// [========================================================]
// [=========== Ranker SQL ===========]
// [========================================================]
// [ Version 17.1 ]
// [========================================================]
// [ Original script by: Ivion ]
// [========================================================]
// [ Description: ]
// [--------------------------------------------------------]
// [ ]
// [ - Level Ranking. ]
// [ - PK Ranking. ]
// [ - MvP Ranking. ]
// [ - Emperium Ranking. ]
// [ - [Guild] Level Ranking. ]
// [ - [Guild] WoE Ranking. ]
// [ - Reward system for TOP 1 characters. ]
// [ - GMs Control Panel whispering to NPC:ranker . ]
// [ - Auto-Purge of inactive guilds and players. ]
// [========================================================]
// [ 5 last updates: ]
// [--------------------------------------------------------]
// [ ]
// [ v13: [Ivion] ]
// [ - All your characters in the same account will be ]
// [ displayed in a blue color. ]
// [ ]
// [ v14: [Ivion] ]
// [ - Added a PK delay so that players won't get PK points ]
// [ when killing the same player multiple times. ]
// [ - Added new [Guild] Level Ranking. ]
// [ ]
// [ v15: [Ivion] ]
// [ - Changed the way SC_PKDELAY gets activated so that you]
// [ can use it by other scripts without instaling the ]
// [ Ranker. ]
// [ ]
// [ v16: [Ivion] ]
// [ - First SQL version. Should fix the lag that the TXT ]
// [ version used to cause in the SQL servers. ]
// [ - Bugfix: Players who has been playing during 7 days ]
// [ without login off won't be purged from the rankings. ]
// [ - Bugfix: The Emperium and the [Guild] WoE rankings ]
// [ didn't work in the WoE 1 castles. ]
// [ - Added a reward system for TOP 1 characters. ]
// [ - New settings to configure the colors when displaying ]
// [ the rankings. ]
// [ - Online and offline players will be displayed in a ]
// [ different color. ]
// [ - When a guild reaches a new position in a guild based ]
// [ ranking, the script will announce it to all the ]
// [ connected guild members. ]
// [ ]
// [ v16.1: [Ivion] ]
// [ - BugFix: CPCount didn't count positions over 128. ]
// [ ]
// [ v17: [Ivion] ]
// [ - Updated the MAX_MOB_DB value to 4000. ]
// [ ]
// [ v17.1: [Ivion] ]
// [ - Bugfix: Search by class. ]
// [========================================================]
// [ http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=193726 ]
// [========================================================]
- script ranker -1,{
// [========================================================]
// [ Configuration: ]
// [--------------------------------------------------------]
set $@CPn$,"Ranker"; // NPC name.
// Ranking Activation: (boolean)
set .@r0,1; // Level Ranking.
set .@r1,1; // PK Ranking.
set .@r2,1; // MvP Ranking.
set .@r3,1; // Emperium Ranking.
set .@r4,1; // [Guild] Level Ranking.
set .@r5,1; // [Guild] WoE Ranking.
set .pk,10; // Level range to get points in the PK Ranking. (Range | 0 = off)
set $@CPit,14; // Inactivity time to be considered an inactive player: (Days | 0 = off)
set $@CPrs,100; // Number of entries that will be shown by the npc.
set $@CPgm0,80; // Gm level required to avoid the Ranking.
set .gm1,50; // Gm level required to use the Control Panel whispering to NPC:ranker .
// Colors:
set $@CPco$[0],"ff2200"; // Your character/guild.
set $@CPco$[1],"993333"; // Account characters.
set $@CPco$[2],"66bbaa"; // Online Guild members.
set $@CPco$[3],"449988"; // Offline Guild members.
set $@CPco$[4],"888888"; // Online characters/guilds.
set $@CPco$[5],"777777"; // Offline characters.
// Ranking rewards:
// Each Sunday, TOP 1 characters in each ranking will receive some item rewards. (Amount | 0 = off)
set $@CPp,7539; // Reward item id.
set .@p0,0; // Level Ranking.
set .@p1,5; // PK Ranking.
set .@p2,5; // MvP Ranking.
set .@p3,5; // Emperium Ranking.
set .db,4000; // MAX_MOB_DB value in ./src/map/mob.h .
