#Script command used to change the variables a specific cash shop uses (#CASHPOINTS and #KAFRAPOINTS by default).
#setcashpoints "<Cashshop Name>","<variable name>";
#setfreepoints "<Cashshop Name>","<variable name>";
#In NPC Declaration, use cashshop(<cash variable>,<free point variable>) in place of cashshop.
#NOTE: this declaration is case sensitive, and will only work with cashshop in all lowercase.
#Sample NPC:
#prontera,155,176,5 cashshop(#ctf_event_points,#global_event_points) CTF Rewards 83,502:5,503:1
Index: src/map/clif.c
--- src/map/clif.c (revision 15933)
+++ src/map/clif.c (working copy)
@@ -14060,9 +14060,9 @@
WFIFOW(fd,0) = 0x287;
WFIFOW(fd,2) = offset+nd->u.shop.count*11;
- WFIFOL(fd,4) = sd->cashPoints; // Cash Points
+ WFIFOL(fd,4) = pc_readregistry(sd,nd->u.shop.cash_var,nd->u.shop.cash_vartype); // Cash Points
#if PACKETVER >= 20070711
- WFIFOL(fd,8) = sd->kafraPoints; // Kafra Points
+ WFIFOL(fd,8) = pc_readregistry(sd,nd->u.shop.point_var,nd->u.shop.point_vartype);; // Kafra Points
for( i = 0; i < nd->u.shop.count; i++ )
@@ -14093,14 +14093,18 @@
void clif_cashshop_ack(struct map_session_data* sd, int error)
int fd = sd->fd;
+ struct npc_data *nd = (struct npc_data *)map_id2bl(sd->npc_shopid);
+ if( !nd || nd->subtype != CASHSHOP )
+ error = 1;
WFIFOHEAD(fd, packet_len(0x289));
WFIFOW(fd,0) = 0x289;
- WFIFOL(fd,2) = sd->cashPoints;
+ WFIFOL(fd,2) = pc_readregistry(sd,nd->u.shop.cash_var,nd->u.shop.cash_vartype);
#if PACKETVER < 20070711
WFIFOW(fd,6) = TOW(error);
- WFIFOL(fd,6) = sd->kafraPoints;
+ WFIFOL(fd,6) = pc_readregistry(sd,nd->u.shop.point_var,nd->u.shop.point_vartype);
WFIFOW(fd,10) = TOW(error);
WFIFOSET(fd, packet_len(0x289));
Index: src/map/npc.c
--- src/map/npc.c (revision 15933)
+++ src/map/npc.c (working copy)
@@ -1275,9 +1275,15 @@
if( points > vt ) points = vt;
// Payment Process ----------------------------------------------------
- if( sd->kafraPoints < points || sd->cashPoints < (vt - points) )
- return 6;
- pc_paycash(sd,vt,points);
+ if( (pc_readregistry(sd,nd->u.shop.point_var,nd->u.shop.point_vartype) < points) || (pc_readregistry(sd,nd->u.shop.cash_var,nd->u.shop.cash_vartype) < (vt - points)) )
+ return 6;
+ if (!strcasecmp(nd->u.shop.cash_var,"#CASHPOINTS") && !strcasecmp(nd->u.shop.point_var,"#KAFRAPOINTS"))
+ pc_paycash(sd,vt,points);
+ else {
+ pc_setregistry(sd,nd->u.shop.cash_var,pc_readregistry(sd,nd->u.shop.cash_var,nd->u.shop.cash_vartype) - (vt - points),nd->u.shop.cash_vartype);
+ pc_setregistry(sd,nd->u.shop.point_var,pc_readregistry(sd,nd->u.shop.point_var,nd->u.shop.point_vartype) - points,nd->u.shop.point_vartype);
+ }
// Delivery Process ----------------------------------------------------
for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
@@ -1385,11 +1391,16 @@
price = nd->u.shop.shop_item[i].value * amount;
if( points > price )
points = price;
- if( (sd->kafraPoints < points) || (sd->cashPoints < price - points) )
