ID Mob Skill ------------------------------------------ 0000 #0 0001 Foot Kick 0002 Dust Cloud 0003 Whirl Claws 0004 Lamb Chop 0005 Rage 0006 Sheep Charge 0007 Sheep Bleat 0008 Sheep Song 0009 Rage 0010 Ram Charge 0011 Rumble 0012 Great Bleat 0013 Petribreath 0014 Roar 0015 Razor Fang 0016 Ranged Attack 0017 Claw Cyclone 0018 Sheep Charge 0019 Sandblast 0020 Sandpit 0021 Venom Spray 0022 Pit Ambush 0023 Mandibular Bite 0024 Sonic Wave 0025 Stomping 0026 Back Kick 0027 Spinning Tail 0028 Cold Stare 0029 Whistle 0030 Berserk 0031 Healing Breeze 0032 Vicious Claw 0033 Stone Throw 0034 Spinning Claw 0035 Claw Storm 0036 Blank Gaze 0037 Whistle Call 0038 Eye Scratch 0039 Magic Fruit 0040 Drill Branch 0041 Pinecone Bomb 0042 Leafstorm 0043 Entangle 0044 Head Butt 0045 Dream Flower 0046 Wild Oats 0047 Hundred Fists 0048 Photosynthesis 0049 Leaf Dagger 0050 Scream 0051 Substitute 0052 Frogkick 0053 Spore 0054 Queasyshroom 0055 Numbshroom 0056 Shakeshroom 0057 Counterspore 0058 Silence Gas 0059 Dark Spore 0060 Impale 0061 Vampiric Lash 0062 Somersault 0063 Bad Breath 0064 Sweet Breath 0065 Needleshot 0066 1000 Needles 0067 Wild Carrot 0068 Photosynthesis 0069 Random Kiss 0070 Absorbing Kiss 0071 Deep Kiss 0072 Drill Branch 0073 Pinecone Bomb 0074 Shuffle 0075 Leafstorm 0076 Entangle 0077 Double Down 0078 Sharp Sting 0079 Pollen 0080 Final Sting 0081 Noisy Buzz 0082 Power Attack 0083 Hi-Freq Field 0084 Rhino Attack 0085 Rhino Guard 0086 Vulcanian Impact 0087 Spoil 0088 Sticky Thread 0089 Poison Breath 0090 Cocoon 0091 Velocious Blade 0092 Numbing Breath 0093 Cold Breath 0094 Mandible Bite 0095 Poison Sting 0096 Stunning Tail 0097 Death Scissors 0098 Wild Rage 0099 Earth Pounder 0100 Sharp Strike 0101 Heavy Blow 0102 Heavy Whisk 0103 Bionic Boost 0104 Flying Hip Press 0105 Earthshock 0106 Double Claw 0107 Grapple 0108 Filamented Hold 0109 Spinning Top 0110 Tail Blow 0111 Fireball 0112 Blockhead 0113 Brain Crush 0114 Baleful Gaze 0115 Plaguebreath 0116 Infrasonics 0117 Secretion 0118 Ripper Fang 0119 Backlash Tail 0120 Foul Breath 0121 Frost Breath 0122 Thunderbolt 0123 Chomp Rush 0124 Scythe Tail 0125 Chameleon Skin 0126 Tail Roll 0127 Tusk 0128 Scutum 0129 Bone Crunch 0130 Awful Eye 0131 Heavy Bellow 0132 Vanity Dive 0133 Empty Beleaguer 0134 Mirage 0135 Aura of Persistence 0136 Ultrasonics 0137 Sonic Boom 0138 Blood Drain 0139 Jet Stream 0140 Smite of Fury 0141 Flurry of Rage 0142 Whispers of Ire 0143 Blind Vortex 0144 Giga Scream 0145 Dread Dive 0146 Feather Barrier 0147 Stormwind 0148 Smite of Rage 0149 Dire Whorl 0150 Hammer Beak 0151 Poison Pick 0152 Sound Vacuum 0153 Tail Rod 0154 Sound Blast 0155 Baleful Gaze 0156 Ranged Attack 0157 Eagle Eye Shot 0158 Suction 0159 Acid Mist 0160 Sand Breath 0161 Drainkiss 0162 Regeneration 0163 Scission Thrust 0164 TP Drainkiss 0165 MP Drainkiss 0166 Sonic Blade 0167 Brain Drain 0168 Full-force Blow 0169 Gastric Bomb 0170 Sandspin 0171 Tremors 0172 MP Absorption 0173 Sound Vacuum 0174 Buff Drain 0175 Fluid Spread 0176 Fluid Toss 0177 Digest 0178 Soporific 0179 Palsy Pollen 0180 Gloeosuccus 0181 Death Ray 0182 Hex Eye 0183 Petro Gaze 0184 Catharsis 0185 Microquake 0186 Bubble Shower 0187 Bubble Curtain 0188 Big Scissors 0189 Scissor Guard 0190 Intimidate 0191 Percussive Foin 0192 Metallic Body 0193 Intimidate 0194 Aqua Ball 0195 Splash Breath 0196 Screwdriver 0197 Water Wall 0198 Water Shield 0199 Aqua Lens 0200 Tentacle 0201 Gravity Wheel 0202 Ink Jet 0203 Hard Membrane 0204 Cross Attack 0205 Regeneration 0206 Maelstrom 0207 Whirlwind 0208 Psychomancy 0209 Howling 0210 Poison Breath 0211 Rot Gas 0212 Dirty Claw 0213 Shadow Claw 0214 Methane Breath 0215 Mind Wall 0216 Grave Reel 0217 Ectosmash 0218 Fear Touch 0219 Terror Touch 0220 Curse 0221 Dark Sphere 0222 Hell Slash 0223 Horror Cloud 0224 Petrifactive Breath 0225 Frenzied Rage 0226 Pounce 0227 Charged Whisker 0228 Black Cloud 0229 Blood Saber 0230 Whip Tongue 0231 Transmogrification 0232 Acid Breath 0233 Stinking Gas 0234 Undead Mold 0235 Call of the Grave 0236 Abyss Blast 0237 Rampant Gnaw 0238 Big Horn 0239 Snort 0240 Rabid Dance 0241 Lowing 0242 Triclip 0243 Back Swish 0244 Mow 0245 Frightful Roar 0246 Mortal Ray 0247 Unblest Armor 0248 Gas Shell 0249 Venom Shell 0250 Palsynyxis 0251 Painful Whip 0252 Suctorial Tentacle 0253 Self-Destruct 0254 Berserk 0255 Self-Destruct 0256 Heat Wave 0257 Smite of Rage 0258 Whirl of Rage 0259 Toxic Spit 0260 Geist Wall 0261 Numbing Noise 0262 Nimble Snap 0263 Cyclotail 0264 Double Ray 0265 Spinning Attack 0266 Spectral Barrier 0267 Mysterious Light 0268 Mind Drain 0269 Battery Charge 0270 Berserk 0271 Freeze Rush 0272 Cold Wave 0273 Hypothermal Combustion 0274 Memento Mori 0275 Silence Seal 0276 Envoutement 0277 Danse Macabre 0278 Kartstrahl 0279 Blitzstrahl 0280 Panzerfaust 0281 Berserk 0282 Panzerschreck 0283 Typhoon 0284 Tremorous Tread 0285 Gravity Field 0286 Empty Seed 0287 Meltdown 0288 Camisado 0289 Somnolence 0290 Noctoshield 0291 Ultimate Terror 0292 Blindeye 0293 Eyes On Me 0294 Hypnosis 0295 Mind Break 0296 Binding Wave 0297 Airy Shield 0298 Pet Charm 0299 Magic Barrier 0300 Dream Shroud 0301 Level 5 Petrify 0302 Nightmare 0303 Soul Drain 0304 Hecatomb Wave 0305 Electromagnetic Field 0306 Reactive Armor 0307 Demonic Howl 0308 Condemnation 0309 Quadrastrike 0310 Quadrastrike 0311 Sling Bomb 0312 Formation Attack 0313 Refueling 0314 Circle of Flames 0315 Self-Destruct 0316 Self-Destruct 0317 Self-Destruct 0318 Self-Destruct 0319 Self-Destruct 0320 Back Heel 0321 Jettatura 0322 Nihility Song 0323 Choke Breath 0324 Fantod 0325 Blow 0326 Cacodemonia 0327 Beatdown 0328 Uppercut 0329 Hekaton Punch 0330 Blank Gaze 0331 Antiphase 0332 Death Trap 0333 Mortal Ray 0334 Goblin Rush 0335 Bomb Toss 0336 Bomb Toss 0337 Berserk 0338 Vulcanian Impact 0339 Heat Wave 0340 Hellstorm 0341 Self-Destruct 0342 Berserk 0343 Arctic Impact 0344 Cold Wave 0345 Hiemal Storm 0346 Hypothermal Combustion 0347 Lateral Slash 0348 Throat Stab 0349 Aerial Wheel 0350 Shoulder Attack 0351 Slam Dunk 0352 Arm Block 0353 Battle Dance 0354 Nether Blast 0355 Ore Toss 0356 Head Butt 0357 Shell Bash 0358 Shell Guard 0359 Hellspin 0360 Ruinous Omen 0361 Feather Storm 0362 Double Kick 0363 Parry 0364 Sweep 0365 Snowball 0366 Helldive 0367 Wing Cutter 0368 (Vulture 1) 0369 (Vulture 2) 0370 (Vulture 3) 0371 (Vulture 4) 0372 Wild Horn 0373 Thunderbolt 0374 Kick Out 0375 Shock Wave 0376 Flame Armor 0377 Howl 0378 Meteor 0379 Burst 0380 Flame Arrow 0381 Firebomb 0382 Blastbomb 0383 Fountain 0384 Touchdown 0385 Recoil Dive 0386 Flame Breath 0387 Poison Breath 0388 Wind Breath 0389 Body Slam 0390 Heavy Stomp 0391 Chaos Blade 0392 Petro Eyes 0393 Voidsong 0394 Thornsong 0395 Lodesong 0396 Blaster 0397 Chaotic Eye 0398 Double Whammy 0399 Scurvy 0400 Guilded Torpor 0401 Calamitous Collapse 0402 Catapult 0403 Cursed Sphere 0404 Venom 0405 Snow Cloud 0406 Lightning Roar 0407 Ice Roar 0408 Impact Roar 0409 Grand Slam 0410 Power Attack 0411 Power Attack 0412 Kick Back 0413 Implosion 0414 Implosion 0415 Umbra Smash 0416 Giga Slash 0417 Dark Nova 0418 Crystal Shield 0419 Heavy Strike 0420 Ice Break 0421 Thunder Break 0422 Crystal Rain 0423 Crystal Weapon 0424 Crystal Weapon 0425 Crystal Weapon 0426 Crystal Weapon 0427 Bludgeon 0428 Deal Out 0429 Sprout Spin 0430 Slumber Powder 0431 Sprout Smack 0432 Mighty Strikes 0433 Benediction 0434 Hundred Fists 0435 Manafont 0436 Chainspell 0437 Perfect Dodge 0438 Invincible 0439 Blood Weapon 0440 Soul Voice 0441 Berserk 0442 Defender 0443 Aggressor 0444 Boost 0445 Focus 0446 Dodge 0447 Chakra 0448 Counterstance 0449 Hide 0450 Bash 0451 Sentinel 0452 Last Resort 0453 Souleater 0454 Charm 0455 Eagle Eye Shot 0456 Eagle Eye Shot 0457 Sharpshot 0458 Camouflage 0459 Barrage 0460 Shadowbind 0461 Venom Breath 0462 Jump 0463 Critical Bite 0464 Venom Sting 0465 