Index: src/common/mmo.h
--- src/common/mmo.h (revision 17374)
+++ src/common/mmo.h (working copy)
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
// 20120307 - 2012-03-07aRagexeRE+ - 0x970
- #define PACKETVER 20120410
- //#define PACKETVER 20130320
+ //#define PACKETVER 20120410
+ #define PACKETVER 20130320
//#define PACKETVER 20111116
Index: src/config/core.h
--- src/config/core.h (revision 17374)
+++ src/config/core.h (working copy)
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
/// Uncomment to disable rAthena's anonymous stat report
/// We kindly ask you to consider keeping it enabled, it helps us improve rAthena.
-//#define STATS_OPT_OUT
+#define STATS_OPT_OUT
/// uncomment to enable query_sql script command and mysql logs to function on it's own thread
/// be aware this feature is under tests and you should use at your own risk, we however
Index: src/map/pc.c
--- src/map/pc.c (revision 17374)
+++ src/map/pc.c (working copy)
@@ -9661,11 +9661,147 @@
+//Reading job_db1.txt line, (class,weight,HPFactor,HPMultiplicator,SPFactor,aspdlvl...)
+static bool pc_readdb_job1(char* fields[], int columns, int current){
+ int idx, class_;
+ unsigned int i;
+ class_ = atoi(fields[0]);
+ if(!pcdb_checkid(class_))
+ {
+ ShowWarning("status_readdb_job1: Invalid job class %d specified.\n", class_);
+ return false;
+ }
+ idx = pc_class2idx(class_);
+ job_info[idx].max_weight_base = atoi(fields[1]);
+ job_info[idx].hp_factor = atoi(fields[2]);
+ job_info[idx].hp_multiplicator = atoi(fields[3]);
+ job_info[idx].sp_factor = atoi(fields[4]);
+ for(i = 0; i <= MAX_WEAPON_TYPE; i++)
+ for(i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPON_TYPE; i++)
+ {
+ job_info[idx].aspd_base[i] = atoi(fields[i+5]);
+ }
+ return true;
+//Reading job_db2.txt line (class,JobLv1,JobLv2,JobLv3,...)
+static bool pc_readdb_job2(char* fields[], int columns, int current)
+ int idx, class_, i;
+ class_ = atoi(fields[0]);
+ if(!pcdb_checkid(class_))
+ {
+ ShowWarning("status_readdb_job2: Invalid job class %d specified.\n", class_);
+ return false;
+ }
+ idx = pc_class2idx(class_);
+ for(i = 1; i < columns; i++)
+ {
+ job_info[idx].job_bonus[i-1] = atoi(fields[i]);
+ }
+ return true;
+//Reading job_maxhpsp.txt line
+static bool pc_readdb_job_maxhpsp(char* fields[], int columns, int current)
+ int idx, i,j, maxlvl, startlvl;
+ int job_id,job_count,jobs[CLASS_COUNT];
+ int type;
+ startlvl = atoi(fields[0]);
+ if(startlvl > MAX_LEVEL || startlvl<1){
+ ShowError("pc_readdb_job_maxhpsp: Invalid startlvl %d specified.\n", startlvl);
+ return false;
+ }
+ maxlvl = atoi(fields[1]);
+ if(maxlvl > MAX_LEVEL || maxlvl<1){
+ ShowError("pc_readdb_job_maxhpsp: Invalid maxlevel %d specified.\n", maxlvl);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if((maxlvl-startlvl+1+4) != columns){ //nb values = (maxlvl-startlvl)+1-index1stvalue
+ ShowError("pc_readdb_job_maxhpsp: Number of colums=%d defined is too low for startlevel=%d,maxlevel=%d\n",columns,startlvl,maxlvl);
+ return false;
+ }
+ type = atoi(fields[3]);
+ if(type < 0 || type > 1){
+ ShowError("pc_readdb_job_maxhpsp: Invalid type %d specified, only [0;1] is valid.\n", type);
+ return false;
+ }
+ job_count = pc_split_atoi(fields[2],jobs,':',CLASS_COUNT);
+ if (job_count < 1)
+ return false;
+ for (j = 0; j < job_count; j++) {
