┆░░░░░【Index / Contents】░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░┆
┆ 0x01 > Introduction ┆
┆ 0x02 > Personal Information ┆
┆ 0x03 > Email Addresses ┆
┆ 0x04 > Online Accounts ┆
┆ 0x05 > Database Queries ┆
┆ 0x06 > ISP Information ┆
┆ 0x07 > Beloved Mother ┆
┆ 0x08 > Beloved Father ┆
┆ 0x09 > His Brother ┆
┆ 0x10 > Brothers's School ┆
┆ 0x11 > Mirrors & Downloads ┆
┆ 0x12 > Credits ┆
┆ ┆
┆ Basically, some random asked if I could dox this kid named Rileymcl36. I agreed and found his passwords ┆
┆ in some database dumps and bam. I should state first off that most people who drop someone's information ┆
┆ online don't even have a clue what they are doing. If you post their first and last name, address, and ┆
┆ phone you have not "documented" them which is where the term DOX comes from. This my friends, is a dox. ┆
┆ But because it is so easy for people to deny these sorts of things online and have them pushed to a dark ┆
┆ corner of Pastebin or Skidpaste, I make sure that everything I document is also backed up with proof. Lots ┆
┆ of fucking proof. You will notice that every section in this dox has a "proof" section where screenshots ┆
┆ have been posted (conveniently uploaded to German Hosts to avoid abuse takedowns) that account for every ┆
┆ little snippet of information. I won't be updating this once posted. Random little children don't need ┆
┆ to endure such online abuse and harassment when they haven't (yet) deserved it. GG Riley - Classified ┆
┆ ┆
┆░░░░░【Personal Information】░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░┆
┆ Picture : http://upload-pictures.de/bild.php/78777,rileypicture7VKP2.png ┆
┆ Full Name : Riley Michael Mclaughlin ┆
┆ Birthdate : May 23, 1996 ┆
┆ SSN : Undisclosed ┆
┆ Ethnicity : White ┆
┆ Address : 30 East Wood Ave, Jackson OH - 45640 ┆
┆ City : Jackson ┆
┆ State : Ohio ┆
┆ Landline : 740-577-3087 ┆
┆ Cellphone : 740-418-5750 ┆
┆ House Pic : http://upload-pictures.de/bild.php/78778,housepic1F1GFZ.png ┆
┆ House Pic : http://upload-pictures.de/bild.php/78779,housepic2XZ0X9.png ┆
┆ Proof: ┆
┆ - http://upload-pictures.de/bild.php/78956,rileybirthrecordsSDYVK.png ┆
┆ - http://upload-pictures.de/bild.php/78780,houseconfirmation1XMCBX.png ┆
┆ - http://upload-pictures.de/bild.php/76683,paypalIIGGD.png ┆
┆ - http://upload-pictures.de/bild.php/76685,skype1I2TUJ.png ┆
┆ ┆
┆░░░░░【Email Addresses】░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░┆
┆ Current Emails: ┆
┆ - [email protected] ┆
┆ - [email protected] ┆
┆ - [email protected] ┆
┆ - [email protected] ┆
┆ - [email protected] ┆
┆ ┆
┆ Proof: ┆
┆ - http://upload-pictures.de/bild.php/76679,gmailUM434.png ┆
┆ - http://upload-pictures.de/bild.php/76680,gmail2DZK1X.png ┆
┆ - http://upload-pictures.de/bild.php/76689,gmail3SNWMG.png ┆
┆ - http://upload-pictures.de/bild.php/76690,gmail4ZLF1R.png ┆
┆ - http://upload-pictures.de/bild.php/78940,googleplusS86IP.png ┆
┆ ┆
┆░░░░░【Online Accounts】░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░┆
┆ Skype : skylerlikesdick69 ┆
┆ Skype : rileymcl36 ┆
┆ Skype : astr643 ┆
┆ Minecraft : rileymcl36 ┆
┆ Steam : rileyMcl36 ┆
┆ Facebook : http://facebook.com/riley.mclaughlin.1 ┆
┆ Twitter : https://twitter.com/rileymcl36 ┆
┆ Instagram : http://instagram.com/rileymcl36 ┆
┆ GameBattles : http://gamebattles.majorleaguegaming.com/profile/rileymcl36 ┆
┆ Reddit : http://reddit.com/user/rileymcl36 ┆
┆ Soundcloud : https://soundcloud.com/mclaughlinr62441 ┆
┆ Prezi : https://prezi.com/user/wl9jtn_kznpv/ ┆
┆ Proof: ┆
┆ - http://upload-pictures.de/bild.php/78942,soundcloudJE0LO.png ┆