Stasis 0466 Venom Storm 0467 Earthbreaker 0468 Evasion 0469 Impale 0470 Drain Whip 0471 Bad Breath 0472 Sweet Breath 0473 Death Trap 0474 Meikyo Shisui 0475 Mijin Gakure 0476 Call Wyvern 0477 Jump 0478 Astral Flow 0479 Eagle Eye Shot 0480 Eagle Eye Shot 0481 Eagle Eye Shot 0482 Eagle Eye Shot 0483 Eagle Eye Shot 0484 Familiar 0485 Quadratic Continuum 0486 Quadratic Continuum 0487 Quadratic Continuum 0488 Spirit Absorption 0489 Spirit Absorption 0490 Spirit Absorption 0491 Vanity Drive 0492 Vanity Drive 0493 Vanity Drive 0494 Stygian Flatus 0495 Stygian Flatus 0496 Promyvion Barrier 0497 Promyvion Barrier 0498 Promyvion Barrier 0499 Fission 0500 Level 5 Petrify 0501 Howl 0502 Howl 0503 Howl 0504 Howl 0505 Howl 0506 Howl 0507 Howl 0508 Howl 0509 Howl 0510 Howl 0511 Bow 0512 Jumping Strike 0513 Flying Punch 0514 Jumping Thrust 0515 Hydroball 0516 Hydroball 0517 Hydroball 0518 Bubble Armor 0519 Bubble Armor 0520 Bubble Armor 0521 Hydro Shot 0522 Hydro Shot 0523 Hydro Shot 0524 Spinning Fin 0525 Spinning Fin 0526 Spinning Fin 0527 Words of Bane 0528 Sigh 0529 Light of Penance 0530 Lateral Slash 0531 Vertical Slash 0532 Throat Stab 0533 Spikeball 0534 Shoulder Slam 0535 Magnetite Cloud 0536 Sandstorm 0537 Sand Veil 0538 Sand Shield 0539 Sand Trap 0540 Jamming Wave 0541 Deadly Hold 0542 Tail Swing 0543 Tail Smash 0544 Heat Breath 0545 Riddle 0546 Great Sandstorm 0547 Great Whirlwind 0548 Tortoise Song 0549 Head Butt 0550 Tortoise Stomp 0551 Harden Shell 0552 Earth Breath 0553 Aqua Breath 0554 Sickle Slash 0555 Acid Spray 0556 Spider Web 0557 Dispelling Wind 0558 Deadly Drive 0559 Wind Wall 0560 Fang Rush 0561 Dread Shriek 0562 Tail Crush 0563 Blizzard Breath 0564 Thunder Breath 0565 Radiant Breath 0566 Chaos Breath 0567 Fire Blade 0568 Frost Blade 0569 Wind Blade 0570 Earth Blade 0571 Lightning Blade 0572 Water Blade 0573 Great Wheel 0574 Light Blade 0575 Moonlit Charge 0576 Crescent Fang 0577 Lunar Cry 0578 Ecliptic Growl 0579 Lunar Roar 0580 Eclipse Bite 0581 Ecliptic Howl 0582 Howling Moon 0583 Howling Moon 0584 Punch 0585 Fire II 0586 Burning Strike 0587 Double Punch 0588 Crimson Roar 0589 Fire IV 0590 Flaming Crush 0591 Meteor Strike 0592 Inferno 0593 Rock Throw 0594 Stone II 0595 Rock Buster 0596 Megalith Throw 0597 Earthen Ward 0598 Stone IV 0599 Mountain Buster 0600 Geocrush 0601 Earthen Fury 0602 Barracuda Dive 0603 Water II 0604 Tail Whip 0605 Spring Water 0606 Slowga 0607 Water IV 0608 Spinning Dive 0609 Grand Fall 0610 Tidal Wave 0611 Claw 0612 Aero II 0613 Whispering Wind 0614 Hastega 0615 Aerial Armor 0616 Aero IV 0617 Predator Claws 0618 Wind Blade 0619 Aerial Blast 0620 Axe Kick 0621 Blizzard II 0622 Frost Armor 0623 Sleepga 0624 Double Slap 0625 Blizzard IV 0626 Rush 0627 Heavenly Strike 0628 Diamond Dust 0629 Shock Strike 0630 Thunder II 0631 Rolling Thunder 0632 Thunderspark 0633 Lightning Armor 0634 Thunder IV 0635 Chaotic Strike 0636 Thunderstorm 0637 Judgment Bolt 0638 Healing Breath 0639 Healing Breath II 0640 Healing Breath III 0641 Remove Poison 0642 Remove Blindness 0643 Remove Paralysis 0644 Flame Breath 0645 Frost Breath 0646 Gust Breath 0647 Sand Breath 0648 Lightning Breath 0649 Hydro Breath 0650 Healing Ruby 0651 Poison Nails 0652 Shining Ruby 0653 Glittering Ruby 0654 Meteorite 0655 Healing Ruby II 0656 Searing Light 0657 Inferno 0658 Earthen Fury 0659 Tidal Wave 0660 Aerial Blast 0661 Diamond Dust 0662 Judgment Bolt 0663 Searing Light 0664 Everyone's Grudge 0665 Everyone's Rancor 0666 Blind Vortex 0667 Giga Scream 0668 Dread Dive 0669 Feather Barrier 0670 Stormwind 0671 Drill Branch 0672 Pinecone Bomb 0673 Leafstorm 0674 Entangle 0675 Cross Reaver 0676 Havoc Spiral 0677 Dominion Slash 0678 Shield Strike 0679 Amon Drive 0680 Ark Guardian: Tarutaru 0681 Dragonfall 0682 Circle Blade 0683 Swift Blade 0684 Rampage 0685 Calamity 0686 Spirits Within 0687 Vorpal Blade 0688 Spinning Scythe 0689 Guillotine 0690 Tachi: Yukikaze 0691 Tachi: Gekko 0692 Tachi: Kasha 0693 Flame Blast 0694 Flame Blast 0695 Hurricane Wing 0696 Spike Flail 0697 Dragon Breath 0698 Touchdown 0699 Flame Blast 0700 Hurricane Wing 0701 Absolute Terror 0702 Horrid Roar 0703 Sickle Slash 0704 Acid Spray 0705 Spider Web 0706 Tarutaru Warp II 0707 Eald1 0708 Eald1 0709 Eald1 0710 Eald1 0711 Eald1 0712 Red Lotus Blade 0713 Flat Blade 0714 Savage Blade 0715 Royal Bash 0716 Royal Savior 0717 Red Lotus Blade 0718 Spirits Within 0719 Vorpal Blade 0720 Berserk-Ruf 0721 Warp 0722 Warp 0723 Power Slash 0724 Freezebite 0725 Ground Strike 0726 Abyssal Drain 0727 Abyssal Strike 0728 Electrocharge 0729 Stellar Burst 0730 Vortex 0731 Shockwave 0732 Eald2 Warp In 0733 Eald2 Warp Out 0734 Gaea Stream: Eta 0735 Uranos Cascade: Eta 0736 Cronos Sling: Eta 0737 Phase Shift 0738 Gaea Stream: Theta 0739 Uranos Cascade: Theta 0740 Cronos Sling: Theta 0741 Phase Shift 0742 Gaea Stream: Lambda 0743 Uranos Cascade: Lambda 0744 Cronos Sling: Lambda 0745 Phase Shift 0746 #746 0747 #747 0748 #748 0749 #749 0750 Omega Javelin 0751 #751 0752 Mighty Strikes 0753 Hundred Fists 0754 Benediction 0755 Manafont 0756 Chainspell 0757 Perfect Dodge 0758 Invincible 0759 Blood Weapon 0760 Familiar 0761 Call Beast 0762 Soul Voice 0763 Eagle Eye Shot 0764 Meikyo Shisui 0765 Mijin Gakure 0766 Call Wyvern 0767 Astral Flow 0768 Warp Out 0769 Warp In 0770 Arbor Storm 0771 Combo 0772 Tackle 0773 One-Ilm Punch 0774 Backhand Blow 0775 Spinning Attack 0776 Howling Fist 0777 Dragon Kick 0778 Asuran Fists 0779 Heavy Strike 0780 Maat's Bash 0781 Fireball 1 0782 Fireball 2 0783 Hurricane Wing 0784 Spike Flail 0785 Dragon Breath 0786 Landing: to the surface 0787 Giant fireball: Flying 0788 Great wing gust: Flying 0789 Absolute Terror 0790 Horrid Roar 0791 Tortoise Song 0792 Head Butt 0793 Tortoise Stomp 0794 Harden Shell 0795 Earth Breath 0796 Aqua Breath 0797 #797 0798 (Sabotender Dustdevil) 0799 (Sabotender Duststop) 0800 Fanatic Dance 0801 Aerial Wheel 0802 Shoulder Attack 0803 Slam Dunk 0804 Arm Block 0805 Battle Dance 0806 Howl 0807 Bow 0808 Jump 0809 Eagle Eye Shot 0810 Fanatic Dance 0811 Doom 0812 Feather Storm 0813 Double Kick 0814 Parry 0815 Sweep 0816 Howl 0817 Doom 0818 The Wrath of Gu'Dha 0819 Ore Toss 0820 Head Butt 0821 Shell Bash 0822 Shell Guard 0823 Howl 0824 The Wrath of Gu'Dha 0825 Frypan 0826 Smokebomb 0827 Smokebomb 0828 Crispy Candle 0829 Crispy Candle 0830 Paralysis Shower 0831 Paralysis Shower 0832 Goblin Rush 0833 Bomb Toss 0834 Bomb Toss 0835 Eagle Eye Shot 0836 Frypan 0837 Smokebomb 0838 Smokebomb 0839 Crispy Candle 0840 Crispy Candle 0841 Paralysis Shower 0842 Paralysis Shower 0843 Goblin Dice 0844 Goblin Dice 0845 Goblin Dice 0846 Goblin Dice 0847 Goblin Dice 0848 Goblin Dice 0849 Goblin Dice 0850 Goblin Dice 0851 Goblin Dice 0852 Goblin Dice 0853 Goblin Dice 0854 Seismostomp 0855 Numbing Glare 0856 Seismostomp 0857 Tormentful Glare 0858 Seismostomp 0859 Torpid Glare 0860 Seismostomp 0861 Lead Breath 0862 Lead Breath 0863 Frag Bomb 0864 10,000 Needles 0865 Eagle Eye Shot 0866 Eagle Eye Shot 0867 Ore Toss 0868 #868 0869 #869 0870 #870 0871 Dynamic Implosion 0872 Transfusion 0873 Manastrom 0874 Dynamic Assault 0875 Violent Rupture 0876 Oblivion Smash 0877 Oblivion Smash 0878 Tera Slash 0879 Tera Slash 0880 Blindeye 0881 Eyes On Me 0882 Hypnosis 0883 Mind Break 0884 Binding Wave 0885 Airy Shield 0886 Pet Charm 0887 Magic Barrier 0888 Level 5 Petrify 0889 Soul Drain 0890 Hecatomb Wave 0891 Demonic Howl 0892 Condemnation 0893 Quadrastrike 0894 Quadrastrike 0895 Eagle Eye Shot 0896 Hecatomb Wave 0897 Eagle Eye Shot 0898 Ranged Attack 0899 Subsonics 0900 Marrow Drain 0901 Slipstream 0902 Turbulence 0903 Broadside Barrage 0904 Blind Side Barrage 0905 Damnation Dive 0906 Inferno 0907 Earthen Fury 0908 Tidal Wave 0909 Aerial Blast 0910 Diamond Dust 0911 Judgment Bolt 0912 Flame Breath 0913 Poison Breath 0914 Wind Breath 