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//===== rAthena Script ======================================= 
//===== By: ================================================== 
//===== Current Version: ===================================== 
//= 1.0
//===== Compatible With: ===================================== 
//= rAthena
//===== Description: ========================================= 
//= [Aegis Conversion]
//= Original filename: 
//= NPC list:
//= - Cat Paw Merchant Guild Megrez (alde_gld 186 157)
//= - Megrez#alde_f00 (alde_gld 191 164)
//= - Investment Status Board#fund04 (alde_gld 188 158)
//===== Additional Comments: ================================= 
//= 1.0 Converted from the official Aegis script.
alde_gld,186,157,3  script  Cat Paw Merchant Guild Megrez   549,{
    mes "[Megrez]";
    mes "I'm Mergrez, the Luina Branch Manager in Al De Baran of the Cat Paw Merchant Guild.";
    mes "I consult about investments for the Abyss Gate development.";
    mes "How may I help you?";
    switch (select("What is the Abyss Gate?:What do you mean by investing in the gate development?:I want to invest in this area.:Cancel")) {
    case 1:
        mes "[Megrez]";
        mes "It is only called the Abyss Gate for convenience but it's simply a ^4d4dffgap to another dimension^000000.";
        mes "[Megrez]";
        mes "More of these gaps are found here and there after Morocc created the Crack of Dimension.";
        mes "I personally think that the Abyss Gate found recently is part of the past or even from the future.";
        mes "[Megrez]";
        mes "It is said that the Abyss Gate forcefully connects to another dimension beyond our world.";
        mes "Probably because there are those that follow the Emperium's power.";
        mes "[Megrez]";
        mes "There are a total of 4 Abyss Gates found so far. They all connect to the Agit region overflowing with the Emperium's force.";
        mes "[Megrez]";
        mes "We named each by dimension beyond the gap.";
        mes "^4d4dffWay of the Warrior, Hill of the Dead, Winds of the Ancient, and the Hero's Tears.^000000";
        mes "And all these four gaps are called the ^4d4dffAbyss Gate^000000.";
        mes "[Megrez]";
        mes "The gap may lead to the past, future or even an unknown world.";
        mes "The power the Abyss Gate holds is both fearful but sweet";
        mes "[Megrez]";
        mes "Are you also interested in exploring the Abyss Gate?";
        mes "Ha ha. You'll need to go through several steps before exploring.";
        mes "[Megrez]";
        mes "If you are interested";
        mes "will you take the time to sit down and talk about investing in maintaining the Abyss Gate?";
    case 2:
        mes "[Megrez]";
        mes "Are you curious about investing in the Gate development?";
        mes "What do you want to know about?";
        switch (select("About the Gate?:About investments?:How to invest?:Benefits from investing?")) {
        case 1:
            mes "[Megrez]";
            mes "The Gate is what it is named after, a door.";
            mes "A dimensional passageway that connects here to there.";
            mes "[Megrez]";
            mes "The Abyss Gate was created as a very unstable path from beyond the dimensional gap,";
            mes "therefore traveling through the Gate will need an artificial dimension connection.";
            mes "[Megrez]";
            mes "Humans are far from having the advanced technology that's needed";
            mes "but our Cat Paw Merchant Guild holds the high technology to use the Crack of Dimension.";
            mes "[Megrez]";
            mes "So we made a proposal.";
            mes "With the promise of support the Cat Paw Merchant Guild and paying for the immense expense for maintaining the connection with the Gate,";
            mes "we will make the connection to the Crack of Dimension.";
            mes "[Megrez]";
            mes "Of course working on the Crack of Dimension is no easy job and it does come with risks.";
            mes "There are cases where people go missing from traveling between.";
            mes "[Megrez]";
            mes "The best maintaining duration is about 4 days";
            mes "You invest in us and we create the door that connects to the dimensional gap.";
            mes "[Megrez]";
            mes "Doesn't this sound like the perfect win-win proposal?";
        case 2:
            mes "[Megrez]";
            mes "Forcing through the unstable dimensional gap and creating a passageway is very dangerous.";