┆ - http://upload-pictures.de/bild.php/76694,ebayNTZ78.png ┆
┆ - http://upload-pictures.de/bild.php/76677,amazon2XRGQP.png ┆
┆ - http://upload-pictures.de/bild.php/76681,amazon20EZJP.png ┆
┆ - http://upload-pictures.de/bild.php/76699,minecraft0G4V1.png ┆
┆ - http://upload-pictures.de/bild.php/76684,skypeGCIXP.png ┆
┆ - http://upload-pictures.de/bild.php/76686,skype266BL8.png ┆
┆ - http://upload-pictures.de/bild.php/76691,steam15QV7O.png ┆
┆ - http://upload-pictures.de/bild.php/76702,twitchFN621.png ┆
┆ - http://upload-pictures.de/bild.php/76693,twitter523MW.png ┆
┆ - http://upload-pictures.de/bild.php/76688,vpnreactorPNLMM.png ┆
┆ - http://upload-pictures.de/bild.php/78954,microsoftFXJ4I.png ┆
┆ ┆
┆░░░░░【Database Queries】░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░┆
┆ The following entires were pulled from: Chloe:~/Desktop/Doxes/Delicious_Takoyak9i.txt ┆
┆ ┆
┆ +----------------+-----------------------+------------------------------------------+------------------+ ┆
┆ | Username | Email | Hash | Cracked Pass | ┆
┆ +----------------+-----------------------+------------------------------------------+------------------+ ┆
┆ | rileymcl36 | [email protected] | 3737d30c0b04f8376d75d99c9a8869204d47c9ab | riley62441 | ┆
┆ +----------------+-----------------------+------------------------------------------+------------------+ ┆
┆ | rileymcl36 | mclaughlinr62441@ | 3abe40f95c1b3c19f2aa6d925eb72e257af62948 | riley62441 | ┆
┆ | | gmail.com | 85ce081c70 | | ┆
┆ +----------------+-----------------------+------------------------------------------+------------------+ ┆
┆ ┆
┆ I guess this password LOL. Then found out it was also his one Gmail password: "mclaughlin62441" ┆
┆ ┆
┆░░░░░【ISP Information】░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░┆
┆ IP Address : ┆
┆ Provider : Time Warner Cable ┆
┆ Account # : 343 200 801 ┆
┆ Access Code : Unknown ┆
┆ Username : [email protected] ┆
┆ Acc. Holder : James Mclaughlin ┆
┆ Auth. User : None ┆
┆ Address : 30 East Wood Ave, Jackson OH ┆
┆ ZIP : 45640 ┆
┆ TWC Phone : 740-577-3087 ┆
┆ Alt Phone : 740-419-5751 ┆
┆ Last 4 SSN : XXX-XX-5710 ┆
┆ MAC Address : 9C:2A:70:80:2E:19 ┆
┆ Modem : Ubee-DDw3611 ┆
┆ Serial # : C4S1U29002712 ┆
┆ ┆
┆░░░░░【Beloved Mother】░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░┆
┆ Picture : http://upload-pictures.de/bild.php/78947,tracymclaughlinTC9MB.png ┆
┆ Full Name : Tracy Lynn Mclaughlin ┆
┆ Maiden N : Newman ┆
┆ Birthdate : February 13, 1969 ┆
┆ SSN : Purchased But Undisclosed ┆
┆ Ethnicity : White ┆
┆ Mother : Shirley Ann Mclaughlin ┆
┆ Father : John Francis Mclaughlin ┆
┆ Address : 30 East Wood Ave, Jackson OH - 45640 ┆
┆ Phone : 740-577-3087 ┆
┆ Cell : 740-419-5751 ┆
┆ SSNDOB : http://upload-pictures.de/bild.php/78946,tracyssndob8JSSK.png ┆
┆ Email : [email protected] ┆
┆ Email : [email protected] ┆
┆ Facebook : https://facebook.com/tracy.mclaughlin.96 ┆
┆ Skype : tracy.mclaughlin95 ┆
┆ Proof: ┆
┆ - http://upload-pictures.de/bild.php/78937,facebookresettracyWK038.png ┆
┆ - http://upload-pictures.de/bild.php/78943,tracygmail9O29C.png ┆
┆ - http://upload-pictures.de/bild.php/78962,tracybirthrecords4CX14.png ┆
┆ - http://upload-pictures.de/bild.php/78963,whitepagesFEBP8.png ┆
┆ ┆
┆░░░░░【Beloved Father】░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░┆
┆ Picture : http://upload-pictures.de/bild.php/78948,jamesmclaughlinHE3YX.png ┆
┆ Full Name : James Michael Mclaughlin ┆
┆ Birthdate : April 22, 1972 ┆
┆ SSN : 268-88-5710 ┆
┆ Ethnicity : White ┆
┆ Mother : Betty Lou Mclaughlin ┆
┆ Father : James Lindly Mclaughlin ┆
