// Copyright (c) Athena Dev Teams - Licensed under GNU GPL
// For more information, see LICENCE in the main folder
#include "../common/malloc.h"
#include "../common/mmo.h"
#include "../common/showmsg.h"
#include "../common/harmony.h"
#include "../common/sql.h"
#include "../common/strlib.h"
#include "../common/timer.h"
#include "../config/core.h"
#include "account.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
/// global defines
#define ACCOUNT_SQL_DB_VERSION 20110114
/// internal structure
typedef struct AccountDB_SQL
AccountDB vtable; // public interface
Sql* accounts; // SQL accounts storage
// global sql settings
char global_db_hostname[32];
uint16 global_db_port;
char global_db_username[32];
char global_db_password[32];
char global_db_database[32];
char global_codepage[32];
// local sql settings
char db_hostname[32];
uint16 db_port;
char db_username[32];
char db_password[32];
char db_database[32];
char codepage[32];
// other settings
bool case_sensitive;
char account_db[32];
char accreg_db[32];
} AccountDB_SQL;
/// internal structure
typedef struct AccountDBIterator_SQL
AccountDBIterator vtable; // public interface
AccountDB_SQL* db;
int last_account_id;
} AccountDBIterator_SQL;
/// internal functions
static bool account_db_sql_init(AccountDB* self);
static void account_db_sql_destroy(AccountDB* self);
static bool account_db_sql_get_property(AccountDB* self, const char* key, char* buf, size_t buflen);
static bool account_db_sql_set_property(AccountDB* self, const char* option, const char* value);
static bool account_db_sql_create(AccountDB* self, struct mmo_account* acc);
static bool account_db_sql_remove(AccountDB* self, const int account_id);
static bool account_db_sql_save(AccountDB* self, const struct mmo_account* acc);
static bool account_db_sql_load_num(AccountDB* self, struct mmo_account* acc, const int account_id);
static bool account_db_sql_load_str(AccountDB* self, struct mmo_account* acc, const char* userid);
static AccountDBIterator* account_db_sql_iterator(AccountDB* self);
static void account_db_sql_iter_destroy(AccountDBIterator* self);
static bool account_db_sql_iter_next(AccountDBIterator* self, struct mmo_account* acc);
static bool mmo_auth_fromsql(AccountDB_SQL* db, struct mmo_account* acc, int account_id);
static bool mmo_auth_tosql(AccountDB_SQL* db, const struct mmo_account* acc, bool is_new);
// Harmony
static bool account_db_sql_is_mac_banned(AccountDB* db, const char *mac);
/// public constructor
AccountDB* account_db_sql(void)
AccountDB_SQL* db = (AccountDB_SQL*)aCalloc(1, sizeof(AccountDB_SQL));
// set up the vtable
db->vtable.init = &account_db_sql_init;
db->vtable.destroy = &account_db_sql_destroy;
db->vtable.get_property = &account_db_sql_get_property;
db->vtable.set_property = &account_db_sql_set_property;
db->vtable.save = &account_db_sql_save;
db->vtable.create = &account_db_sql_create;
db->vtable.remove = &account_db_sql_remove;
db->vtable.load_num = &account_db_sql_load_num;
db->vtable.load_str = &account_db_sql_load_str;
db->vtable.iterator = &account_db_sql_iterator;
db->vtable.is_mac_banned= &account_db_sql_is_mac_banned;
// initialize to default values
db->accounts = NULL;
// global sql settings
safestrncpy(db->global_db_hostname, "", sizeof(db->global_db_hostname));