+ if( (pc_readregistry(sd,nd->u.shop.point_var,nd->u.shop.point_vartype) < points) || (pc_readregistry(sd,nd->u.shop.cash_var,nd->u.shop.cash_vartype) < (price - points)) )
return 6;
- pc_paycash(sd, price, points);
+ if (!strcasecmp(nd->u.shop.cash_var,"#CASHPOINTS") && !strcasecmp(nd->u.shop.point_var,"#KAFRAPOINTS"))
+ pc_paycash(sd, price, points);
+ else {
+ pc_setregistry(sd,nd->u.shop.cash_var,pc_readregistry(sd,nd->u.shop.cash_var,nd->u.shop.cash_vartype) - (price - points),nd->u.shop.cash_vartype);
+ pc_setregistry(sd,nd->u.shop.point_var,pc_readregistry(sd,nd->u.shop.point_var,nd->u.shop.point_vartype) - points,nd->u.shop.point_vartype);
+ }
if( !pet_create_egg(sd, nameid) )
@@ -1750,8 +1761,11 @@
npc_chat_finalize(nd); // deallocate npc PCRE data structures
- if( (nd->subtype == SHOP || nd->subtype == CASHSHOP) && nd->src_id == 0) //src check for duplicate shops [Orcao]
+ if( (nd->subtype == SHOP || nd->subtype == CASHSHOP) && nd->src_id == 0){ //src check for duplicate shops [Orcao]
+ aFree(nd->u.shop.cash_var);
+ aFree(nd->u.shop.point_var);
+ }
if( nd->subtype == SCRIPT )
@@ -2085,10 +2099,10 @@
m = map_mapname2mapid(mapname);
- if( !strcasecmp(w2,"cashshop") )
+ if( !strcasecmp(w2,"shop") )
+ type = SHOP;
+ else
type = CASHSHOP;
- else
- type = SHOP;
p = strchr(w4,',');
for( i = 0; i < ARRAYLENGTH(items) && p; ++i )
@@ -2146,6 +2160,47 @@
nd->class_ = m==-1?-1:atoi(w4);
nd->speed = 200;
+ //assign cash shop var stuff here
+ if (type == CASHSHOP && !strcasecmp(w2,"cashshop") ){
+ nd->u.shop.cash_var = aStrdup("#CASHPOINTS");
+ nd->u.shop.point_var = aStrdup("#KAFRAPOINTS");
+ nd->u.shop.cash_vartype = 2;
+ nd->u.shop.point_vartype = 2;
+ }
+ else if (type == CASHSHOP) { //Variables were defined as cashshop(<cashpoints>{,<kafrapoints>})
+ char cashvarname_temp[32];
+ char pointvarname_temp[32];
+ if (sscanf(w2,"cashshop(%32[^,],%32[^)])",cashvarname_temp,pointvarname_temp) == 2){
+ nd->u.shop.cash_var = aStrdup(cashvarname_temp);
+ nd->u.shop.point_var = aStrdup(pointvarname_temp);
+ }
+ else if (sscanf(w2,"cashshop(%32[^)])",cashvarname_temp) == 1){
+ nd->u.shop.cash_var = aStrdup(cashvarname_temp);
+ nd->u.shop.point_var = aStrdup("#KAFRAPOINTS");
+ }
+ else{
+ nd->u.shop.cash_var = aStrdup("#CASHPOINTS");
+ nd->u.shop.point_var = aStrdup("#KAFRAPOINTS");
+ ShowError("npc_parse_shop: Cash Shop with unknown w2 \"%s\", assuming normal variables\n",w2);
+ }
+ //get variable types
+ if (nd->u.shop.cash_var[0] == '#' && nd->u.shop.cash_var[1] == '#')
+ nd->u.shop.cash_vartype = 1;
+ else if (nd->u.shop.cash_var[0] == '#')
+ nd->u.shop.cash_vartype = 2;
+ else
+ nd->u.shop.cash_vartype = 3;
+ if (nd->u.shop.point_var[0] == '#' && nd->u.shop.point_var[1] == '#')
+ nd->u.shop.point_vartype = 1;
+ else if (nd->u.shop.point_var[0] == '#')
+ nd->u.shop.point_vartype = 2;
+ else
+ nd->u.shop.point_vartype = 3;
+ }
nd->bl.type = BL_NPC;
nd->subtype = type;
@@ -2483,9 +2538,13 @@
nd->u.scr.label_list = dnd->u.scr.label_list;
nd->u.scr.label_list_num = dnd->u.scr.label_list_num;
+ case CASHSHOP:
+ nd->u.shop.cash_var = dnd->u.shop.cash_var;
