viewing paste Unknown #9485 | C++

Posted on the
  1. Do you agree?#
  2. Failed to Connect to Server.#
  3. Disconnected from Server.#
  4. Disconnected from Server.#
  5. Server Closed.#
  6. Someone has Logged in with this ID.#
  7. Unregistered ID. Please make sure you have a registered account and you have correctly typed in the user ID.#
  8. Incorrect User ID or Password. Please try again.#
  9. This ID is expired.#
  10. Rejected from Server.#
  11. Character Name already exists.#
  12. Character Creation is denied.#
  13. Character Deletion is denied.#
  14. Please Enter Room Title.#
  15. Foul Language Detected.#
  16. Please enter Password.#
  17. Please enter Password. Passwords must be at least 4 characters long.#
  18. Are you sure that you want to quit?#
  19. Passwords are at least 4 characters long. Please try again.#
  20. Are you sure that you want to delete this character?#
  21. Foul Language Detected.#
  22. Character Name must be at least 4 characters long.#
  23. Command List: /h | /help#
  24. Effects On#
  25. Effects Off#
  26. Sound Volume#
  27. BGM Volume#
  28. Sound Effects On#
  29. Sound Effects Off#
  30. Frame Skip On#
  31. Frame Skip Off#
  32. BGM On#
  33. BGM Off#
  34. /h or /help: Shows this Command Help List#
  35. /w or /who:  Shows the number of current players connected.#
  36. /music: Turns BGM On or Off#
  37. /sound: Turns Sound Effects On or Off#
  38. /effect: Effects On or Off#
  39. /where: Shows your present location#
  40. /skip: Turns Frame Skip On or Off#
  41. /v (0~127): Controls the volume of the Sound Effects#
  42. /bv (0~127): Controls the volume of the BGM#
  43. /ex (Character Name): Blocks whispering from the Character#
  44. /ex: View a list of Characters you have Blocked#
  45. /in (Character Name): Allows whispering from the Character#
  46. /inall: Allows whispers from anyone#
  47. /exall: Blocks whispers from everyone#
  48. Right click on a character and select [Register as a Friend] to add a person to your Friend List.#
  49. F12 Brings up a Hotkey Window which allows you to drag and drop Recovery Items, Equipment and Skills into it for faster access.#
  50. You can't type the same word/phrase more than 3 times.#
  51. Chat Filter: Yeah, uh, I don't think so buddy...#
  52. You cannot overlap items on a window.#
  53. You cannot carry more items because you are overweight.#
  54. You cannot get the item.#
  55. The deal has successfully completed.#
  56. You do not have enough zeny.#
  57. You are over your Weight Limit.#
  58. The deal has failed.#
  59. You've blocked whispers from everyone.#
  60. You've failed to block all whispers.#
  61. You've allowed whispers from everyone.#
  62. You've failed to allow all whispers.#
  63. You have no Block List.#
  64. [ Character Block List ]#
  65. Room has been successfully created.#
  66. Room Limit Exceeded.#
  67. Same Room exists.#
  68. The Room is full.#
  69. You have been kicked out of this room.#
  70. The deal has been rejected.#
  71. You are too far away from the person to trade.#
  72. The Character is not currently online or does not exist.#
  73. The person is in another deal.#
  74. You cannot trade because this character will exceed his weight limit.#
  75. The deal has been canceled.#
  76. The deal has successfully completed.#
  77. The deal has failed.#
  78. Party has successfully been organized.#
  79. That Party Name already exists.#
  80. The Character is already in a party.#
  81. The Character already joined another party.#
  82. Request for party rejected.#
  83. Request for party accepted.#
  84. Party Capacity exceeded.#
  85. You left the party.#
  86. Send to All#
  87. Send to Party#
  88. Request a deal with %s#
  89. Ask %s to join your party#
  90. Pri:#
  91. Pub:#
  92. Click ''Restart'' to go back to your save point or click ''Exit'' to select another character.#
  93. Please select a Deal Type.#
  94.  requests a deal.#
  95.  Party has sent you an invitation. Would you like to join?#
  96. Invalid Command#
  97. Leave party#
  98. Expel from party#
  99. Send Message#
  100. 1:1 Chat#
  101. Information#
  102. Party Setup#
  103. Friend#
  104. Party#
  105. Equipment#
  106. Status#
  107. Inventory#
  108. /organize ''Party Name'' To organize a party. Type /leave To leave a Party.#
  109. If you are the party master, you can invite someone into your party by right-clicking on a Character.#
  110. Recover#
  111. Attack#
  112. Support#
  113. Entire#
  114. Weapon#
  115. Defense#
  116. Water#
  117. Earth#
  118. Fire#
  119. Wind#
  120. Please avoid buying 2 of the same items at one time.#
  121. Please change your desktop Color Depth to 16-bit when running Ragnarok in windowed mode.#
  122. Please wait...#
  123. Please wait...#
  124. Please wait...#
  125. Please wait...#
  126. Make a Room#
  127. Room Setup#
  128. Kick Character Out#
  129. Give Master Authority#
  130. View Information#
  131. Chat Room#
  132. Ppl#
  133. /sit: Sit command. If you are sitting, you will stand instead.#
  134. /stand: Stand command. If you are standing, you will sit instead.#
  135. /chat: Creates a Chat Room#
  136. /q: Leaves a Chat Room#
  137. /deal ''Character Name'' Requests a deal with a character#
  138. /organize ''Party Name'' Organizes a party#
  139. /leave: Leaves a party#
  140. /expel ''Character Name'' kicks a Character out of your party#
  141. [Alt] + [End]: Turns HP/SP Bar On or Off#
  142. [Alt] + [Home]: Turns Ground Cursor On or Off#
  143. [Insert]: Makes you sit or stand. (Hotkey to toggle between /sit and /stand)#
  144. Congratulations! You are the MVP! Your reward item is #
  145. !!#
  146. Congratulations! You are the MVP! Your reward EXP Points are #
  147.  acquired!#
  148. You are the MVP, but you can't take the reward because you are over your weight limit.#
  149. There is no such character name or the user is offline.#
  150.  doesn't want to receive your messages.#
  151.  is not in the mood to talk with anyone.#
  152. Killed/Disconnected User.#
  153. Kill has failed.#
  154. You got %s (%d).#
  155. [Alt] + [=]: Fix the interval error between letters.#
  156. [F10]: To toggle Chat Window size; [Alt] + [F10]: Toggle Chat Window On or Off#
  157. How to Whisper: Enter a Character's Name on the left side of chat window and type your message on the right side. The Tab key helps you move between these boxes.#
  158. /!,/?,/ho,/lv,/lv2,/swt,/ic,/an,/ag,/$,/….,/thx,/wah,/sry,/heh,/swt2,/hmm,/no1,/??,/omg,/oh,/X,/hp,/go,/sob,/gg,/kis,/kis2,/pif,/ok: Emotion icons corresponding to Alt + (1~9) Ctrl + (-=\\)#
  159. How to Speak to Party: Add % in front of every message.(Example: \%Hello\)#
  160. You haven't learned enough Basic Skills to Trade.#
  161. You haven't learned enough Basic Skills to use Emotion icons.#
  162. You haven't learned enough Basic Skills to Sit.#
  163. You haven't learned enough Basic Skills to create a chat room.#
  164. You haven't learned enough Basic Skills to Party.#
  165. You haven't learned enough skills to Shout.#
  166. You haven't learned enough skills for Pking.#
  167. Buying Items#
  168. Item Shop#
  169. Selling Items#
  170. Storage#
  171.  is put on.#
  172.  is taken off.#
  173. To add names on the Whispering List#
  174. How to Take Screen Shots: Press [Print Screen] or [Scroll Lock]#
  175. Tip of the Day#
  176. ^3850a0Did you know...?^709fed#
  177. Display at startup#
  178. /tip: Opens ''Tip of the Day''#
  179. There are %d Players Currently Connected.#
  180. (%s) has entered.#
  181. (%s) has left.#
  182. (%s) was kicked out.#
  183. %d ea.#
  184. %s: %d ea.#
  185. %s %s: %d#
  186. Available Items to sell#
  187. Shop Items#
  188. Unknown Area#
  189. Your Client language doesn't match the Server language.#
  190. Please move your equipment to the inventory. And close the equipment window.#
  191. This server provides English Text Characters Only.#
  192. This is not implemented yet.#
  193. No Whisper List.#
  194. : Whispering Blocked.#
  195. : Whispering Block has failed.#
  196. : Whispering Block has failed. Block List is full.#
  197. : Whispering accepted.#
  198. : Command has failed.#
  199. : Command has failed. Block List is full.#
  200. You cannot put a space at the beginning or end of a name.#
  201. Private#
  202. Public#
  203. Not Enough SP#
  204. Not Enough HP#
  205. Skill has failed.#
  206. Steal has failed.#
  207. Trade#
  208. Envenom skill has failed.#
  209. You cannot use this ID on this server.#
  210. Your Speed has increased.#
  211. Your Speed has decreased.#
  212. /memo: To memorize a place as Warp Point (If you are an Acolyte Class character)#
  213. Random Area#
  214. Select an Area to Warp#
  215. Skill Level is not high enough#
  216. There are no memorized locations (Memo Points).#
  217. You haven't learned Warp.#
  218. Saved location as a Memo Point for Warp Skill.#
  219. Cancel#
  220. There is a Delay after using a Skill.#
  221. You can't have this item because you will exceed the weight limit.#
  222. Out of the maximum capacity#
  223. Rental Cart Items#
  224. Take Off Rental Cart#
  225. Vend a Shop#
  226. Please Name your Shop.#
  227. My Shop#
  228. Merchant Shop#
  229. Buying Items#
  230. %s Purchase Failed %s#
  231. Out of Stock#
  232. %s %d sold.#
  233. Available Items for Vending#
  234. Skill has failed because you do not have enough zeny.#
  235. Select a Target.#
  236. /pk on: Turns PK On. /pk off: Turns PK Off.#
  237. Shop#
  238. Rent a Cart Items [Alt+W]#
  239. Basic Information#
  240. The skill cannot be used with this weapon.#
  241. Buying %s has been failed. Out of Stock. Current Stock %d.#
  242. You've been disconnected due to a time gap between you and the server.#
  243. Please equip arrows first.#
  244. You can't attack or use skills because you've exceeded the Weight Limit.#
  245. You can't use skills because you've exceeded the Weight Limit.#
  246. Arrow has been equipped.#
  247. Red Gemstone required.#
  248. Blue Gemstone required.#
  249. Strength#
  250. Agility#
  251. Vitality#
  252. Intelligence#
  253. Dexterity#
  254. Luck#
  255. Attack Power#
  256. Defense#
  257. Accuracy Rate#
  258. Critical Attack#
  259. Assigned Guild#
  260. Status Points to allocate#
  261. Magical Attack#
  262. Magical Defense#
  263. Flee Rate#
  264. Attack Speed#
  265. Server is jammed due to over population. Please try again shortly.#
  266. Option#
  267. Account ID blocked by the Game Master Team.#
  268. Incorrect User ID or Password. Please try again.#
  269. Choose Hairstyle#
  270. Hit Point#
  271. Defence Rate#
  272. Attack Snap On#
  273. Attack Snap Off#
  274. Skill Snap On#
  275. Skill Snap Off#
  276. /snap: Turns snap On | Off for fights, /skillsnap: Turns snap On | Off for skills. /itemsnap: Turns snap On | Off for items on the grounds.#
  277. Item Snap On#
  278. Item Snap Off#
  279. Snap#
  280. You cannot carry more than 30,000 of one kind of item.#
  281. You cannot delete a Character with a level greater than 30. If you want to delete the character please contact a Game Master.#
  282. You cannot use an NPC shop while in a trade.#
  283. Shop Name#
  284. Skill Tree#
  285. Skill Point: %d#
  286. Skill has failed.#
  287. Passive#
  288. Each Take#
  289. Even Share#
  290. Each Take#
  291. Party Share#
  292. Party Setup#
  293. How to share EXP#
  294. How to share Items#
  295. Only the Party Leader can change this setting.#
  296. Toggle Item Amount.#
  297. Character will be deleted after ^ff0000%d^000000 seconds. Press Cancel to quit.#
  298. You cannot trade more than 10 types of items per trade.#
  299. You are underaged.#
  300. Please enter the deletion password.#
  301. E-mail Address (Case Sensitive).#
  302. Character Deletion has failed because you have entered an incorrect e-mail address.#
  303. Enter Second Serial Cord of your Social Security number.#
  304. Character Deletion has failed because you have entered an incorrect SSN.#
  305. You can't sell more than 15 types of Items at one time.#
  306. You are underaged and cannot join this server.#
  307. HP/SP will not be restored when your carried weight is over 50% of the Weight Limit.#
  308. You can't use Skills or Attack while your carried weight is over 90% of your Weight Limit.#
  309. Your HP/SP are now being restored naturally.#
  310. Attack and Skills are now available.#
  311. Your Game's Exe File is not the latest version.#
  312. Items are sold out.#
  313. Save Chat as Text File#
  314. /savechat: Save a Chat Log#
  315. Register#
  316. Reject Whispering#
  317. Allow Whispering#
  318. Shows ''Miss''#
  319. Shows ''Miss''#
  320. Camera Zooming On#
  321. Camera Zooming Off#
  322. /camera: Camera Zooming On or Off. /miss: Toggle ''Miss'' display#
  323. View Skill Info#
  324. Change Skill#
  325. Sprite Resolution#
  326. Texture Resolution#
  327. Arrange Detail#
  328. You got %Zeny#
  329. Guild Name#
  330. Guild lvl#
  331. Guild Master#
  332. Guildsmen#
  333. Avg.lvl of Guildsmen#
  334. Territory#
  335. Tendency#
  336. EXP#
  337. Emblem#
  338. Tax Point#
  339. Alliances#
