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Description: Defines the Map as Battleground.
File: conf/mapflag/battleground.txt
Parameter: 2 ( Activate Scoreboard )
usage: <map> mapflag battleground <parameter(Optional)>
Descrtiption: Defines the Map as Guild Vs. Guild Map, so Guilds can Fight each other.
File: conf/mapflag/gvg.txt
Parameter: <none>
usage: <map> mapflag gvg
Description: Nightmode Effects on defined Maps.
File: conf/mapflag/night.txt 
Parameter: <none>
Usage: <map> mapflag nightenabled
Description: Drops Player Items or Equipments on player death.
File: conf/mapflag/nightmare.txt
ID: ItemID,random
Type: inventory, equip, all
Percent: Droprate
Usage: <map> mapflag pvp_nightmaredrop <id>,<type>,<percent>
Description: Disables Dead Branch / Bloody Brunch / Red Brunch and Porinx Box.
File: conf/mapflag/nobranch.txt
Parameter: <none>
Usage: <map> mapflag nobranch
Description: Disable Exp gain for Players.
Parameter: <none>
Usage: <map> mapflag noexp
Description: Disable Icewall on a Map.
File: conf/mapflag/noicewall.txt
Usage: <map> mapflag noicewall
Description: Disable loot on a Map.
File: conf/mapflag/noloot.txt
Parameter: <map> mapflag noloot
Usage: <map> mapflag noloot
Description: Disable /memo on a Map
File: conf/mapflag/nomemo.txt
Parameter: <none>
Usage: <map> mapflag nomemo
Description: Disable death penalty.
File: conf/mapflag/nopenalty.txt
Parameter: <none>
Usage: <map> mapflag nopenalty
Description: Disable PvP (Player vs. Player) on a Map
File: conf/mapflag/nopvp.txt
Parameter: off
Usage: <map> mapflag pvp <parameter>
Description: Disables the Return Warp.
File: conf/mapflag/noreturn.php
Parameter: <none>
Usage: <map> mapflag noreturn
Description: Disables Autosave on a Map, if the Parameter isnt defined, Warp to the last field.
File: conf/mapflag/nosave.txt
Parameter: SavePoint
Usage: <map> mapflag nosave <parameter(Optional)>
Description: Disable Skills
File: conf/mapflag/noskill.txt
Parameter: <none>
Usage: <map> mapflag noskill
Description: Disable all kinds of Teleport.
File: conf/mapflag/noteleport.txt
Parameter: <none>
Usage: <map> mapflag noteleport
Description: Disable Vending
File: conf/mapflag/novending.txt
Parameter: <none>
Usage: <map> mapflag novending
Description: Disable @GO
File: conf/mapflag/nowarp.txt
Parameter: <none>
Usage: <map> mapflag nowarp
Description: Disable Warp to
File: conf/mapflag/nowarpto.txt
Parameter: <none>
Usage: <map> mapflag nowarpto
Description: Disables Party modifications
File: conf/mapflag/partylock.txt
Parameter: <none>
Usage: <map> mapflag partylock
Description: Defines the Map as Player vs Player Map
File: conf/mapflag/pvp.txt
Parameter: <none>
Usage: <map> mapflag pvp
Description: Ignore Aliances on Guild vs Guild Maps
File: conf/mapflag/pvp_noguild.txt
Parameter: <none>
Usage: <map> mapflag pvp_noguild 
Description: Ignore Party on Player vs Player Maps
File: conf/mapflag/pvp_noparty.txt
Parameter: <none>
Usage: <map> mapflag pvp_noparty
Description: Disable Neuralizer Item(12213) usage
File: conf/mapflag/reset.txt
Parameter: <none>
Usage: <map> mapflag reset
Description: Set Duration for a Skill on a Map
File: conf/mapflag/skillduration.txt
Parameter: 0-...(?) 
Usage: <map> mapflag skillduration <parameter>
Description: Set the Damage for a Skill on a Map
File: conf/mapflag/skillmodifier.txt
Usage: <map> mapflag skillmodifier <parameter>
Description: Defines a Map as a Town.
File: conf/mapflag/town.txt
Parameter: <none>
Usage: <map> mapflag town
Description: Flags maps as part of zones
File: conf/mapflag/zone.txt
Parameter: see map_zone_db.txt
Usage: (?)  mapflag zone    Aldebaran Turbo Track (?)
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