// [--------------------------------------------------------]
// [ End of configuration. ]
// [========================================================]
setBattleFlag "pk_level_range",.pk;
// Create database tables:
query_sql "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ranker_char` (`char_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `offline` tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default '0')";
query_sql "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ranker_guild` (`guild_id` int(11) unsigned)";
// Add Rankings:
if(.@r0) callfunc "CPAddRanking","a","Level Ranking","Base","base_level","Job","job_level",1,.@p0;
if(.@r1) callfunc "CPAddRanking","b","PK Ranking","Kills","kills","Deaths","deaths",1,.@p1;
else callfunc "CPDropRanking","kills","deaths",1;
if(.@r2) callfunc "CPAddRanking","c","MvP Ranking","MVPs","mvps","Bosses","bosses",1,.@p2;
else callfunc "CPDropRanking","mvps","bosses",1;
if(.@r3) callfunc "CPAddRanking","d","Emperium Ranking","Emperiums","emperiums","Guardian Stones","stones",1,.@p3;
else callfunc "CPDropRanking","emperiums","stones",1;
if(.@r4) callfunc "CPAddRanking","f","Level Ranking","Level","guild_lv","Experience","exp",2;
if(.@r5) callfunc "CPAddRanking","e","WoE Ranking","Castles","castles","Captures","captures",2;
else callfunc "CPDropRanking","castles","captures",2;
// Modify NPC names:
set .@a,1;
while(!setnpcdisplay("CP#"+.@a,$@CPn$+"#"+.@a)) set .@a,.@a + 1;
callfunc "CPPurge";
callfunc "CPPurge";
if(!gettime(4)) {
set .@a,getarraysize($@CP0$);
while(.@a) {
set .@a,.@a - 1;
if($@CP6[.@a]) {
query_sql "SELECT `"+$@CP2$[.@a]+"`,`"+$@CP4$[.@a]+"` FROM `ranker_char` LEFT JOIN `char` ON `char`.`char_id` = `ranker_char`.`char_id` ORDER BY `"+$@CP2$[.@a]+"` DESC,`"+$@CP4$[.@a]+"` DESC LIMIT 1",.@b,.@c;
if((.@b > 0) || (.@c > 0)) {
set .@f,0;
do {
while(.@d) {
set .@d,.@d - 1;
query_sql "INSERT `mail` (`send_name`,`send_id`,`dest_name`,`dest_id`,`title`,`message`,`time`,`nameid`,`amount`,`identify`) VALUES ('"+$@CPn$+"','1','"+.@a$[.@d]+"','"+.@e[.@d]+"','"+$@CP0$[.@a]+"','Congratulations! Here you are a reward for holding the TOP 1 position in the "+$@CP0$[.@a]+"!',UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),'"+$@CPp+"','"+$@CP6[.@a]+"','1')";
set .@d,query_sql("SELECT `char`.`char_id`,`name` FROM `ranker_char` LEFT JOIN `char` ON `char`.`char_id` = `ranker_char`.`char_id` WHERE `"+$@CP2$[.@a]+"` = '"+.@b+"' AND `"+$@CP4$[.@a]+"` = '"+.@c+"' LIMIT "+.@f+",128",.@e,.@a$);
set .@f,.@f + .@d;
} while(.@d);
if(getgmlevel() < $@CPgm0) {
callfunc "CPAddChar";
query_sql "UPDATE `ranker_char` SET `offline` = '0' WHERE `char_id` = '"+getcharid(0)+"'";
callfunc "CPAddChar";
if($@CPa && (getgmlevel() < $@CPgm0)) {
callfunc "CPAddChar";
set .@a,getcharid(0);
query_sql "SELECT `base_level`,`job_level` FROM `char` WHERE `char_id` = '"+.@a+"'",.@b,.@c;
set .@d,callfunc("CPCount",$@CPa - 1,.@b,.@c);
set .@b,BaseLevel;
set .@c,JobLevel;
query_sql "UPDATE `char` SET `base_level` = '"+.@b+"',`job_level` = '"+.@c+"' WHERE `char_id` = '"+.@a+"'";
set .@e,callfunc("CPCount",$@CPa - 1,.@b,.@c);
if(.@e < .@d)
announce "You have raised the position ["+.@e+"] in the Level Ranking.",bc_self,0xff6622;
// PK Ranking:
if($@CPb && (getgmlevel() < $@CPgm0)) {
set .@a,getcharid(3);
set .@b,killedrid;
if(.@a != .@b) {
set .@c,BaseLevel;
if(attachrid(.@b)) // Killed:
if((getgmlevel() < $@CPgm0) && (!.pk || (.@c <= (BaseLevel + .pk)))) {
callfunc "CPRankChar",$@CPb - 1,0,-1;
if(attachrid(.@a)) // Killer:
callfunc "CPRankChar",$@CPb - 1,1,0;
// MVP Ranking:
if($@CPc && (getgmlevel() < $@CPgm0)) {
set .@a,killedrid;
if(.@a && (.@a <= (.db - 1000))) {
if(getmonsterinfo(.@a,21) & 0x0020) {
callfunc "CPRankChar",$@CPc - 1,1,0; // MVP.