            mes "Not to mention the huge resources needed.";
            mes "[Megrez]";
            mes "If you take care of the charges and also the danger pay by investing in the Cat Paw Merchant Guild,";
            mes "we'll create and maintain the gate regardless of the risks.";
            mes "[Megrez]";
            mes "But then of course the money involved for the gate costs will be extreme.";
            mes "It will be easy if you can find investors to share the amount.";
            mes "[Megrez]";
            mes "There is a basic charge to start connecting the gate.";
            mes "Results depend on the how much investment money is collected.";
            mes "[Megrez]";
            mes "The Abyss Gate exists in each Agit region.";
            mes "Can you imagine how much money and sacrifice our guild will have to go through to develop in all areas?";
            mes "[Megrez]";
            mes "This explains the regional competition in investments.";
            mes "If not enough gate maintenance costs are collected then it is obvious the region with the most investments will receive the benefits";
            mes "[Megrez]";
            mes "If ^4d4dffthe Abyss Gate is successfully connected then the dungeon of the hideout area";
            mes "will be open to others instead of being guild exclusive^000000 which will be very attractive for investment.";
            mes "[Megrez]";
            mes "But then again, this is only for when the gate is connected.";
        case 3:
            mes "[Megrez]";
            mes "It's simple.";
            mes "Visit the branch manager of the ^4d4dffregion you want to invest in during the investment duration^000000 and make your investment.";
            mes "[Megrez]";
            mes "We usually receive ^4d4dffthe common currency here, Zeny^000000.";
            mes "But since we're talking about supporting our Cat Paw Merchant Guild, you can also invest with items in demand in Malangdo.";
            mes "[Megrez]";
            mes "Provide the items in need to Namis in Malangdo who is in charge of general affairs in our guild.";
            mes "Bring back your Investment Certificate to add it to the investment tribute.";
            mes "[Megrez]";
            mes "You must visit and invest at the region you want in order for your investment to be counted as a tribute.";
        case 4:
            mes "[Megrez]";
            mes "The Abyss Gate is basically contracting and connecting with the castle that owns the Agit;";
            mes "therefore, we will provide all we have once the costs for connecting and maintaining the gate are sufficient.";
            mes "[Megrez]";
            mes "In terms of the minimum and maximum costs for the whole work,";
            mes "if the collected investment ^4d4dffexceeds the minimum costs^000000, we can connect you to the ^4d4dffdeepest layer of an unknown guild dungeon^000000.";
            mes "[Megrez]";
            mes "If investments exceed the maximum costs, that region will be connected to the";
            mes "^4d4dffAbyss Gate^000000 regardless of the investment rank which includes the deepest layer of the guild dungeon.";
            mes "[Megrez]";
            mes "^ff0000If there is no Agit region that reached the maximum investment, then the region with the";
            mes "highest investment participation will get the Abyss Gate connected with the investment collected from all regions.^000000";
            mes "[Megrez]";
            mes "Once the Abyss Gate is connected, the deepest layer (2F) of the guild dungeon";
            mes "will be open to all adventurers that participated in the regional investment.";
            mes "[Megrez]";
            mes "Visits to the dungeon will be counted for the next investment for the Agit region";
            mes "so being in good terms with the guild that claims the Agit castle will be a bonus.";
            mes "[Megrez]";
            mes "By the way, it isn't easy to maintain the connection with the Abyss Gate and investments and reconnection is needed weekly";
            mes "so please continue your support and investment if you want the power of the unknown.";
    case 3:
        if (checkweight(1301,3) == 2 || checkweight(1301,3) == 3) {
            mes "- Cannot proceed with the quest because you have too many items. -";
        if (countitem(6488) > 4799) {
            mes "[Megrez]";
            mes "You have too many Thank You Tickets to receive any more.";
            mes "Cannot give you any more tickets. Please use your ticket and come back.";
