//----idea by ryo---------------------------------//
//----Script by Daredevil-------------------------//
//----Help Edit some part by Nameless2you---------//
//----Version Changlog----------------------------//
// 1.1- Remove get stapo card Free //
// 1.2- Add msg,information,shop function //
- script SCW Arena::S-Caster War 414,{
mes "Weclome to S-Caster War Arena.";
mes "Hi, I'am Brock. Nice to meet you.";
mes "I'm the in charge of S-Caster War Arena";
mes "What can I serve you?";
switch(select("Enter War:Caster Shop:Instruction Guide:Cancel")){
case 1:
if (Class == Job_Novice) {
if(BaseLevel > 30) goto L_End;
if (countitem(4424) < 1);
sc_end SC_CP_WEAPON;
sc_end SC_CP_ARMOR;
sc_end SC_CP_HELM;
sc_end SC_CP_SHIELD;
sc_start SC_STRIPWEAPON,6000000,5; // you can change the duration
sc_start SC_STRIPARMOR,6000000,5; // you can change the duration
sc_start SC_STRIPSHIELD,6000000,5; // you can change the duration
sc_start SC_STRIPHELM,6000000,5; // you can change the duration
sleep2 500;
warp "poring_c02",0,0;
} else {
mes "[Brock]";
mes "Sorry! Only Novice Character are Allow to Enter";
case 2:
callshop "Caster shop",1;
case 3:
mes "[Stone Caster War Information]";
mes "This is a difference PvP Game to play with it. please enjoy yourself.";
mes "Please Equip up Stapo Card to get Ready before entering S.Caster War Arena";
mes "Requirement: Stapo Card to be Equip in character";
mes "Disable: Equipment Armor and Weapon will auto Strip during enter.";
mes "Disable: All skill are Disable to use at here.";
mes "How to play?";
mes "Just pick up the Stone and trow to kill your opponent.";
case 4:
poring_c02 mapflag restricted 2
poring_c02 mapflag pvp
poring_c02 mapflag noexp
poring_c02 mapflag nomemo
poring_c02 mapflag nowarp
poring_c02 mapflag nowarpto
poring_c02 mapflag noteleport
poring_c02 mapflag nosave SavePoint
poring_c02 mapflag nomemo
poring_c02 mapflag nobranch
// --------- NPC Clones ---------
prontlegend,191,206,6 duplicate(SCW Arena) S.Caster War Arena#m1-1 414
dic_in01,358,283,4 duplicate(SCW Arena) S.Caster War Arena#m1-2 414
- shop Caster Shop -1,4424:100000,7049:2
- script Healer01::Light Priest -1,{
callfunc "F_ClearGarbage",0;
mes "[Light Priest]";
mes "What can i help you?";
mes "You look like a person who needs Help";
mes "I can Heal your wound.";
switch(select("Heal:No thanks")) {
case 1:
mes "[Healer]";
if ((@PC_LAST_HEAL_TIME +60) > gettimetick(2)) {
mes "Huh? I'm Sorry i need some Rest. Please Wait " + (@PC_LAST_HEAL_TIME +60 - gettimetick(2)) + " seconds.";
} else {
set @PC_LAST_HEAL_TIME, gettimetick(2);
percentheal 10,10;
mes "you are now healed!.";
mes "Have fun on S-Caster War!!";
case 2:
mes "[Light Priest]";
mes "Alright, come back if you need a heal.";
// --------- NPC Clones ---------
poring_c02,94,123,4 duplicate(Healer01) Light Priest#scwh1 414
poring_c02,144,123,4 duplicate(Healer01) Light Priest#scwh2 414
poring_c02,146,43,4 duplicate(Healer01) Light Priest#scwh3 414
poring_c02,91,43,4 duplicate(Healer01) Light Priest#scwh4 414