else callfunc "CPRankChar",$@CPc - 1,0,1; // Boss.
// WoE Ranking:
if($@CPe) callsub OnWoE,0,19;
if($@CPe) callsub OnWoE,24,33;
set .@a,query_sql("SELECT `guild_id`,COUNT(`guild_id`) FROM `guild_castle` WHERE `castle_id` BETWEEN '"+getarg(0)+"' AND '"+getarg(1)+"' GROUP by `guild_id`",.@b,.@c);
while(.@a) {
set .@a,.@a - 1;
callfunc "CPRankGuild",$@CPe - 1,.@b[.@a],.@c[.@a],0;
// GMs Control Panel:
if(getgmlevel() >= .gm1) {
set .@n$,"^008888"+$@CPn$+"^000000";
mes .@n$;
mes "Hello "+strcharinfo(0)+".";
mes "This is the Control Panel of the server Ranking.";
mes "How can I help you?";
set .@a,getarraysize($@CP0$);
while(.@a) {
set .@a,.@a - 1;
set .@a$,$@CP5$[.@a];
if(.@a$ != "") {
if(query_sql("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `ranker_"+.@a$+"` WHERE `Field` IN ('"+$@CP2$[.@a]+"','"+$@CP4$[.@a]+"')",.@c,.@c,.@c,.@c,.@c,.@c) == 2)
set .@r$[.@a],"Reset "+$@CP0$[.@a];
set .@a,select("^880000Exit^000000","Reset all the Rankings.",.@r$[0],.@r$[1],.@r$[2],.@r$[3],.@r$[4],.@r$[5],.@r$[6],.@r$[7],.@r$[8],.@r$[9]) - 1;
mes .@n$;
if(.@a) {
if(.@a == 1) {
callfunc "CPReset0";
mes "All the Rankings has been reseted.";
else {
set .@a,.@a - 2;
callfunc "CPReset1",.@a;
mes "The "+$@CP0$[.@a]+" has been reseted.";
mes "Have a nice day.";
// Add a new Ranking:
// getarg(0): Ranking Id. (char)
// getarg(1): Name.
// getarg(2): 1st header.
// getarg(3): 1st column name.
// getarg(4): 2nd header.
// getarg(5): 2nd column name.
// getarg(6): Ranking type. (1 = char | 2 = guild)
// getarg(7): Amount of reward items. (optional)
function script CPAddRanking {
set .@a,getarg(6);
if(.@a == 1) set .@a$,"char";
else if(.@a == 2) set .@a$,"guild";
if(.@a$ != "") {
set .@b,getarraysize($@CP0$);
setd "$@CP"+getarg(0),.@b + 1;
set $@CP0$[.@b],getarg(1);
if(.@a == 2) set $@CP0$[.@b],"[Guild] "+$@CP0$[.@b];
set $@CP1$[.@b],getarg(2);
set $@CP2$[.@b],getarg(3);
set $@CP3$[.@b],getarg(4);
set $@CP4$[.@b],getarg(5);
set $@CP5$[.@b],.@a$;
if(.@a == 1) set $@CP6[.@b],getarg(7,0);
callfunc "CPAddColumn",.@a$,getarg(3);
callfunc "CPAddColumn",.@a$,getarg(5);
// Add a new column to the database:
// getarg(0): Database name. ("char" | "guild")
// getarg(1): Column name.
function script CPAddColumn {
if( !query_sql("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `"+getarg(0)+"` WHERE `Field` = '"+getarg(1)+"'",.@a,.@a,.@a,.@a,.@a,.@a) &&
!query_sql("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `ranker_"+getarg(0)+"` WHERE `Field` = '"+getarg(1)+"'",.@a,.@a,.@a,.@a,.@a,.@a)
query_sql "ALTER TABLE `ranker_"+getarg(0)+"` ADD `"+getarg(1)+"` mediumint NOT NULL default '0'";
// Drop a ranking:
// getarg(0): 1st column.
