viewing paste Prism doesn't work-Eshonbel | Text

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121
23.09 19:39:49 [Server] INFO No new version available
23.09 19:39:49 [Server] INFO Checking for Updates:
23.09 19:39:49 [Server] INFO Enabled
23.09 19:39:49 [Server] INFO Loading gates into memory
23.09 19:39:49 [Server] INFO Loading gates from disk
23.09 19:39:49 [Server] INFO Post-enable finished.
23.09 19:39:49 [Server] INFO Loaded 1 package(s) into the cache.
23.09 19:39:49 [Server] INFO Post-enable running...
23.09 19:39:49 [Server] INFO Plugin is now ready to be used.
23.09 19:39:49 [Server] INFO Authenticated with the specified Secret key.
23.09 19:39:49 [Server] INFO
23.09 19:39:49 [Server] INFO Download it on Bukkit Dev:
23.09 19:39:49 [Server] INFO Found a new version available: v1.8.7
23.09 19:39:48 [Server] INFO RCON running on
23.09 19:39:48 [Server] INFO Query running on
23.09 19:39:48 [Server] INFO Starting remote control listener
23.09 19:39:48 [Server] INFO Starting GS4 status listener
23.09 19:39:48 [Server] Startup Done (5.997s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
23.09 19:39:48 [Server] INFO at [Craftbukkit1.7.10.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.2-16-g37c7969-b3105jnks]
23.09 19:39:48 [Server] INFO at [Craftbukkit1.7.10.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.2-16-g37c7969-b3105jnks]
23.09 19:39:48 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_7_R4.DedicatedServer.init( [Craftbukkit1.7.10.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.2-16-g37c7969-b3105jnks]
23.09 19:39:48 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_7_R4.MinecraftServer.a( [Craftbukkit1.7.10.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.2-16-g37c7969-b3105jnks]
23.09 19:39:48 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_7_R4.MinecraftServer.g( [Craftbukkit1.7.10.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.2-16-g37c7969-b3105jnks]
23.09 19:39:48 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_7_R4.MinecraftServer.n( [Craftbukkit1.7.10.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.2-16-g37c7969-b3105jnks]
23.09 19:39:48 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_7_R4.CraftServer.enablePlugins( [Craftbukkit1.7.10.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.2-16-g37c7969-b3105jnks]
23.09 19:39:48 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_7_R4.CraftServer.loadCustomPermissions( [Craftbukkit1.7.10.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.2-16-g37c7969-b3105jnks]
23.09 19:39:48 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.permissions.Permission.loadPermissions( [Craftbukkit1.7.10.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.2-16-g37c7969-b3105jnks]
23.09 19:39:48 [Server] INFO java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.util.Map
23.09 19:39:48 [Server] ERROR Permission node 'schema-version' in permissions.yml is invalid
23.09 19:39:48 [Server] INFO Enabling EssentialsAntiBuild v2.13.1
23.09 19:39:48 [Server] INFO Loaded. 0 secs.
23.09 19:39:48 [Server] INFO No Updates found on
23.09 19:39:48 [Server] INFO Enabling Ultrabans v3.1.0
23.09 19:39:48 [Server] INFO Enabling EssentialsSpawn v2.13.1
23.09 19:39:48 [Server] INFO Enabling EssentialsProtect v2.13.1
23.09 19:39:47 [Server] INFO === ENABLE DONE (Took 143ms) ===
23.09 19:39:47 [Server] INFO NOTE: Economy is disabled. You can enable it with the command: f config econEnabled true
23.09 19:39:47 [Server] INFO Economy integration through Vault plugin successful.
23.09 19:39:47 [Server] INFO Loading board from disk
23.09 19:39:47 [Server] INFO === ENABLE START ===
23.09 19:39:47 [Server] INFO Enabling Factions v1.6.9.2
23.09 19:39:47 [Server] INFO Loading conf from disk
23.09 19:39:47 [Server] INFO Enabling AncientGates v1.8.0
23.09 19:39:47 [Server] INFO Essentials: Using zPermissions based permissions.
23.09 19:39:47 [Server] INFO [Vault][Economy] Essentials Economy hooked.
23.09 19:39:47 [Server] INFO Enabling Essentials v2.13.1
23.09 19:39:47 [Server] INFO Rankup 1.3 is now enabled.
23.09 19:39:47 [Server] INFO Enabling Rankup v1.3
23.09 19:39:47 [Server] INFO Enabled!
23.09 19:39:47 [Server] INFO Enabling zChat v0.3.1
23.09 19:39:47 [Server] INFO Loaded animation 'example.txt', speed 20.
23.09 19:39:47 [Server] INFO Enabling HolographicDisplays v1.8.6
23.09 19:39:46 [Server] INFO Vault loaded! Found an economy plugin!
23.09 19:39:46 [Server] INFO Enabling ChestShop v3.7.17
23.09 19:39:46 [Server] INFO Gun-mode activated. Boop!
23.09 19:39:46 [Server] INFO Enabling CrackShot v0.97.13
23.09 19:39:46 [Server] INFO Enabling ZombieApocalypse v1.5.1
23.09 19:39:46 [Server] INFO Enabling AutoMessage v2.5.2
23.09 19:39:46 [Server] INFO WorldGuard region support enabled.