+ job_id = jobs[j];
+ if(!pcdb_checkid(job_id)){
+ ShowError("pc_readdb_job_maxhpsp: Invalid job class %d specified.\n", job_id);
+ return false;
+ }
+ idx = pc_class2idx(job_id);
+ if(job_info[idx].max_level && job_info[idx].max_level != maxlvl){
+ ShowWarning("pc_readdb_job_maxhpsp: maxlevel %d was already specified with different value %d, (skipping assignment).\n",maxlvl,job_info[idx].max_level);
+ }
+ else job_info[idx].max_level = maxlvl;
+ if(type == 0){ //hp type
+ unsigned int k = 0;
+ unsigned int val, oldval=0;
+ for(i = 1; i <= MAX_LEVEL; i++) {
+ val = 0;
+ k += (job_info[idx].hp_factor*i + 50) / 100;
+ if(i>=startlvl && i <=maxlvl) val = atoi(fields[i+4]);
+ if(val==0) val = (35 + ((i+1)*job_info[idx].hp_factor))/100 + k;
+ if(oldval >= val)
+ ShowWarning("Warn, HP value is lower or equal then previous one for (job=%d,oldval=%d,val=%d,lvl=%d hp_factor=%d,hp_multiplicator=%d,k=%d)\n",
+ job_id,oldval,val,i,job_info[idx].hp_factor,job_info[idx].hp_multiplicator,k);
+ val = min(INT_MAX,val);
+ job_info[idx].hp_table[i-1] = val;
+ oldval = val;
+ }
+// ShowInfo("Have readen hp table for job=%d\n{",job_id);
+// for(i=0; i<MAX_LEVEL; i++ )
+// printf("%d,",hpsp_info[idx].hp_table[i]);
+// printf("\n}\n");
+ }
+ else if(type == 1){ //sp type
+ unsigned int val, oldval=0;
+ for(i = 1; i <= MAX_LEVEL; i++) {
+ val = 0;
+ if(i>=startlvl && i <=maxlvl) val = atoi(fields[i+4]);
+ if(val==0) val = (10 + ((i+1)*job_info[idx].sp_factor))/100;
+ if(oldval >= val) ShowWarning("Warn, SP value is lower or equal then previous one for (job=%d,oldval=%d,val=%d,lvl=%d,sp_factor=%d)\n",
+ job_id,oldval,val,i,job_info[idx].sp_factor);
+ val = min(INT_MAX,val);
+ job_info[idx].sp_table[i-1] = val;
+ oldval = val;
+ }
+// ShowInfo("Have readen sp table for job=%d\n{",job_id);
+// for(i=0; i<MAX_LEVEL; i++ )
+// printf("%d,",hpsp_info[idx].sp_table[i]);
+// printf("\n}\n");
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
* pc DB reading.
- * exp.txt - required experience values
- * skill_tree.txt - skill tree for every class
- * attr_fix.txt - elemental adjustment table
+ * exp.txt - required experience values
+ * skill_tree.txt - skill tree for every class
+ * attr_fix.txt - elemental adjustment table
+ * job_db1.txt - job,weight,hp_factor,hp_multiplicator,sp_factor,aspds/lvl
+ * job_db2.txt - job,stats bonuses/lvl
+ * job_maxhpsp_db.txt - strtlvl,maxlvl,job,type,values/lvl (values=hp|sp)
int pc_readdb(void)
@@ -9676,6 +9812,7 @@
+ memset(job_info,0,sizeof(job_info)); // hp_sptable
sprintf(line, "%s/"DBPATH"exp.txt", db_path);
@@ -9865,6 +10002,14 @@
statp[i] = statp[i-1] + pc_gets_status_point(i-1);
battle_config.use_statpoint_table = k; //restore setting
+ sv_readdb(db_path, "re/job_db1.txt",',',6+MAX_WEAPON_TYPE,6+MAX_WEAPON_TYPE,-1,&pc_readdb_job1);
+ sv_readdb(db_path, "pre-re/job_db1.txt",',',5+MAX_WEAPON_TYPE,5+MAX_WEAPON_TYPE,-1,&pc_readdb_job1);
+ sv_readdb(db_path, "job_db2.txt",',',1,1+MAX_LEVEL,-1,&pc_readdb_job2);
+ sv_readdb(db_path, DBPATH"job_maxhpsp_db.txt", ',', 4, 4+MAX_LEVEL, -1, &pc_readdb_job_maxhpsp);
return 0;
Index: src/map/pc.h
--- src/map/pc.h (revision 17374)
+++ src/map/pc.h (working copy)
@@ -24,6 +24,12 @@
+//Update this max as necessary. 55 is the value needed for Super Baby currently
+//Raised to 84 since Expanded Super Novice needs it.