// getarg(1): 2nd column.
// getarg(2): Ranking type. (1 = char | 2 = guild)
function script CPDropRanking {
set .@a,getarg(2);
if(.@a == 1) set .@a$,"char";
else if(.@a == 2) set .@a$,"guild";
if(.@a$ != "") {
callfunc "CPDropColumn",.@a$,getarg(0);
callfunc "CPDropColumn",.@a$,getarg(1);
// Drop a column of the database:
// getarg(0): Table name. ("char" | "guild")
// getarg(1): Column name.
function script CPDropColumn {
if(query_sql("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `ranker_"+getarg(0)+"` WHERE `Field` = '"+getarg(1)+"'",.@a,.@a,.@a,.@a,.@a,.@a))
query_sql "ALTER TABLE `ranker_"+getarg(0)+"` DROP COLUMN `"+getarg(1)+"`";
// Purge inactive Guilds and Players:
function script CPPurge {
if($@CPit) {
set .@a,gettimetick(2) / (60 * 60 * 24);
if(.@a > $d) {
set $d,.@a; // Last purged.
query_sql "DELETE FROM `ranker_char` WHERE `offline` >= '"+$@CPit+"'";
query_sql "DELETE FROM `ranker_char` WHERE `char_id` NOT IN (SELECT `char_id` FROM `char`)";
query_sql "UPDATE `ranker_char` LEFT JOIN `char` ON `char`.`char_id` = `ranker_char`.`char_id` SET `offline` = `offline` + 1 WHERE `online` = '0'";
query_sql "DELETE FROM `ranker_guild` WHERE `guild_id` NOT IN (SELECT `guild_id` FROM `guild`)";
query_sql "DELETE FROM `ranker_guild` WHERE `guild_id` NOT IN (SELECT `guild_id` FROM `ranker_char` LEFT JOIN `char` ON `char`.`char_id` = `ranker_char`.`char_id`)";
// Add a new player to the ranking:
function script CPAddChar {
if(playerattached()) {
if(getgmlevel() < $@CPgm0) {
set .@a,getcharid(0);
if(!query_sql("SELECT `char_id` FROM `ranker_char` WHERE `char_id` = '"+.@a+"'",.@b))
query_sql "INSERT `ranker_char` (`char_id`) VALUES ('"+.@a+"')";
set .@a,getcharid(2);
if(.@a) callfunc "CPAddGuild",.@a;
// Add a new guild to the ranking:
// getarg(0): Guild Id.
function script CPAddGuild {
if(!query_sql("SELECT `guild_id` FROM `ranker_guild` WHERE `guild_id` = '"+getarg(0)+"'",.@b))
query_sql "INSERT `ranker_guild` (`guild_id`) VALUES ('"+getarg(0)+"')";
// Modify the values in the ranker_char table:
// getarg(0): Ranking Index.
// getarg(1): 1st value increment.
// getarg(2): 2nd value increment.
function script CPRankChar {
set .@a,getarg(0);
if(playerattached() && ($@CP5$[.@a] == "char")) {
if(getgmlevel() < $@CPgm0) {
callfunc "CPAddChar";
set .@b,getcharid(0);
query_sql "SELECT `"+$@CP2$[.@a]+"`,`"+$@CP4$[.@a]+"` FROM `ranker_char` WHERE `char_id` = '"+.@b+"'",.@c,.@d;
set .@e,callfunc("CPCount",.@a,.@c,.@d);
set .@c,.@c + getarg(1);
set .@d,.@d + getarg(2);
query_sql "UPDATE `ranker_char` SET `"+$@CP2$[.@a]+"` = '"+.@c+"',`"+$@CP4$[.@a]+"` = '"+.@d+"' WHERE `char_id` = '"+.@b+"'";
set .@f,callfunc("CPCount",.@a,.@c,.@d);
if(.@f < .@e)
announce "You have raised the position ["+.@f+"] in the "+$@CP0$[.@a]+".",bc_self,0xff6622;
// Modify the value in the ranker_guild table:
// getarg(0): Ranking Index.