23.09 19:39:46 [Server] INFO 0 regions loaded for 'Survivor_the_end'
23.09 19:39:46 [Server] INFO 1 regions loaded for 'Survivor_nether'
23.09 19:39:46 [Server] INFO 2 regions loaded for 'Survivor'
23.09 19:39:46 [Multicraft] Skipped 97 lines due to rate limit (30/s)
23.09 19:39:45 [Server] INFO at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.connectOneTryOnly( ~[Craftbukkit1.7.10.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.2-16-g37c7969-b3105jnks]
23.09 19:39:45 [Server] INFO at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.coreConnect( ~[Craftbukkit1.7.10.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.2-16-g37c7969-b3105jnks]
23.09 19:39:45 [Server] INFO at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.doHandshake( ~[Craftbukkit1.7.10.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.2-16-g37c7969-b3105jnks]
23.09 19:39:45 [Server] INFO at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.secureAuth411( ~[Craftbukkit1.7.10.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.2-16-g37c7969-b3105jnks]
23.09 19:39:45 [Server] INFO at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket( ~[Craftbukkit1.7.10.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.2-16-g37c7969-b3105jnks]
23.09 19:39:45 [Server] INFO at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket( ~[Craftbukkit1.7.10.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.2-16-g37c7969-b3105jnks]
23.09 19:39:45 [Server] INFO at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket( ~[Craftbukkit1.7.10.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.2-16-g37c7969-b3105jnks]
23.09 19:39:45 [Server] INFO at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException( ~[Craftbukkit1.7.10.jar:git-Bukkit-1.7.9-R0.2-16-g37c7969-b3105jnks]
23.09 19:39:45 [Server] INFO java.sql.SQLException: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)
23.09 19:39:45 [Server] ERROR Unable to create initial connections of pool.
23.09 19:39:45 [Server] INFO Elixr: Loaded items directory
23.09 19:39:45 [Server] INFO Elixr: Loaded items directory
23.09 19:39:45 [Server] INFO [Prism]: Initializing Prism 2.0.4-18. By Viveleroi.
23.09 19:39:45 [Server] INFO Enabling Prism v2.0.4-18
23.09 19:39:45 [Server] INFO Enabling AdBlock v2.0
23.09 19:39:45 [Server] INFO Enabling Launchpads v1.0.0
23.09 19:39:45 [Server] INFO v2.3 is now enabled!
23.09 19:39:45 [Server] INFO Enabling BetterDeath v2.3
23.09 19:39:45 [Server] INFO Enabling Buycraft v6.7
23.09 19:39:45 [Server] INFO Finished loading AcidRain v0.2
23.09 19:39:45 [Server] INFO Enabling AcidRain v0.2
23.09 19:39:45 [Server] INFO WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API.
23.09 19:39:45 [Server] INFO Enabling WorldEdit v5.6.3
23.09 19:39:45 [Server] INFO Version 3.11.0-RC-sMD5NET-b739 is enabled.
23.09 19:39:45 [Server] INFO Packet level access: ProtocolLib is not available.
23.09 19:39:45 [Server] INFO Inventory checks: FastConsume is available, disabled InstantEat.
23.09 19:39:45 [Server] INFO Added block-info for Minecraft 1.7.2 blocks.
23.09 19:39:45 [Server] INFO Added block-info for Minecraft 1.6.1 blocks.
23.09 19:39:45 [Server] INFO Added block-info for Minecraft 1.5 blocks.
23.09 19:39:45 [Server] INFO McAccess set to: 1.7.10 / CB3100-DEV
23.09 19:39:44 [Server] INFO Enabling NoCheatPlus v3.11.0-RC-sMD5NET-b739
23.09 19:39:44 [Server] INFO Preparing start region for level 2 (Seed: 1557255673535404071)
23.09 19:39:44 [Server] INFO Preparing start region for level 1 (Seed: 1557255673535404071)
23.09 19:39:44 [Server] INFO Preparing spawn area: 77%
23.09 19:39:44 [Multicraft] Skipped 16 lines due to rate limit (30/s)
23.09 19:39:42 [Server] INFO 1.2 starting...
23.09 19:39:42 [Server] INFO Enabling zPermissions v1.2
23.09 19:39:42 [Server] INFO Loading EssentialsAntiBuild v2.13.1
23.09 19:39:42 [Server] INFO Loading Ultrabans v3.1.0
23.09 19:39:42 [Server] INFO Loading EssentialsSpawn v2.13.1
23.09 19:39:42 [Server] INFO Loading EssentialsProtect v2.13.1
23.09 19:39:42 [Server] INFO Loading Factions v1.6.9.2
23.09 19:39:42 [Server] INFO Loading AncientGates v1.8.0
23.09 19:39:42 [Server] INFO Loading Essentials v2.13.1
23.09 19:39:42 [Server] INFO Loading Rankup v1.3
23.09 19:39:42 [Server] INFO Loading zChat v0.3.1
23.09 19:39:42 [Server] INFO Loading HolographicDisplays v1.8.6
23.09 19:39:42 [Server] INFO Loading ChestShop v3.7.17
23.09 19:39:42 [Server] INFO Loading CrackShot v0.97.13
23.09 19:39:42 [Server] INFO Loading ZombieApocalypse v1.5.1
23.09 19:39:42 [Server] INFO Loading OrePlus v1.1.1
23.09 19:39:42 [Server] INFO Loading AutoMessage v2.5.2
23.09 19:39:42 [Server] INFO Loading WorldGuard v5.9
23.09 19:39:42 [Server] INFO Loading Prism v2.0.4-18
23.09 19:39:42 [Server] INFO Loading Vault v1.4.1-b436
23.09 19:39:42 [Server] INFO Loading AdBlock v2.0
23.09 19:39:42 [Server] INFO Loading Launchpads v1.0.0
Viewed 890 times, submitted by Guest.