viewing paste Language test script | Athena

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-   script  pick_language   -1,{ // This serves as a basic language picker, but will not be very useful
    function i18n; // i18n is short for internacionalization
    if (language) end; // People who have chosen a language don't need to use this NPC, other will fall through
OnWhisperGlobal: //This way people can change their language at any time, even if this makes this code messy
    do {
        mes i18n(5);
        mes i18n(6);
        mes i18n(7);
        mes i18n(8);
        set language, prompt(i18n(1)+":"+i18n(2)+":"+i18n(3)+":"+i18n(4)); // Chosen option will be user's language ID
    } while (@menu == 255); // Force user to pick one of the available languages
    function i18n { // Each NPC will have its own i18n function. This one is quite simple.
        switch(getarg(0)) {
            case 1: return "English";
            case 2: return "Français (French)";
            case 3: return "Español (Spanish)";
            case 4: return "Deutsch (German)";
            case 5: return "Please choose a language";                     // English
            case 6: return "Veuillez choisir une langue s'il vous plaît";  // French
            case 7: return "Por favor, elige un idioma";                   // Spanish
            case 8: return "Bitte Sprache auswählen";                      // German
            default: return "Unknown message string ID";
        /* Alternate version: this one is faster but it's a bit harder to understand
        setarray .@i18n[1]$,                                // Maybe this array should better be set OnInit with a permanent NPC variable, but it's just an example
                                                            // In that case, just the return sentence is needed
            "Français (French)",
            "Español (Spanish)",
            "Deutsch (German)",
            "Please choose a language",                     // English
            "Veuillez choisir une langue s'il vous plaît",  // French
            "Por favor, elige un idioma",                   // Spanish
            "Bitte Sprache auswählen";                      // German
        set .@numStrings, getarraysize(.@i18n$);
        return getarg(0) < .@numStrings ? .@i18n[getarg(0)] : "Unknown message string ID";
map,x,y script  language_tester 60,{ // You can use this when you have your language defined, a bit more complex but easier at the same time
    function i18n;
    set @times, @times+1;
    mes i18n(language,1);
    mes i18n(language,2) + @times + i18n(language,4); // i18n(language,2) has a trailing space, and i18n(language,3) has a leading space
    function i18n {
        switch(getarg(0)) { // Languages
            case 1: // English
                switch(getarg(1)) { // Strings
                    case 1: return "This is a language test script.";
                    case 2: return "You've clicked me ";
                    case 3: return " times since you logged in.";
                    default: return "String Error";
                } // Supposedly no break needed
            case 2: // French
                switch(getarg(1)) {
                    case 1: return "Ç'est un script de teste de langue.";
                    case 2: return "Vous m'avez cliqué ";
                    case 3: return " fois depuis vous êtes online.";
                    default: return "Ereur de string";
            case 3: // Spanish
                switch(getarg(1)) {
                    case 1: return "Esto es un script de prueba de idiomas.";
                    case 2: return "Me has hecho click ";
                    case 3: return " veces desde que te has conectado.";
                    default: return "Error de string";
            case 4: // German
                switch(getarg(1)) {
                    case 1: return "Die ist ein Sprachen Test NPC.";
                    case 2: return "Du hast mich ";
                    case 3: return " mal angeklickt seit du online bist.";
                    default: return "String Fehler";
            default: // Language error
                return "Language error!";
    // You could also do something similar: you store an array of array names, then fetch the desired position on that array if you do like that.
Viewed 1466 times, submitted by jaBote.