  340. Antagonists#
  341. Guild Info#
  342. Guildsmen Info#
  343. Position#
  344. Guild Skill#
  345. Expel History#
  346. Guild Notice#
  347. Entire Guild List#
  348. Whispering List#
  349. Open Whispering Window#
  350. How to Open Whispering List: Press [Alt] + [H]#
  351. Open Whispering List Automatically#
  352. Delete#
  353. Close since next#
  354. Last Log-in Time#
  355. Last Log-in IP#
  356. Friend Setup#
  357. Are you sure that you want to delete?#
  358. Are you sure that you want to leave?#
  359. Register as a Friend#
  360. Open 1:1 Chat between Friends#
  361. Open 1:1 Chat#
  362. Open 1:1 Chat between Strangers#
  363. Alarm when you recieve a 1:1 Chat#
  364. Are you sure that you want to expel?#
  365. %s has withdrawn from the guild.#
  366. Secession Reason: %s#
  367. You have failed to disband the guild.#
  368. Disband Reason: %s#
  369. This ID has been removed.#
  370. Price: #
  371. %s has been expelled from our guild.#
  372. Expulsion Reason: %s#
  373. You can't put this item on.#
  374. You can't modify Party Setup.#
  375. Guild has been Created.#
  376. You are already in a Guild.#
  377. That Guild Name already exists.#
  378.  Guild has sent you an invitation. Would you like to join this Guild?#
  379. He/She is already in a Guild.#
  380. Offer Rejected#
  381. Offer Accepted#
  382. Your Guild is Full.#
  383. Send (%s) a Guild invitation#
  384. You haven't learned enough skills for aligning.#
  385. Aligning completed.#
  386. You already spent your point for today.#
  387. Hasn't been a month yet since you aligned this person.#
  388. Remember, Spamming isn't nice.#
  389. Please refrain from ill-mannered conduct, thank you.#
  390. Align with a Good Point#
  391. Align with a Bad Point#
  392. Request a deal with (%s)#
  393. Ask (%s) to join your party#
  394.  Guild is asking you to agree to an Alliance with them. Do you accept?#
  395. This Guild is already your Ally.#
  396. You reject the offer#
  397. You accept the offer#
  398. They have too many Alliances.#
  399. You have too many Alliances.#
  400. Set this guild as an Alliance#
  401. Guild was successfully disbanded.#
  402. You have failed to disband the guild due to your incorrect SSN.#
  403. You have failed to disband the guild because there are guildsmen still present.#
  404. Set this guild as an Antagonist#
  405. Choose Hair Color#
  406. You need the necessary item to create a Guild.#
  407. Monster Info#
  408. Name#
  409. Level#
  410. HP#
  411. Size#
  412. Type#
  413. MDEF#
  414. Attribute#
  415. Neutral#
  416. Water#
  417. Earth#
  418. Fire#
  419. Wind#
  420. Poison#
  421. Holy#
  422. Shadow#
  423. Ghost#
  424. Undead#
  425. You can't create items yet.#
  426. Item List you can craft#
  427.  Create#
  428. 's materials#
  429.  item creation failed.#
  430.  item created successfully.#
  431.  item creation failed.#
  432.  item created successfully.#
  433. You are not the required lvl.#
  434. Too high lvl for this job.#
  435. Not the suitable job for this type of work.#
  436. Record a message in the Talkie Box#
  437. Please type a message for the Talkie Box#
  438. Send to Guild#
  439. You didn't pay for this ID. Would you like to pay for it now?#
  440. Server is jammed due to overpopulation. Please try again after few minutes.#
  441. Server still recognizes your last log-in. Please try again after a few minutes.#
  442. Release Falcon#
  443. Dismount#
  444. Small#
  445. Med#
  446. Big#
  447. Double#
  448. Triple#
  449. Quadruple#
  450. You are prohibited to log in until %s.#
  451. 's #
  452. 's Fire #
  453. 's Ice #
  454. 's Wind #
  455. 's Earth #
  457. 6900#
  459. Kill %s#
  460. Very Strong#
  461. Very Very Strong#
  462. Very Very Very Strong#
  463. The Reason of Expulsion#
  464. Attack Speed is up.#
  465. Attack Speed is down.#
  466. Weapon Damage is improved.#
  467. Weapon Damage is reduced.#
  468. Cast Delay is reduced.#
  469. Cast Delay has returned to normal.#
  470. Weapon is temporarily enchanted with Poison.#
  471. Weapon is temporarily enchanted with an elemental property.#
  472. Weapon has changed back to normal.#
  473. Armor has been enchanted with the Holy Ghost.#
  474. Armor has changed back to normal.#
  475. Barrier Formed.#
  476. Barrier Canceled.#
  477. Weapon Perfection Initiated.#
  478. Weapon perfection Canceled.#
  479. Power-Thrust Initiated.#
  480. Power-Thrust Canceled.#
  481. Maximize-Power Initiated.#
  482. Maximize-Power Canceled.#
  483. [New Server]#
  484. (%d)#
  485. (On the maintenance)#
  486. Guildsman %s has connected.#
  487. Guildsman %s has disconnected.#
  488. You got %s Base EXP.#
  489. You got %s Job EXP.#
  490. You left the guild.#
  491. You have been expelled from the Guild.#
  492. Item Appraisal has completed successfully.#
  493. Item appraisal has failed.#
  494. Compounding has completed successfully.#
  495. Compounding has failed.#
  496. Antagonist has been set.#
  497. Guild has too many Antagonists.#
  498. Already set as an Antagonist#
  499. Upgrade has been completed successfully.#
  500. Upgrade has failed.#
  501. Unavailable Area to Teleport#
  502. Unavailable Area to Teleport#
  503. Please wait 10 seconds before trying to log out.#
  504. Position#
  505. Job#
  506. Note#
  507. Devotion#
  508. Tax Point#
  509. Leave Guild#
  510. Expel#
  511. Rank#
  512. Position Title#
  513. Invitation#
  514. Punish#
  515. Tax %#
  516. Title#
  517. Contents#
  518. Guild Name#
  519. Guild lvl#
  520. Guildsmen#
  521. Ranking#
  522. Item Appraisal#
  523. Insert Card#
  524. Please enter the reason of Secession.#
  525. Please enter the reason of Expulsion.#
  526. Please close Shop.#
  527. Skill #
  528. Item Name#
  529. (Billing Web)#
  530. IP capacity of this Internet Cafe is full. Would you like to pay the personal base?#
  531. You are out of available paid playing time. Game will be shut down automatically.#
  532. Name is too long. Please enter a name no greater than 23 english characters.#
  533. Character will be deleted in %d seconds.#
  534. You paid with the personal regular base.#
  535. You paid with the personal regular base. Available time is xx hrs xx mins xx secs.#
  536. You are free!#
  537. You are free for the test, your available time is xx hrs xx mins xx secs.#
  538. You paid with the Internet Cafe regular base. Available time is xx hrs xx mins xx secs.#
  539. You paid with the Time Limit for Internet Cafe. Available time is xx hrs xx mins xx secs.#
  540. You are free for the test of Internet Cafe version .#
  541. You are free for the Internet Cafe version.#
  542. You paid on the Time Limit Website.#
  543. Emotion icon List#
  544. /emo#
  545. /!#
  546. /?#
  547. /ho#
  548. /lv#
  549. /lv2#
  550. /swt#
  551. /ic#
  552. /an#
  553. /ag#
  554. /$#
  555. /...#
  556. /thx#
  557. /wah#
  558. /sry#
  559. /heh#
  560. /swt2#
  561. /hmm#
  562. /no1#
  563. /??#
  564. /omg#
  565. /oh#
  566. /X#
  567. /hlp#
  568. /go#
  569. /sob#
  570. /gg#
  571. /kis#
  572. /kis2#
  573. /pif#
  574. /ok#
  575. Shortcut List#
  576. Your account is suspended.#
  577. Your connection is terminated due to change in the billing policy. Please connect again.#
  578. Your connection is terminated because your IP doesn't match the authorized IP from the account server.#
  579. Your connection is terminated to prevent charging from your account's play time.#
  580. You have been forced to disconnect by the Game Master Team.#
  581. You can't use this Skill because you are over your Weight Limit.#
  582. Nameless#
  583. Congratulations! %s ranking has gone up to %d.#
  584. What a pity! %s ranking has gone down to %d.#
  585. Pet Info#
  586. Hunger#
  587. Intimacy#
  588. Please avoid opening a chatroom while vending.#
  589. ea#
  590. You have knocked down %s.#
  591. You have been knocked down by %s.#
  592. Feed - "%s" is not available.#
  593. Feed Pet#
  594. Performance#
  595. Return to Egg Shell#
  596. Unequip Accessory#
  597. Check Pet Status#
  598. Accessory#
  599. Equipped#
  600. Pet List#
  601. Unequipped#
  602. Are you sure that you want to feed your pet?#
  603. Only the numbers (0~9) are available.#
  604. You cannot sell unidentified items.#
  605. Item at 0 Zeny exists. Do you wish to continue?#
  606. [New Emotion List]#
  607. N/A#
  608. N/A#
  609. Character in the same account already joined.#
  610. (%d ppl) - over the age 18#
  611. Provoke initiated.#
  612. Provoke canceled.#
  613. Endure initiated.#
  614. Endure canceled.#
  615. Improve Concentration initiated.#
  616. Improve Concentration canceled.#
  617. Hiding Initiated.#
  618. Hiding Canceled.#
  619. Cloaking initiated.#
  620. Cloaking canceled.#
  621. Poison React initiated.#
  622. Poison React canceled.#
  623. Speed reduced.#
  624. Quagmire canceled.#
  625. Defense increased.#
  626. Angelus canceled.#
  627. Blessing aligned.#
  628. Blessing canceled.#
  629. Signum Crusis initiated.#
  630. Signum Crusis canceled.#
  631. Slow Poison initiated.#
  632. Slow Poison Canceled.#
  633. HP/SP recovery increased.#
  634. Magnificat canceled.#
  635. Luck increased.#
  636. Gloria canceled.#
  637. You will received double damage from all attacking opponents.#
  638. Lex Eterna canceled.#
  639. Attack Speed increased.#
  640. Attack Speed reduced.#
  641. You've just been on a Peco Peco.#
  642. You've just got off of a Peco Peco.#
  643. You've just carried a Falcon with.#
  644. You've just released a Falcon.#
  645. Play Dead initiated.#
  646. Play Dead canceled.#
  647. STR improved.#
  648. STR turned back to normal.#
  649. Energy Coat initiated.#
  650. Energy Coat canceled.#
  651. Armor destroyed.#
  652. Armor has just been released from destroyed status.#
  653. Weapon destroyed.#
  654. Weapon has just been released from destroyed status.#
  655. Invisibility initiated.#
  656. Invisibility canceled.#
  657. Sorry. It is delayed due to the process of payment. Please re-connect in a minute.#
  658. You must unequip ammunition first.#
  659. Arrow List#
  660. Cart List#
  661. You must have a Pushcart.#
  662. You cannot open a Chat Window.#
  663. Registering an account is the first step to accessing the game. Do you want to visit the registration page now?#
  664. You cannot use this item while sitting.#
  665. Your use of skills and chat will be blocked for the next %d minutes.#
  666. Your use of skills and chat have been reinstated.#
  667. - [Not equipped]#
  668. Very Hungry#
  669. Hungry#
  670. Neutral#
  671. Satisfied#
  672. Stuffed#
  673. Awkward#
  674. Shy#
  675. Cordial#
  676. Loyal#
  677. Unknown#
  678. Your account has play time of %d day %d hour %d minute.#
  679. Your account is already connected to account server.#
  680. Your account has play time of %d hour %d minute.#
  681. Your account is a free account.#
  682. This account can't connect the Sakray server.#
  683. Your pet name must be 23 characters or less.#
  684. You may change your pet's name only once. Your pet's name will be changed to ^0000ff^0000ff %s^000000^000000.  Do you wish to continue?#
  685. /font#
  686. Your guild lacks the funds to pay for this venture.#
  687. Your guild zeny limit prevents you from performing this action.#
  688. Simplified effects have been activated.#
  689. Simplified effects have been deactivated.#
  690. Required Fee#
  691. If you wish to drop an item, you must first open your Item Window (alt+e).#
  692. Internet Cafe Time Plan has been ended. Would you like to continue the game with your personal play time?#
  693. #
  694. #
  695. Your lack of zeny or your zeny limit have prevented you from performing this action.#
  696. Your character has fainted. Push the ESC key to restart.#
  697. - %d obtained.#
  698. Spell List#
  699. /minimize#
  700. This item has been damaged.#
  701. /noshift: You may use your ''force heal'' ability without the Shift key. On | Off#
  702. [no shift] option activated. [ON]#
  703. [no shift] option deactivated. [OFF]#
  711. /aura: Simplify Aura effect On | Off#
  712. Simplify Aura disabled. [OFF]#
  713. Simplify Aura enabled. [ON]#
  714. Chat block record %d times#
  715. Chat block list#
  716. /showname: Change the name font type.#
  717. /noctrl | /nc: Auto attack without pressing ctrl key. On | Off#
  718. Use auto attack without Ctrl. [Auto attack ON]#
  719. Use auto attack with Ctrl. [Auto attack OFF]#
  720. Mute this player.#
  721. Unmute player & Erase mute time.#
  722. Decrease Player Mute time.#
  723. Normal Font Displayed. [showname type 1]#
  724. Font will be thin and party name will be shown [showname type 2]#
  725. /doridori: Shake head#
  726. Internet room is paying now.#
  727. Prepaid voucher validate until %d days %d hours %d minutes later.\nTime limit voucher validate untill %d hours %d minutes later.#
  728. /bingbing: Rotates player counter clockwise.#
  729. /bangbang: Rotates player clockwise.#
  730. /skillfail: Display red font message when skill fails. On | Off#
  731. Skill fail messages will be displayed. [Display On]#
