viewing paste GM Login/Logout Announce | Athena

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-   script  Sample  -1,{
if( getgmlevel() == 99 ) announce "EndlessRO GM "+strcharinfo(0)+" has login.",0;
else if( getgmlevel() == 90 ) announce "EndlessRO Head GM "+strcharinfo(0)+" has login.",0;
else if( getgmlevel() == 50 ) announce "EndlessRO Head GM Police/Event "+strcharinfo(0)+" has login.",0;
else end;
dispbottom "Welcome "+strcharinfo(0)+" ! Please make sure to check players!";
atcommand "@Battleignore";
atcommand "@speed 0";
atcommand "@hide";
dispbottom "Current Server Time : " + gettimestr("%A %B %d %Y - %I:%M %p",40);
if( getgmlevel() == 99 ) announce "EndlessRO GM "+strcharinfo(0)+" has logout.",0;
else if( getgmlevel() == 90 ) announce "EndlessRO Head GM "+strcharinfo(0)+" has logout.",0;
else if( getgmlevel() == 50 ) announce "EndlessRO Head GM Police/Event "+strcharinfo(0)+" has logout.",0;
else end;
Viewed 1725 times, submitted by Emistry.