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// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------ Script Release
// Title: Premium/ViP System
// Author: Diconfrost VaNz - - [email protected]
// Version: 1.0
// Special thanks to the following for helping me making this script
// Jezu
// Dastgr
// clydelion
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
prontera,155,181,5  script  Clahador    757,{
function getPremiumTime;
mes "[^FF0000Clahador^000000]";
mes "Hello "+strcharinfo(0)+", I'm ^FF0000Clahador the butcher^000000.";
mes "I will be of help if you need something.";
mes "[^FF0000Clahador^000000]";
mes "Oh! you need help?";
mes "What kind of help do you need?";
menu "Newbie here",P_New,"I'm a ViP!",P_VIP,"Nevermind",P_NVM;
mes "[^FF0000Clahador^000000]";
mes "Did you already claim your free items in the ^FF0000Freebies NPC^000000???";
menu "Yes!",F_Yes,"No!",F_No;
mes "[^FF0000Clahador^000000]";
mes "You should get 'em!.";
mes "It will help you on the start.";
mes "[^FF0000Clahador^000000]";
mes "Haha, i hope you like those items.";
mes "By the way, you can earn zennies through quests like going to daily quest, request board, and many more!";
mes "Did you know that you can have many zennies you want if you gonna hunt more rare items?";
mes "Try it!";
mes "[^FF0000Clahador^000000]";
mes "Oh you avail our ViP Ticket!";
mes "Thank you!";
mes "[^FF0000Clahador^000000]";
mes "Your ^0055FFPremium Time^000000 Left : "+getPremiumTime( #Premium );
mes "You should maximize it";
mes "Grind your skills and hunt now!";
mes "[^FF0000Clahador^000000]";
mes "Thank you!";
mes "Come Again!";
function    getPremiumTime  {
    set .@Time_Left, getarg(0) - gettimetick(2);
    set .@Days, .@Time_Left / 86400;
    set .@Time_Left, .@Time_Left - (.@Days * 86400);
    set .@Hours, .@Time_Left / 3600;
    set .@Time_Left, .@Time_Left - (.@Hours * 3600);
    set .@Minutes, .@Time_Left / 60;
    set .@Time_Left, .@Time_Left - (.@Minutes * 60);
    set .@Time$, "";
    if( .@Days > 1 )
        set .@Time$, .@Time$ + .@Days + " days, ";
    else if( .@Days > 0 )
        set .@Time$, .@Time$ + .@Days + " day, ";
    if( .@Hours > 1 )
        set .@Time$, .@Time$ + .@Hours + " hours, ";
    else if( .@Hours > 0 )
        set .@Time$, .@Time$ + .@Hours + " hour, ";
    if( .@Minutes > 1 )
        set .@Time$, .@Time$ + .@Minutes + " minutes, ";
    else if( .@Minutes > 0 )
        set .@Time$, .@Time$ + .@Minutes + " minute, ";
    if( .@Time_Left > 1 || .@Time_Left == 0 )
        set .@Time$, .@Time$ + .@Time_Left + " seconds.";
    else if( .@Time_Left == 1 )
        set .@Time$, .@Time$ + .@Time_Left + " second.";
    return .@Time$;
    sc_end SC_EXPBOOST;
    sc_end SC_JEXPBOOST;
    sc_end SC_ITEMBOOST;
if( #Premium > gettimetick(1) ){
    sc_start SC_EXPBOOST,(( #Premium - gettimetick(1) ) * 1000 ),300;
    sc_start SC_JEXPBOOST,(( #Premium - gettimetick(1) ) * 1000 ),200;
    sc_start SC_ITEMBOOST,(( #Premium - gettimetick(1) ) * 1000 ),200;
dispbottom "Hello "+strcharinfo(0)+", your Premium Time Left : "+getPremiumTime( #Premium );
Viewed 1149 times, submitted by clydelion.