  732. Skill fail messages will not be displayed. [Display OFF]#
  733. /notalkmsg: Chat will not be displayed in chat window. On | Off#
  734. Chat content will be displayed in the chat window. [Display ON]#
  735. Chat content will not be displayed in the chat window. [Display OFF]#
  736. /set1: /noctrl + /showname + /skillfail#
  737. /fog: Fog effect. On | Off#
  738. You have received a marriage proposal. Do you accept?#
  739. Item sharing type#
  740. Individual#
  741. Shared#
  742. nProtect KeyCrypt#
  743. Keyboard Driver has been detected. \n\nDo you want to install a program for keyboard security?    \n\n(After installation, System Reboot is required)#
  744. Installation has been completed.  \n\nSystem will be rebooted.#
  745. Installation has been failed.#
  746. Keyboard Security will be skipped.#
  747. Required file for Keyboard Security is not existing.  \n\n(npkeyc.vxd, npkeyc.sys, npkeycs.sys)#
  748. USB Keyboard has been detected. \n\nDo you want to install a program for keyboard security?    \n\n(After installation, System Reboot is required)#
  750. FindHack is not installed correctly. Please download ragnarok0226.exe and install it in RagnarokOnline directory.(%d).#
  751. Hacking tool is existing but it hasn't been cleaned. Rangarok Online will not be executed.#
  752. Hacking tool scan program has not been downloaded correctly. Please download ragnarok0226.exe and install it in RagnarokOnline directory.#
  753. NPX.DLL register error or there is no necessary file to run FindHack. Please download ragnarok0226.exe and install it in RagnarokOnline directory.#
  754. Exceptional Error. Please contact the customer support. Return Value: (%d)#
  755. Exit button has been clicked.#
  756. Unable to connect Findhack Update Server. Please try again or contact the customer support.#
  757. Beloved#
  758. /report: Save a chat log file.#
  759. Chat logs are not accepted as evidence for any ill-mannered violation on account of possible file modifications. However this feature is provided for players' personal reference.#
  760. I love you.#
  761. Please adjust your monitor/video brightness if effects appear too bright.#
  762. If full screen mode fails to work, it is suggested you alt+tab [or ctrl+esc] to inactivate and reactivate the Ragnarok Client.#
  763. (%d players) - Pay to Play Server#
  764. (%d players) - Free Server#
  765. Trial players can't connect Pay to Play Server.#
  766. Right click menu skills for F9 are Enabled.[/q1 ON]#
  767. Right click menu skills for F9 are Disabled.[/q1 OFF]#
  768. /quickspell: Right-click menu enables you to use skills assigned to the F9 hotkey. On | Off#
  769. Mouse wheel skills for F7 and F8 are Enabled.[/q2 ON]#
  770. Mouse wheel skills for F7 and F8 are Disabled.[/q2 OFF]#
  771. /quickspell2: By rolling the mouse wheel up and down, you are able to use skills registered on F7 and F8 hotkeys. On | Off#
  772. /q3: /quickspell (/q1) + /quickspell2 (/q2)#
  773. /bzz#
  774. /rice#
  775. /awsm#
  776. /meh#
  777. /shy#
  778. /pat#
  779. /mp#
  780. /slur#
  781. /com#
  782. /yawn#
  783. /grat#
  784. /hp#
  785. /emotion: views the emoticon list.#
  786. Skills assigned to shortcut windows 1, 2, 3 are Enabled. [/bm ON]#
  787. Skills assigned to shortcut windows 1, 2, 3 are Disabled. [/bm OFF]#
  788. /battlemode: allows you to use skills assigned to Shortcut Window 2 by pressing Q ~ O keys.#
  789. A ~ L keys allow you to use skills assigned to Shortcut Window 3.#
  790. Please remember, programs running in the background while playing may affect the game's performance.#
  791. Dear angel, can you hear my voice?#
  792. I am#
  793. Super Novice~#
  794. Help me out~ Please~ T_T#
  795.  wishes to adopt you. Do you accept?#
  796. Z ~ > keys allow you to use skills assigned on shortcut window 1. On | Off#
  797. Press the space bar to Chat when in Battle mode [/battlemode | /bm].#
  798. "Either there's no Game Guard installed on the program or Game Guard is cracked. Please, try to reinstall Game Guard from its setup file."#
  799. Some of Windows system files have been damaged. Please re-install your Internet Explorer.#
  800. "Failed to run Game Guard. Please, try to reinstall Game Guard from its setup file."#
  801. "At least one hazardous program has been detected. Please, terminate all the unnecessary programs before executing Game Guard."#
  802. "Game Guard update is canceled. If the disconnection continues, please, check your internet or firewall settings."#
  803. "Failed to connect to Game Guard update server. Try to connect again later, or try to check the internet or firewall settings."#
  804. "Can't complete Game Guard update process. Please, try to execute a vaccine program to remove viruses. Or, please try to modify the settings of your PC managing tool if you are using any."#
  805. /notrade: Declines trade offers automatically. On | Off#
  806. Auto decline trade offers has been Enabled. [/nt ON]#
  807. Auto decline trade offers has been Disabled. [/nt OFF]#
  808. You cannot buy more than 30,000ea items at once.#
  809. You do not have enough ingredients.#
  810. Login information remains at %s.#
  811. Account has been locked for a hacking investigation. Please contact the GM Team for more information.#
  812. This account has been temporarily prohibited from login due to a bug-related investigation.#
  813. Repairable items#
  814. Item has been successfully repaired.#
  815. You have failed to repair this item. Please check the distance between you and opponent.#
  816. System process enabled [GM mode] [/sc ON]#
  817. System process disabled [GM mode] [/sc OFF]#
  818. /systemcheck: Check the system process [GM mode] On | Off#
  819. (%s) wishes to be friends with you. Would you like to accept?#
  820. Your Friend List is full.#
  821. (%s)'s Friend List is full.#
  822. You have become friends with (%s).#
  823. (%s) does not want to be friends with you.#
  824. This character will be blocked to use until %s.#
  825. Price will be fixed at 10,000,000 zeny, even if you enter higher price.#
  826. (Down below)#
  827. (Below)#
  828. (Average)#
  829. (Above)#
  830. (Up below)#
  831. You have been blocked from using chat and skills for %d minutes by the GM Team.#
  832. %d minutes remain until release from the GM penalty.#
  833. You have been released from the GM penalty.#
  834. You have been blocked from using chat and skills for %d as an automatic penalty.#
  835. %d minutes remain until release from auto penalty.#
  836. You have been released from the auto penalty. Please refrain from spamming in-game.#
  837. %s and %s have divorced from each other.#
  838. %s has been designated as Gravity %s's Solar Space.#
  839. %s has been designated as Gravity %s's Luna Space.#
  840. %s has been designated as Gravity %s's Stellar Space.#
  841. Gravity %s's Solar Space: %s#
  842. Gravity %s's Luna Space: %s#
  843. Gravity %s's Stellar Space: %s#
  844. %s has been designated as Gravity %s's Solar Monster.#
  845. %s has been designated as Gravity %s's Luna Monster.#
  846. %s has been designated as Gravity %s's Stellar Monster.#
  847. Gravity %s's Solar Monster: %s#
  848. Gravity %s's Luna Monster: %s#
  849. Gravity %s's Stellar Monster: %s#
  850. /window: Display windows will snap/dock together. On | Off#
  851. Display window docking enabled. [/wi ON]#
  852. Display window docking disabled. [/wi OFF]#
  853. /pvpinfo: shows your PVP result and PVP points.#
  854. You have won %d times and have lost %d times in PVP. Current points %d.#
  855. A manner point has been successfully aligned.#
  856. You are in a PK area. Please beware of sudden attack.#
  857. Game Guard update has been failed when either Virus or Spyware conflicted with. Please, Uninstall Spyware and Virus protection program before you log in.#
  858. Program has encountered an error related to Windows compatibility. Please start the game again.#
  859. You have been blocked from chatting, using skills and items.#
  860. Login is temporarily unavailable while this character is being deleted.#
  861. Login is temporarily unavailable while your spouse character is being deleted.#
  862. Novice#
  863. Swordman#
  864. Mage#
  865. Archer#
  866. Acolyte#
  867. Merchant#
  868. Thief#
  869. Knight#
  870. Priest#
  871. Wizard#
  872. Blacksmith#
  873. Hunter#
  874. Assassin#
  875. Novice#
  876. Swordman#
  877. Magician#
  878. Archer#
  879. Acolyte#
  880. Merchant#
  881. Thief#
  882. Knight#
  883. Priest#
  884. Wizard#
  885. Blacksmith#
  886. Hunter#
  887. Assassin#
  888. Send an adoption request to %s#
  889. When you become a child, you will be unable to become a Transcendent Class character, all stats will be limited to a maximum of 80, and Max HP/SP will be reduced. Are you sure that you want to be adopted?#
  890. All abnormal status effects have been removed.#
  891. You will be immune to abnormal status effects for the next minute.#
  892. Your Max HP will stay increased for the next minute.#
  893. Your Max SP will stay increased for the next minute.#
  894. All of your Stats will stay increased for the next minute.#
  895. Your weapon will remain blessed with Holy power for the next minute.#
  896. Your armor will remain blessed with Holy power for the next minute.#
  897. Your Defense will stay increased for the next 10 seconds.#
  898. Your Attack strength will be increased for the next minute.#
  899. Your Accuracy and Flee Rate will be increased for the next minute.#
  900. You cannot adopt more than 1 child.#
  901. You must be at least character level 70 in order to adopt someone.#
  902. [Point] You have been rewarded with %d Blacksmith rank points. Your point total is %d.#
  903. [Point] You have been rewarded with %d Alchemist rank points. Your point total is %d.#
  904. Dear angel, can you hear my voice?#
  905. I am#
  906. Super Novice~#
  907. Help me out~ Please~ T_T#
  908. /notalkmsg2: Hides chat messages(including guild chat). On Off#
  909. Show chat messages. [/nm2 ON]#
  910. Hide chat messages(including guild chat) [/nm2 OFF]#
  911. Upgradable Weapons#
  912. Weapons upgraded: %s#
  913. Weapons upgraded: %s#
  914. You cannot upgrade %s until you level up your Upgrade Weapon skill.#
  915. You lack a necessary item %s to upgrade this weapon.#
  916. Full Divestment cannot pierce the target. The target is fully shielded.#
  917. You cannot adopt a married person.#
  918. This name is not registered in your Friend List. Please check the name again.#
  919. /hi or /hi message: Send greetings to people who are online and registered on your Friend List.#
  920. This character is not your guildsman. Please check the name again.#
  921. Please be aware that the maximum selling price is fixed as 2 Billion. You cannot sell an item higher than that.#
  922. Whispers from friends are displayed as [ Friend ], and ones from guildsmen are displayed as [ Member ].#
  923. ( From character name: ) is from an anonymous character who is neither your friend nor guildsman.#
  924. /blacksmith: Shows top 10 Blacksmiths in the server.#
  925. /alchemist: Shows top 10 Alchemists in the server.#
  926. ALT+Y: Opens a window which allows you to use various commands with ease.#
  927. [POINT] You have been rewarded with %d Tae-Kwon Mission rank points. Your point total is %d.#
  928. [Taekwon Mission] Target Monster: %s (%d%%)#
  929. Error - Failed to initialize GameGuard: %lu#
  930. Speed Hack has been detected.#
  931. The illegal program, (%s) has been detected.#
  932. The Game or Gameguard has been cracked.#
  933. GameGuard is currently running. Please wait for sometime and restart the game.#
  934. The Game or GameGuard is already running. Please close the game and restart the game.#
  935. Failed to intialize GameGuard. Please try again after rebooting the system or closing other programs.#
  936. Failed to load the scan module of virus and hacking tool. It's caused by lack of memory or PC virus infection.#
  937. Homunculus Info#
  938. Homunculus Skill List#
  939. Please give your Homunculus a name no longer than 23 letters.#
  940. You can name a Homunculus only once. You have entered the name, ^0000ff%s^000000. Would you like to continue?#
  941. (Away)#
  942. [Automated Message]#
  943. Send an automated message while you are away.#
  944. Cancel automated away message.#
  945. Please enter Away Message.#
  946. /fsh#
  947. /spin#
  948. /sigh#
  949. /dum#
  950. /crwd#
  951. /desp#
  952. /dice#
  953. /pk: Shows top 10 Slayers in the server.#
  954. [POINT] You have been rewarded with %d Slayer rank points. Your point total is %d.#
  955. Evolution Available#
  956. You have decided to delete this Homunculus ^ff0000^ff0000. When deleted, the homunculus and its history will be deleted and they cannot be restored in the future. Would you like to continue?#
  957. Save Homunculus status as a file.#
  958. Do not save Homunculus status as a file.#
  959. Crusader#
  960. Monk#
  961. Sage#
  962. Rogue#
  963. Alchemist#
  964. Bard#
  965. Crusader#
  966. Monk#
  967. Sage#
  968. Rogue#
  969. Alchemist#
