function Enable64kHairstyle($exe) {
if ($exe === true) {
return new xPatch(68, 'Enable 64k Hairstyle', 'UI', 0, 'Enable 64k hairstyle instead 27 by default');
$code = "\xC0\xCE\xB0\xA3\xC1\xB7\x5C\xB8\xD3\xB8\xAE\xC5\xEB"; // After it must have \\%s\\%s_%s.%s
$offset = $exe->match($code, "\xAB");
if ($offset === false) {
echo "Failed in part 1";
return false;
$exe->replace($offset, array(18 => "\x75")); // %s -> %u
// \\%s\%s_%s.%s
//$push_var = pack("I", $exe->str("\xC0\xCE\xB0\xA3\xC1\xB7\x5C\xB8\xD3\xB8\xAE\xC5\xEB\x5C\x25\x73\x5C\x25\x73\x5F\x25\x73\x2E\x25\x73","rva"));
//echo bin2hex($push_var) . " ";
// Update the parameter PUSHed to be the hair style ID
// itself rather than the string obtained from hard-coded
// table. Note, that this will mess up existing hair-style
// IDs 0..12. Also the 2nd and 3rd patch block ensures, that
// ID 0 (invalid) is mapped to 2, as the table would do.
if ($exe->clientdate() <= 20130605) {
$code = "\x8B\x4C\x24\xAB" // mov ecx, [esp-50h+arg_84]
."\x73\x04" // jnb short loc_67168D
."\x8D\x4C\x24\xAB" // lea ecx, [esp-50h+arg_84]
."\x83\xFE\x10"; // cmp eax, 10h
else {
$code = "\x8B\x4D\xD4" // mov ecx, [esp-50h+arg_84]
."\x73\x03" // jnb short loc_67168D
."\x8D\x4D\xD4" // lea ecx, [esp-50h+arg_84]
."\x83\xF8\x10"; // cmp eax, 10h
$offset = $exe->match($code, "\xAB");
if ($offset === false) {
echo "Failed in part 2";
return false;
$exe->replace($offset, array(1 => "\x4D\x00\x90")); // -> MOV ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP]
$exe->replace($offset, array(4 => "\x85\xC9")); // -> TEST ECX,ECX
$exe->replace($offset, array(6 => "\x75\x02\x41\x41")); // -> JNZ SHORT ADDR v & -> INC ECX x2
else {
$exe->replace($offset, array(1 => "\x4D\x00")); // -> MOV ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP]
$exe->replace($offset, array(3 => "\x85\xC9")); // -> TEST ECX,ECX
$exe->replace($offset, array(5 => "\x75\x01\x41")); // -> JNZ SHORT ADDR v & -> INC ECX 2
// Void table lookup.
if ($type==0) {
$code = "\x8B\x45\x00" // MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP]
."\x8B\x14\x81"; // MOV EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[ECX+EAX*4]
else {
$code = "\x75\x19"
."\x8B\x15\xAB\xAB\xAB\x00" // MOV EDX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP]
."\x8B\x14\x8A"; // MOV EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[EDX+ECX*4]
$code = "\x75\x23"
."\x8B\x0D\xAB\xAB\xAB\x00" // MOV EDX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP]
."\x8B\x14\x81"; // MOV EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[EDX+ECX*4]
$offset = $exe->match($code, "\xAB");
if ($offset === false) {
echo "Failed in part 3";
return false;
if ($type==0)
$exe->replace($offset, array(4 => "\x11\x90")); // -> MOV EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[ECX]
$exe->replace($offset, array(11 => "\x12\x90")); // -> MOV EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[EDX]
//$exe->replace($offset, array(11 => "\x5C\x90")); // -> MOV EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[EDX]
// Lift limit that protects table from invalid access. We
// keep the < 0 check, since lifting it would not give any
// benefits.
if ($type==0) {
$code = "\x7C\x05" // JL SHORT ADDR v
."\x83\xF8\xAB" // CMP EAX,X
."\x7E\x07" // JLE SHORT ADDR v
."\xC7\x45\x00\x0D\x00\x00\x00"; // MOV DWORD PTR SS:[EBP],0Dh
else {
$code = "\x7C\x05" // JL SHORT ADDR v
."\x83\xF8\xAB" // CMP EAX,X
."\x7E\x06" // JLE SHORT ADDR v
."\xC7\x06\x0D\x00\x00\x00"; // MOV DWORD PTR SS:[ESI],0Dh
$offset = $exe->match($code, "\xAB");
if ($offset === false) {
echo "Failed in part 4";
return false;
$exe->replace($offset, array(5 => "\xEB")); // -> MOV EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[ECX]
return true;