0915 Body Slam 0916 Heavy Stomp 0917 Chaos Blade 0918 Petro Eyes 0919 Voidsong 0920 Thornsong 0921 Lodesong 0922 Flame Breath 0923 Poison Breath 0924 Wind Breath 0925 Body Slam 0926 Heavy Stomp 0927 Chaos Blade 0928 Petro Eyes 0929 Voidsong 0930 Thornsong 0931 Lodesong 0932 Final Heaven 0933 Mercy Stroke 0934 Knights of Round 0935 Scourge 0936 Onslaught 0937 Metatron Torment 0938 Catastrophe 0939 Geirskogul 0940 Blade: Metsu 0941 Tachi: Kaiten 0942 Randgrith 0943 Gate of Tartarus 0944 Namas 0945 Coronach 0946 Ranged Attack 0947 Ranged Attack 0948 Ranged Attack 0949 Ranged Attack 0950 Ranged Attack 0951 Arrow Squall 0952 Arrow Squall 0953 Ranged Attack 0954 Ranged Attack 0955 Ranged Attack 0956 Ranged Attack 0957 Ranged Attack 0958 Ranged Attack 0959 Infernal Roulette 0960 Infernal Roulette 0961 Empty Cutter 0962 Vacuous Osculation 0963 Hexagon Belt 0964 Auroral Drape 0965 Memory of Fire 0966 Memory of Ice 0967 Memory of Wind 0968 Memory of Light 0969 Memory of Earth 0970 Memory of Lightning 0971 Memory of Water 0972 Memory of Dark 0973 Brain Spike 0974 Empty Thrash 0975 Promyvion Brume 0976 Murk 0977 Material Fend 0978 Carousel 0979 Pile Pitch 0980 Guided Missile 0981 Hyper Pulse 0982 Target Analysis 0983 Discharger 0984 Ion Efflux 0985 Rear Lasers 0986 Empty Cutter 0987 Negative Whirl 0988 Stygian Vapor 0989 Winds of Promyvion 0990 Spirit Absorption 0991 Binary Absorption 0992 Trinary Absorption 0993 Spirit Tap 0994 Binary Tap 0995 Trinary Tap 0996 Shadow Spread 0997 Vanity Strike 0998 Wanion 0999 Occultation 1000 Empty Crush 1001 Special Attack 1002 Lamentation 1003 Wire Cutter 1004 Antimatter 1005 Equalizer 1006 Flame Thrower 1007 Cryojet 1008 Turbofan 1009 Smoke Discharger 1010 High-Tension Discharger 1011 Hydro Canon 1012 Nuclear Waste 1013 Chemical Bomb 1014 Particle Shield 1015 Empty Cutter 1016 Negative Whirl 1017 Winds of Promyvion 1018 Impalement 1019 Empty Thrash 1020 Promyvion Brume 1021 Inferno Blast 1022 Inferno Blast 1023 Tebbad Wing 1024 Spike Flail 1025 Fiery Breath 1026 Touchdown 1027 Inferno Blast 1028 Tebbad Wing 1029 Absolute Terror 1030 Horrid Roar 1031 Sleet Blast 1032 Sleet Blast 1033 Gregale Wing 1034 Spike Flail 1035 Glacial Breath 1036 Touchdown 1037 Sleet Blast 1038 Gregale Wing 1039 Absolute Terror 1040 Horrid Roar 1041 Ocher Blast 1042 Ocher Blast 1043 Typhoon Wing 1044 Spike Flail 1045 Geotic Breath 1046 Touchdown 1047 Ocher Blast 1048 Bai Wing 1049 Absolute Terror 1050 Horrid Roar 1051 Dark Matter Blast 1052 Dark Matter Blast 1053 Cyclone Wing 1054 Spike Flail 1055 Sable Breath 1056 Touchdown 1057 Dark Matter Blast 1058 Cyclone Wing 1059 Absolute Terror 1060 Horrid Roar 1061 Mucus Spread 1062 WZ_SLIME_04 1063 Epoxy Spread 1064 WZ_EYES_04 1065 WZ_CRAWL_03 1066 Gerjis' Grip 1067 WZ_BEES_04 1068 Debilitating Drone 1069 WZ_TRSAP_03 1070 Final Retribution 1071 Eagle Eye Shot 1072 Ink Jet 1073 Gala Macabre 1074 Hoof Volley 1075 Counterstance 1076 Extremely Bad Breath 1077 Contagion Transfer 1078 Contamination 1079 Toxic Pick 1080 Frenzied Rage 1081 Charm 1082 Infernal Pestilence 1083 Bane 1084 Crossthrash 1085 Knife Edge Circle 1086 Train Fall 1087 . 1088 . 1089 . 1090 . 1091 Dual Strike 1092 Siphon Discharge 1093 Mantle Pierce 1094 Ink Cloud 1095 Molluscous Mutation 1096 Saline Coat 1097 Aerial Collision 1098 Vapor Spray 1099 Spine Lash 1100 Voiceless Storm 1101 Tidal Dive 1102 Plasma Charge 1103 Chthonian Ray 1104 Apocalyptic Ray 1105 Viscid Secretion 1106 Wild Ginseng 1107 Hungry Crunch 1108 Mighty Snort 1109 Tail Thrust 1110 Temporal Shift 1111 Sinuate Rush 1112 Rapid Molt 1113 Ichor Stream 1114 Vitriolic Barrage 1115 Primal Drill 1116 Concussive Oscillation 1117 Ion Shower 1118 Torrential Torment 1119 Asthenic Fog 1120 Luminous Drape 1121 Fluorescence 1122 Wing Thrust 1123 Auroral Wind 1124 Impact Stream 1125 Depuration 1126 Crystalline Cocoon 1127 Glacier Splitter 1128 Disseverment 1129 Biotic Boomerang 1130 Medusa Javelin 1131 Sideswipe 1132 . 1133 Eagle Eye Shot 1134 Amatsu: Torimai 1135 Amatsu: Kazakiri 1136 Amatsu: Yukiarashi 1137 Amatsu: Tsukioboro 1138 Amatsu: Hanaikusa 1139 Amatsu: Tsukikage 1140 . 1141 Oisoya 1142 . 1143 . 1144 . 1145 Soul Accretion 1146 . 1147 Explosive Impulse 1148 Ocher Blast 1149 Ocher Blast 1150 Typhoon Wing 1151 Spike Flail 1152 Geotic Breath 1153 Touchdown 1154 Ocher Blast 1155 Bai Wing 1156 Absolute Terror 1157 Horrid Roar 1158 Marionette Dice 1159 Marionette Dice 1160 Marionette Dice 1161 Marionette Dice 1162 Marionette Dice 1163 Marionette Dice 1164 Marionette Dice 1165 Marionette Dice 1166 Marionette Dice 1167 Marionette Dice 1168 Marionette Dice 1169 Marionette Dice 1170 Marionette Dice 1171 Marionette Dice 1172 Warcry 1173 Counterstance 1174 Steal 1175 Shield Bash 1176 Weapon Bash 1177 Sic 1178 Barrage 1179 . 1180 Meditate 1181 Jump 1182 Blood Pact 1183 Aetheral Toxin 1184 Edge of Death 1185 Actinic Burst 1186 Core Meltdown 1187 Hexidiscs 1188 Vorpal Blade 1189 Damnation Dive 1190 Sickle Slash 1191 Vertical Cleave 1192 Efflorescent Foetor 1193 Stupor Spores 1194 Viscid Nectar 1195 Morning Glory 1196 Axial Bloom 1197 Nutrient Absorption 1198 Palsy Pollen 1199 Toxic Spit 1200 Filamented Hold 1201 Marionette Dice 1202 Self-Destruct 1203 Self-Destruct 1204 . 1205 Shield Bash 1206 Shield Bash 1207 Reactor Cool 1208 . 1209 Optic Induration 1210 Static Filament 1211 Decayed Filament 1212 Reactor Overheat 1213 Reactor Overload 1214 Self-Destruct 1215 Cattlepult 1216 Cattlepult 1217 Cattlepult 1218 #1218 1219 Bull Rush 1220 Red Lotus Blade 1221 Flat Blade 1222 Savage Blade 1223 Royal Bash 1224 Royal Savior 1225 Red Lotus Blade 1226 Spirits Within 1227 Vorpal Blade 1228 Berserk-Ruf 1229 Hundred Fists 1230 Benediction 1231 Prishe Item 1 1232 Prishe Item 2 1233 Nullifying Dropkick 1234 Auroral Uppercut 1235 Chains of Apathy 1236 Chains of Arrogance 1237 Chains of Cowardice 1238 Chains of Rage 1239 Chains of Envy 1240 Malevolent Blessing 1241 Pestilent Penance 1242 Empty Salvation 1243 Infernal Deliverance 1244 Malevolent Blessing 1245 Pestilent Penance 1246 Empty Salvation 1247 Infernal Deliverance 1248 Wheel of Impregnability 1249 Bastion of Twilight 1250 Winds of Oblivion 1251 Seal of Quiescence 1252 Luminous Lance 1253 Rejuvenation 1254 Revelation 1255 Slam Dunk 1256 Howl 1257 Ore Toss 1258 Howl 1259 Double Kick 1260 Howl 1261 Goblin Rush 1262 Goblin Dice 1263 Provoke 1264 Howling Moon 1265 Armor Buster 1266 Energy Screen 1267 Mana Screen 1268 Dissipation 1269 Guided Missile II 1270 Colossal Blow 1271 Laser Shower 1272 Floodlight 1273 Hyper Pulse 1274 Stun Cannon 1275 WZ_RECOVER_ALL 1276 Pod Ejection 1277 Pile Pitch 1278 Guided Missile 1279 Hyper Pulse 1280 Target Analysis 1281 Discharger 1282 Ion Efflux 1283 Rear Lasers 1284 Citadel Buster 1285 Blighted Gloom 1286 Trample 1287 Tempest Wing 1288 Touchdown 1289 Sweeping Flail 1290 Prodigious Spike 1291 Impulsion 1292 Absolute Terror 1293 Horrible Roar 1294 . 