  970. Dancer#
  971. High Novice#
  972. High Swordman#
  973. High Mage#
  974. High Archer#
  975. High Acolyte#
  976. High Merchant#
  977. High Thief#
  978. High Novice#
  979. High Swordman#
  980. High Mage#
  981. High Archer#
  982. High Acolyte#
  983. High Merchant#
  984. High Thief#
  985. Lord Knight#
  986. High Priest#
  987. High Wizard#
  988. WhiteSmith#
  989. Sniper#
  990. Assassin Cross#
  991. Lord Knight#
  992. High Priest#
  993. High Wizard#
  994. WhiteSmith#
  995. Sniper#
  996. Assassin Cross#
  997. Paladin#
  998. Champion#
  999. Professor#
  1000. Stalker#
  1001. Creator#
  1002. Clown#
  1003. Paladin#
  1004. Champion#
  1005. Professor#
  1006. Stalker#
  1007. Creator#
  1008. Gypsy#
  1009. You have not set a password yet. Would you like to create one now?#
  1010. You have incorrectly entered the password 3 times. Please try again later.#
  1011. Password creation has failed.#
  1012. Password must be 4~8 letters long.#
  1013. Password#
  1014. New Password#
  1015. Confirm Password#
  1016. Password has been changed.#
  1017. Password does not match.#
  1018. Enter Password#
  1019. Your Homunculus is starving. Please feed it, otherwise it will leave you.#
  1020. EXP#
  1021. [EVENT] You have won an event prize. Please claim your prize in game.#
  1022. Hate#
  1023. Hate with a Passion#
  1024. Homunculus has been customized.#
  1025. Homunculus has been activated with the basic AI.#
  1026. Mail List#
  1027. Write Mail#
  1028. Read Mail#
  1029. You cannot change a map's designation once it is designated. Are you sure that you want to designate this map?#
  1030. Item has been added in the Item Window.#
  1031. You have failed to add the item in the Item Window.#
  1032. You have successfully mailed a message.#
  1033. You have failed to mail a message. Recipient does not exist.#
  1034. [Solar, Lunar and Stellar Angel] Designated places and monsters have been reset.#
  1035. The minimum starting bid for auctions is 10,000,000 zeny.#
  1036. You have successfully started a new auction.#
  1037. The auction has been canceled.#
  1038. An auction with at least one bidder cannot be canceled.#
  1039. Mail has been successfully deleted.#
  1040. You have failed to delete the mail.#
  1041. You have equipped throwing daggers.#
  1042. %s has logged in.#
  1043. %s has logged out.#
  1044. /loginout: Shows guildsmen and friends online status. On Off#
  1045. Display online status of friends in Chat Window. [/li ON]#
  1046. Do not display online status of friends in Chat Window. [/li OFF]#
  1047. It is already running.#
  1048. Use of Macro program has been detected.#
  1049. Use of Speed hack has been detected.#
  1050. API Hooking has been detected.#
  1051. Message Hooking has been detected.#
  1052. Module has been modified or damaged or its version does not match.#
  1053. (Thailand) You have logged in game with PC cafe payment.#
  1054. Prev#
  1055. Next#
  1056. Auction#
  1057. Product List#
  1058. Register#
  1059. Sale Status#
  1060. Purchase Status#
  1061. Item#
  1062. Name#
  1063. Current Bid / Max Bid#
  1064. Seller#
  1065. Buyer#
  1066. End Time#
  1067. %m %d %H#
  1068. Time (Hr)#
  1069. Fee#
  1070. No items found in auction search.#
  1071. Your Sale List is empty.#
  1072. Your Purchase List is empty.#
  1073. Auction Information is incorrect or incomplete.#
  1074. You must drag and drop an item from your Inventory into the Register Window to begin a new auction.#
  1075. The auction has already been registered.#
  1076. Starting Bid#
  1077. Current Bid#
  1078. Buy Now Price#
  1079. Your Current Zeny#
  1080. Highest Bid#
  1081. Previous Bid#
  1082. Next Bid#
  1083. Buy it now?#
  1084. Would you like to sell this item?#
  1085. Place Bid#
  1086. Buy Now#
  1087. End the Auction#
  1088. Place another Bid#
  1089. You have placed a bid.#
  1090. You have failed to place a bid.#
  1091. You do not have enough zeny.#
  1092. Armor#
  1093. Card#
  1094. Misc#
  1095. Bid#
  1096. Search#
  1097. You have ended the auction.#
  1098. You cannot end the auction.#
  1099. Bid Number is incorrect.#
  1100. To#
  1101. Title#
  1102. You have received a message in the mail.#
  1103. Searching...#
  1104. You cannot register more than 5 items in an auction at a time.#
  1105. You cannot place more than 5 bids at a time.#
  1106. Please accept all items from your mail before deleting.#
  1107. Please enter a title.#
  1108. /shopping: Enables you to open a shop with a single left-click and close your shop with a single right-click. On Off#
  1109. You can now open a shop with a single left-click and close your shop with a single right-click. [sh ON].#
  1110. You can open a shop by double-clicking. [/sh OFF]#
  1111. Please enter zeny amount before sending mail.#
  1112. You do not have enough zeny to pay the Auction Fee.#
  1113. View Status#
  1114. Feed#
  1115. Stand By#
  1116. Super Novice (Male)#
  1117. Super Novice (Female)#
  1118. Taekwon Boy#
  1119. Taekwon Girl#
  1120. Taekwon Master (Male)#
  1121. Taekwon Master (Female)#
  1122. Soul Linker (Male)#
  1123. Soul Linker (Female)#
  1124. Please check the connection, more than 2 accounts are connected with Internet Cafe Time Plan.#
  1125. Your account is using monthly payment. (Remaining day: %d day)#
  1126. Your account is using time limited. (Remaining time: %d hour % minute % second)#
  1127. This item cannot be mailed.#
  1128. You cannot accept any more items. Please try again later.#
  1129. Male#
  1130. Female#
  1131. New User.#
  1132. E-mail address is required to delete a character.#
  1133. Please enter the correct information.#
  1134. Please use this key.#
  1135. Please enter the correct card password.#
  1136. PT Info#
  1137. PT_ID is %s#
  1138. NUM_ID is %s#
  1139. Please don't forget this information.#
  1140. 1001#
  1141. 1002#
  1142. 1003#
  1143. 1004#
  1144. 1006#
  1145. 1007#
  1146. 1008#
  1147. 1009#
  1148. 1012#
  1149. 1013#
  1150. 1014#
  1151. 1015#
  1152. 1019#
  1153. 1020#
  1154. 1021#
  1155. 1023#
  1156. 1024#
  1157. 1025#
  1158. 1027#
  1159. 1028#
  1160. 10#
  1161. 20#
  1162. 40#
  1163. 50#
  1164. 60#
  1165. 70#
  1166. 80#
  1167. 90#
  1168. 100#
  1169. 110#
  1170. Do you want to receive 30 points?#
  1171. 30 points (5 hours) have been added.#
  1172. You cannot register Unidentified Items in auctions.#
  1173. You cannot register this Consumable Item in an auction.#
  1174. Please close the Cart Window to open the Mail Window.#
  1175. Please close the Mail Window to open the Cart Window.#
  1176. Bullets have been equipped.#
  1177. The mail has been returned to sender.#
  1178. The mail no longer exists.#
  1179. More than 30 players sharing the same IP have logged into the game for an hour. Please check this matter.#
  1180. More than 10 connections sharing the same IP have logged into the game for an hour. Please check this matter.#
  1181. Please restart the game.#
  1182. Mercenary: Archer#
  1183. Mercenary: Swordman#
  1184. Mercenary: Spearman#
  1185. Expiration#
  1186. Loyalty#
  1187. Summons#
  1188. Kill#
  1189. You can feel hatred from your pet for neglecting to feed it.#
  1190. [POINT] You earned %d Taming Mission Ranking Points, giving you a total of %d points.#
  1191. [Taming Mission] Target Monster: %s#
  1192. /hunting: You can check the your hunting list.#
  1193. [Angel's Question] Please tell me, how many %s skills do you have?#
  1194. [Angel's Question] Please tell me, how much zeny you'll have if you divide it by 100,000?#
  1195. [Angel's Question] Please tell me, what is today's date?#
  1196. [Angel's Question] Please tell me, how many %s do you have?#
  1197. [Angel's Question] If A is 1, B is 2, and so on, and if Z is 26, what number do you get if you add the letters in SiYeon's name?#
  1198. [Angel's Question] If A is 1, B is 2, and so on, and if Z is 26, what number do you get if you add the letters in Munak's name?#
  1199. [Angel's Question] If A is 1, B is 2, and so on, and if Z is 26, what number do you get if you add the letters in Bongun's name?#
  1200. [Angel's Question] If A is 1, B is 2, and so on, and if Z is 26, what number do you get if you add the letters in the word, Ragnarok?#
  1201. [Angel's Question] If A is 1, B is 2, and so on, and if Z is 26, what number do you get if you add the letters in the word, online?#
  1202. [Angel's Question] If A is 1, B is 2, and so on, and if Z is 26, what number do you get if you add the letters in the word, death?#
  1203. [Angel's Question] If A is 1, B is 2, and so on, and if Z is 26, what number do you get if you add the letters in the word, knight?#
  1204. [Angel's Question] If A is 1, B is 2, and so on, and if Z is 26, what number do you get if you add the letters in the word, gravity?#
  1205. [Angel's Question] If A is 1, B is 2, and so on, and if Z is 26, what number do you get if you add the letters in the word, dark?#
  1206. [Angel's Question] If A is 1, B is 2, and so on, and if Z is 26, what number do you get if you add the letters in the word, collecter?#
  1207. [Angel's Answer] Thank you for letting me know~#
  1208. [Angel's Answer] I'm very pleased with your answer. You are a splendid adventurer.#
  1209. [Angel's Answer] You've disappointed me...#
  1210. [Point] You earned %d Ranking Points, giving you a total of %d Ranking Points.#
  1211. [%s]'s Points: %d Points#
  1212. Unselected Characters will be deleted. Continue?#
  1213. You cannot select more than 8.#
  1214. Do you want to change your name to '%s'?#
  1215. Character Name has been changed successfully.#
  1216. You have failed to change this character's name.#
  1217. You can purchase only one kind of item at a time.#
  1218. No characters were selected. You must select at least one character.#
  1219. This character's name has already been changed. You cannot change a character's name more than once.#
  1220. User Information is not correct.#
  1221. Another user is using this character name, so please select another one.#
  1222. The party member was not summoned because you are not the party leader.#
  1223. There is no party member to summon in the current map.#
  1224. You cannot find any trace of a Boss Monster in this area.#
  1225. Boss Monster, '%s' will appear in %02d hour(s) and %02d minute(s).#
  1226. The location of Boss Monster, '%s', will be displayed on your Mini-Map.#
  1227. Do you want to open '%s'? Once opened, the contents cannot be moved to other locations aside from the Kafra Storage. The item effect isn't doubled, even if the same items are used more than once.#
  1228. The Purchase has failed because the NPC does not exist.#
  1229. The Purchase has failed because the Kafra Shop System is not working correctly.#
  1230. You cannot purchase items while you are in a trade.#
  1231. The Purchase has failed because the Item Information was incorrect.#
  1232. STR has increased.#
  1233. STR has returned to normal.#
  1234. AGI has increased.#
  1235. AGI has returned to normal.#
  1236. VIT has increased.#
  1237. VIT has returned to normal.#
  1238. INT has increased.#
  1239. INT has returned to normal.#
  1240. DEX has increased.#
  1241. DEX has returned to normal.#
  1242. LUK has increased.#
  1243. LUK has returned to normal.#
  1244. Flee Rate (Flee) has increased.#
  1245. Flee Rate has returned to normal.#
  1246. Accuracy Rate (Hit) has increased.#
  1247. Accuracy Rate has returned to normal.#
  1248. Critical Attack (Critical) has increased.#
  1249. Critical Attack has returned to normal.#
  1250. You will receive 1.5 times more EXP from hunting monsters for the next 30 minutes.#
  1251. This character will not receive any EXP penalty if killed within the next 30 minutes.#
  1252. Regular item drops from monsters will be doubled for the next 30 minutes.#
  1253. Boss Monster Map Information for the next 10 minutes.#
  1254. Do you really want to purchase these items? %d points will be deducted from your total Kafra Credit Points.#
  1255.  You do not have enough Kafra Credit Points.#
  1256.  ^ff0000Expiration Date: %s^000000#
  1257.  The '%s' item will disappear in %d minutes.#
  1258.  '%s' item will be deleted from the Inventory in 1 minute.#
  1259.   '%s' item has been deleted from the Inventory.#
  1260. Input Number#
  1261. %m/%d %H:%M#
  1262. Boss Monster '%s' will appear within 1 minute.#
  1263. Mercenary Soldier Skill List#
  1264. Do you agree to cast the magic spell that consumes 1 Black Gemstone and 1,000,000 Zeny?#
  1265. [Point] You have gained %d Collector Rank Points; you now have a total of %d Collector Rank Points.#
  1266. [Collector Rank] Target Item: %s#
  1267. The mercenary contract has expired.#
  1268. The mercenary has died.#
  1269. You have released the mercenary.#
  1270. The mercenary has run away.#
  1271.  The '%s' item will disappear in %d seconds.#
  1272. IP Bonus: EXP/JEXP %d%%, Death Penalty %d%%, Item Drop %d%%#
  1273. Symbols in Character Names are forbidden.#
  1274. Mercenary will follow custom AI.#
  1275. Mercenary will follow basic AI.#
  1276.  %s's#
