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Simple Menu with 3 options.
1) Input string
2) Print string
3) Exit
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
    //User is finished and while loop ends if variable running is not 1.
    int running = 1;
    string f = "";
    while (running == 1)
        cout << "Please enter either 1, 2, or 3 \n 1.) Type a sentence. \n 2.) Check last sentence typed. \n 3.) Exit Program.\n";
        int input = 0;
        cin >> input;
        switch (input)
            case 1: //Inputs user string and stores it.
                cout << "Type whatever you want. \n";
                cin >> f;
                cout << "The sentence has been saved." << "\n";
            case 2: //Display last sentence from case 1
                if (f == "" | f ==" ")
                    cout << "Nothing was last typed. \n";
                    cout << "The last string entered was...\n" << f << "\n";
            case 3: //Exit
                cout << "Exiting the program\n";
                running = 0;
    //out of the loop
    cout << "This is out of the loop.";
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