-- List of variables about player's information
-- 0x09 = Current Selected sub-level
-- 0x0A = Current selected level (main)
-- 0x6005 = Player Setting, 00: English, 01: Japanese
-- 0x60E0 to 0x60EA = Players name stored in 11 characters
-- 0x60F0 to 0x60FA = Japanese dakutens, in 11 characters
-- 0x6100 to 0x61FF = Time Attack records, 5 byte format per level
-- 0x6200 to 0x62FF = Challenges Completed, 00: Not done, 01: Done
-- start coding here, lets get player's stats first.
local function wait1()
-- memory.writebyte(0x6006, 0x01)
while (memory.readbyte(0x6006) == 0x00) do
-- wait1()
Player_Name = {}
JP_Dakuten = {}
Level_Time = {}
Name_Lang = memory.readbyte(0x6005)
for a = 1, 11 do
Player_Name[a] = memory.readbyte(0x60DF + a)
JP_Dakuten[a] = memory.readbyte(0x60EF + a)
-- Calculate current selected level here
a = AND (rom.readbyte(0x43CF1 + memory.readbyte(0x0A)), 0x0F)
if (memory.readbyte(0x09) == 0x00) then
a = rom.readbyte(0x42280 + a)
a = a*5 -- Location was found
-- Read current selected level's Time Attack score here, 5 byte
-- format for each level. Minute, seconds, milliseconds
for b = 1, 5 do
Level_Time[b] = memory.readbyte(0x60FF + a + b)
-- Send player stats to online leaderboard
-- no idea how to do online stuff yet, this is placeholder
-- Receiving back data from internet, only download 1 page at a time, 10 slots, and let's use Temporary RAM 7B00-7EFF
OffsetAdd = 0x00
for a = 1, 1024 do -- Clear RAM for use
memory.writebyte(0x7AFF + a, 0x00)
for b = 1, 10 do
Slot1_Name = {0x53, 0x72, 0x6B, 0x71, 0xFE, 0x65, 0x72, 0x65, 0xFE, 0xFE, 0xFE}
Slot1_Daku = {0xFE, 0xFE, 0xFE, 0xFE, 0xFE, 0xFE, 0xFE, 0xFE, 0xFE, 0xFE, 0xFE}
Slot1_Time = {0x05, 0x04, 0x05, 0x07, 0x03}
Slot1_Sett = 0x00
-- Lang Setting - JP/EN, 1 byte 7B1B
-- Player's Name is 11 bytes long, 7B00 to 7B0A
-- Dakutens 11 bytes, 7B10 to 7B1A
-- Level Time is 5 bytes 7B0B to 7B0F
for a = 1, 11 do
memory.writebyte(0x7AFF + a + OffsetAdd, Slot1_Name[a])
memory.writebyte(0x7B0F + a + OffsetAdd, Slot1_Daku[a])
for a = 1, 5 do
memory.writebyte(0x7B0A + a + OffsetAdd, Slot1_Time[a])
memory.writebyte(0x7B1B + OffsetAdd, Slot1_Sett)
OffsetAdd = OffsetAdd + 0x20 -- add +20, Ex: Slot 1: 7B00~, Slot2: 7B20, etc.
-- Print debugging messages for testing
print ("Level: ", memory.readbyte(0x0A), "+ Area: ", memory.readbyte(0x09))
print ("Time: ", Level_Time)
if Name_Lang == 0 then
print ("Setting: English") else
print ("Setting: Japanese")
print ("Name: ", Player_Name) -- The lua automatically shows decimal numbers
print ("Dakuten: ", JP_Dakuten) -- English names are always filled with FE (254), otherwise show them for japanese names
memory.writebyte(0x6006, 0x00)
while (true) do