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//===== rAthena Script =======================================
// Enchanted Stones Remover
//===== By: ==================================================
//= Masao
//===== Current Version: =====================================
//= 1.0
//===== Compatible With: =====================================
//= Any rAthena SVN
//===== Description: =========================================
//= Entfernt Enchanted Stones aus Headgears.
//===== Additional Comments: =================================
//= 1.0 First Version. [Masao]
prontera,155,180,4  script  Enchant Remover 123,{
    set .zenycost,200000; // Set base cost in zeny of the enchant remover services
    set .perenchantcost,25000; // set cost per enchant of the enchant remover services
    set @enchantnmbr,0;
    mes "[Enchant Remover]";
    mes "Good day, young one. I have the power to remove enchantments that you have compounded onto your headgears. Doesn't that sound great?";
    switch(select("Yes, it does.:What do you charge?:No thanks.")) {
    case 1:
        mes "[Enchant Remover]";
        mes "Very well. Which item shall I examine for you?";
        switch(select("[" + getequipname(1) + "]:[" + getequipname(9) + "]:[" + getequipname(10) + "]")){
        case 1:
            set @part,1;
            set @eid,getequipid(@part);
        case 2:
            set @part,9;
            set @eid,getequipid(@part);
        case 3:
            set @part,10;
            set @eid,getequipid(@part);
        if((!getequipcardid(@part,1)) && (!getequipcardid(@part,2)) && (!getequipcardid(@part,3))) {
            mes "[Enchant Remover]";
            mes "Young one... There are no enchantments compounded on this item. I can do nothing with it, I'm afraid.";
            set @enchantnmbr,@enchantnmbr+1;
            set @enchantnmbr,@enchantnmbr+1;
            set @enchantnmbr,@enchantnmbr+1;
        set @enchantcount,@enchantnmbr;
        if (!checkweight(1202,(@enchantcount+1))) { 
            mes "^3355FFJust a minute!";
            mes "I can't offer any of my";
            mes "services to you because";
            mes "you're carrying too much";
            mes "stuff. Put your extra items in";
            mes "Kafra Storage and come again~";
        mes "[Enchant Remover]";
        mes "This item has " + @enchantcount + " enchantments compounded on it. To perform my magic, I will need " + (.zenycost+(@enchantcount * .perenchantcost)) + " zeny.";
        mes "[Enchant Remover]";
        mes "^FF0000And be aware that there is an 30% chance of failure when removing the stones! Which means the zeny and the enchanted stones will be gone if I fail!^000000";
        mes "So are you sure you want to proceed?";
        switch(select("Yes, remove all enchantments:Yes, remove specific enchantment:No, I want to cancel")) {
        case 1:
            mes "[Enchant Remover]";
            mes "Very well. I shall begin.";
            if(zeny < (.zenycost+(@enchantcount * .perenchantcost))) {
                mes "[Enchant Remover]";
                mes "You do not have enough zeny which I require to work my magic, child. Come again when you do.";
            if(!getequipisequiped(@part)) {
                mes "[Enchant Remover]";
                mes "Young one... Your not wearing anything there that I can remove cards from.";
            if(getequipid(@part) != @eid){
                mes "[Enchant Remover]";
                mes "Are you trying to make me laugh?!";
                mes "I saw exactly how you tried to change your Equipment!";
            set @refine,getequiprefinerycnt(@part);
            set @card,getequipcardid(@part,0);
            set @enchant2,getequipcardid(@part,1);
            set @enchant3,getequipcardid(@part,2);
            set @enchant4,getequipcardid(@part,3);
            set zeny,zeny - (.zenycost+(@enchantcount * .perenchantcost));
            delitem2 @eid,1,1,@refine,0,@card,@enchant2,@enchant3,@enchant4;
            if(rand(100) >= 30){
                    getitem @enchant2,1;
                    getitem @enchant3,1;
                    getitem @enchant4,1;
            getitem2 @eid,1,1,@refine,0,@card,0,0,0;
            mes "[Enchant Remover]";
            mes "The process was a success. Here are your enchantments and your item. Farewell.";
        case 2:
            mes "[Enchant Remover]";
            mes "Ok, which enchantment should I remove?";
            case 1:
                mes "[Enchant Remover]";
                mes "Very well. I shall begin.";
                if(zeny < (.zenycost+.perenchantcost)) {
                    mes "[Enchant Remover]";