+#define MAX_SKILL_TREE 84
+//Total number of classes (for data storage)
//Equip indexes constants. (eg: sd->equip_index[EQI_AMMO] returns the index
//where the arrows are equipped)
enum equip_index {
@@ -517,11 +523,6 @@
-//Update this max as necessary. 55 is the value needed for Super Baby currently
-//Raised to 84 since Expanded Super Novice needs it.
-#define MAX_SKILL_TREE 84
-//Total number of classes (for data storage)
enum weapon_type {
W_FIST, //Bare hands
@@ -596,6 +597,21 @@
//EQP_SHADOW_ACC_L = 0x200000,
+struct {
+ int hp_table[MAX_LEVEL];
+ int sp_table[MAX_LEVEL];
+ int max_level;
+ int hp_factor, hp_multiplicator;
+ int sp_factor;
+ int max_weight_base;
+ char job_bonus[MAX_LEVEL];
+ int aspd_base[MAX_WEAPON_TYPE+1];
+ int aspd_base[MAX_WEAPON_TYPE]; //[blackhole89]
+} job_info[CLASS_COUNT];
@@ -700,6 +716,7 @@
+int pc_split_atoi(char* str, int* val, char sep, int max);
int pc_class2idx(int class_);
int pc_get_group_level(struct map_session_data *sd);
int pc_get_group_id(struct map_session_data *sd);
Index: src/map/status.c
--- src/map/status.c (revision 17374)
+++ src/map/status.c (working copy)
@@ -48,17 +48,6 @@
RGN_SSP = 0x08,
-static int max_weight_base[CLASS_COUNT];
-static int hp_coefficient[CLASS_COUNT];
-static int hp_coefficient2[CLASS_COUNT];
-static int hp_sigma_val[CLASS_COUNT][MAX_LEVEL+1];
-static int sp_coefficient[CLASS_COUNT];
-static int aspd_base[CLASS_COUNT][MAX_WEAPON_TYPE+1];
-static int aspd_base[CLASS_COUNT][MAX_WEAPON_TYPE]; //[blackhole89]
// bonus values and upgrade chances for refining equipment
static struct {
int chance[MAX_REFINE]; // success chance
@@ -67,7 +56,6 @@
} refine_info[REFINE_TYPE_MAX];
static int atkmods[3][MAX_WEAPON_TYPE]; //ATK weapon modification for size (size_fix.txt)
-static char job_bonus[CLASS_COUNT][MAX_LEVEL];
static struct eri *sc_data_ers; //For sc_data entries
static struct status_data dummy_status;
@@ -1820,6 +1808,7 @@
int amotion;
short mod = -1;
+ int classidx = pc_class2idx(sd->status.class_);
switch( sd->weapontype2 ){ // adjustment for dual weilding
case W_DAGGER: mod = 0; break; // 0, 1, 1
@@ -1830,21 +1819,21 @@
amotion = ( sd->status.weapon < MAX_WEAPON_TYPE && mod < 0 )
- ? (aspd_base[pc_class2idx(sd->status.class_)][sd->status.weapon]) // single weapon
- : ((aspd_base[pc_class2idx(sd->status.class_)][sd->weapontype2] // dual-wield
- + aspd_base[pc_class2idx(sd->status.class_)][sd->weapontype2]) * 6 / 10 + 10 * mod
- - aspd_base[pc_class2idx(sd->status.class_)][sd->weapontype2]
- + aspd_base[pc_class2idx(sd->status.class_)][sd->weapontype1]);
+ ? (job_info[classidx].aspd_base[sd->status.weapon]) // single weapon
+ : ((job_info[classidx].aspd_base[sd->weapontype2] // dual-wield
+ + job_info[classidx].aspd_base[sd->weapontype2]) * 6 / 10 + 10 * mod
+ - job_info[classidx].aspd_base[sd->weapontype2]
+ + job_info[classidx].aspd_base[sd->weapontype1]);
if ( sd->status.shield )
- amotion += ( 2000 - aspd_base[pc_class2idx(sd->status.class_)][W_FIST] ) +
- ( aspd_base[pc_class2idx(sd->status.class_)][MAX_WEAPON_TYPE] - 2000 );