  1277. %s has acquired %s.#
  1278. Public Chat Display#
  1279. Whisper Display#
  1280. Party Chat Display#
  1281. Guild Chat Display#
  1282. Item Get/Drop Message Display#
  1283. Equipment On/Off Message Display#
  1284. Abnormal Status Message Display#
  1285. Party Member's Obtained Item Message Display#
  1286. Party Member's Abnormal Status Message Display#
  1287. Skill Failure Message Display#
  1288. Party Configuration Message Display#
  1289. Damaged Equipment Message Display#
  1290. Battle Message Window Display#
  1291. [%s]'s Han Coin: %d Han Coin#
  1292. Public Log#
  1293. Battle Log#
  1294. Mobile Authentication#
  1295. Read#
  1296. Auto Read#
  1297. Bookmark#
  1298. Previous#
  1299. Next#
  1300. Close#
  1301. %s's Equipment has been damaged.#
  1302. %s's %s was damaged.#
  1303. Weapon#
  1304. Armor#
  1305. Insufficient Skill Level for joining a Party#
  1306. [%s]'s Free Cash: %d Cash#
  1307. Use Free Cash: #
  1308. Cash#
  1310. You need to accept the Privacy Policy from Gravity in order to use the service.#
  1311. You need to accept the User Agreement in order to use the service.#
  1312. Incorrect or nonexistent ID.#
  1313. Do you really want to purchase these items? You will spend %d Regular Cash Points and %d Free Cash Points.#
  1314. %d hour(s) has passed.#
  1315. %d hour(s) %d minute(s) has passed.#
  1316. Please stop playing the game, and take a break. Exp and other features will be reduced to 50%.#
  1317. Please stop playing the game since you'll need to rest. Exp and other features will be fixed to 0%.#
  1318. Quest List#
  1319. RO Shop#
  1320. Memorial Dungeon, '%s' is booked.#
  1321. Failed to book Memorial Dungeon, '%s'.#
  1322. Memorial Dungeon, '%s' is already booked.#
  1323. Memorial Dungeon, '%s' is created.\n Please enter in 5 minutes.#
  1324. Failed to create Memorial Dungeon, '%s'.\n Please try again.#
  1325. The character blocked the party invitation.#
  1326. Block all party invitations.#
  1327. Allow all party invitations.#
  1328. This item will be permanently bound to this character once it is equipped. Do you really want to equip this item?#
  1329. %s is now permanently bound to this character.#
  1330. You do not have enough Kafra Credit Points. Please enter whether you have free credit points.#
  1331. Request to Join Party#
  1332. Display WOE Info#
  1333. Memorial Dungeon %s's reservation has been canceled.#
  1334. Failed to create Memorial Dungeon %s. Please try again.#
  1335. This skill cannot be used within this area.#
  1336. This item cannot be used within this area.#
  1337. Memorial Dungeon#
  1338. %s in Standby#
  1339. %s Available#
  1340. %s in Progress#
  1341. No one entered the Memorial Dungeon within its duration; the dungeon has disappeared.#
  1342. Please apply for dungeon entry again to play in this dungeon.#
  1343. Your Standby Priority: ^ff0000%d^000000#
  1344. The requested dungeon will be removed if you do not enter within ^ff0000%s^000000.#
  1345. Dungeon Mission Time Limit:#
  1346. The Memorial Dungeon reservation has been canceled.#
  1347. The Memorial Dungeon duration expired; it has been destroyed.#
  1348. The Memorial Dungeon's entry time limit expired; it has been destroyed.#
  1349. The Memorial Dungeon has been removed.#
  1350. A system error has occurred in the Memorial Dungeon. Please relog in to the game to continue playing.#
  1351. This slot is not usable.#
  1352. Your Base Level is over 15.#
  1353. Your Job Level is over 15.#
  1354. You cannot play the Merchant class character in this slot.#
  1355. Not Yet Implemented#
  1356. You are not eligible to open the Character Slot.#
  1357. This character cannot be deleted.#
  1358. This character's equipment information is not open to the public.#
  1359. Equipment information not open to the public.#
  1360. Equipment information open to the public.#
  1361. Check %s's Equipment Info#
  1362. '%s's Equipment#
  1363. Show Equip#
  1364. This service is only available for premium users.#
  1365. Free Trial users can only hold up to 50,000 zeny.#
  1366. Battlefield Chat has been activated.#
  1367. Battlefield Chat has been deactivated.#
  1368. Mercenary Info - Monster Type#
  1369. World Map#
  1370. The Memorial Dungeon is now closed.#
  1371. ^ff0000Deleting a Mercenary Soldier^000000 will also delete his growth history. Do you really want to proceed with the deletion?#
  1372. The Memorial Dungeon is now open.#
  1373. This account has not been confirmed by connecting to the safe communication key. Please connect to the key first, and then log into the game.#
  1374. The number of accounts connected to this IP has exceeded the limit.#
  1375. You have received a new quest.#
  1376. ^777777Acquirement conditions:#
  1377. View Skill Info#
  1378. Once used, skill points cannot be re-allocated. Would you like to use the skill points?#
  1379. 1st#
  1380. 2nd#
  1381. This account has been used for illegal program or hacking program. Block Time: %s#
  1382. The possibility of exposure to illegal program, PC virus infection or Hacking Tool has been detected. Please execute licensed client. Our team is trying to make a best environment for Ro players.#
  1383. You are currently playing in the best game environment. Please enjoy the Ragnarok.#
  1384. Job Exp points from hunting monsters are increased by 50% for 30 minutes.#
  1385. Exp points from hunting monsters are increased by 25% for 30 minutes.#
  1386. EXP points from hunting monsters are increased by 100% for 30 minutes.#
  1387. EXP points from hunting monsters are increased by 50% for 60 minutes.#
  1388. Unable to organize a party in this map.#
  1389. (%s) are currently in restricted map to join a party.#
  1390. Simple Item Shop#
  1391. Han Coin: %d Han Coin#
  1392. RoK Point: %d RoK Point#
  1393. Free Cash: %d Cash#
  1394. A user of this server cannot connect to free server#
  1395. Your password has expired. Please log in again#
  1396. 3rd#
  1397. This skill can't be used on that target.#
  1398. You can't use skill because you have exceeded the number Ancilla possession limit#
  1399. Unable to use the skill to exceed the number of Ancilla.#
  1400. Holy water is required.#
  1401. Ancilla is required.#
  1402. Cannot be duplicated within a certain distance.#
  1403. This skill requires other skills to be used.#
  1404. Chat is not allowed in this map#
  1405. 3 hours have passed since.#
  1406. 5 hours have passed since.#
  1407. Game guard initialization error or previous version game guard file is installed. Please re-install the setup file and try again#
  1408. Either ini file is missing or altered. Install game guard setup file to fix the problem#
  1409. There is a program found that conflicts with game guard#
  1410. Incorrect client. Please run a normal client#
  1411. Thank you to accept mobile authentication.#
  1412. This skill can't be used alone#
  1413. This skill can be used to certain direction only#
  1414. Cannot summon spheres anymore.#
  1415. There is no summoned sphere.#
  1416. There is no imitation skills available.#
  1417. You can't reuse this skill#
  1418. Skill can't be used in this state#
  1419. You have exceeded the maximum amount of possession of another item.#
  1420. No administrative privileges. Must first run the program with administrator privileges.#
  1421. nProtect KeyCrypt not the same. Please restart the program and the computer first.#
  1422. Currently wearing WindowXP Compatibility Mode. The program now removes Compatibility Mode. Please restart the program.#
  1423. PS/2 keyloggers exist.#
  1424. USB Keylogging attempt was detected.#
  1425. HHD monitoring tool has been detected.#
  1426. Paintbrush is required.#
  1427. Paint is required.#
  1428. Use the skills that are not at the specified location.#
  1429. Not enough SP.#
  1430. Character %d is character selection window cannot connect to the game that exceeds the total. Please remove unwanted characters.#
  1431. Throat Lozenge is required.#
  1432. Painful Tears is required.#
  1433. Throat Lozenge is required.#
  1434. Cooperation is only available with Weapon Blocking.#
  1435. Poisoned weapons is required.#
  1436. Item can only be used when Mado Gear is mounted.#
  1437. Vulcan Bullet is required.#
  1438. Mado Gear Fuel is required.#
  1439. Liquid Cold Bullet is required.#
  1440. Please load a Cannon Ball.#
  1441. Please equipped with a Mado Gear Accelerator.#
  1442. Please equipped with a Hovering Booster.#
  1443. [Toxin] Poison effect was applied to the weapon.#
  1444. [Paralysis] Poison effect was applied to the weapon.#
  1445. [Fatigue] Poison effect was applied to the weapon.#
  1446. [Laughing] Poison effect was applied to the weapon.#
  1447. [Disheart] Poison effect was applied to the weapon.#
  1448. [Pyrexia] Poison effect was applied to the weapon.#
  1449. [Oblivion] Poison effect was applied to the weapon.#
  1450. [Leech] Poison effect was applied to the weapon.#
  1451. Can only be used in Hovering state.#
  1452. Please equip a Self-Destruct Mechanism.#
  1453. Please equip a Shape Shift.#
  1454. Guillotine Cross Poison is required.#
  1455. Please equipped with a Cooling System.#
  1456. Please equipped with a Magnetic Field Generator.#
  1457. Please equipped with a Barrier Generator.#
  1458. Please equipped with a Optical Camouflage Generator.#
  1459. Please equipped with a Repair Kit.#
  1460. Monkey Wrench is required.#
  1461. [%s] Cannot use the skills due to cooldown delay.#
  1462. Deletion is impossible for over level %d#
  1463. Can't be used while on Magic Gear.#
  1464. Dismount Dragon#
  1465. Dismount Magic Gear#
  1466. Item#
  1467. Cash#
  1468. Weapons#
  1469. Armors#
  1470. Ammo#
  1471. Card#
  1472. Misc#
  1473. Client response time has passed so connection is terminated#
  1474. Incorrect version of hack shield file. Please reinstall the client#
  1475. [Magic Book] is required.#
  1476. Feel sleepy since Magic Book is too difficult to understand.#
  1477. Not enough saved point.#
  1478. Can't read a Magic Book anymore.#
  1479. Face Paint is required.#
  1480. Brush is required.#
  1481. Waiting time has passed. Please log in again#
  1482. Watch out! Same account is already logged in. Stop mobile verification and log in again after changing your password#
  1483. Watch out! Same account is waiting for mobile verification. Stop mobile verification and log in again after changing your password#
  1484. Game setting window#
  1485. Graphics Settings#
  1486. Sound Settings#
  1487. Press a key to assign. Pressing 'ESC' will remove the assigned key.#
  1488. Unable to specify a single key.#
  1489. Unable to specify the key assigned.#
  1490. Duplicated with ['%s']. Do you still want to change?#
  1491. Initialization is stored in the shortcut key settings. Do you want to initialized?#
  1492. Skill Bar#
  1493. Interface#
  1494. Macros#
  1495. Shortcut Settings#
  1496. BGM#
  1497. Effect#
  1498. Skin#
  1499. Chat room entrance sound on#
  1500. Chat room entrance sound off#
  1501. /tingonly: you can hear only sound like a chat room entry.#
  1502. /rock#
  1503. /scissors#
  1504. /paper#
  1505. /love#
  1506. /mobile#
  1507. /mail#
  1508. /antenna0#
  1509. /antenna1#
  1510. /antenna2#
  1511. /antenna3#
  1512. /hum#
  1513. /abs#
  1514. /oops#
  1515. /spit#
  1516. /ene#
  1517. /panic#
  1518. /whisp#
  1519. Not Assigned#
  1520. [Thorny Seed] is required.#
  1521. [Bloodsucker Seed] is required.#
  1522. Cannot be used anymore.#
  1523. [Bomb Mushroom Spore] is required.#
  1524. [Fire Bottle] is required.#
  1525. [Oil Bottle] is required.#
  1526. [Explosive Powder] is required.#
  1527. [Smokescreen Powder] is required.#
  1528. [Tear Gas] is required.#
  1529. [Acid Bottle] is required.#
  1530. [Bottom Man-Eating Plant] is required.#
  1531. [Pot of Mandragora] is required.#
  1532. Party leader instructions#
  1533. Or delegate the real party leader?#
  1534. Available.#
  1535. cannot be delegated as party leader.#
  1536. Immutable#
  1537. [%s] required '%d' amount.#
  1538. Is now refining the value lowered.#
  1539. need to put on [%s] in order to use.#
  1540. Battle field entrance setting#
  1541. Battlefield - [%s] you sign up?#
  1542. Admission application complete.#
  1543. It was unregistered and not be able to enter the state.#
  1544. Current admission application state.#
  1545. Do you want to cancel the admission application?#
  1546. Admission request has been cancelled.#
  1547. Go to the battlefield quickly.#
  1548. Battlefield - [%s]#
  1549. Do you really want to go back to your savepoint?#
  1550. Search Message for Party Members#
  1551. Message option is off the search party members.#
  1552. 10 seconds delay of party support is in effect#
  1553. Party leader is '%s'.#
  1554. Unable to enter due to system error.#
  1555. Cannot wait to enter the number of excess.#
  1556. Has already been applied.#
  1557. Registration has been cancelled because of the excessive waiting time.#
  1558. Unregistered because admission requirements are not matching.#