// getarg(1): Guild Id.
// getarg(2): 1st value increment.
// getarg(3): 2nd value increment.
function script CPRankGuild {
set .@a,getarg(0);
set .@b,getarg(1);
if(.@b && $@CP5$[.@a] == "guild") {
callfunc "CPAddGuild",.@b;
query_sql "SELECT `"+$@CP2$[.@a]+"`,`"+$@CP4$[.@a]+"` FROM `ranker_guild` WHERE `guild_id` = '"+.@b+"'",.@c,.@d;
set .@e,callfunc("CPCount",.@a,.@c,.@d);
set .@c,.@c + getarg(2);
set .@d,.@d + getarg(3);
query_sql "UPDATE `ranker_guild` SET `"+$@CP2$[.@a]+"` = '"+.@c+"',`"+$@CP4$[.@a]+"` = '"+.@d+"' WHERE `guild_id` = '"+.@b+"'";
set .@f,callfunc("CPCount",.@a,.@c,.@d);
if(.@f < .@e) {
if(playerattached()) set .@g,getcharid(3);
set .@d,query_sql("SELECT `account_id` FROM `char` WHERE `guild_id` = '"+.@b+"' AND `online` = '1'",.@e);
while(.@d) {
set .@d,.@d - 1;
if(attachrid(.@e[.@d])) announce "The ["+getguildname(.@b)+"] guild has raised the position ["+.@f+"] in the "+$@CP0$[.@a]+".",bc_self,0xff6622;
if(.@g) attachrid .@g;
// Returns the ranking position for the given values:
// getarg(0): Ranking Index.
// getarg(1): 1st value.
// getarg(2): 2nd value.
// getarg(3): Additional condition. (optional)
function script CPCount {
set .@a,getarg(0);
set .@a$,$@CP5$[.@a];
if(.@a$ != "") {
set .@b$,getarg(3,"");
if(.@b$ != "") set .@b$,"AND "+.@b$;
query_sql "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ranker_"+.@a$+"` LEFT JOIN `"+.@a$+"` ON `"+.@a$+"`.`"+.@a$+"_id` = `ranker_"+.@a$+"`.`"+.@a$+"_id` WHERE (`"+$@CP2$[.@a]+"` > '"+getarg(1)+"' OR (`"+$@CP2$[.@a]+"` = '"+getarg(1)+"' AND `"+$@CP4$[.@a]+"` > '"+getarg(2)+"')) "+.@b$,.@b;
set .@b,.@b + 1;
return .@b;
// Reset all the rankings:
function script CPReset0 {
query_sql "TRUNCATE `ranker_char`";
query_sql "TRUNCATE `ranker_guild`";
// Reset a single ranking:
// getarg(0): Ranking Index.
function script CPReset1 {
set .@a,getarg(0);
set .@a$,$@CP5$[.@a];
if(.@a$ != "") query_sql "UPDATE `ranker_"+.@a$+"` SET `"+$@CP2$[.@a]+"` = '0', `"+$@CP4$[.@a]+"` = '0'";
// Activates when breaking an Emperium:
function script CPEmp0 {
if(getgmlevel() < $@CPgm0) {
set .@b,getcharid(2);
if($@CPd) callfunc "CPRankChar",$@CPd - 1,1,0;
if($@CPe && .@b) callfunc "CPRankGuild",$@CPe - 1,.@b,0,1;
// Activates when breaking a Guardian Stone:
function script CPEmp1 {
if($@CPd) callfunc "CPRankChar",$@CPd - 1,0,1;
// Npcs:
- script CP#0::CP -1,{
set .@n$,"^008888"+$@CPn$+"^000000";
mes .@n$;
mes "Hello "+strcharinfo(0)+".";
mes "Would you like to take a look at the server rankings?";
set .@a,getarraysize($@CP0$);
while(.@a) {
set .@a,.@a - 1;
set .@r$[.@a],$@CP0$[.@a];
set .@a,select("^880000Exit^000000",.@r$[0],.@r$[1],.@r$[2],.@r$[3],.@r$[4],.@r$[5],.@r$[6],.@r$[7],.@r$[8],.@r$[9]) - 2;
mes .@n$;
if(.@a >= 0) {
if($@CP5$[.@a] == "char") {
mes "Which players do you want to be displayed?";