1295 Megaflare 1296 Gigaflare 1297 Teraflare 1298 Camisado 1299 Blessed Radiance 1300 Regeneration 1301 Eagle Eye Shot 1302 Smite of Fury 1303 Flurry of Rage 1304 Whispers of Ire 1305 Sonic Wave 1306 Stomping 1307 Cold Stare 1308 Whistle 1309 Berserk 1310 Healing Breeze 1311 Foot Kick 1312 Dust Cloud 1313 Whirl Claws 1314 Wild Carrot 1315 Gas Shell 1316 Venom Shell 1317 Palsynyxis 1318 Painful Whip 1319 Suctorial Tentacle 1320 Helldive 1321 Wing Cutter 1322 Broadside Barrage 1323 Blind Side Barrage 1324 Damnation Dive 1325 Sticky Thread 1326 Poison Breath 1327 Cocoon 1328 Head Butt 1329 Dream Flower 1330 Wild Oats 1331 Leaf Dagger 1332 Scream 1333 Bubble Shower 1334 Bubble Curtain 1335 Big Scissors 1336 Scissor Guard 1337 Metallic Body 1338 Toxic Spit 1339 Geist Wall 1340 Numbing Noise 1341 Nimble Snap 1342 Cyclotail 1343 Hammer Beak 1344 Poison Pick 1345 Sound Vacuum 1346 Sound Blast 1347 Baleful Gaze 1348 Miasmic Breath 1349 Miasmic Breath 1350 Fragrant Breath 1351 Fragrant Breath 1352 Putrid Breath 1353 Putrid Breath 1354 Extremely Bad Breath 1355 Vampiric Lash 1356 Gouging Branch 1357 Gloeosuccus 1358 Gloeosuccus 1359 Soporific 1360 Palsy Pollen 1361 Blow 1362 Uppercut 1363 Attractant 1364 Mephitic Spore 1365 Frogkick 1366 Cursed Sphere 1367 Venom 1368 Debilitating Drone 1369 2000 Needles 1370 4000 Needles 1371 Needleshot 1372 Heat Breath 1373 Riddle 1374 Great Sandstorm 1375 Great Whirlwind 1376 Choke Breath 1377 Sheep Bleat 1378 Sheep Song 1379 Sheep Charge 1380 Trebuchet 1381 Power Attack 1382 Lightning Roar 1383 Impact Roar 1384 Grand Slam 1385 Eagle Eye Shot 1386 Whirl of Rage 1387 Smite of Rage 1388 Hypothermal Combustion 1389 Freeze Rush 1390 Cold Wave 1391 Berserk 1392 Crystal Shield 1393 Heavy Strike 1394 Ice Break 1395 Thunder Break 1396 Crystal Rain 1397 Crystal Weapon 1398 Crystal Weapon 1399 Crystal Weapon 1400 Crystal Weapon 1401 Blind Vortex 1402 Giga Scream 1403 Dread Dive 1404 Feather Barrier 1405 Stormwind 1406 Ultrasonics 1407 Blood Drain 1408 Subsonics 1409 Marrow Drain 1410 Sonic Boom 1411 Jet Stream 1412 Slipstream 1413 Turbulence 1414 Tentacle 1415 Ink Jet 1416 Hard Membrane 1417 Cross Attack 1418 Regeneration 1419 Maelstrom 1420 Whirlwind 1421 Roar 1422 Razor Fang 1423 Claw Cyclone 1424 Predatory Glare 1425 Crossthrash 1426 Ripper Fang 1427 #1427 1428 Foul Breath 1429 Frost Breath 1430 Thunderbolt 1431 Chomp Rush 1432 Scythe Tail 1433 Double Claw 1434 Grapple 1435 Filamented Hold 1436 Spinning Top 1437 Gnash 1438 Vile Belch 1439 Hypnic Lamp 1440 Seismic Tail 1441 Seaspray 1442 Leeching Current 1443 Pecking Flurry 1444 Snatch Morsel 1445 Feather Tickle 1446 Wisecrack 1447 Barrier Tusk 1448 Onrush 1449 Stampede 1450 Flailing Trunk 1451 Voracious Trunk 1452 Proboscis Shower 1453 Abrasive Tantara 1454 Deafening Tantara 1455 Frenetic Rip 1456 Bugle Call 1457 Yawn 1458 Wing Slap 1459 Beak Lunge 1460 Frigid Shuffle 1461 Wing Whirl 1462 Crosswind 1463 #1463 1464 Wind Shear 1465 Obfuscate 1466 Zephyr Mantle 1467 Ill Wind 1468 White Wind 1469 Kibosh 1470 Cutpurse 1471 Sandspray 1472 Faze 1473 Bowshot 1474 Deadeye 1475 Forceful Blow 1476 Somersault Kick 1477 Firespit 1478 Warm-Up 1479 Javelin Throw 1480 Axe Throw 1481 Vorpal Blade 1482 Groundburst 1483 . 1484 . 1485 Potent Lunge 1486 Overthrow 1487 Rock Smash 1488 Diamondhide 1489 Enervation 1490 Quake Stomp 1491 Zarraqa 1492 Zarbzan 1493 Healing Stomp 1494 . 1495 . 1496 Gusting Gouge 1497 Hysteric Barrage 1498 Dukkeripen 1499 Dukkeripen 1500 Dukkeripen 1501 Dukkeripen 1502 Tail Slap 1503 Hypnotic Sway 1504 Swift Shot 1505 Arrow Deluge 1506 Belly Dance 1507 . 1508 . 1509 Gusting Gouge 1510 Hysteric Barrage 1511 Dukkeripen 1512 Dukkeripen 1513 Dukkeripen 1514 Dukkeripen 1515 Tail Slap 1516 Torrent 1517 Swift Shot 1518 Arrow Deluge 1519 Rising Swell 1520 . 1521 . 1522 Spinal Cleave 1523 Mangle 1524 Leaping Cleave 1525 Hex Palm 1526 Animating Wail 1527 Fortifying Wail 1528 Unblest Jambiya 1529 Lava Spit 1530 Sulfurous Breath 1531 Scorching Lash 1532 Ululation 1533 Magma Hoplon 1534 Gates of Hades 1535 Incinerate 1536 Nullsong 1537 Vampiric Root 1538 Perdition 1539 Malediction 1540 Piercing Shriek 1541 Rushing Slash 1542 Decussate 1543 Tyrannic Blare 1544 Miasma 1545 Vorpal Wheel 1546 Sledgehammer 1547 Head Snatch 1548 Haymaker 1549 Incessant Fists 1550 Arcane Stomp 1551 Pleiades Ray 1552 Petrifaction 1553 Shadow Thrust 1554 Tail Slap 1555 . 1556 Pinning Shot 1557 Calcifying Deluge 1558 Gorgon Dance 1559 Amber Scutum 1560 Vitriolic Spray 1561 Thermal Pulse 1562 Cannonball 1563 Heat Barrier 1564 Vitriolic Shower 1565 Amplification 1566 Boiling Point 1567 Xenoglossia 1568 Amorphic Spikes 1569 Amorphic Scythe 1570 Synergism 1571 Metastasis 1572 Pyric Blast 1573 Pyric Bulwark 1574 Polar Blast 1575 Polar Bulwark 1576 Barofield 1577 . 1578 Trembling 1579 Serpentine Tail 1580 Nerve Gas 1581 Feeble Bleat 1582 Mine Blast 1583 Rushing Slash 1584 Rushing Stab 1585 Sandblast 1586 Sandpit 1587 Venom Spray 1588 Pit Ambush 1589 Mandibular Bite 1590 Sharp Sting 1591 Frenzy Pollen 1592 Final Sting 1593 Sling Bomb 1594 Formation Attack 1595 Refueling 1596 Circle of Flames 1597 Self-Destruct 1598 Stellar Burst 1599 Self-Destruct 1600 Omega Javelin 1601 Self-Destruct 1602 Tail Roll 1603 Tusk 1604 Scutum 1605 Bone Crunch 1606 Awful Eye 1607 Heavy Bellow 1608 Intimidate 1609 Aqua Ball 1610 Splash Breath 1611 Screwdriver 1612 Water Wall 1613 Water Shield 1614 Recoil Dive 1615 Suction 1616 Acid Mist 1617 Sand Breath 1618 Drainkiss 1619 Regeneration 1620 TP Drainkiss 1621 MP Drainkiss 1622 Brain Drain 1623 Triclip 1624 Back Swish 1625 Mow 1626 Frightful Roar 1627 Mortal Ray 1628 Unblest Armor 1629 Full-force Blow 1630 Gastric Bomb 1631 Sandspin 1632 Tremors 1633 Spirit Vacuum 1634 Sound Vacuum 1635 Provoke 1636 . 1637 Spirit Surge 1638 Potent Lunge 1639 Overthrow 1640 Rock Smash 1641 Diamondhide 1642 Enervation 1643 Quake Stomp 1644 Healing Stomp 1645 . 1646 . 1647 Camisado 1648 Somnolence 1649 Noctoshield 1650 Ultimate Terror 1651 Dream Shroud 1652 Nightmare 1653 Cacodemonia 1654 Nether Blast 1655 Ruinous Omen 1656 Hypnogenesis 1657 Stunbolt 1658 Great Wheel 1659 . 1660 Blessed Radiance 1661 Sweeping Somnolence 1662 Nether Tempest 1663 Daydream 1664 Rushing Drub 1665 Forceful Blow 1666 Somersault Kick 1667 Firespit 1668 Warm-Up 1669 Stave Toss 1670 Groundburst 1671 . 1672 . 1673 Pole Swing 1674 Tidal Slash 1675 Eagle Eye Shot 1676 Eagle Eye Shot 1677 Azure Lore 1678 Wild Card 1679 Overdrive 1680 Shibaraku 1681 . 1682 . 1683 . 1684 Chimera Ripper 1685 String Clipper 1686 Arcuballista 1687 Slapstick 1688 Shield Bash 1689 Provoke 1690 Shock Absorber 1691 Flashbulb 1692 Mana Converter 1693 Ranged Attack 1694 Belly Dance 1695 Magma Fan 1696 Erratic Flutter 1697 Proboscis 1698 Erosion Dust 1699 Exuviation 1700 Fire Break 1701 Frog Song 1702 Magic Hammer 1703 Water Bomb 1704 Frog Cheer 1705 Providence 1706 Frog Chorus 1707 Mind Blast 1708 Immortal Mind 1709 Immortal Shield 1710 Mind Purge 1711 Tribulation 1712 Immortal Anathema 1713 Reprobation 1714 Eclosion 1715 . 1716 . 1717 . 1718 . 1719 . 1720 . 1721 Deathgnash 1722 Abominable Belch 1723 . 1724 Boreas Mantle 1725 . 1726 Nullifying Dropkick 1727 Auroral Uppercut 1728 Wisecrack 1729 Fighter's Roll 1730 Rogue's Roll 1731 Gallant's Roll 1732 Chaos Roll 1733 Hunter's Roll 1734 Ninja Roll 1735 Double-Up 1736 Fire Maneuver 1737 Ice Maneuver 1738 Wind Maneuver 1739 Earth Maneuver 1740 Thunder Maneuver 1741 Water Maneuver 1742 Hane Fubuki 1743 Hiden Sokyaku 1744 Shiko no Mitate 1745 Happobarai 1746 Rinpyotosha 1747 Grating Tantara 1748 Stifling Tantara 1749 Reward 1750 Azure Lore 1751 Wild Card 1752 Overdrive 1753 Fire Shot 1754 Ice Shot 1755 Wind Shot 1756 Earth Shot 1757 Thunder Shot 1758 Water Shot 1759 Light Shot 1760 Dark Shot 1761 . 1762 . 1763 . 1764 Hundred Fists 1765 Eraser 1766 Tenebrous Mist 1767 Thunderstrike 1768 Tourbillion 1769 Dreadstorm 1770 Fossilizing Breath 1771 Plague Swipe 1772 Fulmination 1773 . 1774 . 1775 Reactive Shield 1776 Roller Chain 1777 Choke Chain 1778 Reinforcements 1779 Biomagnet 1780 Astral Gate 1781 Warp 1782 Artificial Gravity 1783 Antigravity 1784 Rail Cannon 1785 Restoral 1786 Armature 1787 Artificial Gravity 1788 Antigravity 1789 Rail Cannon 1790 Artificial Gravity 1791 Antigravity 1792 Rail Cannon 1793 Artificial Gravity 1794 Antigravity 1795 Rail Cannon 1796 Restoral 1797 Heavy Armature 1798 Diffusion Ray 1799 Inertia Stream 1800 Discharge 1801 Mortal Revolution 1802 Homing Missile 1803 Discoid 1804 Brainjack 1805 Restoral 1806 Restoral 1807 Heavy Armature 1808 Heavy Armature 1809 Cannibal Blade 1810 Daze 1811 Knockout 1812 Economizer 1813 Tribulation 1814 Dismemberment 1815 Dire Straight 1816 Earthshatter 1817 Sinker Drill 1818 Detonating Grip 1819 Overthrow 1820 Rock Smash 1821 Diamondhide 1822 Enervation 1823 Quake Stomp 1824 Potent Lunge 1825 Hammer-Go-Round 1826 Hammerblow 1827 Drop Hammer 1828 Seismohammer 1829 Venomous Tail 1830 Grim Reaper 1831 . 