  1559. Was unregistered and error.#
  1560. [%s] is the skills of collaboration.#
  1561. Integration of skills is a particular skill.#
  1562. %d requires a total mind bullets#
  1563. Bullet is required.#
  1564. Cannot create rune stone more than the maximum amount.#
  1565. Not able to receive battle field list. Please check and try again#
  1566. Level is not high enough to enter#
  1567. You must consume all '%d' points in your 1st Tab.#
  1568. You must consume all '%d' remaining points in your 2nd Tab. 1st Tab is already done.#
  1569. Convertible item#
  1570. Items that can be converted#
  1571. Item to convert#
  1572. Combination of item is not possible in conversion.#
  1573. Is a very heavy weight of the Inventory.#
  1574. Please ensure an extra space in your inventory.#
  1575. Item does not exist.#
  1576. Successful.#
  1577. All material has disappeared and failed.#
  1578. Not very long to change the name of the specified tab.#
  1579. Cannot add more.#
  1580. Authentication failed.#
  1581. Bot checks#
  1582. Items cannot be used in materials cannot be emotional.#
  1583. It is impossible to connect using this IP in Ragnarok Online. Please contact the customer support center or home.#
  1584. You have entered a wrong password for more than six times, please check your personal information again.#
  1585. Consumption items are used in the synthesis. Are you sure?#
  1586. Please input the captcha code found at your left side.#
  1587. Describes the battlefield --#
  1588. Waiting for admission --#
  1589. Admission application help battlefield#
  1590. Sorry the character you are trying to use is banned for testing connection.#
  1591. Remove all equipment#
  1592. Mini Icon#
  1593. Camp A: Camp B#
  1594. Wait#
  1595. cancellation notice of Battlefield registration.#
  1596. Required field for staff#
  1597. Battlefield staff A is waiting.#
  1598. Battlefield staff B is waiting.#
  1599. Waiting for my situation: %d (Camp A)#
  1600. Waiting for my situation: %d (Camp B)#
  1601. Battlefield display icon.#
  1602. Does not display the icon field.#
  1603. Field notification was moved.#
  1604. Admission pending notification of the battlefield#
  1605. Anyone#
  1606.  [%s] deal '%d' damage on you.#
  1607.  [%s] received a damage from [%s] with '%d' damage.#
  1608.  [%s] received '%d' damage.#
  1609.  [%s] deal damage to [%s] with '%d' damage.#
  1610. You dropped %s (%d).#
  1611. [%s] Quest - defeated [%s] progress (%d/%d)#
  1612. The Quest %s has been removed.#
  1613. [%s] has #
  1614. You acquired '%d' Experience Points#
  1615. You acquired '%d' Job Experience Points#
  1616.  gained.#
  1617.  has lost.#
  1618. From [%s], '%d' coins were stolen.#
  1619. Battle Message#
  1620. Party Battle Message Display#
  1621. Experience Message Display#
  1622. Party Experience Message Display#
  1623. Quest Info Message Display#
  1624. Battlefield Message Display#
  1625. [%s] is #
  1626. casting [%s].#
  1627. Activate lock function#
  1628. Deactivate lock function#
  1629. [%s] has won [%s] from '%s'.#
  1630. Swordman#
  1631. Magician#
  1632. Archer#
  1633. Acolyte#
  1634. Merchant#
  1635. Thief#
  1636. Knight#
  1637. Priest#
  1638. Wizard#
  1639. Black Smith#
  1640. Hunter#
  1641. Assasin#
  1642. Crusader#
  1643. Monk#
  1644. Sage#
  1645. Rogue#
  1646. Alchemist#
  1647. Bard#
  1648. Dancer#
  1649. Rune Knight#
  1650. Warlock#
  1651. Ranger#
  1652. Arc Bishop#
  1653. Mechanic#
  1654. Guillotine Cross#
  1655. Royal Guard#
  1656. Sorcerer#
  1657. Minstrel#
  1658. Wanderer#
  1659. Sura#
  1660. Genetic#
  1661. Shadow Chaser#
  1662. High Swordman#
  1663. High Magician#
  1664. High Archer#
  1665. High Acolyte#
  1666. High Merchant#
  1667. High Thief#
  1668. Lord Knight#
  1669. High Priest#
  1670. High Wizard#
  1671. White Smith#
  1672. Sniper#
  1673. Assasin Cross#
  1674. Paladin#
  1675. Champion#
  1676. Professor#
  1677. Stalker#
  1678. Creator#
  1679. Clown#
  1680. Gypsy#
  1681. Wedding#
  1682. High Novice#
  1683. Super Novice#
  1684. Gunslinger#
  1685. Ninja#
  1686. Taekwon F/M#
  1687. Star Gladiator#
  1688. Soul Linker#
  1689. Party Recruitment#
  1690. Party Booking List#
  1691. Recruiting Party#
  1692. [Bow] must be equipped.#
  1693. [Musical Instrument/Whip] must be equipped.#
  1694. Only alphanumeric characters are allowed.#
  1695. Notice#
  1696. Item purchase failed due to incorrect shop information.#
  1697. Item cannot be discarded from the window.#
  1698. Time#
  1699. Map#
  1700. You can't use, equip or disarm items when you're trading.#
  1701. Unspecified value#
  1702. /stateinfo : Shows the description of status icons. On Off#
  1703. Status Information On: Status icon description is enabled.#
  1704. Status Information Off: Status icon description is disabled.#
  1705. It is not possible to purchase the same item more than %d pieces at a time#
  1706. It is not possible to purchase the same item more than %d pieces at a time#
  1707. Can purchase upto %d pieces of the same item at a time.#
  1708. User customized key is saved to [%s\%s]#
  1709. [%s] is currently on trade and cannot accept the request.#
  1710. RO_HELP#
  1711. Anvil does not exist.#
  1712. Novice below level 10 is not allowed to whisper.#
  1713. Attack#
  1714. Defense#
  1715. Recovery#
  1716. Support#
  1717. Party recruitment related command#
  1718. Guild alliance application is not possible..#
  1719. Guild hostility application is not possible.#
  1720. Adding friends is not possible in this map.#
  1721. Buying Store Window#
  1722. Price: #
  1723. Money: #
  1724. Purchase Zeny Limit#
  1725. Please register the item first that has to be purchased.#
  1726. Enter the price for item %s.#
  1727. Enter the price for item %s. It has to be below 99990000 Zeny.#
  1728. Enter the item number for %s.#
  1729. The sum of purchasing and belonging items is over 9999. The sum has to be bellow 9999.#
  1730. You have duplicate items in your purchase list.#
  1731. Enter the limited price.#
  1732. You have entered a greater amount of zeny than you have. Please check your zeny.#
  1733. %s : %s  Zeny => %s ea.#
  1734. Available items:#
  1735. Purchase list:#
  1736. Price limit: %s Zeny#
  1737. Buying %s for %s Zeny. Amount: %d.#
  1738. Wanted items#
  1739. Available items:#
  1740. The max. number of items you can sell is %d.#
  1741. Buyer has insufficient money, lower the amount of items you're selling.#
  1742. Failed to open purchase shop.#
  1743. You exceed the total amount of items.#
  1744. You have purchased all items within the limited price.#
  1745. You purchased all items.#
  1746. Failed to deal because you have not enough Zeny.#
  1747. You have sold %s. Amount: %d. Total Zeny: %dz#
  1748. %s item could not be sold because you do not have the wanted amount of items.#
  1749. You don't have any summoned spirits.#
  1750. This is a restricted server.#
  1751. OTP password is 6 digits long.#
  1752. OTP information is unavailable. Please contact your administrator.#
  1753. OTP authentication failed.#
  1754. Party ad has been added.#
  1755. Recruit party members#
  1756. Roles#
  1757. 1st Jobs#
  1758. 2nd Jobs#
  1759. 3-1 Classes#
  1760. 3-2 Classes#
  1761. 1st Job High#
  1762. 2nd Jobs High#
  1763. Other Jobs#
  1764. Recruit#
  1765. Open party recruitment window.#
  1766. Searching - #
  1767. Select All#
  1768. Recruitment of at least one job must be running.#
  1769. You have to select atleast 1 or more jobs.#
  1770. You have selected %d Jobs. You can only select up to 6 different jobs.#
  1771. Only numeric characters are allowed.#
  1772. Please enter levels between 1~150.#
  1773. Nothing found in the selected map.#
  1774. You cannot equip this item with your current level.#
  1775. You cannot use this item with your current level.#
  1776. Enable Battlemode#
  1777. Failed to add because you have reached the limit.#
  1778. Window Sign Information#
  1779. Sell#
  1780. Purchase#
  1781. Search for Vends#
  1782. Shop Name#
  1783. Amount#
  1784. Price#
  1785. Too much results have been found. Please do a more precisely search.#
  1786. Do you want to open a street stall?#
  1787. Failed to recognize SSO.#
  1788. Cannot move to the applied area.#
  1789. searching  item including the word#
  1790. User has been expelled.#
  1791. You have not accepted the user agreements yet.#
  1792. You will not be disconnect from the game.#
  1793. It is available only for 12 hours.#
  1794. Your account is blocked due to illegal use of the game account.#
  1795. Your account is blocked because there may exist a bug with your account.#
  1796. Increases base exp and job exp gained by killing monsters up to 75% for 30 minutes.#
  1797. Increases base exp and job exp gained by killing monsters up to 50% for 30 minutes.#
  1798. No sales information.#
  1799. Failed to search any further.#
  1800. The selected item does not exist.#
  1801. Cannot search yet.#
  1802. Enter the card name or prefix/suffix.#
  1803. Searches left: %d#
  1804. No result has been found.#
  1805. The item price is too high.#
  1806. General#
  1807. Costume#
  1808. minute#
  1809. second#
  1810. Please enter the name of the item.#
  1811. The item you have entered does not exist.#
  1812. The map is not available.#
  1813. The selected name or prefix/suffix does not exist.#
  1814. You can purchase up to 10 items.#
  1815. Some items could not be purchased.#
  1816. Enter your birthday (e.g: 20101126)#
  1817. Now Logging Out.#
  1818. A database error has occured.#
  1819. Please leave your guild first in order to remove your character.#
  1820. Please leave your party first in order to remove your character.#
  1821. You cannot delete this character because the delete time has not expired yet.#
  1822. You cannot delete this character at the moment.#
  1823. Your entered birthday does not match.#
  1824. You lack of familiarity.#
  1825. This is only available on style change for fighting classes.#
  1826. This is only available on style change for novice.#
  1827. Registering party has failed.#
  1828. results have been found.#
  1829. Failed to remove result.#
  1830. No results have been found.#
  1831. No payment information has been found.#
  1832. Screenshot Trade On/Off#
  1833. [Trade_%s]#
  1834. Death due to the auto insurance young people are spending.#
  1835. Chat Dialog#
  1836. Redundant is not available.#
  1837. Use the limit that has been set.#
  1838. No user restrictions are set.#
  1839. Connection has failed. Please contact your administrator.#
  1840. Failed to authenticate.#
  1841. User is offline.#
  1842. The age limit from commandment tables cannot connect to this server.#
  1843. Buy#
  1844. Cart is empty.#
  1845. First page#
  1846. Last page#
  1847. New#
  1848. Headgears#
  1849. Limited#
  1850. Rental Equipment#
  1851. Permanent Equipment#
  1852. Scrolls#
  1853. Consumables#
  1854. Other#
  1855. Cost#
  1856. Quantity#
  1857. Total#
  1858. Free Cash : %s C#
  1859. CashPoints : %s C#
  1860. You cannot summon a monster in this area.#
  1861. Exceeded total free cash#
  1862. Content has been saved in [SaveData_ExMacro%d]#
  1863. %d seconds left until you can use#
  1864. Must be equipped with [spear].#
  1865. Available only on the dragon.#
  1866. Unable to proceed due to exceeding capacity.#
  1867. Real name has not been verified. Go to name verification site.#
  1868. Please select slot you are going to save.#
  1869. Congratulation %s,  Acquired '%s' !#
  1870. Unable to use in gloomy state#
  1871. Purchased products has exceeded the total price.#
  1872. Cannot join a party in this map.#
  1873. Cannot leave a party in this map.#
  1874. Cannot withdraw/break the party in this map.#
  1875. Real Name#
  1876. ID Number#
  1877. E-mail#
  1878. Invalid input#
  1879. Failed to send the zeny #
  1880. This is not a relevant job#
  1881. This is not a relevant gender#
  1882. User information identification was successful.#
  1883. Name does not match. Please retry.#
  1884. ID number does not match. Please retry.#
  1885. Service is currently unavailable. Please try again later.#
  1886. Unable to attack while riding.#
  1887. Unable to cast the skill while riding.#
  1888. Pin number should be 4~6 characters.#
  1889. Secured authentication is successful.#
  1890. Succeeded in creating 2nd password.#
  1891. 2nd password has been deleted.#
  1892. 2nd password has been corrected.#
  1893. Password is incorrect.#
  1894. Failed to create 2nd password.#
  1895. Failed to delete 2nd password.#
  1896. Failed to correct 2nd password.#
  1897. Unable to use restricted number in 2nd password.#
  1898. Unable to use your KSSN number.#
  1899. ~There is already a password.#
  1900. Security Code#
  1901. Account for the additional password security settings are recommended.#
  1902. Do not use secure password.#
  1903. Use the set security password failed.#
  1904. Use secure passwords. Will be applied to your next login.#
  1905. Use the set security password failed.#
  1906. Added to the security of your account password is set.#
