from shop. \n\ BOT INFORMATION | \n p!botinfo | Shows general bot information. \n p!invite | Gives the bot's invite link. \n\ p!donate | Sends a link to donate to support the bot. \n p!patreon | Sends a link to the bot's patreon page. \n\ p!server | Sends an invite to the bot's official server. \n OTHER COMMANDS | \n p!prefix | Sets server prefix. (Server owner only) \n\ p!silence | Toggles your level up messages. \n p!order | Change the order of your pokemon in p!pokemon and p!fav```")'NTkzNTQ3ODQwNDUwNDYxNzA1.XRZ1_A.n_rHAhBV5VjYug9RMbUoZYuZc3g')