1832 Victory Beacon 1833 Salamander Flame 1834 Typhonic Arrow 1835 Meteoric Impact 1836 Scouring Bubbles 1837 . 1838 Fire Angon 1839 Batterhorn 1840 Clobber 1841 Granite Skin 1842 Blazing Angon 1843 Batterhorn 1844 Clobber 1845 Demoralizing Roar 1846 Boiling Blood 1847 Granite Skin 1848 Crippling Slam 1849 Mijin Gakure 1850 Bloodrake 1851 Decollation 1852 Nosferatu's Kiss 1853 Heliovoid 1854 Wings of Gehenna 1855 Eternal Damnation 1856 Nocturnal Servitude 1857 Hellsnap 1858 Hellclap 1859 Cackle 1860 Necrobane 1861 Necropurge 1862 Bilgestorm 1863 Thundris Shriek 1864 Ofnir 1865 Valfodr 1866 Yggr 1867 Gagnrath 1868 Sanngetall 1869 Geirrothr 1870 Zantetsuken 1871 . 1872 . 1873 . 1874 Proboscis Shower 1875 . 1876 Replicator 1877 Liar's Dice 1878 Victory Beacon 1879 Salamander Flame 1880 Typhonic Arrow 1881 Meteoric Impact 1882 Scouring Bubbles 1883 Doom 1884 Peacebreaker 1885 Radiant Sacrament 1886 Mega Holy 1887 Perfect Defense 1888 Divine Spear 1889 Gospel of the Lost 1890 Void of Repentance 1891 Divine Judgement 1892 . 1893 . 1894 Snatch Morsel 1895 1000 Needles 1896 Aqua Fortis 1897 Regurgitation 1898 Delta Thrust 1899 Torpefying Charge 1900 Grim Glower 1901 Calcifying Mist 1902 Insipid Nip 1903 Pandemic Nip 1904 Bombilation 1905 Cimicine Discharge 1906 Emetic Discharge 1907 Seedspray 1908 Viscid Emission 1909 Rotten Stench 1910 Floral Bouquet 1911 Bloody Caress 1912 Bloody Caress 1913 Soothing Aroma 1914 Fevered Pitch 1915 Call of the Moon 1916 Call of the Moon 1917 Plenilune Embrace 1918 Plenilune Embrace 1919 Nox Blast 1920 Asuran Claws 1921 Cacophony 1922 Sudden Lunge 1923 Noisome Powder 1924 Nepenthean Hum 1925 Spiral Spin 1926 Spiral Burst 1927 Fuscous Ooze 1928 Purulent Ooze 1929 Corrosive Ooze 1930 Mucilaginous Ooze 1931 Dustvoid 1932 Slaverous Gale 1933 Aeolian Void 1934 Extreme Purgation 1935 Desiccation 1936 Doomvoid 1937 Zephyr Arrow 1938 Lethe Arrows 1939 Spring Breeze 1940 Summer Breeze 1941 Autumn Breeze 1942 Winter Breeze 1943 Cyclonic Turmoil 1944 Cyclonic Torrent 1945 Orcish Counterstance 1946 Berserker Dance 1947 Diamond Shell 1948 Ore Lob 1949 Feathered Furore 1950 Dark Invocation 1951 Disorienting Waul 1952 Microspores 1953 Blink of Peril 1954 Petal Pirouette 1955 . 1956 . 1957 . 1958 . 1959 . 1960 Nocturnal Combustion 1961 Berserk 1962 Penumbral Impact 1963 Dark Wave 1964 Tartarean Storm 1965 Hell Scissors 1966 Hurricane Breath 1967 Ore Toss 1968 Head Butt 1969 Shell Bash 1970 Shell Guard 1971 Howl 1972 The Wrath of Gu'Dha 1973 Poison Breath 1974 Poison Sting 1975 Venom 1976 Queasyshroom 1977 Diamond Shell 1978 Ore Lob 1979 Paralyzing Blast 1980 Silencing Blast 1981 Binding Blast 1982 Bloody Tomahawk 1983 Volant Angon 1984 Warden of Terror 1985 Call to Arms 1986 Mighty Strikes 1987 Hundred Fists 1988 Benediction 1989 Manafont 1990 Chainspell 1991 Perfect Dodge 1992 Invincible 1993 Blood Weapon 1994 Familiar 1995 Soul Voice 1996 Eagle Eye Shot 1997 Meikyo Shisui 1998 Mijin Gakure 1999 Spirit Surge 2000 Astral Flow 2001 Azure Lore 2002 Wild Card 2003 Overdrive 2004 Trance 2005 Tabula Rasa 2006 . 2007 Tornado Edge 2008 Shoulder Charge 2009 Skull Smash 2010 Shell Charge 2011 Skull Smash 2012 Shell Charge 2013 Kamaitachi 2014 Shirahadori 2015 Rising Dragon 2016 Bear Killer 2017 Uriel Blade 2018 Spine Chiller 2019 Prominence 2020 Arrow of Apathy 2021 Cruel Riposte 2022 Glory Slash 2023 Napalm Tomahawk 2024 Iainuki 2025 Oppressive Embrace 2026 Reverie Frolic 2027 Tartarus Torpor 2028 Death Knell 2029 Bloody Quarrel 2030 Leonine Legflail 2031 Soulfetter Arrow 2032 Heavy Artillery 2033 Immortal Shield 2034 Restoral 2035 Restoral 2036 Restoral 2037 Restoral 2038 Basilisk Cannon 2039 Beaked Bomber 2040 . 2041 . 2042 . 2043 Bone Crusher 2044 Armor Piercer 2045 Magic Mortar 2046 Light Arts 2047 Dark Arts 2048 Curing Waltz 2049 Healing Waltz 2050 Drain Samba 2051 Haste Samba 2052 Quickstep 2053 Box Step 2054 Stutter Step 2055 Building Flourish 2056 Desperate Flourish 2057 Reverse Flourish 2058 Parsimony 2059 Alacrity 2060 Manifestation 2061 Ebullience 2062 Curing Waltz II 2063 Curing Waltz III 2064 Curing Waltz IV 2065 Drain Samba II 2066 Drain Samba III 2067 Animated Flourish 2068 Violent Flourish 2069 Wild Flourish 2070 . 2071 Mine Blast 2072 . 2073 . 2074 . 2075 . 2076 . 2077 . 2078 Wrath of Zeus 2079 Lightning Spear 2080 Acheron Kick 2081 Damsel Memento 2082 Rampant Stance 2083 . 2084 Extreme Purgation 2085 . 2086 . 2087 . 2088 . 2089 . 2090 . 2091 . 2092 Glacial Bellow 2093 Daunting Hurl 2094 Scatter Shell 2095 Tear Grenade 2096 Sticky Grenade 2097 . 2098 . 2099 . 2100 . 2101 . 2102 Tabula Rasa 2103 Strap Cutter 2104 Wind Shear 2105 Stave Toss 2106 . 2107 . 2108 Unblest Jambiya 2109 Goddess's Shield 2110 Mine Blast 2111 Moribund Hack 2112 Damsel Memento 2113 Scintillant Lance 2114 Grace of Hera 2115 Noxious Spray 2116 Hellborn Yawp 2117 Veil of Chaos 2118 Torment of Gu'Dha 2119 Vorticose Sands 2120 Paroxysm 2121 Reviviscence 2122 Diamond Shell 2123 Invincible 2124 Monocular Scowl 2125 Double Kick 2126 Mijin Gakure 2127 Charm 2128 Orbital Earthrend 2129 Tongue Lash 2130 Cobra Clamp 2131 Fatal Scream 2132 Dirty Breath 2133 Lethal Triclip 2134 Accursed Armor 2135 Amnesic Blast 2136 Oppressive Glare 2137 Ritual Bind 2138 Moribund Hack 2139 Mine Blast 2140 . 2141 . 2142 . 2143 . 2144 . 2145 . 2146 . 2147 . 2148 . 2149 . 2150 Roar 2151 Charged Whisker 2152 . 2153 . 2154 Demonic Flower 2155 Phantasmal Dance 2156 Thunderous Yowl 2157 Feather Maelstrom 2158 Saucepan 2159 . 2160 Seed of Deception 2161 Seed of Deference 2162 Seed of Nihility 2163 Seed of Judgment 2164 Shackling Clout 2165 Dark Orb 2166 Dark Mist 2167 Triumphant Roar 2168 Terror Eye 2169 Bloody Claw 2170 Shadow Burst 2171 Tail Lash 2172 Bloody Beak 2173 Feral Peck 2174 Warped Wail 2175 Reaving Wind 2176 Storm Wing 2177 Calamitous Wind 2178 . 2179 Severing Fang 2180 Sub-zero Smash 2181 Aqua Blast 2182 Frozen Mist 2183 Hydro Wave 2184 Ice Guillotine 2185 Aqua Cannon 2186 Thorned Stance 2187 Sensual Dance 2188 Dancer's Fury 2189 Whirling Edge 2190 Rousing Samba 2191 Vivifying Waltz 2192 Regal Scratch 2193 Mewing Lullaby 2194 Eerie Eye 2195 Divine Favor 2196 Level ? Holy 2197 Level ? Holy 2198 Level ? Holy 2199 Level ? Holy 2200 Level ? Holy 2201 Level ? Holy 2202 Soul Vacuum 2203 Soul Infusion 2204 . 2205 Mog Bomb 2206 Mog Shrapnel 2207 Flowerpot 2208 . 2209 Bill Toss 2210 Washtub 2211 Crystalline Flare 2212 King Cobra Clamp 2213 Wasp Sting 2214 Dancing Edge 2215 Bistillot Blast 2216 Songbird Swoop 2217 Vunkerl Herb Tonic 2218 Stag's Cry 2219 Stag's Call 2220 Gyre Strike 2221 Stag's Charge 2222 Orcsbane 2223 Temblor Blade 2224 Inferno 2225 Tidal Wave 2226 Earthen Fury 2227 Diamond Dust 2228 Judgment Bolt 2229 Aerial Blast 2230 Salvation Scythe 2231 Salvation Scythe 2232 Divine Malison 2233 Divine Malison 2234 Fire Overload 2235 Ice Overload 2236 Wind Overload 2237 Earth Overload 2238 Lightning Overload 2239 Water Overload 2240 Light Overload 2241 Dark Overload 2242 . 2243 . 2244 . 2245 . 2246 . 2247 . 2248 . 2249 . 2250 . 2251 . 2252 . 2253 Hypothermal Combustion 2254 . 2255 Corpse Breath 2256 Venom Shower 2257 Mega Scissors 2258 Cytokinesis 2259 . 2260 Gravitic Horn 2261 Quake Blast 2262 Norn Arrows 2263 Dexter Wing 2264 Sinister Wing 2265 Chaos Blast 2266 Abyssic Buster 2267 Dancing Tail 2268 Dancing Tail 2269 Chilling Roar 2270 Chilling Roar 2271 Soul Douse 2272 Soul Douse 2273 Dark Star 2274 Dark Star 2275 Altair Bullet 2276 Savage Swordhand 2277 Lithic Ray 2278 Minax Glare 2279 Vicious Kick 2280 Boon Void 2281 Cruel Slash 2282 Spell Wall 2283 Implosion 2284 Umbral Orb 2285 Cross Smash 2286 Blighting Blitz 2287 Spawn Shadow 2288 Soma Wall 2289 Doom Arc 2290 . 