                    mes "You do not have enough zeny which I require to work my magic, child. Come again when you do.";
                if(!getequipisequiped(@part)) {
                    mes "[Enchant Remover]";
                    mes "Young one... Your not wearing anything there that I can remove cards from.";
                if(getequipid(@part) != @eid){
                    mes "[Enchant Remover]";
                    mes "Are you trying to make me laugh?!";
                    mes "I saw exactly how you tried to change your Equipment!";
                set @refine,getequiprefinerycnt(@part);
                set @card,getequipcardid(@part,0);
                set @enchant2,getequipcardid(@part,1);
                set zeny,zeny - (.zenycost+.perenchantcost);
                delitem2 @eid,1,1,@refine,0,@card,@enchant2,@enchant3,@enchant4;
                getitem2 @eid,1,1,@refine,0,@card,0,@enchant3,@enchant4;
                if(rand(100) >= 30){
                    getitem @enchant2,1;
                mes "[Enchant Remover]";
                mes "The process was a success. Here are your enchantments and your item. Farewell.";
            case 2:
                mes "[Enchant Remover]";
                mes "Very well. I shall begin.";
                if(zeny < (.zenycost+.perenchantcost)) {
                    mes "[Enchant Remover]";
                    mes "You do not have enough zeny which I require to work my magic, child. Come again when you do.";
                if(!getequipisequiped(@part)) {
                    mes "[Enchant Remover]";
                    mes "Young one... Your not wearing anything there that I can remove cards from.";
                if(getequipid(@part) != @eid){
                    mes "[Enchant Remover]";
                    mes "Are you trying to make me laugh?!";
                    mes "I saw exactly how you tried to change your Equipment!";
                set @refine,getequiprefinerycnt(@part);
                set @card,getequipcardid(@part,0);
                set @enchant3,getequipcardid(@part,2);
                set zeny,zeny - (.zenycost+.perenchantcost);
                delitem2 @eid,1,1,@refine,0,@card,@enchant2,@enchant3,@enchant4;
                if(rand(100) >= 30){
                    getitem @enchant3,1;
                getitem2 @eid,1,1,@refine,0,@card,@enchant2,0,@enchant4;
                mes "[Enchant Remover]";
                mes "The process was a success. Here are your enchantments and your item. Farewell.";
            case 3:
                mes "[Enchant Remover]";
                mes "Very well. I shall begin.";
                if(zeny < (.zenycost+.perenchantcost)) {
                    mes "[Enchant Remover]";
                    mes "You do not have enough zeny which I require to work my magic, child. Come again when you do.";
                if(!getequipisequiped(@part)) {
                    mes "[Enchant Remover]";
                    mes "Young one... Your not wearing anything there that I can remove cards from.";
                if(getequipid(@part) != @eid){
                    mes "[Enchant Remover]";
                    mes "Are you trying to make me laugh?!";
                    mes "I saw exactly how you tried to change your Equipment!";
                set @refine,getequiprefinerycnt(@part);
                set @card,getequipcardid(@part,0);
                set @enchant4,getequipcardid(@part,3);
                set zeny,zeny - (.zenycost+.perenchantcost);
                delitem2 @eid,1,1,@refine,0,@card,@enchant2,@enchant3,@enchant4;
                if(rand(100) >= 30){
                    getitem @enchant4,1;
                getitem2 @eid,1,1,@refine,0,@card,@enchant2,@enchant3,0;
                mes "[Enchant Remover]";
                mes "The process was a success. Here are your enchantments and your item. Farewell.";
            case 4:
                mes "[Enchant Remover]";
                mes "Very well. Return at once if you seek my services.";
        case 3:
            mes "[Enchant Remover]";
            mes "Very well. Return at once if you seek my services.";
    case 2:
        mes "[Enchant Remover]";
        mes "I charge a flat fee of "+.zenycost+" zeny, plus "+.perenchantcost+" zeny for each card I remove from the item.";
        mes "[Enchant Remover]";
        mes "^FF0000And be aware that there is an 30% chance of failure when removing the stones! Which means the zeny and the enchanted stones will be gone if I fail!^000000";
    case 3:
        mes "[Enchant Remover]";
        mes "Very well. Return at once if you seek my services.";
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