set .@b,select("^880000All the Players^000000","Online Players","Transcendent Characters","Babies","Select a Class") - 1;
if(.@b == 4)
set .@c,select("Novice","Swordman","Mage","Archer","Acolyte","Merchant","Thief","Taekwon","Gunslinger","Ninja","Super Novice","Knight","Crussader","Wizard","Sage","Hunter","Bard/Dancer","Priest","Monk","Blacksmith","Alchemist","Assassin","Rogue","Star Gladiator","Soul Linker") - 1;
mes .@n$;
mes "Ok.";
mes "I'll send the data to your chat window.";
mes "Have a nice day.";
emotion 12;
if(.@a >= 0) {
callfunc "CPAddChar";
if($@CP5$[.@a] == "char") { // Show Player based Ranking:
switch(.@b) {
case 1: set .@a$,"`online` = '1'"; break;
case 2: set .@a$,"`class` BETWEEN '4001' AND '4022'"; break;
case 3: set .@a$,"`class` BETWEEN '4023' AND '4045'"; break;
case 4:
switch(.@c) {
case 0: set .@a$,"IN ('0','4001','4023')"; break;
case 1: set .@a$,"IN ('1','4002','4024')"; break;
case 2: set .@a$,"IN ('2','4003','4025')"; break;
case 3: set .@a$,"IN ('3','4004','4026')"; break;
case 4: set .@a$,"IN ('4','4005','4027')"; break;
case 5: set .@a$,"IN ('5','4006','4028')"; break;
case 6: set .@a$,"IN ('6','4007','4029')"; break;
case 7: set .@a$,"= '4046'"; break;
case 8: set .@a$,"= '24'"; break;
case 9: set .@a$,"= '25'"; break;
case 10: set .@a$,"IN ('23','4045')"; break;
case 11: set .@a$,"IN ('7','13','4008','4014','4030','4036')"; break;
case 12: set .@a$,"IN ('14','21','4015','4022','4037','4044')"; break;
case 13: set .@a$,"IN ('9','4010','4032')"; break;
case 14: set .@a$,"IN ('16','4017','4039')"; break;
case 15: set .@a$,"IN ('11','4012','4034')"; break;
case 16: set .@a$,"IN ('19','20','4020','4021','4042','4043')"; break;
case 17: set .@a$,"IN ('8','4009','4031')"; break;
case 18: set .@a$,"IN ('15','4016','4038')"; break;
case 19: set .@a$,"IN ('10','4011','4033')"; break;
case 20: set .@a$,"IN ('18','4019','4041')"; break;
case 21: set .@a$,"IN ('12','4013','4035')"; break;
case 22: set .@a$,"IN ('17','4018','4040')"; break;
case 23: set .@a$,"IN ('4047','4048')"; break;
case 24: set .@a$,"= '4049'"; break;
set .@a$,"`class` "+.@a$;
if(.@b) set .@b$," WHERE "+.@a$;
set .@c,getcharid(0);
set .@d,getcharid(2);
set .@e,getcharid(3);
set .@f,query_sql("SELECT `char`.`char_id`,`account_id`,`name`,`class`,`guild_id`,`online`,abs(`"+$@CP2$[.@a]+"`),abs(`"+$@CP4$[.@a]+"`) FROM `ranker_char` LEFT JOIN `char` ON `char`.`char_id` = `ranker_char`.`char_id`"+.@b$+" ORDER BY `"+$@CP2$[.@a]+"` DESC,`"+$@CP4$[.@a]+"` DESC LIMIT "+$@CPrs,.@g,.@h,.@c$,.@i,.@j,.@k,.@l,.@m);
announce "[ "+$@CP0$[.@a]+" ] [ "+$@CP1$[.@a]+" / "+$@CP3$[.@a]+" ] - Name - Job - Guild",bc_self,0xff7700;
set .@n,0;
while(.@n < .@f) {
if(.@g[.@n] == .@c) { // You.
set .@c,0;
set .@p,0;
else if(.@h[.@n] == .@e) // Account.
set .@p,1;
else if(.@d && (.@j[.@n] == .@d)) { // Guild.