db->global_db_port = 3306;
safestrncpy(db->global_db_username, "ragnarok", sizeof(db->global_db_username));
safestrncpy(db->global_db_password, "ragnarok", sizeof(db->global_db_password));
safestrncpy(db->global_db_database, "ragnarok", sizeof(db->global_db_database));
safestrncpy(db->global_codepage, "", sizeof(db->global_codepage));
// local sql settings
safestrncpy(db->db_hostname, "", sizeof(db->db_hostname));
db->db_port = 3306;
safestrncpy(db->db_username, "", sizeof(db->db_username));
safestrncpy(db->db_password, "", sizeof(db->db_password));
safestrncpy(db->db_database, "", sizeof(db->db_database));
safestrncpy(db->codepage, "", sizeof(db->codepage));
// other settings
db->case_sensitive = false;
safestrncpy(db->account_db, "login", sizeof(db->account_db));
safestrncpy(db->accreg_db, "global_reg_value", sizeof(db->accreg_db));
return &db->vtable;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/// establishes database connection
static bool account_db_sql_init(AccountDB* self)
AccountDB_SQL* db = (AccountDB_SQL*)self;
Sql* sql_handle;
const char* username;
const char* password;
const char* hostname;
uint16 port;
const char* database;
const char* codepage;
db->accounts = Sql_Malloc();
sql_handle = db->accounts;
if( db->db_hostname[0] != '\0' )
{// local settings
username = db->db_username;
password = db->db_password;
hostname = db->db_hostname;
port = db->db_port;
database = db->db_database;
codepage = db->codepage;
{// global settings
username = db->global_db_username;
password = db->global_db_password;
hostname = db->global_db_hostname;
port = db->global_db_port;
database = db->global_db_database;
codepage = db->global_codepage;
if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Connect(sql_handle, username, password, hostname, port, database) )
db->accounts = NULL;
return false;
if( codepage[0] != '\0' && SQL_ERROR == Sql_SetEncoding(sql_handle, codepage) )
return true;
/// disconnects from database
static void account_db_sql_destroy(AccountDB* self)
AccountDB_SQL* db = (AccountDB_SQL*)self;
db->accounts = NULL;
/// Gets a property from this database.
static bool account_db_sql_get_property(AccountDB* self, const char* key, char* buf, size_t buflen)
AccountDB_SQL* db = (AccountDB_SQL*)self;
const char* signature;
signature = "engine.";
if( strncmpi(key, signature, strlen(signature)) == 0 )
key += strlen(signature);
if( strcmpi(key, "name") == 0 )
safesnprintf(buf, buflen, "sql");
if( strcmpi(key, "version") == 0 )
safesnprintf(buf, buflen, "%d", ACCOUNT_SQL_DB_VERSION);
if( strcmpi(key, "comment") == 0 )
safesnprintf(buf, buflen, "SQL Account Database");
return false;// not found
return true;
signature = "sql.";
if( strncmpi(key, signature, strlen(signature)) == 0 )
key += strlen(signature);
if( strcmpi(key, "db_hostname") == 0 )
safesnprintf(buf, buflen, "%s", db->global_db_hostname);
if( strcmpi(key, "db_port") == 0 )
safesnprintf(buf, buflen, "%d", db->global_db_port);
if( strcmpi(key, "db_username") == 0 )
safesnprintf(buf, buflen, "%s", db->global_db_username);
if( strcmpi(key, "db_password") == 0 )
safesnprintf(buf, buflen, "%s", db->global_db_password);
if( strcmpi(key, "db_database") == 0 )
safesnprintf(buf, buflen, "%s", db->global_db_database);
if( strcmpi(key, "codepage") == 0 )
