This function is used to reverse an integer array. For example, if the
array is {1,2,3,4,5}, these functions will return an array like {5,4,3,2,1}.
The user needs to pass in a pointer to the array and the size of the array,
and the function will return a pointer to an array in the reverse order.
John Shao
This work is hereby released into the Public Domain. To view a copy of the
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int*ReverseArray(int*orig,unsigned short int b)
unsigned short int a=0;
int swap;
for(a;a<--b;a++) //increment a and decrement b until they meet eachother
swap=orig[a]; //put what's in a into swap space
orig[a]=orig[b]; //put what's in b into a
orig[b]=swap; //put what's in the swap (a) into b
return orig; //return the new (reversed) string (a pointer to it)
/* The Following is a test program */
/* Note that this test program requires C++ but the function does not */
int main()
const unsigned short int SIZE=10;
int ARRAY[SIZE]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};
for(int i=0;i<SIZE;i++)
std::cout<<arr[i]<<' ';
for(int i=0;i<SIZE;i++)
std::cout<<arr[i]<<' ';
return 0;