module Main where {- Parses rAthenas script_commands.txt and builds a HTML page from it If you want to add types, you need to change - Content data type - addContent function - parseContent function - printContent function - Add a function which gives the layout If you want to change how anything is viewed, go to the bottom and change p -} import System.IO import Data.List import Data.Char import Control.Monad (when) data Content = Title String Content | Text String Content | Code String Content | Desc String Content | Def String String Content | EOC -- End of Content deriving (Eq, Show) {- MAIN PART -} -- Takes care of file handle, function that is run with .exe main :: IO () main = do doc <- openFile "script_commands.txt" ReadMode web <- openFile "script_commands.html" WriteMode hSetEncoding doc utf8_bom hSetEncoding web utf8_bom contentStr <- hGetContents doc let content = lines $ safeHTML contentStr let (about, rest) = toNextTitle content printTitle web "rAthena Script Documentation" printContent web $ foldr addContent EOC $ map (\x->(Text x EOC)) about parse web rest putStrLn "Done parsing 'script_commands.txt'" hClose web hClose doc -- Escapes HTML signs so they are visible as text safeHTML :: String -> String safeHTML [] = [] safeHTML ('&':s) = "&" ++ safeHTML s safeHTML ('<':s) = "<" ++ safeHTML s safeHTML ('>':s) = ">" ++ safeHTML s safeHTML ( c :s) = c : safeHTML s {- GOOD TO HAVE FUNCTIONS PART -} -- Removes whitespace on both sides of string clean :: String -> String clean = reverse . clean' . reverse . clean' where clean' = dropWhile (\x -> x == ' ' || x == '\t') -- Adds Content, in the order given addContent :: Content -> Content -> Content addContent EOC end = end addContent (Title s content) end = Title s $ addContent content end addContent (Text s content) end = Text s $ addContent content end addContent (Code s content) end = Code s $ addContent content end addContent (Desc s content) end = Desc s $ addContent content end addContent (Def s1 s2 content) end = Def s1 s2 $ addContent content end -- Gets all content to the next title -- A title is the line above a line made of arbita '-------' toNextTitle :: [String] -> ([String],[String]) toNextTitle c = (take (delimPos - 1) c, drop (delimPos - 1) c) where checkDelim r = [] /= (filter (/='-') . clean . sort) r || clean r == [] delimPos = length $ takeWhile (checkDelim) c {- PARSING PART -} -- Function that reads content and parses what it gets parse :: Handle -> [String] -> IO () parse web [] = return () -- Near EOF parse web (s:[]) = printContent web $ parseContent [s] -- Near EOF parse web (s1:s2:[]) = printContent web $ parseContent $ s1:[s2] -- Near EOF parse web (s:d:c) = do when (or $ map isAlpha s) $ printTitle web s -- Print the title let (content, rest) = toNextTitle c -- Get the content printContent web $ parseContent content -- Parse and print the content parse web rest --^ Recursive call -- Converts text to the different Content types parseContent :: [String] -> Content parseContent [] = EOC parseContent t@(s:c) | clean s == [] = Text s EOC `addContent` parseContent c | take 2 s == "**" = Title (drop 2 s) EOC `addContent` parseContent c | head s == '*' = Code (tail s) EOC `addContent` parseContent c | take 4 s == " " = Desc (drop 4 s) EOC `addContent` parseContent c | otherwise = Text s EOC `addContent` parseContent c {- PRINTING PART -} -- Print string to file pF :: Handle -> String -> IO () pF = hPutStrLn -- Handles the type of print and calls the right function printContent :: Handle -> Content -> IO () printContent _ EOC = return () printContent web (Title s c) = do pF web $ pTitle s; printContent web c printContent web (Text s c) = do pF web $ pText s; printContent web c printContent web (Code s c) = do pF web $ pCode s; printContent web c printContent web (Desc s c) = do pF web $ pDesc s; printContent web c printContent web (Def s1 s2 c) = do pF web $ pDef s1 s2; printContent web c -- Print with 1 parameter pTitle, pText, pCode, pDesc :: String -> String pTitle s = "" ++ s ++ "
" pText s = s ++ "
" pCode s = "" ++ s ++ "
" pDesc s = "" ++ s ++ "
" -- Print with 2 parameters pDef :: String -> String -> String pDef s1 s2 = s1 ++ " -|- " ++ s2 ++ "
" -- Prints title printTitle :: Handle -> String -> IO () printTitle web title = pF web $ "

" ++ title ++ "