  1907. Use the mouse to enter the 4-digit password below.#
  1908. Typing an incorrect password 3 times will shut down the client.#
  1909. ITEM#
  1910. SKILL#
  1911. TACTIC#
  1912. ETC#
  1913. COMBAT#
  1914. NON-COMBAT#
  1915. BUFF#
  1917. 1st. ATTACK#
  1918. ATTACK#
  1919. Next attack time: #
  1920. When died#
  1921. When invited to a party#
  1922. Pickup Item#
  1923. Over 85% Weight#
  1924. Any work in progress (NPC dialog, manufacturing ...) quit and try again.#
  1925. Monster Job hunting experience that you can get through the doubling of %d is %.2 f minutes.#
  1926. SaveData_ExMacro %d#
  1927. Settings for [%s]are stored in.#
  1928. Security level#
  1929. The current character is a party or join the guild can not be deleted.#
  1930. Objects can be used only near the wall.#
  1931. %s : Level %d %s party to obtain level.#
  1932. While boarding reins is not available for items.#
  1933. This skill requires 1% experience.#
  1934. Experience value: #
  1935. Drop rate: #
  1936. Death Penalty: #
  1937. %d%% (PCroom %d%% + TPLUS %d%% + Premium %d%% + %s Server %d%%)#
  1938. Amount of party members to cast the skill Chorus SP is low.#
  1939. Relative character that has possession of the items can not trade because amount is exceeded..#
  1940. Relative character that has possession of the item amount which exceeds makes it impossible to trade.#
  1941. Amounts are exceeded the possession of the item is not available for purchase.#
  1942. Advertising is pending registration.#
  1943. With the following files and text content Ragnarok Official Website -> Support -> Contact Us to submit your comments by:#
  1944. Has caused an error in billing system(%d)#
  1945. Failed purchase of runes, items exceed the maximum number that can be held.#
  1946. Exceeded the number of individual items, purchase failed.#
  1947. Purchase failed due to an unknown error.#
  1948. Please try again later.#
  1949. Kunayi item is only available in one state to mount.#
  1950. Please enter the value of the minimum level to be recruited.#
  1951. Jonda agency receipt of the item to the NPC is not possible. Gaining possession of the free space of the window.#
  1952. This skill is only available in the siege.#
  1953. This skill is available only to the player.#
  1954. Forbidden to wear the state can not be worn.#
  1955. Current location of the shop and chat room creation is disabled.#
  1956. Elapsed time: %d:%d:%d / %d:%d:%d#
  1957. Speed: X 1/4#
  1958. Speed: X 1/2#
  1959. Speed: X 1  #
  1960. Speed: X 2  #
  1961. Speed: X 4  #
  1962. Speed: X 8  #
  1963. Speed: X 16 #
  1964. Speed: Unknown#
  1965. Service Info: %s#
  1966. Character Name: %s#
  1967. Map Name: %s#
  1968. Record Time: %d-%01d-%01d %d: %02d: %02d#
  1969. Play Time: %02d: %02d: %02d#
  1970. No Replay File.#
  1971. Server No Matching#
  1972. Replay Option Setting#
  1973. Enter File Name#
  1974. Set Replay Save Data#
  1975. Set Rec Option#
  1976. %.1f %% Pos->:%d:%d:%d#
  1977. %.1f %% Pos->:cannot move#
  1978. Start#
  1979. Stop#
  1980. Input FileName -> Start#
  1981. Open Option#
  1982. Close Option#
  1983. End#
  1984. Time#
  1985. Party & Friends#
  1986. Chat#
  1987. Shortcuts#
  1988. Automatic filename generation#
  1989. Checking for duplicate files#
  1990. The same file exists already.#
  1991. Record Start#
  1992.  is Saved.#
  1993. Weight: %3d / %3d#
  1994. Total: %s C#
  1995. [Shuriken] must be equipped.#
  1996. Base Lv. %d#
  1997. Job Lv. %d#
  1998. Zeny: %s#
  1999. Trilinear#
  2000. attack#
  2001. skill#
  2002. item#
  2003. NoCtrl#
  2004. Battleground#
  2005. (Character/Total Slot)#
  2006. Premium Service#
  2007. Premium #
  2008. Service#
  2009. Billing Service#
  2010. Billing #
  2011. Command List#
  2012. LEVEL#
  2013. MAP#
  2014. JOB#
  2015. Not Available#
  2016. [Protection of Guardian Angel] You can't use it when you reach the highest level.#
  2017. Do you really want to move?#
  2018. Failed to move Char slot.#
  2019. Character name is invalid.#
  2020. Show Quest#
  2021. Depending on the protection of youth, and 0:00 to 6:00 while under the age of 16 of your game use is limited.#
  2022. Depending on the protection of youth, 0:00 to 6:00 ^ff0000 under the age of 16 ^000000 limit your use of the game and the game ends.#
  2023. In order to change the character name, you must leave the guild.#
  2024. In order to change the character name, you must leave the party.#
  2025. Character name change failed, due an unknown error.#
  2026. Ready to change character slot in.(%d)#
  2027. Ready to change character name in.(%d)#
  2028. Length exceeds the maximum size of the character name you want to change.#
  2029. Name contains invalid characters. Character name change failed.#
  2030. The name change is prohibited. Character name change failed.#
  2031. Complete#
  2032. During %d minutes your Exp will increase by %d%%.#
  2033. %02d seconds left until summon.#
  2034. Your party leader summons you to %s (%s). Warp costs %d Zeny.#
  2035. Summon target#
  2036. Block List#
  2037. %d Zeny will be spent for making party ad.#
  2038. Insufficient Zeny for making party ad.#
  2039. ) party: accept invitation#
  2040. ) party: decline invitation#
  2041. ) party: show equipment window#
  2042. Up to 36 english letters can be entered#
  2043. Enter#
  2044. 1:1 Chat#
  2045. Block#
  2046. Insufficient Zeny for recall.#
  2047. Input your party ad.#
  2048. Only party leader can register party ad.#
  2049. You have already accepted this ad.#
  2050. For#
  2051. Eqp#
  2052. Fav#
  2053.  Drop Lock: On/Off#
  2054. Party Alarm#
  2055. Create Party#
  2056. Leave Party#
  2057. Party Invitation#
  2058. Party Name:#
  2059. Player Name:#
  2060.  has recieved an invitation to join your party.#
  2061.  rejected your party invitation.#
  2062.  accepted your party invitation.#
  2063. Recruitment is already a party.#
  2064. Same conditions such as the previous search.#
  2065. Guild after withdrawl.#
  2066. Party after secession.#
  2067. The player can not be summoned to this map.#
  2068. Party Leader is on a map that is restricted to summon players.#
  2069. Summon has been denied.#
  2070. Can not be summoned.#
  2071. Only the leader can invite.#
  2072. Search item:#
  2073. You must enter a character name.#
  2074. You must enter the name of the party.#
  2075. Guild Companion#
  2076. Join a guild or start your own!#
  2077. Create Guild#
  2078. Guild Name#
  2079. Guild System#
  2080. What is the guild system#
  2081. You must enter the name of your guild.#
  2082. Supported at the party was rejected.#
  2083. Select Service:#
  2084. Possible escape area.#
  2085. Replay File List#
  2086. File info#
  2087. File List#
  2088. %s Item deal not possible.#
  2089. Disband the Guild#
  2090. Enter Guild Name#
  2091. The character is not online or does not exist.#
  2092. Failed to call Falcon.#
  2093. %d%%(default 100%%+ Premium%d%%+%s Server%d%%)#
  2094. This user is currently participating in the siege.#
  2095. It is only possible to change the party leader while on the same map.#
  2096. In the current region it is not possible to change the party.#
  2097. Gryphon making#
  2098. Delete: %d/%d - %d:%d:%d#
  2099. You can't invite characters in WoE maps.#
  2100. You are now in the battlefield queue.#
  2101. Queuing has finished.#
  2102. Invalid name of the battlefield.#
  2103. Invalid type of application.#
  2104. People count exceeded.#
  2105. Your level doesn't fit this battlefield rules.#
  2106. Duplicate application.#
  2107. After reconnecting, please re-apply.#
  2108. Your class can't participate in this battlefield.#
  2109. Only party leader / guild master can apply.#
  2110. You can't apply while your team member is already on a battlefield.#
  2111. You have left the battlefield queue.#
  2112. Wrong battlefield name.#
  2113. You are not in the battlefield queue list#
  2114. The selected arena is unavailable; your application has been cancelled#
  2115. You have left the queue#
  2116. Are you sure you want to join a battleground?#
  2117. [Battlefield application rules]#
  2118. Application and position into the battlefield cannot be applied under this circumtances#
  2119. 1. Different types of battle can not be applied simultaneously.#
  2120. 2. Personal / party / guild battle can not be applied simultaneously.#
  2121. 3. Parties can only be applied by their party leaders.#
  2122. Offline party members won't proceed to the queue.#
  2123. 4. You can add request to enter the arena from any map except for those who don't allow teleport/warp.#
  2124. When the battle is finished your character will be returned to the current spot or (if it's not possible) to the save point.#
  2125. 5. You can view and choose rewards in the arena waiting room.#
  2126. Request help battle position#
  2127. %s battle begins.#
  2128. Do you want to enter the arena?#
  2129. [Note]#
  2130. When the battle is finished your character will#
  2131. be returned to the current spot or (if it's not#
  2132. possible) to the save point.#
  2133. Waiting for the opponents.#
  2134. Battlefield position request#
  2135. Accept standby time:%d seconds#
  2136. Standby position#
  2137. Battlefield name:%s#
  2138. Persons required:%d#
  2139. Your position:%d#
  2140. Name:#
  2141. Goal:#
  2142. Format:#
  2143. Level:#
  2144. Win:#
  2145. Draw:#
  2146. Loss:#
  2147. Do you want to participate in the individuals battle?#
  2148. Do you want to participate in the parties battle?#
  2149. Do you want to participate in the guilds battle?#
  2150. Battleground List#
  2151. %d VS %d#
  2152. LV %d and lower#
  2153. LV %d and higher#
  2154. LV %d ~ %d#
  2155. No restrictions#
  2156. [You can't apply on this map.]#
  2157. [You must wait about 1 minute to apply.]#
  2158. [You must be in a party.]#
  2159. [Only party leader can apply.]#
  2160. [Too many party members online.]#
  2161. [You must be in a guild.]#
  2162. [Only guild master can apply.]#
  2163. [Too many guild members online.]#
  2164. Moving Book#
  2165. Move#
  2166. Rename#
  2167. Make Character#
  2169. (%s) Server#
  2170. Item Merge#
  2171. Two or more of the same type. Please select an item.#
  2172. Item merge is successful.#
  2173. Combining items will be only one kind at a time.#
  2174. You cannot have more than 30,000 stacked items.#
  2175. Rotate left#
  2176. Rotate right#
  2177. (%s) to view the old server information#
  2178. Existing server information#
  2179. ^ff0000Existing server: ^0000ff#
  2180. ^ff0000Existing character: ^0000ff#
  2181. Show monster HP bar when attacking.#
  2182. Hide monster HP bar when attacking..#
  2183. Merge does not exist as an item#
  2184. Merge items available does not exist.#
  2185. Act#
  2186. Pen#
  2187. Rec#
  2188. Epi#
  2189. Loc#
  2190. Evt#
  2191. New#
  2192. Monsters to kill#
  2193. Rewards#
  2194. Required Items#
  2195. Time Limit#
  2196. Deadline#
  2197. Search#
  2198. Navigation#
  2199. Back to Navigation#
  2200. View List#
  2201. Toggle Minimap#
  2202. Change the color of the instructions guide#
  2203. Exit#
  2204. Change the default UI#
  2205. Simple changes to UI#
  2206. Help#
  2207. All#
  2208. Map#
  2209. Npc#
  2210. Mob#
  2211. Enter search string... (Ex: word word ...#
  2212. Scroll#
  2213. Use Scroll?#
  2214. Service#
  2215. Use Kafra Warp?#
  2216. Plane#
  2217. Use Airship?#
  2218. >> Failed to read the target information.#
  2219. >> Destination <<#
  2220. << Goal... >>#
  2221. -----------#
  2222. Navigation#
  2223. = Found (%d) ==#
  2224. Npc)%s:%s#
  2225. Mob)%s:%s#
  2226. Map)%s#
  2227. ======== Results ==========#
  2228. Dist  %d Cell %d WarpMove#
  2229. Coords %s(%s)#
  2230. Goal:%s (%d,%d)#
  2231. Boss#
  2232. General#
  2233. Goal :#
  2234. Goal: (%d, %d)#
  2235. ======= Guidance =======#
  2236. %2d) Item:%s => %s Use!#
  2237. %2d) %s(%d,%d)=>(%d,%d)#
  2238. E%2d) %s(%d,%d)=>(%d,%d)#
  2239. E%2d) %s#
  2240. Do you want to cancel navigation?#
  2241. How to Use Navigation#
  2242. ------------------- Instruction --------------------#
  2243. 1) /Navigation or /navi#
  2244. ex) /navi prontera 100 100 -> /navi "MAPNAME", 100, 100#
  2245. 2) /Navigation2 or /navi2 #
  2246. ex) /navi2 prontera 100 111#
  2247. -> MAPNAME location (100 90), Scroll | Zeny | Plane (1: Enable or 0: Disable)#
  2248. -> /navi2 goes with the case with location coordinates. They must be no less than 3 characters #
  2249. 3) /$$ Output all the items (Can take a while...) #
  2250. 4) /$$ Lv30 monsters are placed in the output #
  2251. 5) /$$ Lv20~30 monsters in that level range are placed in the output #
  2252. -------------------  Description  --------------------#
  2253. 1) One can search for monsters, npcs, maps, or all at once#
  2254. 2) You can press the search button to get results. It will out put the results depending on what rule you choose#
  2255. ex) Drop down box -> Select "Npc", then type in the box "Kafra". Results will now be displayed#
