A mapflag doc
struct map_flag {
unsigned town : 1; //Actually part of "No Kill Steal Protection", and allow mail operation
unsigned autotrade : 1; //If bconf at_mapflag enable allow only @at on those map
unsigned allowks : 1; // enable/disable [Kill Steal Protection]
unsigned nomemo : 1; //disable /memo, and WE_CALLPARTNER, WE_CALLPARENT, WE_CALLBABY
unsigned noteleport : 1; //prevent @jump, Fly Wing and Giant Fly Wing, teleport, HIGHJUMP, DIMENSIONDOOR
unsigned noreturn : 1; //prevent "ButterFly Wing, Dungeon Teleport Scroll, Yellow Butterfly Wing...", warp savepoint,
unsigned monster_noteleport : 1; //prevent monster teleport
unsigned nosave : 1; //prevent @save, save of status,lastpoint,
unsigned nobranch : 1; //prevent "Dead Branch, Red Pouch, Bloody Branch, Poring Box". Prevent mob to be warped in if possible (conf mob_warp) and have no master
unsigned noexppenalty : 1; //allow player/pet/ to not lose exp when dead or using LG_INSPIRATION, PR_REDEMPTIO
unsigned pvp : 1; //en/disable pvp (allow hitting each other, enable battle pvp reduc, pvp counter...etc)
unsigned pvp_noparty : 1; //ignore party in pvp
unsigned pvp_noguild : 1; //ignore guild in pvp
unsigned pvp_nightmaredrop :1; //enable chance to lose eqp when die (doesn't requiere pvp)
unsigned pvp_nocalcrank : 1; //disable pvp ranking calculation
unsigned gvg_castle : 1; //this map contain a castle.
unsigned gvg : 1; // //en/disable gvg (allow hitting each other, enable battle gvg reduc, ...etc)
unsigned gvg_dungeon : 1; //allow gvg on this map (usually donjon)
unsigned gvg_noparty : 1; //ignore party for gvg
unsigned battleground : 2; // [BattleGround System]
unsigned nozenypenalty : 1; //don't lose zeny when dead on this map. (only if conf zeny_penalty enable)
unsigned notrade : 1; //prevent traderequest in this map
unsigned noskill : 1; //prevent user skill usage on map
unsigned nowarp : 1; //prevent warp m,x,y, (savepoint still allow), emergencycall, UNT_CALLFAMILY, @guildrecall, @partyrecall, @recallall, @go, @load, @jump, @warp
unsigned nowarpto : 1; //if destination map has mapflag prevent @warp, @jump, @go, @load, @guildrecall, @partyrecall, @recallall, /memo, EMERGENCYCALL (conf emergency_call)
unsigned noicewall : 1; //prevent WZ_ICEWALL on map
unsigned snow : 1; //ask to make snow with clif_weather_check
unsigned clouds : 1; //ask to make cloud with clif_weather_check
unsigned clouds2 : 1; //ask to make cloud with clif_weather_check
unsigned fog : 1; //ask to make fog with clif_weather_check
unsigned fireworks : 1; //ask to make firework with clif_weather_check
unsigned sakura : 1; //ask to make sakura with clif_weather_check
unsigned leaves : 1; //ask to make leaves with clif_weather_check
unsigned nogo : 1; //prevent @go usage
unsigned nobaseexp : 1; //prevent baseexp gain when mob dead
unsigned nojobexp : 1; //prevent jobexp gain when mob dead
unsigned nomobloot : 1; //prevent mob to drop item. nb looted item still be droped
unsigned nomvploot : 1; //prevent mvp loot
unsigned nightenabled :1; //start night effect on sd. (launched on loadendack)
unsigned restricted : 1; //restrict skill, items by zones
unsigned nodrop : 1; //prevent user to drop item, nb : may be bypass with inv overamount. (conf item_flooritem_check)
unsigned novending : 1; //prevent user shop creation
unsigned loadevent : 1; //enable event OnPCLoadMapEvent on map. (nb seem buggy with instance)
unsigned nochat :1; //prevent chatroom creation
unsigned partylock :1; //prevent party alteration (create, invite, leave, changeleader) nb (PartyChangeOption still allowed)
unsigned guildlock :1; //prevent guild alteration (create, invite, leave, alliance, break, changegm)
unsigned src4instance : 1; //Mark this map is used as a src map for instances
unsigned reset :1; //allow neuralizer(12213) usage
unsigned chmautojoin : 1; //prevent to auto join map channel
unsigned nousecart : 1; //prevent open up cart @FIXME client side only atm (mapprop2)
unsigned noitemconsumption : 1; //prevent item usage (@FIXME this should actually be nocostume for mapprop2)
unsigned nosumstarmiracle : 1; //allow SG miracle to happen
unsigned nomineeffect : 1; // USE_SIMPLE_EFFECT (mapprop2) @FIXME client side only atm (mapprop2)
unsigned nolockon : 1; //disable lock (idk really what should do /noctrl) @FIXME client side only atm (mapprop2)
} flag;