2291 . 2292 Fluid Spread 2293 Fluid Toss 2294 Dissolve 2295 Mucus Spread 2296 Epoxy Spread 2297 . 2298 . 2299 . 2300 Ofnir 2301 Valfodr 2302 Yggr 2303 Gagnrath 2304 Sanngetall 2305 Geirrothr 2306 Acrid Stream 2307 Rime Spray 2308 Blazing Bound 2309 Molting Burst 2310 Diabolic Claw 2311 Stygian Cyclone 2312 Deathly Diminuendo 2313 Hellish Crescendo 2314 Afflicting Gaze 2315 Stygian Sphere 2316 Malign Invocation 2317 Shadow Wreck 2318 Thousand Spears 2319 Tainting Breath 2320 Mercurial Strike 2321 Mercurial Strike 2322 Colossal Slam 2323 Phaeosynthesis 2324 Pandora's Curse 2325 Pandora's Gift 2326 . 2327 . 2328 . 2329 Testudo Tremor 2330 Ecliptic Meteor 2331 Inspirit 2332 Debonair Rush 2333 Iridal Pierce 2334 Lunar Revolution 2335 Great Divide 2336 Darkling Blade 2337 Demonic Shear 2338 Quietus Sphere 2339 . 2340 . 2341 . 2342 . 2343 Tepal Twist 2344 Bloom Fouette 2345 Petalback Spin 2346 Mortal Blast 2347 Heat Breath 2348 Gorge 2349 Disgorge 2350 Carousel 2351 Agaricus 2352 Terminal Sting 2353 Booming Bleat 2354 Vacant Gaze 2355 Blaster 2356 Wild Carrot 2357 Spiral Spin 2358 Noisome Powder 2359 Stag's Cry 2360 . 2361 . 2362 . 2363 Turbine Cyclone 2364 Seismic Impact 2365 Incinerator 2366 Arm Cannon 2367 Ballistic Kick 2368 Scapula Beam 2369 Eradicator 2370 Auger Smash 2371 Area Bombardment 2372 Cauterizing Field 2373 Benthic Typhoon 2374 Pelagic Tempest 2375 Osmosis 2376 Vacuole Discharge 2377 Nucleic Implosion 2378 Interference 2379 Dark Arrivisme 2380 Banneret Charge 2381 Besieger's Bane 2382 Hadal Summons 2383 Mayhem Lantern 2384 Ruinous Scythe 2385 Psyche Suction 2386 Vermilion Wind 2387 Tyrant Tusk 2388 Somnial Durance 2389 Mud Stream 2390 Rancor Smash 2391 Melancholy Jig 2392 Forlorn Impact 2393 Essence Jack 2394 . 2395 . 2396 . 2397 . 2398 . 2399 . 2400 . 2401 . 2402 . 2403 . 2404 . 2405 . 2406 . 2407 . 2408 Cosmic Breath 2409 Cataclysmic Vortex 2410 Gyre Charge 2411 Mighty Guard 2412 Atomic Ray 2413 Dark Matter 2414 Protostar 2415 Supernova 2416 . 2417 . 2418 . 2419 Dark Thorn 2420 Petaline Tempest 2421 Durance Whip 2422 Subjugating Slash 2423 Fatal Allure 2424 Moonlight Veil 2425 . 2426 . 2427 . 2428 Dark Flare 2429 Dark Freeze 2430 Dark Tornado 2431 Dark Quake 2432 Dark Burst 2433 Dark Flood 2434 Dark Moon 2435 Dark Sun 2436 Royal Decree 2437 Virulent Haze 2438 Cyclonic Blight 2439 Torment Tusk 2440 Baleful Roar 2441 Infinite Terror 2442 Lithic Breath 2443 Tarsal Slam 2444 Enthrall 2445 Acheron Flame 2446 Terra Wing 2447 Dread Wind 2448 ??? Needles 2449 White Wind 2450 Smokebomb 2451 Paralysis Shower 2452 Cosmic Breath 2453 Cataclysmic Vortex 2454 Trance 2455 . 2456 . 2457 . 2458 Yaksha Stance 2459 Yaksha: Damnation 2460 Yaksha: Bliss 2461 Yaksha: Oblivion 2462 Raksha Stance 2463 Raksha: Judgment 2464 Raksha: Illusion 2465 Raksha: Vengeance 2466 . 2467 . 2468 . 2469 Rending Talons 2470 Shrieking Gale 2471 Wings of Woe 2472 Wings of Agony 2473 Typhoean Rage 2474 Ravenous Wail 2475 Incinerator 2476 Arm Cannon 2477 Ballistic Kick 2478 Cauterizing Field 2479 Searing Tempest 2480 Blinding Fulgor 2481 Spectral Floe 2482 Scouring Spate 2483 Anvil Lightning 2484 Silent Storm 2485 Entomb 2486 Tenebral Crush 2487 String Shredder 2488 Armor Shatterer 2489 Heat Capacitor 2490 Barrage Turbine 2491 Disruptor 2492 . 2493 . 2494 . 2495 Slicing Sickle 2496 Raptorial Claw 2497 Phlegm Expulsion 2498 Macerating Bile 2499 Preying Posture 2500 Death Prophet 2501 Sakra Storm 2502 Kaleidoscopic Fury 2503 Telsonic Tempest 2504 Preternatural Gleam 2505 Chupa Blossom 2506 Hell Slash 2507 Horror Cloud 2508 Black Cloud 2509 Blood Saber 2510 Malediction 2511 Crepuscule Blade 2512 Deathly Glare 2513 Blighted Bouquet 2514 Booming Bombination 2515 Gush o' Goo 2516 . 2517 . 2518 Flank Opening 2519 Tabbiyaa Gambit 2520 Shah Mat 2521 Benediction 2522 Reactive Shield 2523 Shock Absorber 2524 Replicator 2525 . 2526 . 2527 . 2528 Diluvial Wake 2529 Kurnugi Collapse 2530 Searing Halitus 2531 Divesting Gale 2532 Bolt of Perdition 2533 Crippling Rime 2534 Oblivion's Mantle 2535 . 2536 . 2537 . 2538 . 2539 . 2540 . 2541 . 2542 Gnash 'n Guttle 2543 Sloughy Sputum 2544 Chymous Reek 2545 Rancid Reflux 2546 Crowning Flatus 2547 Slimy Proposal 2548 Just Desserts 2549 Pawn's Penumbra 2550 Beleaguerment 2551 Unchivalrous Stab 2552 Discordant Gambit 2553 Immolating Claw 2554 Yama's Judgment 2555 Keraunos Quill 2556 Bilrost Squall 2557 Dunur Strike 2558 Yawn 2559 Wing Slap 2560 Beak Lunge 2561 Frigid Shuffle 2562 Wing Whirl 2563 Whiteout 2564 Keratinous Crush 2565 Accurst Spear 2566 Eldritch Wind 2567 Rhinowrecker 2568 Cloudscourge 2569 Louring Skies 2570 Exponential Burst 2571 Sudden Lunge 2572 Jettatura 2573 Aqua Breath 2574 Royal Decree 2575 Grace of Hera 2576 . 2577 . 2578 . 2579 . 2580 . 2581 . 2582 . 2583 Prismatic Breath 2584 Acicular Brand 2585 Orogenesis 2586 Phason Beam 2587 Diffractive Break 2588 Euhedral Swat 2589 . 2590 . 2591 . 2592 . 2593 . 2594 . 2595 . 2596 Prismatic Breath 2597 Acicular Brand 2598 Orogenesis 2599 Phason Beam 2600 Diffractive Break 2601 Euhedral Swat 2602 Crystallite Shower 2603 Graviton Crux 2604 Crystal Bolide 2605 Fragor Maximus 2606 . 2607 . 2608 . 2609 . 2610 . 2611 . 2612 Echolocation 2613 Deep Sea Dirge 2614 Caudal Capacitor 2615 Baleen Gurge 2616 Depth Charge 2617 Blowhole Blast 2618 Waterspout 2619 Angry Seas 2620 Thar She Blows 2621 . 2622 . 2623 . 2624 Night Stalker 2625 Atropine Spore 2626 Frond Fatale 2627 Full Bloom 2628 Deracinator 2629 Beautiful Death 2630 Exorender 2631 Tropic Tenor 2632 Dark Recital 2633 Usurping Scepter 2634 Gen'ei Ryodan 2635 Grapeshot 2636 Pirate Pummel 2637 Powder Keg 2638 Walk the Plank 2639 Knuckle Sandwich 2640 Imperial Authority 2641 Sixth Element 2642 Shield Subverter 2643 Shining Summer Samba 2644 Lovely Miracle Waltz 2645 Neo Crystal Jig 2646 Super Crusher Jig 2647 Eternal Vana Illusion 2648 Final Eternal Heart 2649 Shah's Decree 2650 False Promises 2651 Frog Song 2652 Frog Chorus 2653 Level 3 Petrify 2654 Citadel Siege 2655 Catastrophic Malfunction 2656 Zantetsuken Kai 2657 Electrocharge 2658 Rear Lasers 2659 Meeble Warble 2660 Thrashing Assault 2661 Drill Claw 2662 Puncturing Frenzy 2663 . 2664 . 2665 . 2666 Soulshattering Roar 2667 Calcifying Claw 2668 Divesting Stampede 2669 Bonebreaking Barrage 2670 Beastruction 2671 Metamorphic Blast 2672 Enervating Grasp 2673 Orogenic Storm 2674 Subduction 2675 Tectonic Shift 2676 Unrelenting Brand 2677 Searing Effulgence 2678 Blazing Shriek 2679 Volcanic Wrath 2680 Tarichutoxin 2681 Caliginosity 2682 . 2683 Mighty Strikes 2684 Invincible 2685 Eagle Eye Shot 2686 Chainspell 2687 Benediction 2688 Manafont 2689 Nature's Meditation 2690 Sensilla Blades 2691 Tegmina Buffet 2692 Sanguinary Slash 2693 Orthopterror 2694 Tempestuous Upheaval 2695 Slice 'n' Dice 2696 Blackout 2697 Smouldering Swarm 2698 . 2699 . 2700 . 2701 Impenetrable Carapace 2702 Rending Deluge 2703 Sundering Snip 2704 Viscid Spindrift 2705 Riptide Eupnea 2706 . 2707 . 2708 . 2709 Cranial Thrust 2710 Tail Thwack 2711 Embalming Earth 2712 Scalding Breath 2713 Debilitating Spout 2714 Paralyzing Triad 2715 Crepuscular Grasp 2716 Necrotic Brume 2717 Terminal Bloom 2718 Foul Waters 2719 Pestilent Plume 2720 Deadening Haze 2721 Venomous Vapor 2722 Consecration 2723 Sacred Caper 2724 Phototrophic Blessing 2725 Phototrophic Wrath 2726 Deific Gambol 2727 Ancestral Banishment 2728 Heartfelt Aura 2729 Impairing Glister 2730 Crippling Gleam 2731 . 2732 Glutinous Dart 2733 Death Spin 2734 Velkkan Pygmachia 2735 Saurian Slide 2736 Jungle Wallop 2737 . 2738 Glutinous Dart 2739 Death Spin 2740 Velkkan Pygmachia 2741 Saurian Swamp 2742 Jungle Hoodoo 2743 . 2744 . 2745 . 2746 Mandibular Lashing 2747 Vespine Hurricane 2748 Stinger Volley 2749 Droning Whirlwind 2750 Incisive Denouement 2751 Incisive Apotheosis 2752 . 