  2256. 3) When you select an item from a list, information about it are displayed.#
  2257. -> When button is clicked, it will point you towards your destination if available#
  2258. 4) Scroll | Zeny | Plane options can be checked to find a faster route#
  2259. 5) Guide button is pressed, the result list window displays where routes can change direction#
  2260. 6) Using the button below, search results can be found#
  2261. -> [Results List Window] <-> [View Modes can be switched]#
  2262. Level:%d (Boss)#
  2263. Level:%d (Mob)#
  2264. Water %d#
  2265. Earth %d#
  2266. Fire %d#
  2267. Wind %d#
  2268. Poison %d#
  2269. Holy %d#
  2270. Shadow %d#
  2271. Ghost %d#
  2272. Undead %d#
  2273. Neutral %d#
  2274. Medium#
  2275. Large#
  2276. Small#
  2277. Undead#
  2278. Brute#
  2279. Plant#
  2280. Insect#
  2281. Fish#
  2282. Demon#
  2283. Demi-human#
  2284. Angel#
  2285. Dragon#
  2286. Formless#
  2287. Click to move %s#
  2288. Move to the Kafra Service Npc#
  2289. Click the NPC#
  2290. Move %s#
  2291. Move to the Airship Service#
  2292. By Warp#
  2293. End Points: (%d %d)#
  2294. That does not support the navigation area#
  2295. The purpose is unclear#
  2296. Does not meet the map requirement#
  2297. Information Failure | Change settings#
  2298. Failed to set info for location!#
  2299. Failed to find a path#
  2300. Failed to find players #
  2301. No Information#
  2302. Map doesn't support directions#
  2303. Please specify target goals.#
  2304. Found#
  2305. Directions were started#
  2306. Is the map that your looking for mob#
  2307. Map appears on the guide you are looking for#
  2308. Please navigate using the item#
  2309. To find the location, please go to#
  2310. Arrived at the target map#
  2311. Arrived on the map that has the Npc your looking for. Go to that NPC#
  2312. You have arrived at the mob you were looking for#
  2313. You have reached your goal#
  2314. Please go to indicated direction.#
  2315. The goal has been reached#
  2316. Navigation >: %s#
  2317. Navigation >: Guidance to %s (A) By using#
  2318. Navigation >: (%s) map, please move to#
  2319. Navigation >: Goal Map: (%s), Please go to Kafra#
  2320. Navigation >: Please go to the airship#
  2321. Navigation >: Use the warp to reach the next area#
  2322. Item: #
  2323. $$#
  2324. $$lv#
  2325. ~#
  2326. $$all#
  2327. Confirm Deal#
  2328. Below is the total cost:#
  2329.  Zeny to complete the transaction.#
  2330. Press buy to confirm.#
  2331. %.1f%% (PCRoom %.1f%% + TPLUS %.1f%% + Premium %.1f%% + %sServer %.1f%%)#
  2332. Card Book#
  2333. %d%% [ ( Basic 100%% + %sServer %d%% ) * Active %.1f ]#
  2334. %d%% [ Basic 100%% + %sServer %d%% ]#
  2335. This is PK region. Minors,Please leave immediately.#
  2336. Fatigue#
  2337. Health and gaming revenue is 100%.#
  2338. Fatigue because it is now a guest of the gaming revenue is down 50 percent.Hope for the proper health#
  2339. Now because it is a non-health to the health of the guests want to offline games.  If you still are online gaming revenue because the damage to the health of the game falls to 0% again after 5 hours will be restored offline.#
  2340. Online since %d minutes#
  2341. Online Time: %d#
  2342. Online since %d hours and %d minutes#
  2343. /monsterhp : Show the hp of attacked monster. On off#
  2344. Skill points : #
  2345. There is no response from the authentification server. Please try again#
  2346. Please change your password#
  2348. Guest access is prohibited#
  2349. Your System is been Shutdown, %1.2d-%1.2d-%1.2d %1.2d:%1.2d:%1.2d is the end time.#
  2350. Selected System Shutdown is activated in your account,Time Left: %1.2d hours %1.2d minutes.#
  2351. Replay#
  2352. Macro#
  2353. Webbrowser#
  2354. Navigation#
  2355. UAEURL#
  2356. Clan Information#
  2357. Clan Level#
  2358. Clan Name#
  2359. Clan Mark#
  2360. Ally Clan#
  2361. Antagonist Clan#
  2362. Send to Clan#
  2363. ClanMaster Name#
  2364. Number of Members#
  2365. Castles Owned#
  2366. Clan Chat Messages#
  2367. Go to Page Charged.#
  2369. Create a character#
  2370. Name does not match#
  2371. Enter the name of the character#
  2372. Gender selection window#
  2373. Editing of the File Detected#
  2374. Items obtained by opening the item is character bounded (can not move to storage). Do you want to open the box?#
  2375. Game Settings#
  2376. Game System#
  2377. Game Command#
  2378. Game Command ON/OFF#
  2379. Macro#
  2380. Trading is prohibited in this Map#
  2381. Vending is prohibited in this Map#
  2382. In this Map,Effect of Mirace of Sun and Moon is nullified.#
  2383. Ranking Board#
  2384. Rank#
  2385. Name#
  2386. Points#
  2387. BlackSmith#
  2388. Alchemist#
  2389. Taekwon#
  2390. Killer#
  2391. 7 vs 7#
  2392. RuneKnight#
  2393. Warlock#
  2394. Ranger#
  2395. Mechanic#
  2396. GuillotineCross#
  2397. Archbishop#
  2398. RoyalGuard#
  2399. Sorcerer#
  2400. Minstrel#
  2401. Wanderer#
  2402. Genetic#
  2403. ShadowChaser#
  2404. Sura#
  2405. Kagerou#
  2406. Oboro#
  2407. Select Ranking Type#
  2408. Ranking Type#
  2409. Currently,Server is full.           ^0000ffPeople Currently Waiting : %d                    Expected Waiting Time : %dSeconds#
  2410. Currently,Server is full.           ^0000ffPeople Currently Waiting : %d                    Expected Waiting Time : %dMinutes %d Seconds#
  2411. CBT is not an invited user#
  2412. ------------------- Instruction --------------------#
  2413. 1) /Navigation or /navi ex) /navi prontera 100 100 -> /navi "MAPNAME", 100, 100#
  2414. 2) /Navigation2 or /navi2 ex) /navi2 prontera 100 111 -> MAPNAME location (100 90), Scroll | Zeny | Plane (1: Enable or 0: Disable)#
  2415. -> /navi2 goes with the case with location coordinates. They must be no less than 3 characters #
  2416. 3) $$all Output all the items (Can take a while...) #
  2417. 4) $$lv30 monsters are placed in the output #
  2418. 5) $$lv20~30 monsters in that level range are placed in the output #
  2419. 1 vs 1#
  2420. Shadow#
  2421. %d First character of the profession is more than information. Please contact the Customer Care Center. ErrorCode(%d)#
  2422. (%s) %d / %d#
  2423. %s-%s(%d/%d)#
  2424. Server Exceeded the maximum number of users,Cannot Connect anymore users.#
  2425. Server Connection Failed (%d)#
  2426. Login Timeout Permitted#
  2427. Login Authentication Failed from Authentication Server.#
  2428. Guild Cannot use Space in the name.#
  2429. Hey,Hello There#
  2430. Available Time will End on %d month %d hour %d:%d#
  2431. You've lot of time,Play in Peace.#
  2432. Your hours will be terminated within this week. Please Charge before termination.#
  2433. Your hours will be terminated within 24 hours.Please Charge Quickly.#
  2434. Current Time Left:%d hours.Charge the game for uninterrupted play.#
  2435. Current Time Left:%d minutes.Charge the game for uninterrupted play.#
  2436. Time Left: %d hours %d minutes#
  2437. %d%% ( Basic 100%% + PCRoom %d%% + Premium %d%% + %sServer %d%% )#
  2438. After %d hours %d minutes, your game will be terminated.#
  2439. This Account is permanently Banned.#
  2440. This Account is banned.\nTermination Time:%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d #
  2441. Monster(Tab)#
  2442. Map(Alt)#
  2443. Product Information#
  2444. Find Information#
  2445. Non-Process#
  2446. Kafra#
  2447. (Arrive)#
  2448. Mob)%s:%s(%s)#
  2449. Distribution:%s#
  2450. Very High#
  2451. High#
  2452. Normal#
  2453. Low#
  2454. Very Low#
  2455. The bank is not available. Please try again in a few minutes.#
  2456. Bank balance is low.#
  2457. You don't have enough zeny#
  2458. Minimum Deposit Amount: 1 zeny#
  2459. Minimum Withdrawal Amount: 1 zeny#
  2460. You cannot hold more than 2.1 billion#
  2461. your account is lock by mobil otp#
  2462. MOTP auth fail#
  2463. For %d minutes,Job Experience obtained from monster is increased by %d%%#
  2464. Current Zeny: %s Zeny#
  2465. Zeny#
  2466. The Maximum amount is 2.1Billion zeny#
  2467. Your bullet is not enough#
  2468. You cannot vend items for over 1 Billion Zeny#
  2469. AuthTicket is Not Valid#
  2470. ErrorCategory : %d, ErrorCode : %d (%d,%d,%d,%d)#
  2471. %d%% ( Basic 100%% + Premium %d%% + PCCafe %d%% + %s Server %d%% )#
  2472.  %d Minutes to get through the monsters of the basic item drop rates increased to% d%%.#
  2473. %d%.2d minutes when monsters of basic items that can be obtained through the drop rates increased to% d%%.#
  2474. %s Selling for over#
  2475. 1000000000#
  2476.  ^ff0000%d^0000ff billion#
  2477. 1000000#
  2478.  ^ff0000%d^0000ff million#
  2479. ^0000ff Zeny^000000. Is this correct?#
  2480. Confirm over 10mil Z#
  2483. The end of the earth, Alf H. Splendide is a bridge between the continents and the rich, huge cracks emerging in Bifrost, and you do not know the source of the labyrinth forest#
  2484. This is a marker indicating the end of the trip, a new world is opening indicators! Guardian, such as the lyrics to the temptation was gradually losing the soul.#
  2485. While flowing thousands of years, struggling alone with himself writes that what the jikyeonaen, sealed trapped a long time it was not from a rather confused himself was feeling. #
  2486. Lyrics of temptation when the peak is reached, the end of the earth Alf H. Splendide is a bridge between the continent and the rich, huge cracks in Bifrost woke born, thereby breaking the traffic between the two worlds as was put to inconvenience people. #
  2487. Now, as the forest labyrinth passage of Bifrost. Even there, the completion of the source is unknown until now there was no one who has passed. #
  2488. Swallowed countless adventurers to put a hell of confusion, wandering in the forest labyrinth of nowhere, like the heart of a woman was being extend deeper confusion. #
  2489. You can enter only numbers.#
  2490. Exchange or store window is active and can not register the withdrawal.#
  2491. Go to#
  2492. Compare#
  2493. Now you are trying to mount the gun equipped with bullet does not meet#
  2494. Now you are trying to mount the guns and bullets will not fit mounted#
  2495. Has not registered to sell the item. Please register to sell the item#
  2496. ITEM#
  2497. Guild storage is not available.#
  2498. Guild is not subscribed to. After signing up, please use #
  2499. Two other guild members are in use. Please use it after a while.#
  2500. Storage Permission#
  2501. Guild Storage#
  2502. You do not have permission to use guild storage.#
  2503. Limited Sale Registration Window#
  2504. Item DB Name#
  2505. Item DB Number#
  2506. Number of Sale#
  2507. Sale Start Time#
  2508. Time to sell#
  2509. Please enter number you want to sell#
  2510. Enter start time of sale#
  2511. Start time does not match the scope of sales.#
  2512. Please enter the time#
  2513. Please enter the Item DB Name#
  2514. Item ID lookup failed. Please try again later#
  2515. >> ItemName : %s / Price : %dc / Quantity : %d / TimeOfSale : %dMonth:%dDay:%dMinute:%dSecond ~ %dMonth:%dDay:%dMinute:%Second#
  2516. Registration successful#
  2517. Registration failure. Please try again later.#
  2518. Item has already been registered. Please try again later.#
  2519. Failed to delete the item. Please try again later.#
  2520. %s item has been deleted.#
  2521. Special#
  2522. Sales limited sale item update# 
  2523. Discontinued#
  2524. Quantity update is required #
  2525. The %d is out of stock or to buy as much as#
  2526. %s Items are on sale#
  2527. %s time-out or sale of the items sold has been shut down due to the limited sales #
  2528. limitedsale#
  2531. Succeeded in purchasing the items.#
  2532. Orders exceeded the stocks.#
  2533. Name of the character that can not be invited.#
  2534. Name of the characters that can not be invited to the guild.#
  2535. Some items are already sold and failed to buy.#
  2536. Warp from its current location, you can not remember the place.#
  2537. Exceed the weight of the item can not be purchased.#
  2538. No.#
  2539. Item#
  2540. Number#
  2541. Name#
  2542. Time#
  2543. Teller#
  2544. The log does not exist.#
  2545. Entire#
  2546. Insert the device#
  2547. Minus#
  2548. Guild storage history#
  2549. Only 100 recent history is displayed.#
  2550. Use of the guild storage will automatically terminate in 2 minutes time.#
  2551. Incorrect GameSamba ID. Please Try Again.#
  2552. % s [% d option]% d more#
  2553. Need a coin.#
  2554. % D coins are required.#
  2555. Gatling gun system must be equipped with ammo.#
  2556. Family of shotguns must be equipped with ammo.#
  2557. Family of the rifle must be equipped with ammo.#
  2558. Family of revolvers must be equipped with ammo.#
  2559. Star should be equipped with tablet attributes#
  2560. Sold item details#
  2561. Purchase item details#
  2562. Grenade launcher system must be equipped with ammo.#
  2563. [Heat Barrel], [Anti-Material Blast], [Platinum Alter] can not be used by the effect of the overlap.#
  2564. That skills are not available in the current map.#
Viewed 1463 times, submitted by Guest.