// ============================= /* Free for All: http://herc.ws/board/topic/13863-rlast-man-standing-pvp-with-prize/ ---------------------------- by: Legend compatible w/: Hercules ---------------------------- special thanks to: * Annieruru ---------------------------- Description: * Free for all event like last man standing * Can be activated through command "@ffa" * Also can be activated every hour * You can set your own number of winners * Configurable settings (npc name, maps, minimum level to participate, maximum recognized winners, rewards, restricted jobs.) * Significant mapflags were set */ // ============================= prontera,156,157,4 script Request#2 4_CAT_DOWN,{ doevent "Request#2::OnMenu"; end; OnActivate: // activated by the GM if (agitcheck()) || (agitcheck2()){ mes .npc$; mes "WoE is in progress."; close; } if (.checkffa > 0) { mes .npc$; mes "Event is in progress."; close; } OnMinute00: // activated every hour if (agitcheck()) || (agitcheck2()) end; if (.checkffa > 0) end; .checkffa = 1; announce .npc$+": Registration for the event is now open for 3 minutes!",bc_all; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer150000: announce .npc$+": 30 seconds left before the registration will be closed.",bc_all; end; OnTimer180000: .checkffa = 2; if ( .psize <= .maxwin) { announce .npc$+": The Event has been cancelled! Not enough participants.",bc_all; callsub Reset_evt_stats; end; } announce .npc$+": Registration is now closed!",bc_all; end; OnTimer185000: mapannounce .pvpmap$,.npc$+": The Event will occur in a few moments!",bc_blue; end; OnTimer187000: mapannounce .pvpmap$,.npc$+": Get ready in 3!",bc_blue; end; OnTimer188000: mapannounce .pvpmap$,.npc$+": 2!",bc_blue; end; OnTimer189000: mapannounce .pvpmap$,.npc$+": 1!",bc_blue; end; OnTimer190000: stopnpctimer; mapannounce .pvpmap$,.npc$+": Good luck everyone!",bc_blue; setmapflag .pvpmap$, mf_pvp_noguild; removemapflag .pvpmap$, mf_noskill; pvpon .pvpmap$; end; OnMenu: mes .npc$; mes "Good day "+strcharinfo(0)+"!"; mes "How may I help you?"; next; switch(select("Information:Join")){ case 1: mes .npc$; mes "Minimum Base Level: ^FF0000"+.minblvl+"^000000"; mes "Restricted Jobs:"; for( .@z = 0; .@z < .rjsize; .@z++ ) { mes ( .@z +1 ) +". ^FF0000"+jobname (.resjob[.@z])+"^000000"; } close; case 2: if (!.checkffa) { mes .npc$; mes "Event isn't activated, come back later."; close; } if (.checkffa == 2) { mes .npc$; mes "Event is in progress, come back later."; close; } if (BaseLevel < .minblvl) { mes .npc$; mes "You need to"; mes "have ^FF0000"+.minblvl+"^000000 Base level or more than"; mes "before you can participate."; close; } for( .@z = 0; .@z < .rjsize; .@z++ ) { if (Class == .resjob[.@z] ){ mes .npc$; mes "Your job is restricted to join this event."; close; } } sc_end SC_ALL; percentheal 100,100; warp .pvpmap$,0,0; .regaid[.psize] = getcharid(3); .psize++; end; } OnPCDieEvent: OnPCLogoutEvent: if (strcharinfo(3) != .pvpmap$) end; while (.regaid != getcharid(3) && .@i < .psize) .@i++; deletearray .regaid[.@i],1; .psize--; if (.psize > .maxwin) end; if (.checkffa > 0) { announce .npc$+": The Event is now over! We already have our winners!",bc_all; for (.@i = 0; .@i < .psize; ++.@i){ getitem .ritem,.rcount,.regaid[.@i]; } } callsub Reset_evt_stats; end; Reset_evt_stats: removemapflag .pvpmap$, mf_pvp_noguild; setmapflag .pvpmap$, mf_noskill; pvpoff .pvpmap$; .checkffa = 0; deletearray .regaid; .psize = 0; mapwarp .pvpmap$,.extmap$,.extx,.exty,0; end; OnInit: bindatcmd "ffa",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnActivate",99,99; // CONFIGURATION .npc$ = "[ Free for All ]"; // NPC name .pvpmap$ = "pvp_n_1-5"; // Set your FFA Map .minblvl = 99; // Set minimum base level who can enter .maxwin = 2; // Set the maximum winners .ritem = 7227; // Set the item id of the reward .rcount = 5; // Set reward amount .extmap$ = "prontera"; // Set exit map .extx = 150; // Exit map "x" coordinate .exty = 150; // Exit map "y" coordinate setarray .resjob[0], 0,4001; // This list serves as the restricted jobs .rjsize = getarraysize (.resjob); // DO NOT TOUCH THIS // MAPFLAGS setmapflag .pvpmap$, mf_noskill; pvpoff .pvpmap$; //--- setmapflag .pvpmap$, mf_nowarpto; setmapflag .pvpmap$, mf_nocommand; setmapflag .pvpmap$, mf_nowarp; setmapflag .pvpmap$, mf_nosave; setmapflag .pvpmap$, mf_noteleport; setmapflag .pvpmap$, mf_nomemo; setmapflag .pvpmap$, mf_novending; setmapflag .pvpmap$, mf_nobranch; end; }