All Stats +3
10% Kyre Chance
ATK+ 100
[Archer Class & Thief Class]
HIT+ 100
Critical rate+ 10%
[Merchant Class]
5% Chance to Stun your enemy while attacking.
Reduce Casting Time by 50%
MATK +5%
Gain Protection from the Freeze status.
Add a 15% chance of auto casting Level 3 Land Protector around the user when the user receives Magical Damage.
Add a 30% resistance against Fire Property attacks.
MDEF - 10
Enchants Weapon with the Shadow Element
20% more damage on Demin Huamn
Enable a 25% chance of gaining 10% of the damage inflicted upon an enemy as SP with each attack.
25% more damage on Boss Monsters.
Nullify reduction in damage inflicted on enemies resulting from enemy's size.
Add a 1% chance of auto casting Level 4 Disarm when attacking.
[Archer Class & Gunslinger]
DEX +5
Add a 5% chance of auto casting Level 4 Disarm when attacking.
Affects the player permanent with Concentration Lvl 2
Evil Snake Lord-
Reduce Chance to get Silenced by 15%, Immune to Curse, Chaos
INT + 5
High Priest-
Receive 10% less damage from Physical Attacks.
Every time you receive a Magical or a Physical Damage, 10% chance to auto-spell Level 1 Assumptio on yourself.
Increase ATK, Critical Rate, and HIT every 5 Job Level.
Add a 2% chance of auto casting Level 5 Earthquake on the user when the user receives Physical Damage.
Increases damage against Fire Property monsters by 50%.
Add a 40% resistance to the Stun and Freeze status.
Add a 3% chance of auto casting Level 10 Frost Nova on an enemy when the user receives Physical Damage.
Moonlight Flower-
Enable faster Movement Speed.
Orc Hero-
Gain immunity to the Stun and Poison status.
Add a 2% chance of auto casting Level 2 Concentrate when when the user receives Physical Damage.
VIT + 5
Enable full HP and SP restoration when resurrected.
Increases HP by 5%.
SP Consume increases by 5%.
Orc Lord-
Reflect 40% of all Physical Melee Damage back to the enemy which inflicted it.
Reflect single target attack Magic back at the caster (Success Chance 5%).
Reduce SP Consumption of skills by 30%.
Reduce Casting Time by 10%.
HIT + 100
[Archer Class & Thief Class]
Add a 2% chance of auto casting Level 5 Strip Armor when attacking.
Maximum HP + 10%
Make an armor indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
Disables Knockback.
Add a 3% chance of auto casting Level 2 Dispell when attacking.
Make a weapon indestructible (except in upgrade attempts).
Increases Physical Attack Strength by 10%.
Every time you do a Magical attack, it ignores 35% of Boss-type monster's MDEF, and does damage accordingly.
[Archer Class]
DEX+ 5
Inflict 20% more damage with Critical attacks.
General Egnigem Cenia-
Every 10 seconds, you recover 2% HP.
Increases Maximum HP and Maximum SP by 15%.
Arc Angeling-
[Base Lucky >= 200]
Increase ATK by 10%.
[Archer Class]
Maximum HP + 10%
Dark Lord-
Add a 5% chance of auto casting Level 8 Meteor Storm on an enemy when the user receives Physical Damage.
[+ Dark Illusion]
Maximum HP and SP + 25%
Endow a weapon with damage that will splash 9 cells around the character with each attack.
Add a 1% chance of auto casting Level 5 Stone Curse when attacking.
HIT - 10
[Archer Class & Thief Class]
Add a 1% chance of auto casting Level 5 Strip Helm when attacking.
Lord of The Dead-
Add a 0.1% chance of auto casting 'Coma' on an enemy.
Add a 10% chance of auto casting Stun, Curse, Silence, Poison, External Bleeding on the enemy when attacking.
[Archer Class & Thief Class]
Add a 1% chance of auto casting 'Coma' on an enemy.
Reduces HP recovery by 100%.
Increase damage of Long Range physical attacks by 25%.
[Archer Class]
Add a 15% chance of gaining 30% of the damage inflicted on an enemy as HP with each attack.