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sprax (8:25:40 PM): 
Fuck Trinity
Fuck Ponies
Fuck You!
scarletsunshine (8:25:51 PM): no thanks, i'm lesbian
scarletsunshine (8:25:55 PM): don't like boys that way
scarletsunshine (8:26:00 PM): i'm truly sorry
scarletsunshine (8:26:07 PM): oh, and just a tip
scarletsunshine (8:26:17 PM): for a better future for you
scarletsunshine (8:26:21 PM): don't come on so strong :3
sprax (8:26:28 PM): No no no no no..
sprax (8:26:32 PM): Die in a fire.
scarletsunshine (8:26:55 PM): oh but i live in the flames of the 7th circle of hell
scarletsunshine (8:27:01 PM): i cannot die in fire, friend
sprax (8:27:34 PM): Seventh circle has no flames
scarletsunshine (8:27:40 PM): that's okay
scarletsunshine (8:27:47 PM): because to get there i went through plenty
sprax (8:27:56 PM): It holds a Minotaur but no flames
scarletsunshine (8:28:16 PM): yes, about the minotaur
scarletsunshine (8:28:21 PM): many misunderstand him
scarletsunshine (8:28:23 PM): he's really quite nice
sprax (8:28:58 PM): If you count a severe need of anger management as nice
scarletsunshine (8:29:14 PM): oh but i don't
scarletsunshine (8:29:22 PM): he gave me a bundle of flowers yesterday
sprax (8:29:32 PM): Lies and slander.
scarletsunshine (8:29:39 PM): oh, but how would you know
scarletsunshine (8:29:39 PM): /
scarletsunshine (8:29:40 PM): ?
scarletsunshine (8:29:51 PM): tis impossible to get into hell and escape
sprax (8:30:05 PM): Actually its quite possibly to leave.
scarletsunshine (8:30:11 PM): maybe through imagination
scarletsunshine (8:30:15 PM): as hell does not exist
scarletsunshine (8:30:19 PM): nor does heaven, friend
scarletsunshine (8:30:34 PM): the sooner this fact is learned, the more peaceful you may feel through life
sprax (8:30:54 PM): Dante has never lied to me thus far.
sprax (8:31:01 PM): But I digress, fire, you, burn!
scarletsunshine (8:31:12 PM): you need work on your grammar, sir
scarletsunshine (8:31:27 PM): also, about dante
scarletsunshine (8:31:39 PM): he's just a religious figure people have created to explain nature's actions
scarletsunshine (8:31:49 PM): that is also, a lesson needed to be learned
sprax (8:32:41 PM): That doesn't classify as grammar what-so-ever, the grammar was fine.
scarletsunshine (8:32:57 PM): your previous statement
scarletsunshine (8:33:03 PM): "fire, you, burn!"
scarletsunshine (8:33:08 PM): is set up wrongly
sprax (8:33:25 PM): If anything it should of said, "But I digress; fire, you burn"
sprax (8:33:29 PM): The rest was fine.
scarletsunshine (8:33:38 PM): i agree
scarletsunshine (8:33:49 PM): but again, i was talking about that specific statement
sprax (8:33:50 PM): And once again that is not grammar
scarletsunshine (8:33:51 PM): not everything
sprax (8:33:59 PM): Anyways though, burn.
sprax (8:34:02 PM): Burn hard.
scarletsunshine (8:34:08 PM): oh and, i have a quick question for you
scarletsunshine (8:34:19 PM): why are you so judgemental on a person's likes?
scarletsunshine (8:34:24 PM): is it because they are different than yours?
sprax (8:34:30 PM): Nope!
scarletsunshine (8:34:32 PM): it's things like this that cause disharmony in the worl
scarletsunshine (8:34:33 PM): world
sprax (8:34:43 PM): However burning will still be a good thing.
scarletsunshine (8:34:47 PM): tell me
scarletsunshine (8:35:04 PM): what about my like for the show is so demonic and evil that i should burn for it?
sprax (8:35:36 PM): It isn't so much that you like it, you can do whatever you want.
sprax (8:35:38 PM): You just need to burn.
scarletsunshine (8:35:43 PM): as do you friend
scarletsunshine (8:35:46 PM): i've read through your profile
scarletsunshine (8:35:49 PM): quite sad really
sprax (8:36:28 PM): It's an interesting profile.
scarletsunshine (8:36:33 PM): 
Time to be real. You social rejects are bothersome at best.
All the trolling aside, you all account for your own problems and honestly bitch about the smallest things. Constantly.
Shut the fuck up!
scarletsunshine (8:36:42 PM): you need some compassion in your life
sprax (8:37:03 PM): Truer words were never typed before that.
scarletsunshine (8:37:32 PM): is that a fact?
scarletsunshine (8:38:14 PM): oh by the way, if you don't judge me based on my like for ponies, why say "fuck ponies"?
sprax (8:38:15 PM): Absolutely
scarletsunshine (8:38:43 PM): seems to me you are judging me based on that, as you pmed saying that, but have yet to get to know me whatsoever
sprax (8:38:43 PM): For it is the basis you will burn on.
scarletsunshine (8:39:11 PM): i can only assume you live a truly gloomy and independant life
scarletsunshine (8:39:37 PM): for that to be the reason i shall burn, is a terrible reason indeed
scarletsunshine (8:40:26 PM): i bid you adiue, and wish you luck on changing your poor outlook on others in this fine world of wonder ﷯
sprax (8:40:38 PM): Independant like a true alpha.
scarletsunshine (8:40:40 PM): excuse me, adieu*
scarletsunshine (8:40:44 PM): wrong
scarletsunshine (8:40:50 PM): you can't be an alpha, if you're alone
scarletsunshine (8:40:58 PM): you have many lessons to learn, good luck
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Viewed 946 times, submitted by Yanji.