if(.@k[.@n]) set .@p,2;
else set .@p,3;
else {
if(.@k[.@n]) set .@p,4;
else set .@p,5;
if(!.@n) set .@o,1;
else if((.@l[.@n] != .@l[.@n - 1]) || (.@m[.@n] != .@m[.@n - 1]))
set .@o,.@n + 1;
if(.@j[.@n]) set .@e$,getguildname(.@j[.@n]);
else set .@e$,"";
announce "[ "+.@o+" ] [ "+.@l[.@n]+" / "+.@m[.@n]+" ] - "+.@c$[.@n]+" - "+jobname(.@i[.@n])+" - "+.@e$,bc_self,"0x"+$@CPco$[.@p];
set .@n,.@n + 1;
if(.@c && (.@f >= $@CPrs)) {
if(.@b) set .@b$," AND "+.@a$;
if(query_sql("SELECT abs(`"+$@CP2$[.@a]+"`),abs(`"+$@CP4$[.@a]+"`) FROM `ranker_char` LEFT JOIN `char` ON `char`.`char_id` = `ranker_char`.`char_id` WHERE `char`.`char_id` = '"+.@c+"'"+.@b$,.@l,.@m)) {
set .@o,callfunc("CPCount",.@a,.@l,.@m,.@a$);
if(.@d) set .@e$,getguildname(.@d);
else set .@e$,"";
announce "[ "+.@o+" ] [ "+.@l+" / "+.@m+" ] - "+strcharinfo(0)+" - "+jobname(class)+" - "+.@e$,bc_self,"0x"+$@CPco$[0];
else if($@CP5$[.@a] == "guild") { // Show Guild based Ranking:
set .@d,getcharid(2);
set .@f,query_sql("SELECT `guild`.`guild_id`,`name`,abs(`"+$@CP2$[.@a]+"`),abs(`"+$@CP4$[.@a]+"`) FROM `ranker_guild` LEFT JOIN `guild` ON `guild`.`guild_id` = `ranker_guild`.`guild_id` ORDER BY `"+$@CP2$[.@a]+"` DESC,`"+$@CP4$[.@a]+"` DESC LIMIT "+$@CPrs,.@g,.@c$,.@l,.@m);
announce "[ "+$@CP0$[.@a]+" ] [ "+$@CP1$[.@a]+" / "+$@CP3$[.@a]+" ] - Name",bc_self,0xff7700;
set .@n,0;
while(.@n < .@f) {
if(.@g[.@n] == .@d) { // Your Guild.
set .@d,0;
set .@p,0;
else set .@p,4;
if(!.@n) set .@o,1;
else if((.@l[.@n] != .@l[.@n - 1]) || (.@m[.@n] != .@m[.@n - 1]))
set .@o,.@n + 1;
announce "[ "+.@o+" ] [ "+.@l[.@n]+" / "+.@m[.@n]+" ] - "+.@c$[.@n],bc_self,"0x"+$@CPco$[.@p];
set .@n,.@n + 1;
if(.@d && (.@f >= $@CPrs)) {
query_sql "SELECT `"+$@CP2$[.@a]+"`,`"+$@CP4$[.@a]+"` FROM `ranker_guild` LEFT JOIN `guild` ON `guild`.`guild_id` = `ranker_guild`.`guild_id` WHERE `guild`.`guild_id` = '"+.@d+"'",.@l,.@m;
set .@o,callfunc("CPCount",.@a,.@l,.@m);
set .@e$,getguildname(.@d);
announce "[ "+.@o+" ] [ "+.@l+" / "+.@m+" ] - "+.@e$,bc_self,"0x"+$@CPco$[0];
if(!.@n) announce "No result has been found.",bc_self,0x777777;
announce "----------",bc_self,0xff7700;
alberta,195,138,4 duplicate(CP) CP#1 859
alberta,51,250,5 duplicate(CP) CP#2 859
aldebaran,133,116,6 duplicate(CP) CP#3 859
aldebaran,133,236,6 duplicate(CP) CP#4 859
alde_gld,234,150,4 duplicate(CP) CP#5 859
amatsu,242,279,6 duplicate(CP) CP#6 859
amatsu,99,260,4 duplicate(CP) CP#7 859
amatsu,207,100,4 duplicate(CP) CP#8 859
ayothaya,212,204,4 duplicate(CP) CP#9 859
ayothaya,157,78,4 duplicate(CP) CP#10 859
comodo,180,329,4 duplicate(CP) CP#11 859
comodo,205,112,4 duplicate(CP) CP#12 859
comodo,316,181,4 duplicate(CP) CP#13 859
comodo,36,221,6 duplicate(CP) CP#14 859