            mes "The ticket can be exchanged with various items in Malangdo.";
        set .@GID,getcharid(2);
        if (.@GID == GetCastleData("aldeg_cas01",1)) {
            set .@mycastle01$, "Neuschwanstein [" + GetCastleData("aldeg_cas01",1) + "] Guild";
        else {
            set .@mycastle01$, "^aaaaaaNot the guild that claimed Neuschwanstein^000000";
        if (.@GID == GetCastleData("aldeg_cas02",1)) {
            set .@mycastle02$, "Hohenschwangau [" + GetCastleData("aldeg_cas02",1) + "] Guild";
        else {
            set .@mycastle02$, "^aaaaaaNot the guild that claimed Hohenschwangau^000000";
        if (.@GID == GetCastleData("aldeg_cas03",1)) {
            set .@mycastle03$, "Nuremberg [" + GetCastleData("aldeg_cas03",1) + "] Guild";
        else {
            set .@mycastle03$, "^aaaaaaNot the guild that claimed Nuremberg^000000";
        if (.@GID == GetCastleData("aldeg_cas04",1)) {
            set .@mycastle04$, "Wuerzburg [" + GetCastleData("aldeg_cas04",1) + "] Guild";
        else {
            set .@mycastle04$, "^aaaaaaNot the guild that claimed Wuerzburg^000000";
        if (.@GID == GetCastleData("aldeg_cas05",1)) {
            set .@mycastle05$, "Rothenburg [" + GetCastleData("aldeg_cas05",1) + "] Guild";
        else {
            set .@mycastle05$, "^aaaaaaNot the guild that claimed Rothenburg^000000";
        if (GetAgitInvestMsg == 1) {
            mes "[Megrez]";
            mes "Would you like to invest in the ^4d4dffLuina^000000 region?";
            mes "If there is a castle occupied already, you will invest in the castle and the guild that is occupying it.";
            switch (select(""+.@mycastle01$+":"+.@mycastle02$+":"+.@mycastle03$+":"+.@mycastle04$+":"+.@mycastle05$+"")) {
            case 1:
                callsub S_Invest,"aldeg_cas01","Neuschwanstein";
            case 2:
                callsub S_Invest,"aldeg_cas02","Hohenschwangau";
            case 3:
                callsub S_Invest,"aldeg_cas03","Nuernberg";
            case 4:
                callsub S_Invest,"aldeg_cas04","Wuerzburg";
            case 5:
                callsub S_Invest,"aldeg_cas05","Rothenburg";
        if (.@GID == GetCastleData(""+getarg(0)+"",1)) {
            mes "[Megrez]";
            mes "Invest under "+getarg(1)+"'s" + GetCastleData(""+getarg(0)+"",1) + "guild name.";
            mes "There are 2 ways to invest, either by Zeny or the Investment Certificate given out by the Cat Paw Merchant Guild.";
            mes "Which way would you like to make your investment?";
            switch (select("Invest with Zeny.:Invest with Investment Certificates.:Cancel")) {
            case 1:
                mes "[Gate Manager]";
                mes "So you've decided to invest in Zeny.";
                mes "Minimum investment unit is ^4d4dff10,000 Zeny^000000.";
                mes "You can invest a maximum of 50 units which is ^4d4dff 500,000 Zeny^000000.";
                switch (select("1 unit 10,000 Zeny:10 units 100,000 Zeny:50 units 500,000 Zeny:Another amount:Cancel")) {
                case 1:
                    if (Zeny > 9999) {
                        mes "[Gate Manager]";
                        mes "You've invested 1 unit 10,000 Zeny.";
                        mes "Not much but this is a small gift. You can exchange it with items in Malangdo.";
                        set Zeny, Zeny - 10000;
                        setcastledata ""+getarg(0)+"",18,1;
                        getitem 6488,1;
                    mes "[Gate Manager]";
                    mes "You do not have enough money.";
                case 2:
                    if (Zeny > 99999) {
                        mes "[Gate Manager]";
                        mes "You've invested 10 units 100,000 Zeny.";
                        mes "Not much but this is a small gift. You can exchange it with items in Malangdo.";
                        set Zeny, Zeny - 100000;
                        setcastledata ""+getarg(0)+"",18,10;
                        getitem 6488,10;
                    mes "[Gate Manager]";
                    mes "You do not have enough money.";
                case 3:
                    if (Zeny > 499999) {
                        mes "[Gate Manager]";
                        mes "You've invested 50 units 500,000 Zeny.";
                        mes "Not much but this is a small gift. You can exchange it with items in Malangdo.";
                        set Zeny, Zeny - 500000;
                        setcastledata ""+getarg(0)+"",18,50;
                        getitem 6488,50;