safesnprintf(buf, buflen, "%s", db->global_codepage);
return false;// not found
return true;
signature = "account.sql.";
if( strncmpi(key, signature, strlen(signature)) == 0 )
key += strlen(signature);
if( strcmpi(key, "db_hostname") == 0 )
safesnprintf(buf, buflen, "%s", db->db_hostname);
if( strcmpi(key, "db_port") == 0 )
safesnprintf(buf, buflen, "%d", db->db_port);
if( strcmpi(key, "db_username") == 0 )
safesnprintf(buf, buflen, "%s", db->db_username);
if( strcmpi(key, "db_password") == 0 )
safesnprintf(buf, buflen, "%s", db->db_password);
if( strcmpi(key, "db_database") == 0 )
safesnprintf(buf, buflen, "%s", db->db_database);
if( strcmpi(key, "codepage") == 0 )
safesnprintf(buf, buflen, "%s", db->codepage);
if( strcmpi(key, "case_sensitive") == 0 )
safesnprintf(buf, buflen, "%d", (db->case_sensitive ? 1 : 0));
if( strcmpi(key, "account_db") == 0 )
safesnprintf(buf, buflen, "%s", db->account_db);
if( strcmpi(key, "accreg_db") == 0 )
safesnprintf(buf, buflen, "%s", db->accreg_db);
return false;// not found
return true;
return false;// not found
/// if the option is supported, adjusts the internal state
static bool account_db_sql_set_property(AccountDB* self, const char* key, const char* value)
AccountDB_SQL* db = (AccountDB_SQL*)self;
const char* signature;
signature = "sql.";
if( strncmp(key, signature, strlen(signature)) == 0 )
key += strlen(signature);
if( strcmpi(key, "db_hostname") == 0 )
safestrncpy(db->global_db_hostname, value, sizeof(db->global_db_hostname));
if( strcmpi(key, "db_port") == 0 )
db->global_db_port = (uint16)strtoul(value, NULL, 10);
if( strcmpi(key, "db_username") == 0 )
safestrncpy(db->global_db_username, value, sizeof(db->global_db_username));
if( strcmpi(key, "db_password") == 0 )
safestrncpy(db->global_db_password, value, sizeof(db->global_db_password));
if( strcmpi(key, "db_database") == 0 )
safestrncpy(db->global_db_database, value, sizeof(db->global_db_database));
if( strcmpi(key, "codepage") == 0 )
safestrncpy(db->global_codepage, value, sizeof(db->global_codepage));
return false;// not found
return true;
signature = "account.sql.";
if( strncmp(key, signature, strlen(signature)) == 0 )
key += strlen(signature);
if( strcmpi(key, "db_hostname") == 0 )
safestrncpy(db->db_hostname, value, sizeof(db->db_hostname));
if( strcmpi(key, "db_port") == 0 )
db->db_port = (uint16)strtoul(value, NULL, 10);
if( strcmpi(key, "db_username") == 0 )
safestrncpy(db->db_username, value, sizeof(db->db_username));
if( strcmpi(key, "db_password") == 0 )
safestrncpy(db->db_password, value, sizeof(db->db_password));
if( strcmpi(key, "db_database") == 0 )
safestrncpy(db->db_database, value, sizeof(db->db_database));
if( strcmpi(key, "codepage") == 0 )
safestrncpy(db->codepage, value, sizeof(db->codepage));
if( strcmpi(key, "case_sensitive") == 0 )
db->case_sensitive = config_switch(value);
if( strcmpi(key, "account_db") == 0 )
safestrncpy(db->account_db, value, sizeof(db->account_db));
if( strcmpi(key, "accreg_db") == 0 )
safestrncpy(db->accreg_db, value, sizeof(db->accreg_db));
return false;// not found
return true;
return false;// not found
/// create a new account entry
/// If acc->account_id is -1, the account id will be auto-generated,
/// and its value will be written to acc->account_id if everything succeeds.
