/* ===== SOURCE MOD ===== */
/* ===== SCRIPT COMMAND add optional parameter ===== */
* successrefitem <equipment slot>{,count}; - return equipment for spefcific times.
* strnpcinfo( <type>{,<npc id>} ) - new optional parameter <npc id>
* strnpcinfo( <type>{,<npc id>} ) - new optional parameter <char id>
* getchildid( {<char id>} ) - new optional parameter <char id>
* getmotherid( {<char id>} ) - new optional parameter <char id>
* getfatherid( {<char id>} ) - new optional parameter <char id>
* ispartneron( {<char id>} ) - new optional parameter <char id>
* getpartnerid( {<char id>} ) - new optional parameter <char id>
* getinventorylist {<char id>}; - new optional parameter <char id>
* getgmlevel( {char id} ) - new optional parameter <char id>
* getgroupid( {char id} ) - new optional parameter <char id>
* clearitem( {char id} ) - new optional parameter <char id>
* countitem( <item id>,<amount>{,char id} ) - new optional parameter <char id>
/* ===== NEW SCRIPT COMMAND ===== */
* preg_match( "<pattern>","<string>"{,<offset value>} ); - return 1 if string match with pattern
* is_sit( {"<char name>"} ) - return 1 if specified char is sitting
* disconnect {<account id>,<char id>}; - kick user based on account id / char id
* getguildinfo( <guild id>,<parameter> )
- GUILD_ID - return guild id
- GUILD_ONLINE_MEMBER - return current online member count
- GUILD_MAX_MEMBER - return max member capacity
- GUILD_AVG_LEVEL - return average member level
- GUILD_EXP - return amount of current exp
- GUILD_NEXT_EXP - return amount of exp for next level
- GUILD_SKILLPOINT - return unused guild skill point
- GUILD_NAME - return guild name
- GUILD_MASTER_NAME - return master name
- GUILD_MES_1 - return guild message 1
- GUILD_MES_2 - return guild message 2
- GUILD_ALLIANCE - return array of alliances opposition value & guild id
* getguildmember( <guild id>,<paramerer> )
- GUILD_MEMBER_AID - return array of account id of member
- GUILD_MEMBER_CID - return array of char id of member
- GUILD_MEMBER_NAME - return array of name of member
- GUILD_MEMBER_EXP - return array of exp of member
- GUILD_MEMBER_EXPRATE - return array of exp rate of member
- GUILD_MEMBER_ONLINE - return array of online status of member
- GUILD_MEMBER_POSITION - return array of position of member
* getskillinfo( <skill id>,<parameter> )
- SKILL_ID - return skill id
- SKILL_RANGE - return skill attack range
- SKILL_ELEMENT - return element of skill
- SKILL_PROPERTIES - return skill damage properties of skill ( bitmask )
- SKILL_MAX_LEVEL - return max level of skill
- SKILL_CAST_INTERUPT - return if skill are interrupt-able when hit )
- SKILL_INFO_1 - return target of skill ( 0- passive, 1- enemy, 2- place, 4- self, 16- friend, 32- trap )
- SKILL_INFO_2 - return skill information 2 ( bitmask )
- SKILL_INFO_3 - return skill information 3 ( bitmask )
- SKILL_ATK_TYPE - return type of attack ( none, weapon, magic, misc )
- SKILL_NAME - return skill name
- SKILL_DESC - return skill description
- SKILL_DURATION - return skill duration if any
* getcartlist {<char id>};
- @cartlist_id[] - return array of item ids.
- @cartlist_amount[] - return their corresponding item amounts.
- @cartlist_equip[] - return whether the item is equipped or not.
- @cartlist_refine[] - return refined value.
- @cartlist_identify[] - return whether it is identified.
- @cartlist_attribute[] - return whether it is broken.
- @cartlist_card1[] - return item id in slot 1
- @cartlist_card2[] - return item id in slot 2
- @cartlist_card3[] - return item id in slot 3
- @cartlist_card4[] - return item id in slot 4
- @cartlist_expire[] - return expire time (Unix time stamp). 0 means never expires.
- @cartlist_bound[] - return whether it is bound to the character
- @cartlist_count - return the number of items in these lists.