+ amotion += ( 2000 - job_info[classidx].aspd_base[W_FIST] ) +
+ ( job_info[classidx].aspd_base[MAX_WEAPON_TYPE] - 2000 );
// base weapon delay
amotion = (sd->status.weapon < MAX_WEAPON_TYPE)
- ? (aspd_base[pc_class2idx(sd->status.class_)][sd->status.weapon]) // single weapon
- : (aspd_base[pc_class2idx(sd->status.class_)][sd->weapontype1] + aspd_base[pc_class2idx(sd->status.class_)][sd->weapontype2])*7/10; // dual-wield
+ ? (job_info[classidx].aspd_base[sd->status.weapon]) // single weapon
+ : (job_info[classidx].aspd_base[sd->weapontype1] + job_info[classidx].aspd_base[sd->weapontype2])*7/10; // dual-wield
// percentual delay reduction from stats
amotion -= amotion * (4*status->agi + status->dex)/1000;
@@ -2240,39 +2229,11 @@
return 1;
-/// Helper function for status_base_pc_maxhp(), used to pre-calculate the hp_sigma_val[] array
-static void status_calc_sigma(void)
- int i,j;
- for(i = 0; i < CLASS_COUNT; i++)
- {
- unsigned int k = 0;
- hp_sigma_val[i][0] = hp_sigma_val[i][1] = 0;
- for(j = 2; j <= MAX_LEVEL; j++)
- {
- k += (hp_coefficient[i]*j + 50) / 100;
- hp_sigma_val[i][j] = k;
- if (k >= INT_MAX)
- break; //Overflow protection. [Skotlex]
- }
- for(; j <= MAX_LEVEL; j++)
- hp_sigma_val[i][j] = INT_MAX;
- }
-/// Calculates base MaxHP value according to class and base level
-/// The recursive equation used to calculate level bonus is (using integer operations)
-/// f(0) = 35 | f(x+1) = f(x) + A + (x + B)*C/D
-/// which reduces to something close to
-/// f(x) = 35 + x*(A + B*C/D) + sum(i=2..x){ i*C/D }
+//Calculate maxHP from tables
static unsigned int status_base_pc_maxhp(struct map_session_data* sd, struct status_data* status)
- uint64 val = pc_class2idx(sd->status.class_);
- val = 35 + sd->status.base_level*(int64)hp_coefficient2[val]/100 + hp_sigma_val[val][sd->status.base_level];
+ uint32 val = job_info[pc_class2idx(sd->status.class_)].hp_table[sd->status.base_level-1];
- val += 100; //Since their HP can't be approximated well enough without this.
if((sd->class_&MAPID_UPPERMASK) == MAPID_TAEKWON && sd->status.base_level >= 90 && pc_famerank(sd->status.char_id, MAPID_TAEKWON))
val *= 3; //Triple max HP for top ranking Taekwons over level 90.
if((sd->class_&MAPID_UPPERMASK) == MAPID_SUPER_NOVICE && sd->status.base_level >= 99)
@@ -2287,11 +2248,11 @@
return (unsigned int)val;
+//Calculate maxSP from tables
static unsigned int status_base_pc_maxsp(struct map_session_data* sd, struct status_data *status)
- uint64 val;
+ uint32 val = job_info[pc_class2idx(sd->status.class_)].sp_table[sd->status.base_level-1];
- val = 10 + sd->status.base_level*(int64)sp_coefficient[pc_class2idx(sd->status.class_)]/100;
val += val * status->int_/100;
if (sd->class_&JOBL_UPPER)
@@ -2327,7 +2288,7 @@
pc_calc_skilltree(sd); // SkillTree calculation
- sd->max_weight = max_weight_base[pc_class2idx(sd->status.class_)]+sd->status.str*300;
+ sd->max_weight = job_info[pc_class2idx(sd->status.class_)].max_weight_base+sd->status.str*300;
if(first) {
//Load Hp/SP from char-received data.