static bool account_db_sql_create(AccountDB* self, struct mmo_account* acc)
AccountDB_SQL* db = (AccountDB_SQL*)self;
Sql* sql_handle = db->accounts;
// decide on the account id to assign
int account_id;
if( acc->account_id != -1 )
{// caller specifies it manually
account_id = acc->account_id;
{// ask the database
char* data;
size_t len;
if( SQL_SUCCESS != Sql_Query(sql_handle, "SELECT MAX(`account_id`)+1 FROM `%s`", db->account_db) )
return false;
if( SQL_SUCCESS != Sql_NextRow(sql_handle) )
return false;
Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 0, &data, &len);
account_id = ( data != NULL ) ? atoi(data) : 0;
if( account_id < START_ACCOUNT_NUM )
account_id = START_ACCOUNT_NUM;
// zero value is prohibited
if( account_id == 0 )
return false;
// absolute maximum
if( account_id > END_ACCOUNT_NUM )
return false;
// insert the data into the database
acc->account_id = account_id;
return mmo_auth_tosql(db, acc, true);
/// delete an existing account entry + its regs
static bool account_db_sql_remove(AccountDB* self, const int account_id)
AccountDB_SQL* db = (AccountDB_SQL*)self;
Sql* sql_handle = db->accounts;
bool result = false;
if( SQL_SUCCESS != Sql_QueryStr(sql_handle, "START TRANSACTION")
|| SQL_SUCCESS != Sql_Query(sql_handle, "DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE `account_id` = %d", db->account_db, account_id)
|| SQL_SUCCESS != Sql_Query(sql_handle, "DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE `account_id` = %d", db->accreg_db, account_id) )
result = true;
result &= ( SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_QueryStr(sql_handle, (result == true) ? "COMMIT" : "ROLLBACK") );
return result;
static bool account_db_sql_is_mac_banned(AccountDB* self, const char *mac) {
AccountDB_SQL* db = (AccountDB_SQL*)self;
Sql *db_handle = db->accounts;
SqlStmt* stmt = SqlStmt_Malloc(db_handle);
bool result = false;
if (SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_Prepare(stmt, "SELECT 1 FROM mac_bans WHERE mac = ?") ||
SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_BindParam(stmt, 0, SQLDT_STRING, (void*)mac, strlen(mac)) ||
SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_Execute(stmt)) {
} else {
result = (SqlStmt_NumRows(stmt) > 0);
return result;
/// update an existing account with the provided new data (both account and regs)
static bool account_db_sql_save(AccountDB* self, const struct mmo_account* acc)
AccountDB_SQL* db = (AccountDB_SQL*)self;
return mmo_auth_tosql(db, acc, false);
/// retrieve data from db and store it in the provided data structure
static bool account_db_sql_load_num(AccountDB* self, struct mmo_account* acc, const int account_id)
AccountDB_SQL* db = (AccountDB_SQL*)self;
return mmo_auth_fromsql(db, acc, account_id);
/// retrieve data from db and store it in the provided data structure
static bool account_db_sql_load_str(AccountDB* self, struct mmo_account* acc, const char* userid)
AccountDB_SQL* db = (AccountDB_SQL*)self;
Sql* sql_handle = db->accounts;
char esc_userid[2*NAME_LENGTH+1];
int account_id;
char* data;
Sql_EscapeString(sql_handle, esc_userid, userid);
// get the list of account IDs for this user ID
if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(sql_handle, "SELECT `account_id` FROM `%s` WHERE `userid`= %s '%s'",
db->account_db, (db->case_sensitive ? "BINARY" : ""), esc_userid) )
return false;
if( Sql_NumRows(sql_handle) > 1 )
{// serious problem - duplicit account
ShowError("account_db_sql_load_str: multiple accounts found when retrieving data for account '%s'!\n", userid);
return false;
if( SQL_SUCCESS != Sql_NextRow(sql_handle) )
{// no such entry
return false;
Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 0, &data, NULL);
account_id = atoi(data);
return account_db_sql_load_num(self, acc, account_id);
/// Returns a new forward iterator.
static AccountDBIterator* account_db_sql_iterator(AccountDB* self)
AccountDB_SQL* db = (AccountDB_SQL*)self;
AccountDBIterator_SQL* iter = (AccountDBIterator_SQL*)aCalloc(1, sizeof(AccountDBIterator_SQL));
// set up the vtable
iter->vtable.destroy = &account_db_sql_iter_destroy;
iter->vtable.next = &account_db_sql_iter_next;
// fill data
iter->db = db;
iter->last_account_id = -1;
return &iter->vtable;
/// Destroys this iterator, releasing all allocated memory (including itself).
static void account_db_sql_iter_destroy(AccountDBIterator* self)
AccountDBIterator_SQL* iter = (AccountDBIterator_SQL*)self;
/// Fetches the next account in the database.