einbech,66,92,6 duplicate(CP) CP#15 859
einbech,131,245,6 duplicate(CP) CP#16 859
einbech,42,201,8 duplicate(CP) CP#17 859
einbroch,74,187,2 duplicate(CP) CP#18 859
einbroch,149,315,6 duplicate(CP) CP#19 859
einbroch,152,49,4 duplicate(CP) CP#20 859
einbroch,249,239,2 duplicate(CP) CP#21 859
geffen,123,69,4 duplicate(CP) CP#22 859
geffen,41,107,6 duplicate(CP) CP#23 859
geffen,124,177,4 duplicate(CP) CP#24 859
geffen,171,123,6 duplicate(CP) CP#25 859
gef_fild13,193,244,4 duplicate(CP) CP#26 859
gonryun,152,110,6 duplicate(CP) CP#27 859
gonryun,168,180,2 duplicate(CP) CP#28 859
gonryun,153,16,6 duplicate(CP) CP#29 859
hugel,101,130,4 duplicate(CP) CP#30 859
hugel,178,170,4 duplicate(CP) CP#31 859
izlude,121,94,6 duplicate(CP) CP#32 859
jawaii,136,255,4 duplicate(CP) CP#33 859
yuno,175,89,4 duplicate(CP) CP#34 859
yuno,68,203,4 duplicate(CP) CP#35 859
sch_gld,291,123,4 duplicate(CP) CP#36 859
lighthalzen,209,95,6 duplicate(CP) CP#37 859
lighthalzen,218,322,4 duplicate(CP) CP#38 859
lighthalzen,311,299,4 duplicate(CP) CP#39 859
louyang,203,104,6 duplicate(CP) CP#40 859
louyang,57,246,4 duplicate(CP) CP#41 859
xmas,139,306,6 duplicate(CP) CP#42 859
xmas,161,108,4 duplicate(CP) CP#43 859
morocc,166,76,4 duplicate(CP) CP#44 859
morocc,47,174,4 duplicate(CP) CP#45 859
morocc,166,289,4 duplicate(CP) CP#46 859
morocc,279,197,8 duplicate(CP) CP#47 859
morocc,35,290,4 duplicate(CP) CP#48 859
moscovia,238,198,4 duplicate(CP) CP#49 859
moscovia,159,62,4 duplicate(CP) CP#50 859
niflheim,29,158,6 duplicate(CP) CP#51 859
niflheim,199,188,4 duplicate(CP) CP#52 859
payon,213,72,6 duplicate(CP) CP#53 859
payon,160,49,2 duplicate(CP) CP#54 859
payon,232,316,4 duplicate(CP) CP#55 859
payon,63,120,6 duplicate(CP) CP#56 859
pay_gld,201,157,4 duplicate(CP) CP#57 859
prontera,165,71,4 duplicate(CP) CP#58 859
prontera,40,212,6 duplicate(CP) CP#59 859
prontera,152,192,4 duplicate(CP) CP#60 859
prontera,259,213,4 duplicate(CP) CP#61 859
prontera,161,312,4 duplicate(CP) CP#62 859
prt_gld,166,75,4 duplicate(CP) CP#63 859
rachel,264,136,4 duplicate(CP) CP#64 859
rachel,150,144,4 duplicate(CP) CP#65 859
rachel,135,45,4 duplicate(CP) CP#66 859
rachel,39,131,6 duplicate(CP) CP#67 859
aru_gld,179,326,6 duplicate(CP) CP#68 859
umbala,121,128,8 duplicate(CP) CP#69 859
umbala,163,249,4 duplicate(CP) CP#70 859
veins,209,234,4 duplicate(CP) CP#71 859
veins,222,352,4 duplicate(CP) CP#72 859
veins,157,62,6 duplicate(CP) CP#73 859
mid_camp,219,287,4 duplicate(CP) CP#74 859
mid_camp,138,235,6 duplicate(CP) CP#75 859
mid_camp,252,232,8 duplicate(CP) CP#76 859
manuk,281,126,2 duplicate(CP) CP#77 859
manuk,181,177,6 duplicate(CP) CP#78 859
splendide,181,137,6 duplicate(CP) CP#79 859