@@ -2704,9 +2665,9 @@
// Job bonuses
index = pc_class2idx(sd->status.class_);
for(i=0;i<(int)sd->status.job_level && i<MAX_LEVEL;i++){
- if(!job_bonus[index][i])
+ if(!job_info[index].job_bonus[i])
- switch(job_bonus[index][i]) {
+ switch(job_info[index].job_bonus[i]) {
case 1: status->str++; break;
case 2: status->agi++; break;
case 3: status->vit++; break;
@@ -11343,63 +11304,6 @@
return refine_info[wlv].chance[refine];
- * DB reading.
- * job_db1.txt - weight, hp, sp, aspd
- * job_db2.txt - job level stat bonuses
- * size_fix.txt - size adjustment table for weapons
- * refine_db.txt - refining data table
- *------------------------------------------*/
-static bool status_readdb_job1(char* fields[], int columns, int current)
-{// Job-specific values (weight, HP, SP, ASPD)
- int idx, class_;
- unsigned int i;
- class_ = atoi(fields[0]);
- if(!pcdb_checkid(class_))
- {
- ShowWarning("status_readdb_job1: Invalid job class %d specified.\n", class_);
- return false;
- }
- idx = pc_class2idx(class_);
- max_weight_base[idx] = atoi(fields[1]);
- hp_coefficient[idx] = atoi(fields[2]);
- hp_coefficient2[idx] = atoi(fields[3]);
- sp_coefficient[idx] = atoi(fields[4]);
- for(i = 0; i <= MAX_WEAPON_TYPE; i++)
- for(i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPON_TYPE; i++)
- {
- aspd_base[idx][i] = atoi(fields[i+5]);
- }
- return true;
-static bool status_readdb_job2(char* fields[], int columns, int current)
- int idx, class_, i;
- class_ = atoi(fields[0]);
- if(!pcdb_checkid(class_))
- {
- ShowWarning("status_readdb_job2: Invalid job class %d specified.\n", class_);
- return false;
- }
- idx = pc_class2idx(class_);
- for(i = 1; i < columns; i++)
- {
- job_bonus[idx][i-1] = atoi(fields[i]);
- }
- return true;
static bool status_readdb_sizefix(char* fields[], int columns, int current)
unsigned int i;
@@ -11445,34 +11349,20 @@
return true;
-* Read status db
-* job1.txt
-* job2.txt
-* size_fixe.txt
-* refine_db.txt
+ * DB reading.
+ * size_fix.txt - size adjustment table for weapons
+ * refine_db.txt - refining data table
+ *------------------------------------------*/
int status_readdb(void)
int i, j;
// initialize databases to default
- //
- // reset job_db1.txt data
- memset(max_weight_base, 0, sizeof(max_weight_base));
- memset(hp_coefficient, 0, sizeof(hp_coefficient));
- memset(hp_coefficient2, 0, sizeof(hp_coefficient2));
- memset(sp_coefficient, 0, sizeof(sp_coefficient));
- memset(aspd_base, 0, sizeof(aspd_base));
- // reset job_db2.txt data
- memset(job_bonus,0,sizeof(job_bonus)); // Job-specific stats bonus
// size_fix.txt
// refine_db.txt
@@ -11485,16 +11375,8 @@
// read databases
- //
- sv_readdb(db_path, "re/job_db1.txt", ',', 6+MAX_WEAPON_TYPE, 6+MAX_WEAPON_TYPE, -1, &status_readdb_job1);
- sv_readdb(db_path, "pre-re/job_db1.txt", ',', 5+MAX_WEAPON_TYPE, 5+MAX_WEAPON_TYPE, -1, &status_readdb_job1);
- sv_readdb(db_path, "job_db2.txt", ',', 1, 1+MAX_LEVEL, -1, &status_readdb_job2);
- sv_readdb(db_path, "size_fix.txt", ',', MAX_WEAPON_TYPE, MAX_WEAPON_TYPE, ARRAYLENGTH(atkmods), &status_readdb_sizefix);
+ // path,filename,separator,mincol,maxcol,maxrow,func_parsor
+ sv_readdb(db_path, "size_fix.txt",',',MAX_WEAPON_TYPE,MAX_WEAPON_TYPE,ARRAYLENGTH(atkmods),&status_readdb_sizefix);
sv_readdb(db_path, DBPATH"refine_db.txt", ',', 4+MAX_REFINE, 4+MAX_REFINE, ARRAYLENGTH(refine_info), &status_readdb_refine);
return 0;
@@ -11511,7 +11393,6 @@
- status_calc_sigma();
natural_heal_prev_tick = gettick();
sc_data_ers = ers_new(sizeof(struct status_change_entry),"status.c::sc_data_ers",ERS_OPT_NONE);
add_timer_interval(natural_heal_prev_tick + NATURAL_HEAL_INTERVAL, status_natural_heal_timer, 0, 0, NATURAL_HEAL_INTERVAL);
Index: src/map/clif.c
--- src/map/clif.c (revision 17374)
+++ src/map/clif.c (working copy)
@@ -2329,7 +2329,7 @@
unsigned char *bufe;
- const int s = 10; //Entry size.