static bool account_db_sql_iter_next(AccountDBIterator* self, struct mmo_account* acc)
AccountDBIterator_SQL* iter = (AccountDBIterator_SQL*)self;
AccountDB_SQL* db = (AccountDB_SQL*)iter->db;
Sql* sql_handle = db->accounts;
char* data;
// get next account ID
if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(sql_handle, "SELECT `account_id` FROM `%s` WHERE `account_id` > '%d' ORDER BY `account_id` ASC LIMIT 1",
db->account_db, iter->last_account_id) )
return false;
if( SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow(sql_handle) &&
SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 0, &data, NULL) &&
data != NULL )
{// get account data
int account_id;
account_id = atoi(data);
if( mmo_auth_fromsql(db, acc, account_id) )
iter->last_account_id = account_id;
return true;
return false;
static bool mmo_auth_fromsql(AccountDB_SQL* db, struct mmo_account* acc, int account_id)
Sql* sql_handle = db->accounts;
char* data;
int i = 0;
// retrieve login entry for the specified account
if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(sql_handle,
"SELECT `account_id`,`userid`,`user_pass`,`sex`,`email`,`group_id`,`state`,`unban_time`,`expiration_time`,`logincount`,`lastlogin`,`last_ip`,`birthdate`,`character_slots`,`pincode`, `pincode_change`, `bank_vault`, `vip_time`, `old_group`, `last_mac` FROM `%s` WHERE `account_id` = %d",
"SELECT `account_id`,`userid`,`user_pass`,`sex`,`email`,`group_id`,`state`,`unban_time`,`expiration_time`,`logincount`,`lastlogin`,`last_ip`,`birthdate`,`character_slots`,`pincode`, `pincode_change`, `bank_vault`, `last_mac` FROM `%s` WHERE `account_id` = %d",
db->account_db, account_id )
) {
return false;
if( SQL_SUCCESS != Sql_NextRow(sql_handle) )
{// no such entry
return false;
Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 0, &data, NULL); acc->account_id = atoi(data);
Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 1, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(acc->userid, data, sizeof(acc->userid));
Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 2, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(acc->pass, data, sizeof(acc->pass));
Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 3, &data, NULL); acc->sex = data[0];
Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 4, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(acc->email, data, sizeof(acc->email));
Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 5, &data, NULL); acc->group_id = atoi(data);
Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 6, &data, NULL); acc->state = strtoul(data, NULL, 10);
Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 7, &data, NULL); acc->unban_time = atol(data);
Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 8, &data, NULL); acc->expiration_time = atol(data);
Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 9, &data, NULL); acc->logincount = strtoul(data, NULL, 10);
Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 10, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(acc->lastlogin, data, sizeof(acc->lastlogin));
Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 11, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(acc->last_ip, data, sizeof(acc->last_ip));
Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 12, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(acc->birthdate, data, sizeof(acc->birthdate));
Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 13, &data, NULL); acc->char_slots = atoi(data);
Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 14, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(acc->pincode, data, sizeof(acc->pincode));
Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 15, &data, NULL); acc->pincode_change = atol(data);
Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 16, &data, NULL); acc->bank_vault = atoi(data);
Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 17, &data, NULL); acc->vip_time = atol(data);
Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 18, &data, NULL); acc->old_group = atoi(data);
Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 19, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(acc->mac_address, data, sizeof(acc->mac_address));
Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 17, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(acc->mac_address, data, sizeof(acc->mac_address));
// retrieve account regs for the specified user
if( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(sql_handle, "SELECT `str`,`value` FROM `%s` WHERE `type`='1' AND `account_id`='%d'", db->accreg_db, acc->account_id) )
