create table item_deny (
itemid smallint(6) primary key,
`level` tinyint(4)
) engine = innodb;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "../map/atcommand.h"
#include "../map/itemdb.h"
#include "../map/clif.h"
#include "../map/pc.h"
#include "../map/pet.h"
#include "../common/HPMi.h"
#include "../common/HPMDataCheck.h" // should always be the last file included! (if you don't make it last, it'll intentionally break compile time)
HPExport struct hplugin_info pinfo = {
"at_item", // Plugin name
SERVER_TYPE_MAP,// Which server types this plugin works with?
"0.1", // Plugin version
HPM_VERSION, // HPM Version (don't change, macro is automatically updated)
char item_deny_lv[MAX_ITEMDB];
void load_item_deny(void) {
if ( SQL->Query( map->mysql_handle, "select * from item_deny" ) == SQL_ERROR )
Sql_ShowDebug( map->mysql_handle );
else {
char *data_id, *data_lv;
uint16 id = 0;
char lv = 0;
memset( item_deny_lv, 0, sizeof(item_deny_lv) );
while ( SQL->NextRow( map->mysql_handle ) == SQL_SUCCESS ) {
if ( SQL->GetData( map->mysql_handle, 0, &data_id, NULL ) == SQL_SUCCESS && SQL->GetData( map->mysql_handle, 1, &data_lv, NULL ) == SQL_SUCCESS ) {
uint16 id = atoi(data_id);
char lv = atoi(data_lv);
if ( itemdb->exists(id) )
item_deny_lv[id] = lv;
ShowError( "item_deny : Invalid item ID [" CL_RED "%d" CL_RESET "]\n", id );
SQL->FreeResult( map->mysql_handle );
void itemdb_read_post( int retVal, bool minimal ) {
ACMD(item) {
char item_name[100];
int number = 0, item_id, flag = 0, bound = 0;
struct item item_tmp;
struct item_data *item_data;
int get_count, i;
memset(item_name, '\0', sizeof(item_name));
if (!strcmp(info->command,"itembound") && (!message || !*message || (
sscanf(message, "\"%99[^\"]\" %d %d", item_name, &number, &bound) < 2 &&
sscanf(message, "%99s %d %d", item_name, &number, &bound) < 2
))) {
clif->message(fd, msg_txt(295)); // Please enter an item name or ID (usage: @itembound <item name/ID> <quantity> <bound_type>).
return false;
} else if (!message || !*message || (
sscanf(message, "\"%99[^\"]\" %d", item_name, &number) < 1 &&
sscanf(message, "%99s %d", item_name, &number) < 1
)) {
clif->message(fd, msg_txt(983)); // Please enter an item name or ID (usage: @item <item name/ID> <quantity>).
return false;
if (number <= 0)
number = 1;
if ((item_data = itemdb->search_name(item_name)) == NULL &&
(item_data = itemdb->exists(atoi(item_name))) == NULL
) {
clif->message(fd, msg_txt(19)); // Invalid item ID or name.
return false;
if (!strcmp(info->command,"itembound") ) {
if( !(bound >= IBT_MIN && bound <= IBT_MAX) ) {
clif->message(fd, msg_txt(298)); // Invalid bound type
return false;
switch( (enum e_item_bound_type)bound ) {
break; /* no restrictions */
if( !sd->status.party_id ) {
clif->message(fd, msg_txt(1498)); //You can't add a party bound item to a character without party!
return false;
if( !sd->status.guild_id ) {
clif->message(fd, msg_txt(1499)); //You can't add a guild bound item to a character without guild!
return false;
item_id = item_data->nameid;
if ( pc_get_group_level(sd) < item_deny_lv[item_id] ) {
clif->message( fd, "You are restricted from creating this item." );
return false;
get_count = number;
//Check if it's stackable.
if (!itemdb->isstackable2(item_data)) {
if( bound && (item_data->type == IT_PETEGG || item_data->type == IT_PETARMOR) ) {
clif->message(fd, msg_txt(498)); // Cannot create bounded pet eggs or pet armors.
return false;
get_count = 1;
for (i = 0; i < number; i += get_count) {
// if not pet egg
if (!pet->create_egg(sd, item_id)) {
memset(&item_tmp, 0, sizeof(item_tmp));
item_tmp.nameid = item_id;
item_tmp.identify = 1;
item_tmp.bound = (unsigned char)bound;
if ((flag = pc->additem(sd, &item_tmp, get_count, LOG_TYPE_COMMAND)))
clif->additem(sd, 0, 0, flag);
if (flag == 0)
clif->message(fd, msg_txt(18)); // Item created.
return true;
ACMD(item2) {
struct item item_tmp;
struct item_data *item_data;
char item_name[100];
int item_id, number = 0, bound = 0;
int identify = 0, refine = 0, attr = 0;
int c1 = 0, c2 = 0, c3 = 0, c4 = 0;
memset(item_name, '\0', sizeof(item_name));
if (!strcmp(info->command,"itembound2") && (!message || !*message || (
sscanf(message, "\"%99[^\"]\" %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d", item_name, &number, &identify, &refine, &attr, &c1, &c2, &c3, &c4, &bound) < 10 &&
sscanf(message, "%99s %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d", item_name, &number, &identify, &refine, &attr, &c1, &c2, &c3, &c4, &bound) < 10 ))) {
clif->message(fd, msg_txt(296)); // Please enter all parameters (usage: @itembound2 <item name/ID> <quantity>
clif->message(fd, msg_txt(297)); // <identify_flag> <refine> <attribute> <card1> <card2> <card3> <card4> <bound_type>).