2753 . 2754 . 2755 Protolithic Puncture 2756 Aquatic Lance 2757 Pelagic Cleaver 2758 Carcharian Verve 2759 Tidal Guillotine 2760 Marine Mayhem 2761 . 2762 . 2763 . 2764 Blistering Roar 2765 Searing Serration 2766 Volcanic Stasis 2767 Tyrannical Blow 2768 Batholithic Shell 2769 Pyroclastic Surge 2770 Incinerating Lahar 2771 . 2772 . 2773 . 2774 Retinal Glare 2775 Sylvan Slumber 2776 Crushing Gaze 2777 Vaskania 2778 . 2779 . 2780 . 2781 Flesh Syphon 2782 Umbral Expunction 2783 Sticky Situation 2784 Abdominal Assault 2785 Mandibular Massacre 2786 . 2787 Whirling Inferno 2788 Benumbing Blaze 2789 Concentric Pulse 2790 Foul Waters 2791 Pestilent Plume 2792 Deadening Haze 2793 Sensilla Blades 2794 Tegmina Buffet 2795 Mending Halation 2796 Radial Arcana 2797 Dynastic Gravitas 2798 . 2799 . 2800 . 2801 Root of the Problem 2802 Potted Plant 2803 Uproot 2804 Canopierce 2805 Firefly Fandango 2806 Tiiimbeeer 2807 Molting Plumage 2808 Pentapeck 2809 Swooping Frenzy 2810 From the Skies 2811 . 2812 . 2813 . 2814 . 2815 . 2816 Crashing Thunder 2817 Reverberating Cry 2818 Brownout 2819 Reverse Current 2820 Sparkstorm 2821 Static Prison 2822 . 2823 . 2824 . 2825 Velkkan Ambush 2826 Galumph 2827 Coming Through 2828 Merciless Mauling 2829 Croctastrophy 2830 . 2831 Battle Trance 2832 . 2833 . 2834 . 2835 Baneful Blades 2836 Wildwood Indignation 2837 Dryad's Kiss 2838 Infected Illusion 2839 Depraved Dandia 2840 Matriarchal Fiat 2841 Tickling Tendrils 2842 Stink Bomb 2843 Nectarous Deluge 2844 Nepenthic Plunge 2845 Infaunal Flop 2846 . 2847 Ignis 2848 Gelus 2849 Flabra 2850 Tellus 2851 Sulpor 2852 Unda 2853 Lux 2854 Tenebrae 2855 Vallation 2856 Pflug 2857 Lunge 2858 Gambit 2859 Bellatrix of Light 2860 Bellatrix of Shadows 2861 . 2862 . 2863 . 2864 . 2865 . 2866 . 2867 Fighting Stance α 2868 Fighting Stance β 2869 Fighting Stance γ 2870 Fighting Stance δ 2871 Frizz 2872 #1336 2873 #1337 2874 Barreling Smash 2875 Sweeping Gouge 2876 Zealous Snort 2877 Terrifying Snap 2878 #1342 2879 #1343 2880 #1344 2881 Polar Roar 2882 Brain Freeze 2883 Biting Abrogation 2884 Permafrost Requiem 2885 Glacial Tomb 2886 Glassy Nova 2887 #1351 2888 Jittering Jig 2889 Romp 2890 Frenetic Flurry 2891 #1355 2892 #1356 2893 Dazing Discord 2894 Steaming Rage 2895 #1359 2896 Shining Salvo 2897 Palling Salvo 2898 Cathartic Caper 2899 Bewailing Wake 2900 Flight of the Fluttyries 2901 . 2902 . 2903 . 2904 Vehement Resolution 2905 Camaraderie of the Crevasse 2906 Into the Light 2907 Arduous Decision 2908 12 Blades of Remorse 2909 . 2910 . 2911 . 2912 Aurous Charge 2913 Howling Gust 2914 Righteous Rasp 2915 Starward Yowl 2916 Stalking Prey 2917 Brazen Rush 2918 Cross Reaver 2919 Meikyo Shisui 2920 Chant du Cygne 2921 Intervene 2922 Arrogance Incarnate 2923 Chant du Cygne 2924 Soul Enslavement 2925 Amon Drive 2926 Larceny 2927 Charm 2928 Havoc Spiral 2929 Cloudsplitter 2930 Yaegasumi 2931 Dragonfall 2932 Tachi: Fudo 2933 King Cobra Clamp 2934 Red Lotus Blade 2935 Spirits Within 2936 Vorpal Blade 2937 Royal Bash 2938 Royal Savior 2939 Abyssal Drain 2940 Abyssal Strike 2941 Ground Strike 2942 Grapeshot 2943 Pirate Pummel 2944 Powder Keg 2945 Walk the Plank 2946 Uriel Blade 2947 Scouring Bubbles 2948 Amatsu: Tsukikage 2949 Berserk-Ruf 2950 Astral Distortion 2951 Ignition 2952 Glacification 2953 Vaporization 2954 Terrafication 2955 Electrification 2956 Liquification 2957 Vortex 2958 Light Blade 2959 Peacebreaker 2960 Red Lotus Blade 2961 Savage Blade 2962 Villainous Rebuke 2963 Stygian Release 2964 Infernal Bulwark 2965 Atramentous Libations 2966 Noahionto 2967 Shockiavona 2968 Hemorrhaze 2969 . 2970 . 2971 . 2972 . 2973 . 2974 Inspirit 2975 Debonair Rush 2976 Iridal Pierce 2977 Lunar Revolution 2978 Nullifying Dropkick 2979 Auroral Uppercut 2980 Knuckle Sandwich 2981 Victory Beacon 2982 Salamander Flame 2983 Typhonic Arrow 2984 Meteoric Impact 2985 Shining Salvo 2986 Palling Salvo 2987 Imperial Authority 2988 Sixth Element 2989 Shield Subverter 2990 Absolute Terror 2991 Terric Breath 2992 Amatsu: Kagamikaeshi 2993 Amatsu: Mizumari 2994 . 2995 Amatsu: Shirahadori 2996 Bisection 2997 Leaden Salute 2998 Akimbo Shot 2999 Grisly Horizon 3000 Hane Fubuki 3001 Shibaraku 3002 Shiko no Mitate 3003 Happobarai 3004 Rinpyotosha 3005 Bomb Toss 3006 Goblin Rush 3007 Bear Killer 3008 Salvation Scythe 3009 Elemental Sforzo 3010 Liement 3011 . 3012 . 3013 . 3014 . 3015 . 3016 . 3017 . 3018 . 3019 Burning Memories 3020 Kagedourou 3021 Karakuridourou 3022 Tsujikaze 3023 Sleepytime Boomboom 3024 Smelled It and Dealt It 3025 Somnic Shell 3026 Contaminating Concoction 3027 Iniquitous Stab 3028 Shockstorm Edge 3029 Choreographed Carnage 3030 Lock and Load 3031 Lunge 3032 Swath of Silence 3033 Damning Edict 3034 Bowels of Agony 3035 Stag's Call 3036 Gyre Strike 3037 Stag's Charge 3038 Orcsbane 3039 Songbird Swoop 3040 Temblor Blade 3041 Cobra Clamp 3042 Illustrious Aid 3043 . 3044 . 3045 . 3046 . 3047 Feast of Arrows 3048 Cruel Joke 3049 Regurgitated Swarm 3050 Setting the Stage 3051 Last Laugh 3052 Thorned Stance 3053 Sensual Dance 3054 Dancer's Fury 3055 Whirling Edge 3056 Rousing Samba 3057 Vivifying Waltz 3058 True Strike 3059 Hexa Strike 3060 Glutinous Dart 3061 Death Spin 3062 Velkkan Pygmachia 3063 Saurian Slide 3064 Jungle Wallop 3065 . 3066 Critical Mass 3067 Fiery Tailings 3068 Meteor Strike 3069 Inferno 3070 Wind Blade 3071 Aerial Blast 3072 Heavenly Strike 3073 Diamond Dust 3074 Thunderstorm 3075 Judgment Bolt 3076 Geocrush 3077 Earthen Fury 3078 Grand Fall 3079 Tidal Wave 3080 Howling Moon 3081 Lunar Bay 3082 Chaos Blast 3083 Oblivion's Mantle 3084 Dark Moon 3085 Dark Sun 3086 Dark Thorn 3087 Durance Whip 3088 . 3089 Dark Flare 3090 Dark Freeze 3091 Dark Tornado 3092 Dark Quake 3093 Dark Burst 3094 Dark Flood 3095 Wild Oats 3096 Photosynthesis 3097 Petal Pirouette 3098 Head Butt 3099 Blow 3100 Uppercut 3101 Antiphase 3102 Blank Gaze 3103 . 3104 . 3105 . 3106 . 3107 Tearing Gust 3108 Concussive Shock 3109 Chokehold 3110 Zap 3111 Shrieking Gale 3112 Undulating Shockwave 3113 . 3114 . 3115 . 3116 Cesspool 3117 Fetid Eddies 3118 Nullifying Rain 3119 Noyade 3120 Clobbering Wave 3121 . 3122 . 3123 . 3124 Start from Scratch 3125 Frenzied Thrust 3126 Sinner's Cross 3127 Open Coffin 3128 Ravenous Assault 3129 Hemocladis 3130 . 3131 . 3132 . 3133 Fulminous Smash 3134 Flaming Kick 3135 Icy Grasp 3136 Flashflood 3137 Eroding Flesh 3138 Vivisection 3139 . 3140 . 3141 . 3142 . 3143 Impudence 3144 Incessant Void 3145 Tenebrous Grip 3146 Demonfire 3147 Frozen Blood 3148 Blast of Reticence 3149 Ensepulcher 3150 Ceaseless Surge 3151 Torrential Pain 3152 Eternal Misery 3153 Crippling Agony 3154 Bane of Tartarus 3155 Power Slash 3156 Freezebite 3157 Combo 3158 One-Ilm Punch 3159 Howling Fist 3160 Dragon Kick 3161 Asuran Fists 3162 Amatsu: Torimai 3163 Amatsu: Kazakiri 3164 Amatsu: Yukiarashi 3165 Amatsu: Tsukioboro 3166 Amatsu: Hanaikusa 3167 Wasp Sting 3168 Dancing Edge 3169 Flat Blade 3170 Stink Bomb 3171 Nectarous Deluge 3172 Nepenthic Plunge 3173 Guiding Light 3174 Upgrowth 3175 Fast Blade 3176 Savage Blade 3177 Sheep Song 3178 Tachi: Kamai 3179 Iainuki 3180 Tachi: Goten 3181 Tachi: Kasha 3182 Dragon Breath 3183 Hurricane Wing 3184 Pocket Sand 3185 Tripe Gripe 3186 Sharp Eye 3187 Gloeosuccus 3188 Afflatus Misery 3189 Merciless Strike 3190 Villainous Rebuke 3191 Stygian Release 3192 Uppercut 3193 Infernal Bulwark 3194 Earthbreaker 3195 Dynastic Gravitas 3196 Illustrious Aid 3197 Guiding Light 3198 Coming Up Roses 3199 #1663 3200 #1664 3201 #1665 3202 #1666 3203 #1667 3204 #1668 3205 Bloody Breath 3206 Excessively Bad Breath 3207 #1671 3208 #1672 3209 #1673 3210 Paralyzing Microtube 3211 Silencing Microtube 3212 Binding Microtube 3213 Twirling Dervish 3214 Great Wheel 3215 Light Blade 3216 Vortex 3217 Stellar Burst 3218 Bubble Curtain 3219 Metallic Body 3220 Venom Storm 3221 Venom Sting 3222 Venom Breath 3223 Elemental Sforzo 3224 Mikage 3225 Azure Lore 3226 Bolster 3227 Scissor Guard 3228 Hemorrhaze 3229 Regulator 3230 Tongue Lash 3231 Sidewinder 3232 Arching Arrow 3233 Stellar Arrow 3234 Lux Arrow 3235 Grapeshot 3236 Pirate Pummel 3237 Powder Keg 3238 Walk the Plank 3239 Ground Strike 3240 Hollow Smite 3241 Sarva's Storm 3242 Sarva's Storm 3243 Soturi's Fury 3244 Celidon's Torment 3245 Tachi: Mudo 3246 Nott 3247 Justicebreaker 3248 Rancid Breath 3249 Geotic Spin 3250 Hellfire Arrow 3251 Incensed Pummel 3252 . 