return false;
acc->account_reg2_num = (int)Sql_NumRows(sql_handle);
while( SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow(sql_handle) )
char* data;
Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 0, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(acc->account_reg2[i].str, data, sizeof(acc->account_reg2[i].str));
Sql_GetData(sql_handle, 1, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(acc->account_reg2[i].value, data, sizeof(acc->account_reg2[i].value));
if( i != acc->account_reg2_num )
return false;
return true;
static bool mmo_auth_tosql(AccountDB_SQL* db, const struct mmo_account* acc, bool is_new)
Sql* sql_handle = db->accounts;
SqlStmt* stmt = SqlStmt_Malloc(sql_handle);
bool result = false;
int i;
// try
if( SQL_SUCCESS != Sql_QueryStr(sql_handle, "START TRANSACTION") )
if( is_new )
{// insert into account table
if( SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_Prepare(stmt,
"INSERT INTO `%s` (`account_id`, `userid`, `user_pass`, `sex`, `email`, `group_id`, `state`, `unban_time`, `expiration_time`, `logincount`, `lastlogin`, `last_ip`, `birthdate`, `character_slots`, `pincode`, `pincode_change`, `bank_vault`, `vip_time`, `old_group`, `last_mac` ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
"INSERT INTO `%s` (`account_id`, `userid`, `user_pass`, `sex`, `email`, `group_id`, `state`, `unban_time`, `expiration_time`, `logincount`, `lastlogin`, `last_ip`, `birthdate`, `character_slots`, `pincode`, `pincode_change`, `bank_vault`, `last_mac` ) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
|| SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_BindParam(stmt, 0, SQLDT_INT, (void*)&acc->account_id, sizeof(acc->account_id))
|| SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_BindParam(stmt, 1, SQLDT_STRING, (void*)acc->userid, strlen(acc->userid))
|| SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_BindParam(stmt, 2, SQLDT_STRING, (void*)acc->pass, strlen(acc->pass))
|| SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_BindParam(stmt, 3, SQLDT_ENUM, (void*)&acc->sex, sizeof(acc->sex))
|| SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_BindParam(stmt, 4, SQLDT_STRING, (void*)&acc->email, strlen(acc->email))
|| SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_BindParam(stmt, 5, SQLDT_INT, (void*)&acc->group_id, sizeof(acc->group_id))
|| SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_BindParam(stmt, 6, SQLDT_UINT, (void*)&acc->state, sizeof(acc->state))
|| SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_BindParam(stmt, 7, SQLDT_LONG, (void*)&acc->unban_time, sizeof(acc->unban_time))
|| SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_BindParam(stmt, 8, SQLDT_INT, (void*)&acc->expiration_time, sizeof(acc->expiration_time))
|| SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_BindParam(stmt, 9, SQLDT_UINT, (void*)&acc->logincount, sizeof(acc->logincount))
|| SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_BindParam(stmt, 10, SQLDT_STRING, (void*)&acc->lastlogin, strlen(acc->lastlogin))
|| SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_BindParam(stmt, 11, SQLDT_STRING, (void*)&acc->last_ip, strlen(acc->last_ip))
|| SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_BindParam(stmt, 12, SQLDT_STRING, (void*)&acc->birthdate, strlen(acc->birthdate))
|| SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_BindParam(stmt, 13, SQLDT_UCHAR, (void*)&acc->char_slots, sizeof(acc->char_slots))
|| SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_BindParam(stmt, 14, SQLDT_STRING, (void*)&acc->pincode, strlen(acc->pincode))
|| SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_BindParam(stmt, 15, SQLDT_LONG, (void*)&acc->pincode_change, sizeof(acc->pincode_change))
|| SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_BindParam(stmt, 16, SQLDT_INT, (void*)&acc->bank_vault, sizeof(acc->bank_vault))
|| SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_BindParam(stmt, 17, SQLDT_LONG, (void*)&acc->vip_time, sizeof(acc->vip_time))
|| SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_BindParam(stmt, 18, SQLDT_INT, (void*)&acc->old_group, sizeof(acc->old_group))
|| SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_BindParam(stmt, 19, SQLDT_STRING, (void*)acc->mac_address, strlen(acc->mac_address))
|| SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_BindParam(stmt, 17, SQLDT_STRING, (void*)acc->mac_address, strlen(acc->mac_address))
|| SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_Execute(stmt)
) {
{// update account table
if( SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_Prepare(stmt,
"UPDATE `%s` SET `userid`=?,`user_pass`=?,`sex`=?,`email`=?,`group_id`=?,`state`=?,`unban_time`=?,`expiration_time`=?,`logincount`=?,`lastlogin`=?,`last_ip`=?,`birthdate`=?,`character_slots`=?,`pincode`=?, `pincode_change`=?, `bank_vault`=?, `vip_time`=?, `old_group`=?, `last_mac`=? WHERE `account_id` = '%d'",
"UPDATE `%s` SET `userid`=?,`user_pass`=?,`sex`=?,`email`=?,`group_id`=?,`state`=?,`unban_time`=?,`expiration_time`=?,`logincount`=?,`lastlogin`=?,`last_ip`=?,`birthdate`=?,`character_slots`=?,`pincode`=?, `pincode_change`=?, `bank_vault`=?, `last_mac`=? WHERE `account_id` = '%d'",
db->account_db, acc->account_id)
|| SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_BindParam(stmt, 0, SQLDT_STRING, (void*)acc->userid, strlen(acc->userid))
|| SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_BindParam(stmt, 1, SQLDT_STRING, (void*)acc->pass, strlen(acc->pass))
|| SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_BindParam(stmt, 2, SQLDT_ENUM, (void*)&acc->sex, sizeof(acc->sex))
|| SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_BindParam(stmt, 3, SQLDT_STRING, (void*)acc->email, strlen(acc->email))
|| SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_BindParam(stmt, 4, SQLDT_INT, (void*)&acc->group_id, sizeof(acc->group_id))
|| SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_BindParam(stmt, 5, SQLDT_UINT, (void*)&acc->state, sizeof(acc->state))
|| SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_BindParam(stmt, 6, SQLDT_LONG, (void*)&acc->unban_time, sizeof(acc->unban_time))
|| SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_BindParam(stmt, 7, SQLDT_LONG, (void*)&acc->expiration_time, sizeof(acc->expiration_time))
|| SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_BindParam(stmt, 8, SQLDT_UINT, (void*)&acc->logincount, sizeof(acc->logincount))
|| SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_BindParam(stmt, 9, SQLDT_STRING, (void*)&acc->lastlogin, strlen(acc->lastlogin))
|| SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_BindParam(stmt, 10, SQLDT_STRING, (void*)&acc->last_ip, strlen(acc->last_ip))
|| SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_BindParam(stmt, 11, SQLDT_STRING, (void*)&acc->birthdate, strlen(acc->birthdate))
|| SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_BindParam(stmt, 12, SQLDT_UCHAR, (void*)&acc->char_slots, sizeof(acc->char_slots))
|| SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_BindParam(stmt, 13, SQLDT_STRING, (void*)&acc->pincode, strlen(acc->pincode))
|| SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_BindParam(stmt, 14, SQLDT_LONG, (void*)&acc->pincode_change, sizeof(acc->pincode_change))
|| SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_BindParam(stmt, 15, SQLDT_INT, (void*)&acc->bank_vault, sizeof(acc->bank_vault))
|| SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_BindParam(stmt, 16, SQLDT_LONG, (void*)&acc->vip_time, sizeof(acc->vip_time))
|| SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_BindParam(stmt, 17, SQLDT_INT, (void*)&acc->old_group, sizeof(acc->old_group))
|| SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_BindParam(stmt, 18, SQLDT_STRING, (void*)acc->mac_address, strlen(acc->mac_address))
|| SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_BindParam(stmt, 16, SQLDT_STRING, (void*)acc->mac_address, strlen(acc->mac_address))
|| SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_Execute(stmt)
) {
// remove old account regs
if( SQL_SUCCESS != Sql_Query(sql_handle, "DELETE FROM `%s` WHERE `type`='1' AND `account_id`='%d'", db->accreg_db, acc->account_id) )
// insert new account regs
if( SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_Prepare(stmt, "INSERT INTO `%s` (`type`, `account_id`, `str`, `value`) VALUES ( 1 , '%d' , ? , ? );", db->accreg_db, acc->account_id) )
for( i = 0; i < acc->account_reg2_num; ++i )
if( SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_BindParam(stmt, 0, SQLDT_STRING, (void*)acc->account_reg2[i].str, strlen(acc->account_reg2[i].str))
|| SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_BindParam(stmt, 1, SQLDT_STRING, (void*)acc->account_reg2[i].value, strlen(acc->account_reg2[i].value))
|| SQL_SUCCESS != SqlStmt_Execute(stmt)
) {
if( i < acc->account_reg2_num )
result = false;
// if we got this far, everything was successful
result = true;
} while(0);
// finally
result &= ( SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_QueryStr(sql_handle, (result == true) ? "COMMIT" : "ROLLBACK") );
return result;