return false;
} else if ( !message || !*message || (
sscanf(message, "\"%99[^\"]\" %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d", item_name, &number, &identify, &refine, &attr, &c1, &c2, &c3, &c4) < 9 &&
sscanf(message, "%99s %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d", item_name, &number, &identify, &refine, &attr, &c1, &c2, &c3, &c4) < 9
)) {
clif->message(fd, msg_txt(984)); // Please enter all parameters (usage: @item2 <item name/ID> <quantity>
clif->message(fd, msg_txt(985)); // <identify_flag> <refine> <attribute> <card1> <card2> <card3> <card4>).
return false;
if (number <= 0)
number = 1;
if( !strcmp(info->command,"itembound2") && !(bound >= IBT_MIN && bound <= IBT_MAX) ) {
clif->message(fd, msg_txt(298)); // Invalid bound type
return false;
item_id = 0;
if ((item_data = itemdb->search_name(item_name)) != NULL ||
(item_data = itemdb->exists(atoi(item_name))) != NULL)
item_id = item_data->nameid;
if (item_id > 500) {
int flag = 0;
int loop, get_count, i;
loop = 1;
get_count = number;
if( !strcmp(info->command,"itembound2") )
bound = 1;
if( !itemdb->isstackable2(item_data) ) {
if( bound && (item_data->type == IT_PETEGG || item_data->type == IT_PETARMOR) ) {
clif->message(fd, msg_txt(498)); // Cannot create bounded pet eggs or pet armors.
return false;
loop = number;
get_count = 1;
if (item_data->type == IT_PETEGG) {
identify = 1;
refine = 0;
if (item_data->type == IT_PETARMOR)
refine = 0;
if (refine > MAX_REFINE)
refine = MAX_REFINE;
} else {
identify = 1;
refine = attr = 0;
if ( pc_get_group_level(sd) < item_deny_lv[item_id] ) {
clif->message( fd, "You are restricted from creating this item." );
return false;
for (i = 0; i < loop; i++) {
memset(&item_tmp, 0, sizeof(item_tmp));
item_tmp.nameid = item_id;
item_tmp.identify = identify;
item_tmp.refine = refine;
item_tmp.attribute = attr;
item_tmp.bound = (unsigned char)bound;
item_tmp.card[0] = c1;
item_tmp.card[1] = c2;
item_tmp.card[2] = c3;
item_tmp.card[3] = c4;
if ((flag = pc->additem(sd, &item_tmp, get_count, LOG_TYPE_COMMAND)))
clif->additem(sd, 0, 0, flag);
if (flag == 0)
clif->message(fd, msg_txt(18)); // Item created.
} else {
clif->message(fd, msg_txt(19)); // Invalid item ID or name.
return false;
return true;
ACMD(produce) {
char item_name[100], atcmd_output[255];
int item_id, attribute = 0, star = 0, i = 0;
struct item_data *item_data;
struct item tmp_item;
memset(atcmd_output, '\0', sizeof(atcmd_output));
memset(item_name, '\0', sizeof(item_name));
if (!message || !*message || (
sscanf(message, "\"%99[^\"]\" %d %d", item_name, &attribute, &star) < 1 &&
sscanf(message, "%99s %d %d", item_name, &attribute, &star) < 1
)) {
clif->message(fd, msg_txt(1007)); // Please enter at least one item name/ID (usage: @produce <equip name/ID> <element> <# of very's>).
return false;
if ( (item_data = itemdb->search_name(item_name)) == NULL &&
(item_data = itemdb->exists(atoi(item_name))) == NULL ) {
clif->message(fd, msg_txt(170)); //This item is not an equipment.
return false;
item_id = item_data->nameid;
if ( pc_get_group_level(sd) < item_deny_lv[item_id] ) {
clif->message( fd, "You are restricted from creating this item." );
return false;
if (itemdb->isequip2(item_data)) {
int flag = 0;
if (attribute < MIN_ATTRIBUTE || attribute > MAX_ATTRIBUTE)
if (star < MIN_STAR || star > MAX_STAR)
star = 0;
memset(&tmp_item, 0, sizeof tmp_item);
tmp_item.nameid = item_id;
tmp_item.amount = 1;
tmp_item.identify = 1;
tmp_item.card[0] = CARD0_FORGE;
tmp_item.card[1] = item_data->type==IT_WEAPON?
((star*5) << 8) + attribute:0;
tmp_item.card[2] = sd->status.char_id & 0xFFFF;
tmp_item.card[3] = sd->status.char_id >> 16;
clif->produce_effect(sd, 0, item_id);
clif->misceffect(&sd->bl, 3);
if ((flag = pc->additem(sd, &tmp_item, 1, LOG_TYPE_COMMAND)))
clif->additem(sd, 0, 0, flag);
} else {
safesnprintf(atcmd_output, 255, msg_txt(169), item_id, item_data->name); // The item (%d: '%s') is not equipable.
clif->message(fd, atcmd_output);
return false;
return true;
HPExport void plugin_init (void) {
atcommand = GET_SYMBOL("atcommand");
clif = GET_SYMBOL("clif");
map = GET_SYMBOL("map");
itemdb = GET_SYMBOL("itemdb");
strlib = GET_SYMBOL("strlib");
pet = GET_SYMBOL("pet");
pc = GET_SYMBOL("pc");