//Child of int atcommand_accountinfo
void account_info(const int fd, struct map_session_data *sd, int account_id)
char userid[NAME_LENGTH], user_pass[NAME_LENGTH], email[40], last_ip[20], lastlogin[30];
short level = -1;
char *data;
int logincount = 0,state = 0;
if ( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(mmysql_handle, "SELECT `userid`, `user_pass`, `email`, `last_ip`, `level`, `lastlogin`, `logincount`, `state` FROM `login` WHERE `account_id` = '%d'", account_id) )
clif_displaymessage(fd, "[Driver Error] : Query Error. (connection seems crappy :/) Tell the admin.");
else if ( Sql_NumRows(mmysql_handle) == 0 )
clif_displaymessage(fd, "Account Not Found");
Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 0, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(userid, data, sizeof(userid));
Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 1, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(user_pass, data, sizeof(user_pass));
Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 2, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(email, data, sizeof(email));
Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 3, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(last_ip, data, sizeof(last_ip));
Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 4, &data, NULL); level = atoi(data);
Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 5, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(lastlogin, data, sizeof(lastlogin));
Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 6, &data, NULL); logincount = atoi(data);
Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 7, &data, NULL); state = atoi(data);
if (level == -1)
sprintf(atcmd_output, "-- Account %d --", account_id);
clif_displaymessage(fd, atcmd_output);
sprintf(atcmd_output, "User: %s | GM Level: %d | State: %d", userid, level, state);
clif_displaymessage(fd, atcmd_output);
if (pc_isGM(sd) >= 98)
sprintf(atcmd_output, "Password: %s.", user_pass);
clif_displaymessage(fd, atcmd_output);
sprintf(atcmd_output, "Account e-mail: %s.", email);
clif_displaymessage(fd, atcmd_output);
sprintf(atcmd_output, "Last IP: %s (%s)", last_ip, geoip_getcountry(str2ip(last_ip)));
clif_displaymessage(fd, atcmd_output);
sprintf(atcmd_output, "This user has logged %d times, the last time were at %s.", logincount, lastlogin);
clif_displaymessage(fd, atcmd_output);
clif_displaymessage(fd, "-- Character Details --");
if ( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(mmysql_handle, "SELECT `char_id`, `name`, `char_num`, `class`, `base_level`, `job_level`, `online` FROM `char` WHERE `account_id` = '%d' ORDER BY `char_num`", account_id) )
clif_displaymessage(fd, "Character Query Error. Show it to the Admin.");
else if ( Sql_NumRows(mmysql_handle) == 0 )
clif_displaymessage(fd, "This account doesnt have characters.");
while ( SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow(mmysql_handle) )
int char_id, class_;
short char_num, base_level, job_level, online;
char name[NAME_LENGTH];
Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 0, &data, NULL); char_id = atoi(data);
Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 1, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(name, data, sizeof(name));
Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 2, &data, NULL); char_num = atoi(data);
Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 3, &data, NULL); class_ = atoi(data);
Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 4, &data, NULL); base_level = atoi(data);
Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 5, &data, NULL); job_level = atoi(data);
Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 6, &data, NULL); online = atoi(data);
sprintf(atcmd_output, "[Slot/CID: %d/%d] %s | %s | Level: %d/%d | %s", char_num, char_id, name, job_name(class_), base_level, job_level, online?"On":"Off");
clif_displaymessage(fd, atcmd_output);
//Syntax: <account_id>/<char_name>
//Result: If using account id and id exists return information about user account, if using char name and more than one result found lists all found results.
int atcommand_accountinfo(const int fd, struct map_session_data* sd, const char* command, const char* message)
int account_id = 0;
char *data;
nullpo_retr(-1, sd);
if (!message || !*message || strlen(message)>NAME_LENGTH ) {
clif_displaymessage(fd, "(usage: @accinfo/@accountinfo <account_id/char name>).");
return -1;
account_id = atoi(message);
if (account_id < START_ACCOUNT_NUM)
if ( SQL_ERROR == Sql_Query(mmysql_handle, "SELECT `account_id`,`name`,`class`,`base_level`,`job_level`,`online` FROM `char` WHERE `name` like '%s' limit 10", message) )
clif_displaymessage(fd, "Query Error on accountinfo function.");
return -1;
else if ( Sql_NumRows(mmysql_handle) == 0 )
clif_displaymessage(fd, "Invalid Account ID/Char Name");
return -1;
if (Sql_NumRows(mmysql_handle) == 1) {
Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 0, &data, NULL); account_id = atoi(data);
sprintf(atcmd_output, "Your Query Returned the following %d results, please be more specific...", (int)Sql_NumRows(mmysql_handle));
clif_displaymessage(fd, atcmd_output);
while ( SQL_SUCCESS == Sql_NextRow(mmysql_handle) )
int class_;
short base_level, job_level, online;
char name[NAME_LENGTH];
Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 0, &data, NULL); account_id = atoi(data);
Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 1, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(name, data, sizeof(name));
Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 2, &data, NULL); class_ = atoi(data);
Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 3, &data, NULL); base_level = atoi(data);
Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 4, &data, NULL); job_level = atoi(data);
Sql_GetData(mmysql_handle, 5, &data, NULL); online = atoi(data);
sprintf(atcmd_output, "[ACID: %d] %s | %s | Level: %d/%d | %s", account_id, name, job_name(class_), base_level, job_level, online?"Online":"Offline");
clif_displaymessage(fd, atcmd_output);
return -1;
account_info(fd, sd, account_id);
return 0;