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// =====================================================
// ADELAYS SYSTEM - Kamishi, Neslea
// Enable or disable the ANDL system.
// You should not have to modify this file, unless the 
// Adelays team tells you to.
// =====================================================
// =====================================================
// Allow the special system for double skills? (SB, AV...)
// Recommended: 1
// =====================================================
// =====================================================
// Is that delay system applied to scroll items or items
// that cast skills? 1 (yes) / 0 (no)
// Not all scroll items are registered, please report us
// The missing ones.
// =====================================================
// =====================================================
// Specify your max ASPD. 
// Recommended: 190
// =====================================================
// =====================================================
// Tolerance in milliseconds applied to all delays. Should be equal to the minimal server delay.
// Decreasing this value will increase the severity of the detection system.
// -----------------------------
// Safe value: Minimal servers delay.
// Strict value (Unsafe): 80
// =====================================================
// =====================================================
// Tolerance in milliseconds applied when being chain attacked (When getting a firebolt, for instance).
// -----------------------------
// Safe value: 1 
// Strict value (Unsafe): 2
// =====================================================
// =====================================================
// Define how much the hack count increase everytime a player gets detected.
// --------------------------
// Safe value: 1
// Strict value (Unsafe): 2
// =====================================================
// =====================================================
// Define how much the hitlock count increase 
// when you get hitlocked.
// Safe value: 1
// Permissive value (Unsafe): 2
// =====================================================
// =====================================================
// Define the max hitlock count you can stack.
// Permissive value: 3
// Strict: 2
// Minimal value (Unsafe): 1
// =====================================================
// =====================================================
// How long it takes in MS for a player to have is hack status
// Reset?
// Permissive value: 10000
// Recommended: 60000
// Minimal value (Unsafe): 1000000
// =====================================================
// =====================================================
// Define how much the hitlock count decrease
// when your skill is marked as hitlocked.
// =====================================================
// =====================================================
// How long a player will stay in fixed delays at maximum
// Before a re-check is forced.
// Permissive value: 5
// Recommended: 15
// Strict value (Unsafe): 30
// =====================================================
// =====================================================
// Ping Buffer Size Multiplicator. 
// Define the max size of the ping buffer.
// Permissive value: 3
// Recommended: 2
// Strict value (Unsafe): 1
// =====================================================
// =====================================================
// Ping Buffer Delay Tolerance. Define when a ping buffer should 
// be applied to a player between two skills.
// Recommended: 50
// =====================================================
// =====================================================
// When you change to a new skill without delay, how much 
//to keep from the previous buffer?
// Recommended: 6
// =====================================================
// =====================================================
// When you wait too long between two skills, how much 
// to keep in the buffer?
// value = acceptableAnimationDelay/multiplicator
// Recommended: 4
// Permissive: 3
// =====================================================
// =====================================================
// If you can get buffer in fixed mode, how much to keep
// From it.
// value = delay/multiplicator
// Recommended: 4
// Permissive: 3
// =====================================================
// =====================================================
// How much buffer to keep after a skill that cuts the
// Animation? Can avoid being detected as HACK in some 
// Tricky cases.
// Recommended: 20
// =====================================================
// =====================================================
// How much the delay is divided for the buffer
// augmentation.
// Recommended: 2
// Permissive:3
// =====================================================
// =====================================================
// How much the delay is divided when removed to the buffer
// augmentation.
// Recommended: 1
// Permissive:2
// =====================================================
// =====================================================
// Maximum the hackcount can be to continue getting buffer.
// augmentation.
// Recommended: 1
// Permissive:2
// =====================================================
// =====================================================
// Maximum the fixed mode can be to continue getting buffer.
// augmentation.
// Recommended: 1
// Permissive:2
// =====================================================
// =====================================================
// Multiplicator on the delay between two skills.
// Buffer can only be increased when the delay is smaller
// than acceptableDelay*multiplicator+adelays_buffer_time
// Recommended: 2
// Permissive:3
// =====================================================
// =====================================================
// Define the minimal value you can get for a buffer
// increase.
// value = acceptableAnimationDelay/multiplicator
// Recommended:4
// Permissive:3
// =====================================================
Viewed 786 times, submitted by milk.