+ const int s = 10; //Entry size
#elif PACKETVER < 20080102
const int s = 18;
#elif PACKETVER < 20120925
Index: db/re/job_maxhpsp_db.txt
--- db/re/job_maxhpsp_db.txt (revision 0)
+++ db/re/job_maxhpsp_db.txt (working copy)
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+//MaxHP & MaxSP tables format:
+//Startlvl,Max Level,Class list,Type,Max value for Lv 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99
+//Type (0 - MaxHP; 1 - MaxSP)
+// Renewal MaxHP & MaxSP Database
+//MaxHP - Novice/Super Novice/Novice High/Baby Novice/Baby Super Novice
+//MaxHP - Swordman/Swordman High/Baby Swordman
+//MaxHP - Magician/Magician High/Baby Magician
+//MaxHP - Archer/Thief/Archer High/Thief High/Baby Archer/Baby Thief
+//MaxHP - Acolyte/Merchant/Acolyte High/Merchant High/Baby Acolyte/Baby Merchant
+//MaxHP - Knight/Knight (Peco)/Lord Knight/Lord Knight (Peco)/Baby Knight/Baby Knight (Peco)
+//MaxHP - Priest/Sage/High Priest/Professor/Baby Priest/Baby Sage
+//MaxHP - Wizard/High Wizard/Baby Wizard
+//MaxHP - Blacksmith/Alchemist/Whitesmith/Creator/Baby Blacksmith/Baby Alchemist
+//MaxHP - Hunter/Rogue/Sniper/Stalker/Baby Hunter/Baby Rogue
+//MaxHP - Assassin/Assassin Cross/Baby Assassin
+//MaxHP - Crusader/Crusader (Peco)/Paladin/Paladin (Peco)/Baby Crusader/Baby Crusader (Peco)
+//MaxHP - Monk/Champion/Baby Monk
+//MaxHP - Bard/Dancer/Clown/Gypsy/Baby Bard/Baby Dancer
+//MaxHP - Gunslinger
+//MaxHP - Ninja
+//MaxHP - Taekwon
+//MaxHP - Star Knight/Star Knight (flying)
+//MaxHP - Soul Linker
+//MaxHP - Munak/Bongun
+//MaxHP - Death Knight
+//MaxHP - Dark Collector
+//MaxHP - Rune Knight/Rune Knight_T/Rune Knight (Dragon)/Rune Knight (Dragon)_T
+//MaxHP - Warlock/Warlock_T
+//MaxHP - Ranger/Ranger_T/Minstrel/Wanderer/Minstrel_T/Wanderer_T/Ranger (Warg)/Ranger (Warg)_T
+//MaxHP - Arch Bishop/Arch Bishop_T
+//MaxHP - Mechanic/Mechanic_T/Sura/Sura_T/Mechanic (Mado Gear)/Mechanic (Mado Gear)_T
+//MaxHP - Guillotine Cross/Guillotine Cross_T/Royal Guard/Shadow Chaser/Royal Guard_T/Shadow Chaser_T/Royal Guard (Gryphon)/Royal Guard (Gryphon)_T
+//MaxHP - Sorcerer/Sorcerer_T
+//MaxHP - Sura/Sura_T
+//MaxHP - Genetic/Genetic_T
+//MaxSP - Novice/Super Novice/Novice High/Baby Novice/Baby Super Novice
+//MaxSP - Swordman/Archer/Thief/Swordman High/Archer High/Thief High/Baby Swordman/Baby Archer/Baby Thief
+//MaxSP - Magician/Bard/Dancer/Magician High/Clown/Gypsy/Baby Magician/Baby Bard/Baby Dancer
