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// Copyright © SupportMii Dev Team
* Project Luna configuration file ([url=""][/url])
* Custom Modifications
// HiddenDragon
// Provide way to reset hatred for Star Gladiators
// Trigger by @hatereset
// Judas
// Duel Modification
// Change location in mods/Judas/DuelMap Files
#define DUELMAP_M
// Misc
// Recall all players on specific map to you
// Trigger by @recallmap <map> without the angle brackets
// OnNplay
// Dancing!
// Trigger by @dance <number> where replace with 1-9
#define DANCE_M
// tr0n
// Allow you to trigger npc init
// Trigger by @oninit
#define ONINIT_M
// Vengence
// Jump to person that's selling specific item
// Triggy by @jumptowhosell
#define JUMPSELL_M
// FatalEror
// Put server in maintenance mode
// Triggered by @maintenance <on|off>
// Show details of monsters on map
// Triggered by @mapmoblist
#define MOBLIST_M
// Cydh
// Put everything into guild storage
// Triggered by @gstoreall
// Put all equipped equipments off
// Triggered by @unequipall
#define UNEQUIP_M
// On-PutOn-OffEquip
// Samples and Documentation in doc/mods/Cydh/OnPutOn-OffEquip
// Malufett
// Player's Level next to username
// Try not to use if username is > 15char
// i.e: [Lv:99]Username
// Clydelion
// Bypass Trade Restriction via Trade Ticket
// Defined in mods/Clydelion/BypassTicket/tradeh File
// Prevent Idle Leveling
// Configured in conf/battle/exp.txt | homunc.txt
// Sendmail Script command
// Can be used for achievements
// Example in doc/mods/Cyldelion/sendmail_example
#define SENDMAIL_M
// Epoque
// Call Expanded Cash Shop from Script (Uses Cash Points)
// However, it still checks the zeny amount (Won't get reduced though)
// Example in doc/mods/Epoque/callcash_example
#define CALLCASH_M
// Xantara
// Able to use getitem_map script and command
// Triggered by @itemmap
// Example in doc/mods/Xantara/getitem_map
// Further disable: pc.c - sd->status.cart[i].bound == item_data->bound && [Make sure to // it]
#define ITEMMAP_M
// Mapflag Droprate
// Triggered by @itemmap
// Example in doc/mods/Xantara/mapflag_droprate
#define DROPRATE_M
// Item Bound System
// Triggered by @itembound | @itembound2
// Example in doc/mods/Xantara/item_bound
// Group Permissions: can_trade_bounded: true
// SQL-Files - sql-files/mods/ItemBound
#define BOUNDSYS_M
// Lilith
// Manage Skill Damage
// Configurations done in db/(pre-re | re)/skill_damage_db.txt
// This diffs from Hercules in that you can set the % for each parameter (I think..)
// Extra Bonuses
// Configurations done in db/(pre-re | re)/extra_bonuses.txt
// Also look in: player.conf
// Extended Vending System
// Configurations done in db/item_vending.txt
// Also look in: feature.conf
#define VENDSYS_M
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