+ nd->u.shop.cash_vartype = dnd->u.shop.cash_vartype;
+ nd->u.shop.point_var = dnd->u.shop.point_var;
+ nd->u.shop.point_vartype = dnd->u.shop.point_vartype;
case SHOP:
- case CASHSHOP:
nd->u.shop.shop_item = dnd->u.shop.shop_item;
nd->u.shop.count = dnd->u.shop.count;
@@ -3322,7 +3381,7 @@
p = npc_parse_warp(w1,w2,w3,w4, p, buffer, filepath);
- else if( (!strcasecmp(w2,"shop") || !strcasecmp(w2,"cashshop")) && count > 3 )
+ else if( (!strcasecmp(w2,"shop") || !strcasecmp(w2,"cashshop") || (i=0, sscanf(w2,"cashshop%n",&i), (i > 0 && w2[i] == '('))) && count > 3 )
p = npc_parse_shop(w1,w2,w3,w4, p, buffer, filepath);
Index: src/map/npc.h
--- src/map/npc.h (revision 15933)
+++ src/map/npc.h (working copy)
@@ -56,6 +56,8 @@
struct {
struct npc_item_list* shop_item;
int count;
+ char *cash_var, *point_var;
+ short cash_vartype, point_vartype; //1 = ##, 2 = #, 3 = Character
} shop;
struct {
short xs,ys; // OnTouch area radius
Index: src/map/script.c
--- src/map/script.c (revision 15933)
+++ src/map/script.c (working copy)
@@ -15879,6 +15879,78 @@
return 0;
+ const char* npcname = script_getstr(st,2);
+ struct npc_data* nd = npc_name2id(npcname);
+ const char* newcashvar = script_getstr(st,3);
+ size_t len;
+ if( !nd || nd->subtype != CASHSHOP )
+ { //Not found.
+ script_pushint(st,0);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ len = strlen(newcashvar)+1;
+ if (len < 32){
+ RECREATE(nd->u.shop.cash_var, char, len);
+ memcpy(nd->u.shop.cash_var, newcashvar, len*sizeof(char));
+ }
+ else{ //variable name too long
+ script_pushint(st,0);
+ ShowError("setcashpoints: Failed to set the cash variable of %s to %s due to character length.\n",npcname,newcashvar);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (newcashvar[0] == '#' && newcashvar[1] == '#')
+ nd->u.shop.cash_vartype = 1;
+ else if (newcashvar[0] == '#')
+ nd->u.shop.cash_vartype = 2;
+ else
+ nd->u.shop.cash_vartype = 3;
+ script_pushint(st,1);
+ return 0;
+ const char* npcname = script_getstr(st,2);
+ struct npc_data* nd = npc_name2id(npcname);
+ const char* newcashvar = script_getstr(st,3);
+ size_t len;
+ if( !nd || nd->subtype != CASHSHOP )
+ { //Not found.
+ script_pushint(st,0);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ len = strlen(newcashvar)+1;
+ if (len < 32){
+ RECREATE(nd->u.shop.point_var, char, len);
+ memcpy(nd->u.shop.point_var, newcashvar, len*sizeof(char));
+ }
+ else{ //variable name too long
+ script_pushint(st,0);
+ ShowError("setfreepoints: Failed to set the kafrapoints variable of %s to %s due to character length.\n",npcname,newcashvar);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (newcashvar[0] == '#' && newcashvar[1] == '#')
+ nd->u.shop.point_vartype = 1;
+ else if (newcashvar[0] == '#')
+ nd->u.shop.point_vartype = 2;
+ else
+ nd->u.shop.point_vartype = 3;
+ script_pushint(st,1);
+ return 0;
// declarations that were supposed to be exported from npc_chat.c
@@ -16261,6 +16333,8 @@
+ BUILDIN_DEF(setcashpoints,"ss"),
+ BUILDIN_DEF(setfreepoints,"ss"),
// WoE SE