                    mes "[Gate Manager]";
                    mes "You do not have enough money.";
                case 4:
                    mes "[Gate Manager]";
                    mes "Please enter the amount you want to invest.";
                    mes "Please choose between 1 to 200.";
                    mes "Please enter 0 to cancel.";
                    input .@input;
                    if (.@input < 0 || .@input > 200) {
                        mes "[Gate Manager]";
                        mes "You've exceeded the amount per investment.";
                        mes "Please try again.";
                    } else if (.@input == 0) {
                        mes "[Gate Manager]";
                        mes "Canceled.";
                    set .@don, .@input * 10000;
                    if (Zeny < .@don) {
                        mes "[Gate Manager]";
                        mes "You do not have enough money.";
                    mes "[Gate Manager]";
                    mes " " + .@input + " unit " + .@don + "z Zeny invested.";
                    mes "Not much but this is a small gift. You can exchange it with items in Malangdo.";
                    set Zeny, Zeny - .@don;
                    setcastledata ""+getarg(0)+"",18,.@input;
                    getitem 6488,.@input;
                case 5:
                    mes "[Gate Manager]";
                    mes "Canceled.";
            case 2:
                mes "[Gate Manager]";
                mes "Wow, you've brought Investment Certificates.";
                mes "How many certificates will you submit?";
                switch (select("1 Investment Certificate:5 Investment Certificates:Another amount:Cancel")) {
                case 1:
                    if (countitem(6489) > 0) {
                        mes "[Gate Manager]";
                        mes "1 Investment Certificate is the same as an investment of 10 units (100,000z).";
                        mes "Not much but this is a small gift. You can exchange it with items in Malangdo.";
                        setcastledata ""+getarg(0)+"",18,10;
                        getitem 6488,10;
                    mes "[Gate Manager]";
                    mes "Looks like you have fewer Investment Certificates than you want to submit.";
                case 2:
                    if (countitem(6489) > 4) {
                        mes "[Gate Manager]";
                        mes "5 Investment Certificates are the same as an investment of 50 units (500,000z).";
                        mes "Not much but this is a small gift. You can exchange it with items in Malangdo.";
                        setcastledata ""+getarg(0)+"",18,50;
                        getitem 6488,50;
                    mes "[Gate Manager]";
                    mes "Looks like you have fewer Investment Certificates than you want to submit.";
                case 3:
                    mes "[Gate Manager]";
                    mes "Please enter the number of Investment Certificates you want to submit.";
                    mes "Please choose between 1 to 20.";
                    mes "Please enter 0 to cancel.";
                    input .@input;
                    if (.@input < 0 || .@input > 20) {
                        mes "[Gate Manager]";
                        mes "You've exceeded the amount per investment.";
                        mes "Please try again.";
                    } else if (.@input == 0) {
                        mes "[Gate Manager]";
                        mes "Canceled.";
                    if (countitem(6489) < .@input) {
                        mes "[Gate Manager]";
                        mes "Looks like you have fewer Investment Certificates than you want to submit.";
                    set .@don, .@input * 10;
                    mes "[Gate Manager]";
                    mes "Investment Certificate" + .@input + "is the same as" + .@don + "unit(s) (" + .@don + "00,000z).";
                    mes "Not much but this is a small gift. You can exchange it with items in Malangdo.";
                    setcastledata ""+getarg(0)+"",18,.@input;
                    getitem 6488,.@don;
                case 4:
                    mes "[Gate Manager]";
                    mes "Canceled.";
            case 3:
                mes "[Gate Manager]";
                mes "Canceled.";
        mes "[Megrez]";
        mes "The guild that is occupying Neuschwanstein is" + GetCastleData("aldeg_cas01",1) + ".";
        mes "Doesn't look like your guild.";
Viewed 953 times, submitted by Guest.