private static void compressed(GravityInputStream in, GSprite out) throws IOException {
byte[] storage;
Integer i, len, pt;
GSpriteImage image;
// allocate the sprite image space for storage
image = new GSpriteImage();
image.resize(in.nextUShort(), in.nextUShort());
len = in.nextUShort();
// allocate space for storing the bytes of compressed data
storage = new byte[len];
// store the compressed pixel data within local storage;
// process the pixels from the compressed data into uncompressed data
for (i = 0, pt = 0; len > i; i++) {
if (storage[i] == 0) {
pt += (storage[i] & 0xff);
} else {
image.setBinaryData(pt++, storage[i]);
// append this uncompressed image onto the final sprite object