3253 . 3254 . 3255 Lunatic Voice 3256 Sonic Buffet 3257 Entice 3258 Hysteric Assault 3259 Clarsach Call 3260 Infected Leech 3261 Gloom Spray 3262 Bloody Mist 3263 Tendril Curse 3264 Frigid Pulse 3265 Gates of Hades 3266 Magma Hoplon 3267 Bad Breath 3268 Meteor 3269 Meteor 3270 Thunderbolt 3271 #1735 3272 #1736 3273 #1737 3274 Beastruction 3275 Bad Breath 3276 Wings of Agony 3277 Wings of Woe 3278 #1742 3279 #1743 3280 #1744 3281 #1745 3282 #1746 3283 #1747 3284 #1748 3285 #1749 3286 #1750 3287 #1751 3288 #1752 3289 #1753 3290 #1754 3291 #1755 3292 #1756 3293 #1757 3294 #1758 3295 #1759 3296 #1760 3297 #1761 3298 #1762 3299 #1763 3300 #1764 3301 #1765 3302 #1766 3303 #1767 3304 #1768 3305 #1769 3306 #1770 3307 #1771 3308 #1772 3309 #1773 3310 #1774 3311 #1775 3312 #1776 3313 #1777 3314 #1778 3315 #1779 3316 #1780 3317 #1781 3318 #1782 3319 #1783 3320 #1784 3321 #1785 3322 #1786 3323 #1787 3324 #1788 3325 #1789 3326 #1790 3327 #1791 3328 #1792 3329 #1793 3330 #1794 3331 #1795 3332 #1796 3333 #1797 3334 #1798 3335 #1799 3336 #1800 3337 #1801 3338 #1802 3339 #1803 3340 #1804 3341 #1805 3342 #1806 3343 #1807 3344 #1808 3345 #1809 3346 #1810 3347 #1811 3348 #1812 3349 #1813 3350 #1814 3351 #1815 3352 #1816 3353 #1817 3354 #1818 3355 #1819 3356 #1820 3357 #1821 3358 #1822 3359 #1823 3360 #1824 3361 #1825 3362 #1826 3363 #1827 3364 #1828 3365 #1829 3366 #1830 3367 #1831 3368 #1832 3369 #1833 3370 #1834 3371 #1835 3372 #1836 3373 #1837 3374 #1838 3375 #1839 3376 #1840 3377 #1841 3378 #1842 3379 #1843 3380 #1844 3381 #1845 3382 #1846 3383 #1847 3384 #1848 3385 #1849 3386 #1850 3387 #1851 3388 #1852 3389 #1853 3390 #1854 3391 #1855 3392 #1856 3393 #1857 3394 #1858 3395 #1859 3396 #1860 3397 #1861 3398 #1862 3399 #1863 3400 #1864 3401 #1865 3402 #1866 3403 #1867 3404 #1868 3405 #1869 3406 #1870 3407 #1871 3408 #1872 3409 #1873 3410 #1874 3411 #1875 3412 #1876 3413 #1877 3414 #1878 3415 #1879 3416 #1880 3417 #1881 3418 #1882 3419 #1883 3420 #1884 3421 #1885 3422 #1886 3423 #1887 3424 #1888 3425 #1889 3426 #1890 3427 #1891 3428 #1892 3429 #1893 3430 #1894 3431 #1895 3432 #1896 3433 #1897 3434 #1898 3435 #1899 3436 #1900 3437 #1901 3438 #1902 3439 #1903 3440 #1904 3441 #1905 3442 #1906 3443 #1907 3444 #1908 3445 #1909 3446 #1910 3447 #1911 3448 #1912 3449 #1913 3450 #1914 3451 #1915 3452 #1916 3453 #1917 3454 #1918 3455 #1919 3456 #1920 3457 #1921 3458 #1922 3459 #1923 3460 #1924 3461 #1925 3462 #1926 3463 #1927 3464 #1928 3465 #1929 3466 #1930 3467 #1931 3468 #1932 3469 #1933 3470 #1934 3471 #1935 3472 #1936 3473 #1937 3474 #1938 3475 #1939 3476 #1940 3477 #1941 3478 #1942 3479 #1943 3480 #1944 3481 #1945 3482 #1946 3483 #1947 3484 #1948 3485 #1949 3486 #1950 3487 #1951 3488 #1952 3489 #1953 3490 #1954 3491 #1955 3492 #1956 3493 #1957 3494 #1958 3495 #1959 3496 #1960 3497 #1961 3498 #1962 3499 #1963 3500 #1964 3501 #1965 3502 #1966 3503 #1967 3504 #1968 3505 #1969 3506 #1970 3507 #1971 3508 #1972 3509 #1973 3510 #1974 3511 #1975 3512 #1976 3513 #1977 3514 #1978 3515 #1979 3516 #1980 3517 #1981 3518 #1982 3519 #1983 3520 #1984 3521 #1985 3522 #1986 3523 #1987 3524 #1988 3525 #1989 3526 #1990 3527 #1991 3528 #1992 3529 #1993 3530 #1994 3531 #1995 3532 #1996 3533 #1997 3534 #1998 3535 #1999 3536 #2000 3537 #2001 3538 #2002 3539 #2003 3540 #2004 3541 #2005 3542 #2006 3543 #2007 3544 #2008 3545 #2009 3546 #2010 3547 #2011 3548 #2012 3549 #2013 3550 #2014 3551 #2015 3552 #2016 3553 #2017 3554 #2018 3555 #2019 3556 #2020 3557 #2021 3558 #2022 3559 #2023 3560 #2024 3561 #2025 3562 #2026 3563 #2027 3564 #2028 3565 #2029 3566 #2030 3567 #2031 3568 #2032 3569 #2033 3570 #2034 3571 #2035 3572 #2036 3573 #2037 3574 #2038 3575 #2039 3576 #2040 3577 #2041 3578 #2042 3579 #2043 3580 #2044 3581 #2045 3582 #2046 3583 #2047 3584 Foot Kick 3585 Dust Cloud 3586 Whirl Claws 3587 Head Butt 3588 Dream Flower 3589 Wild Oats 3590 Leaf Dagger 3591 Scream 3592 Roar 3593 Razor Fang 3594 Claw Cyclone 3595 Tail Blow 3596 Fireball 3597 Blockhead 3598 Brain Crush 3599 Infrasonics 3600 Secretion 3601 Lamb Chop 3602 Rage 3603 Sheep Charge 3604 Sheep Song 3605 Bubble Shower 3606 Bubble Curtain 3607 Big Scissors 3608 Scissor Guard 3609 Metallic Body 3610 Needleshot 3611 ??? Needles 3612 Frogkick 3613 Spore 3614 Queasyshroom 3615 Numbshroom 3616 Shakeshroom 3617 Silence Gas 3618 Dark Spore 3619 Power Attack 3620 Hi-Freq Field 3621 Rhino Attack 3622 Rhino Guard 3623 Spoil 3624 Cursed Sphere 3625 Venom 3626 Sandblast 3627 Sandpit 3628 Venom Spray 3629 Mandibular Bite 3630 Soporific 3631 Gloeosuccus 3632 Palsy Pollen 3633 Geist Wall 3634 Numbing Noise 3635 Nimble Snap 3636 Cyclotail 3637 Toxic Spit 3638 Double Claw 3639 Grapple 3640 Filamented Hold 3641 Spinning Top 3642 Chaotic Eye 3643 Blaster 3644 Suction 3645 Drainkiss 3646 Snow Cloud 3647 Wild Carrot 3648 Sudden Lunge 3649 Spiral Spin 3650 Noisome Powder 3651 Acid Mist 3652 TP Drainkiss 3653 Scythe Tail 3654 Ripper Fang 3655 Chomp Rush 3656 Charged Whisker 3657 Purulent Ooze 3658 Corrosive Ooze 3659 Back Heel 3660 Jettatura 3661 Choke Breath 3662 Fantod 3663 Tortoise Stomp 3664 Harden Shell 3665 Aqua Breath 3666 Wing Slap 3667 Beak Lunge 3668 Intimidate 3669 Recoil Dive 3670 Water Wall 3671 Sensilla Blades 3672 Tegmina Buffet 3673 Molting Plumage 3674 Swooping Frenzy 3675 Sweeping Gouge 3676 Zealous Snort 3677 Pentapeck 3678 Tickling Tendrils 3679 Stink Bomb 3680 Nectarous Deluge 3681 Nepenthic Plunge 3682 Somersault 3683 Foul Waters 3684 Pestilent Plume 3685 Pecking Flurry 3686 Sickle Slash 3687 Acid Spray 3688 Spider Web 3689 #2153 3690 #2154 3691 #2155 3692 #2156 3693 #2157 3694 #2158 3695 #2159 3696 #2160 3697 #2161 3698 #2162 3699 #2163 3700 #2164 3701 #2165 3702 #2166 3703 #2167 3704 #2168 3705 #2169 3706 #2170 3707 #2171 3708 #2172 3709 #2173 3710 #2174 3711 #2175 3712 #2176 3713 #2177 3714 #2178 3715 #2179 3716 #2180 3717 #2181 3718 #2182 3719 #2183 3720 #2184 3721 #2185 3722 #2186 3723 #2187 3724 #2188 3725 #2189 3726 #2190 3727 #2191 3728 #2192 3729 #2193 3730 #2194 3731 #2195 3732 #2196 3733 #2197 3734 #2198 3735 #2199 3736 #2200 3737 #2201 3738 #2202 3739 #2203 3740 #2204 3741 #2205 3742 #2206 3743 #2207 3744 #2208 3745 #2209 3746 #2210 3747 #2211 3748 #2212 3749 #2213 3750 #2214 3751 #2215 3752 #2216 3753 #2217 3754 #2218 3755 #2219 3756 #2220 3757 #2221 3758 #2222 3759 #2223 3760 #2224 3761 #2225 3762 #2226 3763 #2227 3764 #2228 3765 #2229 3766 #2230 3767 #2231 3768 #2232 3769 #2233 3770 #2234 3771 #2235 3772 #2236 3773 #2237 3774 #2238 3775 #2239 3776 #2240 3777 #2241 3778 #2242 3779 #2243 3780 #2244 3781 #2245 3782 #2246 3783 #2247 3784 #2248 3785 #2249 3786 #2250 3787 #2251 3788 #2252 3789 #2253 3790 #2254 3791 #2255 3792 #2256 3793 #2257 3794 #2258 3795 #2259 3796 #2260 3797 #2261 3798 #2262 3799 #2263 3800 #2264 3801 #2265 3802 #2266 3803 #2267 3804 #2268 3805 #2269 3806 #2270 3807 #2271 3808 #2272 3809 #2273 3810 #2274 3811 #2275 3812 #2276 3813 #2277 3814 #2278 3815 #2279 3816 #2280 3817 #2281 3818 #2282 3819 #2283 3820 #2284 3821 #2285 3822 #2286 3823 #2287 3824 #2288 3825 #2289 3826 #2290 3827 #2291 3828 #2292 3829 #2293 3830 #2294 3831 #2295 3832 #2296 3833 #2297 3834 #2298 3835 #2299 3836 #2300 3837 #2301 3838 #2302 3839 #2303