+//MaxSP - Acolyte/Rogue/Acolyte High/Stalker/Baby Acolyte/Baby Rogue
+//MaxSP - Merchant/Knight/Knight (Peco)/Merchant High/Lord Knight/Lord Knight (Peco)/Baby Merchant/Baby Knight/Baby Knight (Peco)
+//MaxSP - Priest/High Priest/Baby Priest
+//MaxSP - Wizard/High Wizard/Baby Wizard
+//MaxSP - Blacksmith/Hunter/Assassin/Alchemist/Whitesmith/Sniper/Assassin Cross/Creator/Baby Blacksmith/Baby Hunter/Baby Assassin/Baby Alchemist
+//MaxSP - Crusader/Monk/Crusader (Peco)/Paladin/Champion/Paladin (Peco)/Baby Crusader/Baby Monk/Baby Crusader (Peco)
+//MaxSP - Sage/Professor/Baby Sage
+//MaxSP - Gunslinger
+//MaxSP - Ninja
+//MaxSP - Taekwon
+//MaxSP - Star Knight/Star Knight (flying)
+//MaxSP - Soul Linker
+//MaxSP - Munak/Bongun
+//MaxSP - Death Knight
+//MaxSP - Dark Collector
+//MaxSP - Rune Knight/Rune Knight_T/Rune Knight (Dragon)/Rune Knight (Dragon)_T
+//MaxSP - Warlock/Sorcerer/Genetic/Warlock_T/Sorcerer_T/Genetic_T
+//MaxSP - Arch Bishop/Arch Bishop_T
+//MaxSP - Ranger/Mechanic/Guillotine Cross/Ranger_T/Mechanic_T/Guillotine Cross_T/Royal Guard/Minstrel/Wanderer/Sura/Shadow Chaser/Royal Guard_T/Minstrel_T/Wanderer_T/Sura_T/Shadow Chaser_T/Royal Guard (Gryphon)/Royal Guard (Gryphon)_T/Ranger (Warg)/Ranger (Warg)_T/Mechanic (Mado Gear)/Mechanic (Mado Gear)_T
Index: db/pre-re/job_maxhpsp_db.txt
--- db/pre-re/job_maxhpsp_db.txt (revision 0)
+++ db/pre-re/job_maxhpsp_db.txt (working copy)
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+//MaxHP & MaxSP tables format:
+//Max Level,Class list,Type,Max value for Lv 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99
+//Type (0 - MaxHP; 1 - MaxSP)
+// Pre-Renewal MaxHP & MaxSP Database
+//MaxHP - Novice/Super Novice/Novice High/Baby Novice/Baby Super Novice
+//MaxHP - Swordman/Swordman High/Baby Swordman
+//MaxHP - Magician/Magician High/Baby Magician
+//MaxHP - Archer/Thief/Archer High/Thief High/Baby Archer/Baby Thief
+//MaxHP - Acolyte/Merchant/Acolyte High/Merchant High/Baby Acolyte/Baby Merchant
+//MaxHP - Knight/Knight (Peco)/Lord Knight/Lord Knight (Peco)/Baby Knight/Baby Knight (Peco)
+//MaxHP - Priest/Sage/High Priest/Professor/Baby Priest/Baby Sage
+//MaxHP - Wizard/High Wizard/Baby Wizard
+//MaxHP - Blacksmith/Alchemist/Whitesmith/Creator/Baby Blacksmith/Baby Alchemist
+//MaxHP - Hunter/Rogue/Sniper/Stalker/Baby Hunter/Baby Rogue
+//MaxHP - Assassin/Assassin Cross/Baby Assassin
+//MaxHP - Crusader/Crusader (Peco)/Paladin/Paladin (Peco)/Baby Crusader/Baby Crusader (Peco)