┆ Address : 30 East Wood Ave, Jackson OH - 45640 ┆
┆ Phone : 740-577-3087 ┆
┆ SSNDOB : http://upload-pictures.de/bild.php/78945,ssndobR8TJE.png ┆
┆ Email : [email protected] ┆
┆ Email : [email protected] ┆
┆ Paypal : [email protected] ┆
┆ Facebook : https://facebook.com/jayms.mclaughlin ┆
┆ YouTube : https://youtube.com/user/pulse38echo ┆
┆ Instagram : http://instagram.com/jaymsmcl ┆
┆ Twitter : https://twitter.com/xtremeaperture ┆
┆ Pinterest : https://pinterest.com/XtremeAperture/ ┆
┆ Skype : pulse38echo ┆
┆ Skype : live:james_4210 ┆
┆ MarksDA : http://marksdailyapple.com/forum/thread1841.html ┆
┆ 500px : https://500px.com/pulse38echo ┆
┆ Company : Xtreme Aperture Studios ┆
┆ Type : Photography ┆
┆ Location : 168 Morton St, Jackson OH - 45640 ┆
┆ Phone : 740-941-7775 (Google Voice Number) ┆
┆ Website : http://xtremeaperture.com ┆
┆ Facebook : https://facebook.com/XtremeAperture ┆
┆ Email : [email protected] ┆
┆ Company : Jackson Jiu-Jitsu Academy ┆
┆ Type : Sport/Combat ┆
┆ Location : 168 Morton St, Jackson OH - 45640 ┆
┆ Phone : 740-941-7775 (Google Voice Number) ┆
┆ Website : http://jacksonjiujitsuacademy.com ┆
┆ Facebook : https://facebook.com/j3abjj ┆
┆ Email : [email protected] ┆
┆ Proof: ┆
┆ - http://upload-pictures.de/bild.php/78939,fatherbirthrecordsILFLU.png ┆
┆ - http://upload-pictures.de/bild.php/78941,ssnvalidatedYPXS5.png ┆
┆ - http://upload-pictures.de/bild.php/78950,company1whoisT12ZH.png ┆
┆ - http://upload-pictures.de/bild.php/78951,company2whoisICMAH.png ┆
┆ - http://upload-pictures.de/bild.php/78952,jjjacademyIY6J4.png ┆
┆ ┆
┆░░░░░【His Brother】░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░┆
┆ Relation : Brother ┆
┆ Picture : http://upload-pictures.de/bild.php/78949,racemclaughlinUTUVM.png ┆
┆ Full Name : Race Nathaniel McLaughlin ┆
┆ Birthdate : February 28, 1999 ┆
┆ SSN : Undisclosed ┆
┆ Address : 30 East Wood Ave, Jackson OH - 45640 ┆
┆ Phone : 740-577-3087 ┆
┆ Mobile : +*********69 ┆
┆ Email : [email protected] ┆
┆ Email : r*********[email protected] ┆
┆ Facebook : https://facebook.com/race.mclaughlin ┆
┆ Twitter : https://twitter.com/race4569 ┆
┆ Skype : racemcl ┆
┆ Skype : completedust ┆
┆ Skype : race996 ┆
┆ Skype : live:racemcl ┆
┆ Skype : racemclaughlin ┆
┆ Proof: ┆
┆ - http://upload-pictures.de/bild.php/78955,racebirthrecordsII2DE.png ┆
┆ - http://upload-pictures.de/bild.php/78958,racefbconfirmation2GQN3.png ┆
┆ - http://upload-pictures.de/bild.php/78959,raceskypeconfirmation1CATN.png ┆
┆ - http://upload-pictures.de/bild.php/78960,racegmailconfirmation136GGO.png ┆
┆ - http://upload-pictures.de/bild.php/78961,racegmailconfirmation2HB6BV.png ┆
┆ ┆
┆░░░░░【School Information】░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░┆
┆ School : Jackson High School ┆
┆ Address : 500 Vaughn Street, Jackson Ohio 45640 ┆
┆ Phone : 740-286-7575 ┆
┆ Fax : 740-286-8197 ┆
┆ Website : http://jcs.k12.oh.us/ ┆
┆ Principal : Joe Hemsley ┆
┆ Email : [email protected] ┆
┆ Links: ┆
┆ - http://jcs.k12.oh.us/wordpress/?page_id=1428 ┆
┆ - http://jcs.k12.oh.us/wordpress/?page_id=1410 ┆
┆ - http://jcs.k12.oh.us/wordpress/?page_id=3404 ┆
┆ ┆
┆░░░░░【Mirrors & Downloads】░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░┆
┆ Mirror 1 : http://pastebin.de/25796 ┆
┆ Mirror 2 : http://paste2.org/_Pxb8bzAg ┆
┆ Mirror 3 : ┆
┆ Mirror 4 : ┆
┆ ┆
┆ ┆
┆ ___| | _) _| _) | ┆
┆ | | _` | __| __| | | | _ \ _` | ┆
┆ | | ( | \__ \ \__ \ | __| | __/ ( | ┆
┆ \____| _| \__,_| ____/ ____/ _| _| _| \___| \__,_| ┆
┆ XMPP: [email protected] ┆
┆ Twitter: @VeryDox ┆
┆ ┆
┆ Shoutout to ma boys Florian, Snitch, Villain, & Clohzy ┆
┆ ┆