+//MaxHP - Monk/Champion/Baby Monk
+//MaxHP - Bard/Dancer/Clown/Gypsy/Baby Bard/Baby Dancer
+//MaxHP - Gunslinger
+//MaxHP - Ninja
+//MaxHP - Taekwon
+//MaxHP - Star Knight/Star Knight (flying)
+//MaxHP - Soul Linker
+//MaxHP - Munak/Bongun
+//MaxHP - Death Knight
+//MaxHP - Dark Collector
+//MaxHP - Rune Knight/Rune Knight_T/Rune Knight (Dragon)/Rune Knight (Dragon)_T
+//MaxHP - Warlock/Warlock_T
+//MaxHP - Ranger/Ranger_T/Minstrel/Wanderer/Minstrel_T/Wanderer_T/Ranger (Warg)/Ranger (Warg)_T
+//MaxHP - Arch Bishop/Arch Bishop_T
+//MaxHP - Mechanic/Mechanic_T/Sura/Sura_T/Mechanic (Mado Gear)/Mechanic (Mado Gear)_T
+//MaxHP - Guillotine Cross/Guillotine Cross_T/Royal Guard/Shadow Chaser/Royal Guard_T/Shadow Chaser_T/Royal Guard (Gryphon)/Royal Guard (Gryphon)_T
+//MaxHP - Sorcerer/Sorcerer_T
+//MaxHP - Sura/Sura_T
+//MaxHP - Genetic/Genetic_T
+//MaxSP - Novice/Super Novice/Novice High/Baby Novice/Baby Super Novice
+//MaxSP - Swordman/Archer/Thief/Swordman High/Archer High/Thief High/Baby Swordman/Baby Archer/Baby Thief
+//MaxSP - Magician/Bard/Dancer/Magician High/Clown/Gypsy/Baby Magician/Baby Bard/Baby Dancer
+//MaxSP - Acolyte/Rogue/Acolyte High/Stalker/Baby Acolyte/Baby Rogue
+//MaxSP - Merchant/Knight/Knight (Peco)/Merchant High/Lord Knight/Lord Knight (Peco)/Baby Merchant/Baby Knight/Baby Knight (Peco)
+//MaxSP - Priest/High Priest/Baby Priest
+//MaxSP - Wizard/High Wizard/Baby Wizard
+//MaxSP - Blacksmith/Hunter/Assassin/Alchemist/Whitesmith/Sniper/Assassin Cross/Creator/Baby Blacksmith/Baby Hunter/Baby Assassin/Baby Alchemist
+//MaxSP - Crusader/Monk/Crusader (Peco)/Paladin/Champion/Paladin (Peco)/Baby Crusader/Baby Monk/Baby Crusader (Peco)
+//MaxSP - Sage/Professor/Baby Sage
+//MaxSP - Gunslinger
+//MaxSP - Ninja
+//MaxSP - Taekwon
+//MaxSP - Star Knight/Star Knight (flying)
+//MaxSP - Soul Linker
+//MaxSP - Munak/Bongun
+//MaxSP - Death Knight
+//MaxSP - Dark Collector
+//MaxSP - Rune Knight/Rune Knight_T/Rune Knight (Dragon)/Rune Knight (Dragon)_T
+//MaxSP - Warlock/Sorcerer/Genetic/Warlock_T/Sorcerer_T/Genetic_T
+//MaxSP - Arch Bishop/Arch Bishop_T
+//MaxSP - Ranger/Mechanic/Guillotine Cross/Ranger_T/Mechanic_T/Guillotine Cross_T/Royal Guard/Minstrel/Wanderer/Sura/Shadow Chaser/Royal Guard_T/Minstrel_T/Wanderer_T/Sura_T/Shadow Chaser_T/Royal Guard (Gryphon)/Royal Guard (Gryphon)_T/Ranger (Warg)/Ranger (Warg)_T/Mechanic (Mado Gear)/Mechanic (Mado Gear)_T